INCLUDE vesadefaults.cfg LABEL back MENU LABEL .. KERNEL vesamenu.c32 APPEND pxelinux.cfg/vesadefault MENU SEPARATOR label tinyus MENU LABEL Tiny SliTaz kernel tiny/bzImage.gz initrd tiny/rootfs.gz TEXT HELP Provides Telnet, HTTP, TFTP, FTP and NTP services on (very) old PC. Minimum requirement is a 386sx cpu with 8Mb of RAM with isa network card 3c509 or ne2000. Running fully in RAM, the IDE hard disks are optionnal. ENDTEXT label tinyfr MENU LABEL Tiny SliTaz (french) kernel tiny/bzImage.gz initrd tiny/rootfs-fr.gz TEXT HELP Provides Telnet, HTTP, TFTP, FTP and NTP services on (very) old PC. Minimum requirement is a 386sx cpu with 8Mb of RAM with isa network card 3c509 or ne2000. Running fully in RAM, the IDE hard disks are optionnal. ENDTEXT label tinyvnc MENU LABEL Tiny VNC kernel tiny/vnc/bzImage.gz vga=ask initrd tiny/vnc/rootfs.gz TEXT HELP Provides a VNC framebuffer client on (very) old PC with SVGA compatible card. Run fully in RAM. No disk support. Log in as root with password 'root'. Run VNC with 'fbvnc your-server port'. Example '# fbvnc 5900'. ENDTEXT