CohortCharacteristics 0.5.0
- Update benchmarkCohortCharacteristics.R by @cecicampanile
- fix typo in tableLargeScaleCharacteristics by @catalamarti
- fix typo in source_type by @catalamarti
cohort by cohort by @cecicampanile
- Allow multiple cdm and cohorts in plotCohortAttrition + png format
by @catalamarti
- Stack bar in plotCohortOverlap by @ilovemane
- variable_name as factor in plotCohortOverlap by @catalamarti
- none -> unknown in summariseCharacteristics by @catalamarti
- Add weights argument to
- Use filterCohortId when needed by @catalamarti
- Fix ’ character in plotCohortAttrition by @catalamarti
- filter excludeCodes at the end by @catalamarti
- use <minCellCount in tables by @catalamarti
CohortCharacteristics 0.4.0
- Update links darwin-eu-dev -> darwin-eu @catalamarti
- Typo in plotCohortAttrition by @martaalcalde
- uniqueCombination parameter to work in a general way @catalamarti
- minimum 5 days in x axis for density plots @catalamarti
- improve documentation of minimumFrequency by @catalamarti
- add show argument to plotCohortAttrition by @catalamarti
- simplify code for overlap and fix edge case with 0 overlap by @catalamarti
- arrange ageGroups by order that they are provided in
summariseCharacteristics by @catalamarti
- otherVariablesEstimates -> estimates in summariseCharacteristics
by @catalamarti
- add overlapBy argument to summariseCohortOverlap by @catalamarti
- Compatibility with visOmopResults 0.5.0 and omopgenerics 0.4.0 by
- add message if different pkg versions by @catalamarti
- make sure settings are characters by @catalamarti
- use requireEunomia and CDMConnector 1.6.0 by @catalamarti
- add benchmark function by @catalamarti
- Consistent documentation by @catalamarti
- Use subjects only when overlapBy = “subject_id” by @catalamarti
- add cohortId to LSC by @catalamarti
CohortCharacteristics 0.3.0
- breaking change Complete refactor of
and plot*
functions following
visOmopResults 0.4.0 release.
functions output is always ordered in the
same way.
- Added a
file to track changes to the