
CRAN status Lifecycle: stable

R’s equivalent of nodemon. Designed to make development easier by automatically reloading your R scripts and applications.

can be used to auto-reload:

rmon will monitor your source files for any changes and automatically restart/rerun your server. this allows you to focus on coding without manually restarting your server every time you make a change.

just like nodemon, rmon is perfect for development.


to install the package from CRAN use:


install the dev version from GitHub:

remotes::install_github(repo = "kennedymwavu/rmon")


  dir = ".",
  file = "app.R"

monitoring multiple directories

  dir = c("path-to-first-dir", "path-to-another-dir"),
  file = "app.R"

if multiple directories are specified, file is assumed to be in the first directory.

specify extension watch list

by default, {rmon} monitors all files in dir for changes.

to watch only .R, .html, .css and .js files, set the ext parameter:

  dir = ".",
  file = "app.R",
  ext = c("R", "html", "css", "js")

ignoring files

to ignore the file dev.R, do:

  dir = ".",
  file = "app.R",
  exclude_files = "dev.R"

to ignore the directory test/:

  dir = ".",
  file = "app.R",
  exclude_dirs = "test"

to ignore all files whose names match the pattern test:

  dir = ".",
  file = "app.R",
  exclude_patterns = "test"

to ignore changes to hidden files, set monitor_hidden = FALSE:

  dir = ".",
  file = "app.R",
  monitor_hidden = FALSE

delaying restarting

in some situations, you may want to delay restarting until multiple files have changed.

by default, rmon checks for file changes every second. if you’re uploading or modifying multiple files, this can lead to unnecessary multiple restarts of your application.

to delay restarting and avoid this issue, use the delay parameter:

  dir = ".",
  file = "app.R",
  delay = 10