In this directory you can find the stuff necessary for building RWEB, the REDUCE version of SPIDERY WEB. Along with these files you need a version of SPIDERY WEB, which can be obtained by anonymous ftp from ( After you have installed SPIDERY WEB you know what it means to put the files contained in this directory into a new directory $(WEBROOT)/reduce. Do it. You might as well want to change the variable HOME in $(WEBROOT)/reduce/Makefile (which is in fact an adapted version of $(MASTER)/WebMakefile). In order to make RWEB, go to $(WEBROOT)/reduce and type 'make weave', 'make tangle' or 'make web', if you want to make rweave, rtangle or both. The documentation needed for using RWEB is $(WEBROOT)/doc/spiderwebman.tex. Have fun, Marcel Roelofs, University of Twente, Department of applied mathematics, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands. E-mail: