CHANGES IN GEIGER 2013-04-31 * adding print functions for classes gfit and gfits * allowing bm.lik to use nodes (i.e., fossil data) argument * allowing mkn.lik to use root arguments * optimized and parallelized fitContinuous and fitDiscrete * removing vcv.phylo * adding ratematrix for evolutionary rates matrix function * changed transform.phylo to rescale.phylo to prevent corruption of generic transform * changed vcv(phy, dat) to ratematrix * updated sim.char * permitting rescale to return 'model' trees 2013-04-11 * released geiger 1.99-3 to CRAN * adding drop.extinct.taxa and drop.random.taxa to maintain previous functions * adding better support for parallel:::mclapply * adding coef and logLik methods for fitContinuous and fitDiscrete 2013-04-06 * released geiger 1.99-2 to CRAN * some details of updates can be found here: Pennell, M.W.*, J.M. Eastman*, G.J. Slater, J.W. Brown, J.C. Uyeda, R.G. FitzJohn, M.E. Alfaro, and L.J. Harmon. (2014) geiger v2.0: an expanded suite of methods for fitting macroevolutionary models to phylogenetic trees. Bioinformatics 15:2216-2218. 2014-11-13 * updated geiger 2.0.4, now passes travis-CI checks 2017-10-17 * fixed bug in MDI p-value calculations thanks to tip from Graham Slater