MooseX::Storage::IO::AmazonDynamoDB - Store and retrieve Moose objects
to AWS's DynamoDB, via MooseX::Storage.
First, create a table in DynamoDB. Currently only single-keyed tables
are supported.
aws dynamodb create-table \
--table-name my_docs \
--key-schema "AttributeName=doc_id,KeyType=HASH" \
--attribute-definitions "AttributeName=doc_id,AttributeType=S" \
--provisioned-throughput "ReadCapacityUnits=2,WriteCapacityUnits=2"
Then, configure your Moose class via a call to Storage:
package MyDoc;
use Moose;
use MooseX::Storage;
with Storage(io => [ 'AmazonDynamoDB' => {
table_name => 'my_docs',
key_attr => 'doc_id',
force_type => { doc_id => 'S' },
has 'doc_id' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1);
has 'title' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str');
has 'body' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str');
has 'tags' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef');
has 'authors' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef');
Now you can store/load your class to DyanmoDB:
use MyDoc;
# Create a new instance of MyDoc
my $doc = MyDoc->new(
doc_id => 'foo12',
title => 'Foo',
body => 'blah blah',
tags => [qw(horse yellow angry)],
authors => {
jdoe => {
name => 'John Doe',
email => '',
roles => [qw(author reader)],
bsmith => {
name => 'Bob Smith',
email => '',
roles => [qw(editor reader)],
# Save it to DynamoDB
# Load the saved data into a new instance
my $doc2 = MyDoc->load('foo12');
# This should say 'Bob Smith'
print $doc2->authors->{bsmith}{name};
MooseX::Storage::IO::AmazonDynamoDB is a Moose role that provides an io
layer for MooseX::Storage to store/load your Moose objects to Amazon's
DynamoDB NoSQL database service.
You should understand the basics of Moose, MooseX::Storage, and
DynamoDB before using this module.
This module uses Paws as its client library to the DynamoDB service,
via PawsX::DynamoDB::DocumentClient. By default it uses the Paws
configuration defaults (region, credentials, etc.). You can customize
this behavior - see "CLIENT CONFIGURATION".
At a bare minimum the consuming class needs to tell this role what
table to use and what field to use as a primary key - see "table_name"
and "key_attr".
v0.07 transitioned the underlying DynamoDB client from Amazon::DynamoDB
to Paws::Dynamodb, in order to stay more up-to-date with AWS features.
Any existing code which customized the client configuration will break
when upgrading to v0.07. Support for creating tables was also removed.
The following role parameters were removed: client_attr,
client_builder_method, client_class, client_args_method, host, port,
ssl, dynamodb_local, create_table_method.
The following attibutes were removed: dynamo_db_client
The following methods were removed: build_dynamo_db_client,
dynamo_db_client_args, dynamo_db_create_table
The dynamo_db_client parameter to load() was removed, in favor of
The dynamo_db_client and async parameters to store() were removed.
Please see See "CLIENT CONFIGURATION" for details on how to configure
your client in v0.07 and above.
There are many parameters you can set when consuming this role that
configure it in different ways.
"key_attr" is a required parameter when consuming this role. It
specifies an attribute in your class that will provide the primary key
value for storing your object to DynamoDB. Currently only single
primary keys are supported, or what DynamoDB calls "Hash Type Primary
Key" (see their documentation
See the "SYNOPSIS" for an example.
Specifies the name of the DynamoDB table to use for your objects - see
the example in the "SYNOPSIS". Alternatively, you can return the table
name via a class method - see "dynamo_db_table_name".
By default, this role will add a method named 'dynamo_db_table_name' to
your class (see below for method description). If you want to use a
different name for this method (e.g., because it conflicts with an
existing method), you can change it via this parameter.
Gets passed to Net::Amazon::DynamoDB::Marshaler when converting our
packed data to DynamoDB format.
It is highly recommended that you set the types for any attributes that
are part of a key (either key_attr, or an attribute that's part of an
index). Read up on force_type in Net::Amazon::DynamoDB::Marshaler for
more details.
By default, this role adds an attribute to your class named
'dynamodb_document_client' (see below for attribute description). If
you want to use a different name for this attribute, you can change it
via this parameter.
parameter document_client_builder
Allows customization of the PawsX::DynamoDB::DocumentClient object used
to interact with DynamoDB. See "CLIENT CONFIGURATION" for more details.
This role adds an attribute named "dynamodb_document_client" to your
consuming class. This attribute holds an instance of
PawsX::DynamoDB::DocumentClient that will be used to communicate with
the DynamoDB service.
