Changes in 1.10-0 * DESCRIPTION: depend on R >= 4.0.0 * boot.R: accept input of class paircomp * winetaste (new data sets and replication code): ambient lighting and flavor of white wine, sensory quality of red wines * envirosound (new data set and replication code): auditory unpleasantness of environmental sound Changes in 1.9-0 * DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE: import psychotools, new URL * soundquality (new data set and replication code): quality of multichannel reproduced sound * Code efficiency: replace all left-over occurrences of log(choose()) by lchoose() so group.test() and eba.order() handle larger data sets (spotted by Frank Papenmeier) Changes in 1.8-0 * schoolsubjects (new data set): preference for school subjects * circular (new features): exact p-values for small n, one- and two-sided tests, simulated p-values (prompted by Maarten Wijntjes and Cristina Spoiala) * kendall.u.Rd: original example from Kendall and Babington Smith (1940) * Documentation: add DOIs to references Changes in 1.7-2 * New functions: deviance.eba(), deviance.eba.order() * anova.eba: now works with stats::print.anova() * NAMESPACE: import graphics Changes in 1.7-1 * trineq (new function): check trinary inequality * inclusion.rule (new function): check inclusion rule (tree structure of aspect sets) * nobs.eba (new function): extract number of pairs * mbt.R: computes a bootstrap p-value; the ordering of the ranking data is now irrelevant * NAMESPACE: include OptiPt, trineq, inclusion.rule Changes in 1.7-0 * mbt.R (new function): Mallows-Bradley-Terry model * tartness (new data set): tartness rankings of salad dressings * boot.R: fix CRAN check warning about partial matching * OptiPt.Rd (references): add Luce (1959) * NAMESPACE: new file Changes in 1.6-0 * BUG FIX: use correct design matrix in thurstone.R * uscale (new function): utility scale extractor function for eba objects * cov.u: gains a norm argument for normalized utility scale values * EBA_fast.R, eba.order.R: objects of class eba and eba.order gain a coefficients component, so coef and confint methods are available; and they lose their obsolete se and ci95 components * OptiPt.Rd (examples): new plot, confint * heaviness.Rd (examples): new plot * drugrisk (examples): new plot * simulate.eba.Rd (examples): update Changes in 1.5-7 * BUG FIX: p-value in circular.R was incorrect (reported by Wolfgang Ellermeier) * drugrisk (new data set): perceived health risk of drugs * circular.R: remove diagonal before counting circular triads * DESCRIPTION: change depends on nlme to imports nlme Changes in 1.5-6 * simulate.eba (new function): simulate responses from EBA models * pcX: per default omits reference category * eba.order.R: eba.order(M1, M2=NULL, ...) accepts a 3d array * celebrities, heaviness, pork: more informative dimnames * linear2btl.Rd: add weighted least squares example Changes in 1.5-5 * strans.R (bug fix): replace by violdf, better obj.names Changes in 1.5-4 * CITATION: add reference to BRMIC paper * strans.Rd: update value, examples Changes in 1.5-3 * strans.R: report the triples that violate transitivities, perform likelihood ratio tests of significance of WST violations * print.strans: update to accommodate new results from strans * eba.order.R: fix warning that occurred when taking square root of diagonal of Hessian; rather: sqrt of last element only * strans.Rd: update details, value, references * boot.Rd: delete unmatched right brace on line 32 that caused a CRAN check warning Changes in 1.5-2 * linear2btl.R (new function): transforms linear model coefficients to BTL parameter estimates * vcov.eba.order (new function): covariance matrix of eba.order model parameters * anova.eba: make it work for eba.order models *, print.summary.eba, and print.summary.eba.order: delete the symbolic.cor=p>4 argument that caused a NOTE from CRAN check * pcX.Rd (see also): update Changes in 1.5-1 * balanced.pcdesign.R (new function): creates a (completely) balanced paired-comparison design * thurstone.R (new function): fits a Thurstone-Mosteller model (Case V) to paired-comparison data by maximum likelihood * anova.eba (new function): likelihood ratio test for eba models * vcov.eba (new function): covariance matrix of eba model parameters * zzMethods.R: add anova.eba.order * OptiPt.Rd: put anova and vcov * pcX.Rd: put reference to Critchlow & Fligner (1991) Changes in 1.5-0 * eba.order.R (new set of functions): fitting and testing EBA models that include a within-pair order effect * OptiPt: add names to the parameter estimates * print.strans: replace printCoefmat by print, now it prints "0" (not "NaN") when there are no SST violations * strans.Rd (value): update * heaviness.Rd (source): put original reference to the data Changes in 1.4-3 * BUG FIX: group.test now returns the correct log-likelihoods (the combinatorial constant is added to the models for the *pooled* data and not, as it was in 1.4-2, to the group model; this leaves the deviances unchanged, but the logLik's are now correct) * circular.R (new function): number of circular triads and indices of inconsistency * L.constrained (new function): constrained minimization * eba.boot.constrained (new function): bootstrapping using constrained minimization * OptiPt: add "constrained" argument for constrained minimization defaults to TRUE, parameters are constrained to be positive * boot.R: add "constrained" argument, see OptiPt add try() method in order to catch nlm errors * group.test: add "constrained" argument, see OptiPt * cov.u: add dimnames * weights data: rename to heaviness (weights is an existing function name) * plot.eba: add ... argument to plot * OptiPt.Rd (arguments, usage: method for summary.eba): update * boot.Rd (arguments): update * plot.eba.Rd (arguments, examples, usage: method): update * residuals.eba.Rd (usage, method): update * group.test.Rd (details, references): update Changes in 1.4-2 * kendall.u.R (new function): Kendall's u coefficient of agreement * eba (new function): wrapper for OptiPt * logLik.eba (new function) * weights (new data set): illustrate choice models with order effects * group.test: add combinatorial constant to logLik of all group models * Check strans for matrices: bug? No, returns NaN if there are no violations * OptiPt: add dimnames for fitted eba objects * celebrities data: add rownames * pork data: add dimnames * group.test.Rd (details): update * OptiPt.Rd (usage, arguments, details): update * strans.Rd (value, references): update * celebrities.Rd (description, source, examples): update * pork.Rd (description, source, examples): update