Changes in version 0.2-7
- Fixed errors and warnings.
- Update for ggplot2 3.4.0.
Changes in version 0.2-6
- Fixed a bug: Rd files.
- New ggthemes’s themes (theme_clean, theme_economist_white,
theme_excel_new, theme_solarized_2).
Changes in version 0.2-5
- Fixed a bug: The size of dots in Beeswarm plots (Thanks to
Prof. José G. Conde).
- Fixed a bug: A namespace problem in
Changes in version 0.2-4
- ggplot2 2.2.0 was supported.
- Added ggplot2’s colour/fill scales (scale_hue,
- New plot: Beeswarm plot in Box plot (Thanks to DailyFunky @EpiFunky).
- New function: lastcom() function to list the last command.
- Fixed a bug: Histogram with missing values (Thanks to Dr. José G.
- Fixed a bug: Boxplot with an inappropriate jitter position (Thanks
to Dr. M. Felix Freshwater).
Changes in version 0.2-3
- New geom_stepribbon.
- Pointwise confidence intervals of Kaplan-Meier plots with band
(Thanks to Dr. M. Felix Freshwater).
- Notched box plots (Thanks to Dr. M. Felix Freshwater).
- Stratified (colored) box plots (Thanks to Dr. M. Felix
Changes in version 0.2-2
- New ggplot2’s theme (theme_linedraw, theme_light).
- New ggthemes’s themes (theme_base, theme_par).
- Fixed a bug was caused by new ggplot2’s theme.
- Fixed a bug related to ggthemes 3.0.0.
- Fixed a bug related to windows fonts.
- Fixed a bug related to file saving.
- Added a vignette for dataset requirements to make Kaplan-Meier
- Added a vignette for extrafont.
Changes in version 0.2-1
- Kaplan-Meier plot: fixed a bug was caused by tie data handling
(Thanks to Dr. M. Felix Freshwater).
- Slovenian translation by Matjaž Jeran (Thanks to Matjaž Jeran and
their friends).
- New ggplot2’s theme (theme_dark).
- New ggthemes’s themes (theme_calc, theme_fivethirtyeight,
theme_gdocs, theme_hc, theme_pander).
- Preview button (Thanks to Prof. Erich Neuwirth).
- GUI refinement (Thanks to Prof. Erich Neuwirth).
Changes in version 0.2-0
- Fixed a bug about “modes” in “variableboxes” class.
- Added ggplot2-0.9.3’s themes (classic, minimal).
- Added ggthemes’s themes (tufte, economist, solarized, stata, excel,
igray, few, wsj).
- Kaplan-Meier plot: added a option to show a p-value of the log-rank
test (Thanks to Sharma Vivek).
- Kaplan-Meier plot: added a option to draw a line at median survival
(Thanks to Sharma Vivek).
- Scatter plot matrix: fixed bugs and reimplemented, because the
ggplot2::plotmatrix() is deprecated.
- Scatter plot matrix: added stratified plots.
- Modified start-up for the problem that Commander window open twice
when a plug-in is loaded via library() (see Rcmdr 1.9-3 NEWS).
Changes in version 0.1-1
- Renamed opt() to theme() and theme_xx() and element_xx() for the new
theme system.
- Deleted a theme element: theme_rect2().
- Box plot: added a symbol of the median for violin plots.
Changes in version 0.1-0
- Restructuring implementation approach for efficient
- Added options() for storing package specific options (e.g., font
size, font family, …).
- Added a theme: theme_simple().
- Added a theme element: theme_rect2().
- Added a list box for facet_xx() functions in some menus (Thanks to
Prof. Murtaza Haider).
- Kaplan-Meier plot: added confidence intervals.
- Box plot: added violin plots.
- Bar chart for discrete variables: deleted dynamite plots.
- Bar chart for discrete variables: added stacked bar charts.
- Scatter plot matrix: added univariate plots at diagonal positions
- Deleted the dummy data for histograms, which is large in size.
Changes in version 0.0-4
- Fixed “scale_y_continuous(formatter =”percent”)” to
“scale_y_continuous(labels = percent)” for ggplot2 (>= 0.9.0).
- Fixed “legend = FALSE” to “show_guide = FALSE” for ggplot2 (>=
- Fixed the DESCRIPTION file for ggplot2 (>= 0.9.0)
in version 0.0-3 (2011-07-28; FIRST RELEASE VERSION)
- Kaplan-Meier plot: Show no. at risk table on outside.
- Histogram: Color coding.
- Histogram: Density estimation.
- Q-Q plot: Create plots based on a maximum likelihood estimate for
the parameters of the selected theoretical distribution.
- Q-Q plot: Create plots based on a user-specified theoretical
- Box plot / Errorbar plot: Box plot.
- Box plot / Errorbar plot: Mean plus/minus S.D.
- Box plot / Errorbar plot: Mean plus/minus S.D. (Bar plot).
- Box plot / Errorbar plot: 95 percent Confidence interval (t
- Box plot / Errorbar plot: 95 percent Confidence interval
- Scatter plot: Fitting a linear regression.
- Scatter plot: Smoothing with LOESS for small datasets or GAM with a
cubic regression basis for large data.
- Scatter plot matrix: Fitting a linear regression.
- Scatter plot matrix: Smoothing with LOESS for small datasets or GAM
with a cubic regression basis for large data.
- Line chart: Normal line chart.
- Line chart: Line char with a step function.
- Line chart: Area plot.
- Pie chart: Pie chart.
- Bar chart for discrete variables: Bar chart for discrete
- Contour plot: Color coding.
- Contour plot: Heat map.
- Distribution plot: Normal distribution.
- Distribution plot: t distribution.
- Distribution plot: Chi-square distribution.
- Distribution plot: F distribution.
- Distribution plot: Exponential distribution.
- Distribution plot: Uniform distribution.
- Distribution plot: Beta distribution.
- Distribution plot: Cauchy distribution.
- Distribution plot: Logistic distribution.
- Distribution plot: Log-normal distribution.
- Distribution plot: Gamma distribution.
- Distribution plot: Weibull distribution.
- Distribution plot: Binomial distribution.
- Distribution plot: Poisson distribution.
- Distribution plot: Geometric distribution.
- Distribution plot: Hypergeometric distribution.
- Distribution plot: Negative binomial distribution.
in version 0.0-2 (2010-11-01; ALPHA TEST VERSION)
- Kaplan-Meier plot: Show no. at risk on inside.
in version 0.0-1 (2010-XX-XX; UNRELEASED VERSION)
- Kaplan-Meier plot: Usual Kaplan-Meier plot.