You can change this attribute's name via the
document_client_attribute_name parameter.
The attribute is lazily built via document_client_builder. See "CLIENT
CONFIGURATION" for more details.
Following are methods that will be added to your consuming class.
Object method. Stores the packed Moose object to DynamoDb.
$obj = $class->load($key, [, dynamodb_document_client => $client ][,
inject => { key => val, ... } ])
Class method. Queries DynamoDB with a primary key, and returns a new
Moose object built from the resulting data. Returns undefined if they
key could not be found in DyanmoDB.
The first argument is the primary key to use, and is required.
Optional parameters can be specified following the key:
dynamodb_document_client - Directly provide a
PawsX::DynamoDB::DocumentClient object, instead of trying to build one
using the class' configuration.
inject - supply additional arguments to the class' new function, or
override ones from the resulting data.
A class method that will return the table name to use. This method will
be called if the "table_name" parameter is not set. So you could
rewrite the Moose class in the "SYNOPSIS" like this:
package MyDoc;
use Moose;
use MooseX::Storage;
with Storage(io => [ 'AmazonDynamoDB' => {
key_attr => 'doc_id',
sub dynamo_db_table_name {
my $class = shift;
return $ENV{DEVELOPMENT} ? 'my_docs_dev' : 'my_docs';
You can change this method's name via the table_name_method parameter.
This role uses the 'dynamodb_document_client' attribute (assuming you
didn't rename it via 'document_client_attribute_name') to interact with
DynamoDB. This attribute is lazily built, and should hold an instance
of PawsX::DynamoDB::DocumentClient.
The client is built by a coderef that is stored in the role's
document_client_builder parameter. By default, that coderef is simply:
sub { return PawsX::DynamoDB::DocumentClient->new(); }
If you need to customize the client, you do so by providing your own
builder coderef. For instance, you could set the region directly:
package MyDoc;
use Moose;
use MooseX::Storage;
use PawsX::DynamoDB::DocumentClient;
with Storage(io => [ 'AmazonDynamoDB' => {
table_name => 'my_docs',
key_attr => 'doc_id',
document_client_builder => \&_build_document_client,
sub _build_document_client {
my $region = get_my_region_somehow();
return PawsX::DynamoDB::DocumentClient->new(region => $region);
See "DYNAMODB LOCAL" for an example of configuring our Paws client to
run against a locally running dynamodb clone.
Note: the dynamodb_document_client attribute is not typed to a strict
isa('PawsX::DynamoDB::DocumentClient'), but instead requires an object
that has a 'get' and 'put' method. So you can provide some kind of
mocked object, but that is left as an exercise to the reader - although
examples are welcome!
Here's an example of configuring your client to run against DynamoDB
Local based on an environment variable. Make sure you've read "CLIENT
CONFIGURATION". More information about DynamoDB Local can be found at
package MyDoc;
use Moose;
use MooseX::Storage;
use Paws;
use Paws::Credential::Explicit;
use PawsX::DynamoDB::DocumentClient;
with Storage(io => [ 'AmazonDynamoDB' => {
table_name => $table_name,
key_attr => 'doc_id',
document_client_builder => \&_build_document_client,
sub _build_document_client {
my $dynamodb = Paws->service(
region => 'us-east-1',
region_rules => [ { uri => 'http://localhost:8000'} ],
credentials => Paws::Credential::Explicit->new(
access_key => 'XXXXXXXXX',
secret_key => 'YYYYYYYYY',
max_attempts => 2,
return PawsX::DynamoDB::DocumentClient->new(dynamodb => $dynamodb);
return PawsX::DynamoDB::DocumentClient->new();
Strongly consistent reads
When executing load(), this module will always use strongly consistent
reads when calling DynamoDB's GetItem operation. Read about DyanmoDB's
consistency model in their FAQ
to learn more.
Format level (freeze/thaw)
Note that this role does not need you to implement a 'format' level for
your object, i.e freeze/thaw. You can add one if you want it for other
Pre-v0.07 objects
Before v0.07, this module stored objects to DyanmoDB using
Amazon::DynamoDB. It worked around some issues with that module by
serializing certain data types to JSON. Objects stored using this old
system will be deserialized correctly.
Amazon's DynamoDB Homepage
PawsX::DynamoDB::DocumentClient - DynamoDB client.
Paws - AWS library.
Steve Caldwell
Copyright 2015- Steve Caldwell
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
Thanks to Campus Explorer , who allowed
me to release this code as open source.