Nettskjema allows users to upload attachments with their form submissions. This vignette explains how to use the functions provided in this package to list, retrieve, and save these attachments efficiently.
Before downloading any attachments, it’s useful to list the available files.
Each submission ID may have associated attachments. Use
to retrieve information
about the available attachments.
# Example: List attachments for a specific submission
submission_id <- 27685292
#> submissionId answerId elementId
#> 1 27685292 158263134 1641713
#> externalElementId textAnswer
#> 1 attachment_1 sølvi.png
#> answerAttachmentId filename mediaType size
#> 1 538819 sølvi.png image/png 628613
#> elementType attachment.answerAttachmentId
#> 1 ATTACHMENT 538819
#> attachment.filename attachment.mediaType
#> 1 sølvi.png image/png
#> attachment.size counter
#> 1 628613 1
This function returns a data.frame
with details such as
the attachment ID, original filename, and standardized filename.
To list all attachments across multiple submissions for a form, use
# Example: List attachments for an entire form
formid <- 123823
#> formid formId submissionId answerId
#> 16 123823 123823 27685292 158263134
#> 32 123823 123823 27685302 158263185
#> elementId externalElementId textAnswer
#> 16 1641713 attachment_1 sølvi.png
#> 32 3525020 attachment_2 marius.jpeg
#> answerOptionIds externalAnswerOptionIds
#> 16
#> 32
#> elementType createdDate
#> 16 ATTACHMENT 2023-06-01T20:57:15
#> 32 ATTACHMENT 2023-06-01T20:58:33
#> modifiedDate subElementId
#> 16 2023-06-01T20:57:15 NA
#> 32 2023-06-01T20:58:33 NA
#> answerAttachmentId filename mediaType
#> 16 538819 sølvi.png image/png
#> 32 538820 marius.jpeg image/jpeg
#> size attachment.answerAttachmentId
#> 16 628613 538819
#> 32 89494 538820
#> attachment.filename attachment.mediaType
#> 16 sølvi.png image/png
#> 32 marius.jpeg image/jpeg
#> attachment.size counter
#> 16 628613 1
#> 32 89494 1
Once you have identified the attachments, you can download them using
# Example: Download a single attachment
attachment_id <- "12345"
ns_get_attachment(attachment_id, path = "downloaded_file.pdf")
If path
is not provided, the function returns the
response object without saving the file.
Use ns_get_submission_attachments()
to download and save
all attachments associated with a single submission.
This function supports two filename conventions:
To save attachments using the original filenames:
You can also specify an output directory:
This vignette demonstrated how to: - List attachments for submissions and forms. - Retrieve individual attachments. - Save attachments using different naming conventions.
By using these functions, you can efficiently manage Nettskjema file attachments within your R workflow.