OmopSketch 0.3.1
- remove dplyr::collect() from summariseClinicalRecords() by @cecicampanile
- bug with time_interval fixed in summariseMissingData() by @cecicampanile
- improved tableConceptIdCounts by @cecicampanile #336
- arranged variable_name and variable_level in tableClinicalRecords by
OmopSketch 0.3.0
- eunomiaIsAvailable instead of the deprecated eunomia_is_available by
- Account for int64 in summariseInObservation by @cecicampanile
- Add “datatable” as possible table type by @cecicampanile #314
- Interval argument in summariseMissingData and
summariseConceptIdCounts, year argument deprecated by @cecicampanile
- Only records in observation are accounted in
summariseConceptIdCounts and summariseConceptSetCounts by @cecicampanile
- vignette with full characterisation and shiny by @cecicampanile
- in summariseInObservation and summariseObservationPeriod study range
is now applied wih cohortConstructor::trimToDateRange instead of
requireInDateRange by @cecicampanile #325