<img src='man/figures/logo_BrazilMet.png' height='150' width='auto' align='right'>
The BrazilMet package aims to facilitate the acquisition and processing of meteorological data from INMET automatic stations.
To install the last version of BrazilMet package follow this steps:
::install_github("FilgueirasR/BrazilMet") devtools
This is a basic example which shows you how to run the cropDemand package:
## basic example code
<-download_AWS_INMET_daily(stations = c("A001", "A042"), start_date = "2023-01-01", end_date = "2024-12-31")
$eto <- daily_eto_FAO56(lat = df$latitude_degrees,
dftmin = df$tair_min_c,
tmax = df$tair_max_c,
tmean = df$tair_mean_c,
Rs = df$sr_mj_m2,
u2 = df$ws_2_m_s,
Patm = df$patm_mb,
RH_max = df$rh_max_porc,
RH_min = df$rh_min_porc,
z = df$altitude_m,
date = df$date)