Package: fastcmprsk Information: A scalable and fast approach for penalized and unpenalized Fine-Gray estimation. Version: 1.20.6 Author: Eric S. Kawaguchi Contact: ekawaguc [at] Reference: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE 1.20.6 (Jun. 2020) 1) Allows for Fine-Gray regression w.o presence of right censoring. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE 1.20.4 (Apr. 2020) 1) New version name! (1.x.y stands for Year X, Quarter Y) 2) Allowable extraction of bootstrap matrix --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE 1.1.2 (Oct. 2019) 1) Modified ```Crisk``` function to properly allow for non-standard censoring coding --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE 1.1.1 (Sept. 2019) 1) Initial CRAN release. 2) Go to for most recent developments! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE 1.0.3 1) Develop a Crisk object to mimic the Surv object in R. 2) Allow formula input for fastCrr and fastCrrp --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE 1.0.2 1) Implemented (adaptvie) elastic net regression. 2) Created function to produce a data-driven grid for penalized regression (see crrp). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE 1.0.1 1) Allow to use multiple cores for bootstrapping (initial). 2) Incorporated LRT to fastCrr output. 3) Allow for one-dimensional covariates (covariate vector to matrix internally). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE 1.0.0 represents the first release of the package to the public. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------