Custom mesh classes


Minimal interface

Users and package developers can add fmesher support to their own classes. A minimal interface needs to define fm_dof() and fm_basis() methods. Assuming the class is called custom, the methods should be named fm_dof.custom() and fm_basis.custom().

Example: Harmonic function space of order n

# Custom class for harmonic functions up to order `n`
create_custom <- function(n) {
  stopifnot(n >= 0)
    list(n = n),
    class = "custom"
fm_dof.custom <- function(x) {
  # Return the number of degrees of freedom
  1L + 2L * x[["n"]]
fm_basis.custom <- function(x, loc, ..., full = FALSE) {
  # Return the evaluated basis functions
  A <- Matrix::Matrix(0.0, NROW(loc), fm_dof(x))
  ok <- !
  A[ok, 1L] <- 1.0
  for (k in seq_len(x[["n"]])) {
    A[ok, 2 * k] <- cos(2 * pi * k * loc[ok])
    A[ok, 2 * k + 1L] <- sin(2 * pi * k * loc[ok])
  result <- structure(
      A = A,
      ok = ok, # Required prior to version
      loc = loc
    class = "fm_basis"

  # Use the fm_basis method to extract the A matrix if full is FALSE:
  fm_basis(result, full = full)

Note: From version, the fm_basis.matrix, fm_basis.Matrix, and fm_basis.list methods provide an easier way to construct the fm_basis object, by creating the object and optionally extracting A in a single call:

# 'matrix' and 'Matrix' methods:
  A = A,
  ok = ok, # If missing or NULL, inferred to be all TRUE
  loc = loc, # Optional additional content
  full = full
# 'list' method:
    A = A,
    ok = ok, # If missing or NULL, inferred to be all TRUE
    loc = loc
  full = full

Registering the methods

These S3 methods must be registered with the S3method() function in scripts, and with special NAMESPACE tags in packages. In a script, one should use

.S3method("fm_dof", "custom", "fm_dof.custom")
.S3method("fm_basis", "custom", "fm_basis.custom")

In a package, if R is version 3.6 or newer, one can use roxygen2 tags

#' @rawNamespace S3method(fmesher::fm_dof, custom)
#' @rawNamespace S3method(fmesher::fm_basis, custom)

or before each method, use @exportS3Method, like this:

#' @title Degrees of freedom for custom mesh
#' @description the number of degrees of freedom
#' # The rest of the documentation goes here
#' @exportS3method fmesher::fm_dof
fm_dof.custom <- function(x) {
  1L + 2L * x[["n"]]

which semi-automates it.

We can the use the new methods with

m <- create_custom(2)

# How many latent variables are needed?
#> [1] 5

# Evaluate the basis functions at some locations:
fm_basis(m, seq(0, 1, length.out = 6))
#> 6 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#> [1,] 1  1.000000  .             1.000000  .           
#> [2,] 1  0.309017  9.510565e-01 -0.809017  5.877853e-01
#> [3,] 1 -0.809017  5.877853e-01  0.309017 -9.510565e-01
#> [4,] 1 -0.809017 -5.877853e-01  0.309017  9.510565e-01
#> [5,] 1  0.309017 -9.510565e-01 -0.809017 -5.877853e-01
#> [6,] 1  1.000000 -2.449294e-16  1.000000 -4.898587e-16
fm_basis(m, seq(0, 1, length.out = 6), full = TRUE)
#> fm_basis object
#>   Projection matrix (A): 6-by-5
#>   Valid evaluations (ok): 6 out of 6
#>   Additional information: loc

# Check if missing values are handled correctly:
fm_basis(m, c(0.1, NA, 0.2))
#> 3 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#> [1,] 1 0.809017 0.5877853  0.309017 0.9510565
#> [2,] . .        .          .        .        
#> [3,] 1 0.309017 0.9510565 -0.809017 0.5877853
fm_basis(m, c(0.1, NA, 0.2), full = TRUE)
#> fm_basis object
#>   Projection matrix (A): 3-by-5
#>   Valid evaluations (ok): 2 out of 3
#>   Additional information: loc

Expanded implementations

The main additional method that can be defined is the fm_int() integration scheme method. This must have the call structure fm_int.custom(domain, samplers = NULL, name = "x", ...).

out <- fm_int(domain, samplers, name) should return a data.frame, tibble, or sf object with integration points in a column with the name indicated by , and additional columns weight with corresponding integration weights, and a .block column.

#>      x weight .block
#> 1  0.0   0.05      1
#> 2  0.1   0.10      1
#> 3  0.2   0.10      1
#> 4  0.3   0.05      1
#> 5  0.3   0.05      2
#> 6  0.4   0.10      2
#> 7  0.5   0.05      2
#> 8  0.5   0.05      3
#> 9  0.6   0.10      3
#> 10 0.7   0.10      3
#> 11 0.8   0.10      3
#> 12 0.9   0.10      3
#> 13 1.0   0.05      3
values <- fm_evaluate(
  field = c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0),
  loc = out[["x"]]

# Blockwise aggregation:
  block = out$.block,
  weights = out$weight,
  values = values
#> [1] 0.44635255 0.05364745 0.50000000

# Exact integrals:
c(0.3, 0.2, 0.5) +
    sin(2 * pi * 0.3),
    sin(2 * pi * 0.5) - sin(2 * pi * 0.3),
    sin(2 * pi) - sin(2 * pi * 0.5)
  ) / (2 * pi)
#> [1] 0.45136535 0.04863465 0.50000000