\documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{luamplib} \usepackage{dwmpcode} \begin{document} \mplibtextextlabel{enable} \begin{mplibcode} beginfig(1); path h[], snake; h0 = for i = 1 upto 6: 40 dir 60i -- endfor cycle; h0 := h0 rotated - angle (9, sqrt(3)); for i = 1 upto 6: h[i] = h0 shifted (point 0 of h0 - point 2 of h0) rotated -(120+60i); draw h[i] withcolor 3/4; endfor snake = point 0 of h1 -- point 1 of h2 -- point 2 of h3 -- point 1 of h4 -- point 2 of h5 -- point 3 of h6 -- point 4 of h5 -- point 0 of h5; ahangle := 30; z0 = point 0 of snake; z1 = point 8 of snake; z23 = 2/3[z0, z1]; drawoptions(withcolor 1/2); drawarrow z0 -- z23; draw z23 -- z1; drawoptions(withcolor \mpcolor{textred}); draw snake; for t=1, 5, 6: drawarrow subpath (t, t-2/3) of snake; endfor for t=1, 2, 3, 6: drawarrow subpath (t, t+2/3) of snake; endfor drawoptions(); dotlabel.llft("$(0, 0)$", z0); dotlabel.lrt ("$(1, 0)$", z1); endfig; \end{mplibcode} \end{document}