Version 3.33
(committed 2025-03-19) -> CRAN
Modified functions:
- interval=“auto” now 0.01 or 0.001 depending on ‘pred’ coverage
- added cex.lab argument
- improved axis labels
- MillerCalib, lollipop
- slightly changed default colours
Other modified files:
- reformatted and converted to .md
Version 3.32 (committed
Modified functions:
- plotCoeffs
- return also data frame with the results
- improve Details section
Version 3.31 (committed
Modified functions:
- varImp
- added option “permutation” for argument ‘imp.type’ (pending
implementation for BART models)
- added partial argument matching
- added arguments ‘n.per’, ‘data’ and ‘n.trees’ for some model classes
when imp.type=“permutation”
- implemented also for ‘maxnet’ models if imp.type =
- mod2obspred
- added option x.only = FALSE; if TRUE, the values of the predictors
are returned instead (for varImp if imp.type = “permutation”)
- ‘interval’ new default “auto”, to make it smaller as ‘pred’ mean
departs from 0.5
Version 3.30
(committed 2025-02-21) -> CRAN
Modified functions:
- AUC, Boyce, lollipop (affecting threshMeasures), optiPair
- fixed opar() reset bug: reset only the changed parameter ‘mgp’
Version 3.29
(committed 2025-02-14) -> CRAN
Modified functions:
- lollipop (-> varImp, ploCoeffs, threshMeasures, similarity,
- removed ‘axis.lab’ argument for back-compatibility issues
- improved handling of plot arguments provided under , namely xlab and
ylab when horiz is either TRUE or FALSE
Version 3.28 (committed
Modified functions:
- lollipop
- better distribution between plot limits when two lollipops
- renamed argument “horizontal” to “horiz”, to match barplot()
- added ‘axis.lab’ argument, to use as xlab or ylab depending on
- plotCoeffs
- varImp
- fixed when horizontal = TRUE
- threshMeasures, similarity
- changed ‘las’ from 3 to 2
Version 3.27 (committed
Modified functions:
- lollipop
- ‘bold’ default FALSE, not NULL
- plotCoeffs
- empty plot if no variables in model
Other modified files:
- lollipop.Rd, plotCoeffs.Rd, varImp.Rd
- improved Description, Examples, and See also
Version 3.26 (committed
Modified functions:
- lollipop
- new argument “horizontal”
- “sticks” can also be a matrix of confidence limits
New functions:
- plotCoeffs
- uses lollipop() with confidence intervals
Other modified files:
- evaluate.Rd
- improved definitions of a, b, c, and d, relating with TP, FP, TN,
Version 3.25 (committed
Modified functions:
- new default line colour and diagonal line type
- xlab closer to axis, to match 2nd line of ylab and fit in default
- values also closer to axes
- Boyce
- labels and values closer to axes
- new colours for points and for plot text
- new position for plot text
- new symbol (triangle) for red points
- optiPair
- plot values closer to axes
- new arguments ‘col1’ and ‘col2’ for plot point colours
- optiThresh
- plot values and axis labels closer to axes
- new plot arguments ‘pch’, ‘cex’ and ‘col’, with new default colours
and symbols
- plot margins adjusted also when fewer than 4 measures
- fixed ‘xlab’ argument, which wasn’t being considered
Version 3.24 (committed
Modified functions:
- MillerCalib
- changed default line colours to blues
- lwd = 2 for calibration line
- intercept in parentheses in plot text
- help file now mentions Baquero et al.’s thresholds for a good
Version 3.23
(committed 2024-11-24) -> CRAN
Modified functions:
- lollipop
- new argument ylim [to replace ymin, futurely deprecated], default
- threshMeasures, similarity
- change default ymin to 0 (default ylim “auto0”) when min value is
>0, to avoid deceiving plots
- allow plot=TRUE with simplif=FALSE
- optiThresh, multModEv
- added plot=FALSE to some threshMeasures() calls
Version 3.22 (committed
Modified functions:
- varImp
- new default “auto0” for ‘ylim’, to avoid deceiving plots
Version 3.21 (committed
Modified functions:
- predDensity
- in plot legend, changed “absences” to “background” if pbg =
- optiThresh
- added ‘reset.par’ argument
- ‘sep.plots’ argument can be set to NA
- Boyce, Dsquared, errorMeasures, getThreshold, logLike, MillerCalib,
optiPair, plotGLM, predPlot, RMSE
- added ‘verbosity’ argument and passed it to inputMunch()
- confusionMatrix, getBins, HLfit, predDensity, similarity
- passed ‘verbosity’ argument to inputMunch()
Version 3.20
(committed 2024-10-28) -> CRAN
Modified functions:
- inputMunch, applyThreshold, AUC, Boyce, Dsquared, getThreshold,
optiPair, optiThresh, predPlot, similarity, threshMeasures (not
confusionMatrix, confusionLabel, errorMeasures, getBins, HLfit, logLike,
MillerCalib, plotGLM, RMSE)
- predDensity
- added also ‘verbosity’ argument
- message when ‘separate’ automatically set to FALSE because ‘ci’ not
- Boyce
- changed colour of plot text to grey50, to increase visibility when
overlapping points
Version 3.19 (committed
New functions:
- errorMeasures (incl. RMSE, MSE, Brier score)
Modified functions:
- warning: function deprecated in favour of errorMeasures
Other modified files:
- quantReclass.Rd
- update Formoso-Freire ref with publication date
Version 3.18.2
(committed 2024-08-28) -> CRAN
Modified functions:
- predDensity
- slightly improved plot colours for better contrast
- added legend when CI not NA
Other modified files:
- predDensity.Rd
- slight improvements to increase clarity
Version 3.18.1 (committed
Modified functions:
- mod2obspred
- implemented class ‘GBMFit’ (pkg ‘gbm3’) when obs.only=FALSE
- predDensity
- adapted x-axis values for predictors outside range [0, 1] when
- changed plot colours
Other modified files:
- inputMuch.Rd
- added mention to class ‘GBMFit’ for ‘model’
- predDensity.Rd
- added mention to ‘predictor’ values
Version 3.18 (committed
Modified functions:
- mod2obspred, varImp
- implemented class ‘GBMFit’ from pkg ‘gbm3’
Version 3.17.1 (committed
Modified files:
- varImp.Rd
- second example now uses new argument ‘relative’
- improved descriptions and Details
Version 3.17
(committed 2024-06-06) -> CRAN
Modified functions:
- varImp
- ‘relative’ argument now applies also to BART and flexBART
- adapted to latest version of flexBART, which does carry variable
- informative error messages when model is BART and doesn’t have the
required info
- added ‘verbosity’ argument
Version 3.16 (committed
Modified functions:
- optiThresh
- added ‘verbosity’ argument to pass to inputMunch()
- abline() now plotted also if ‘optimize’ is a specific measure name,
not necessarily “each”
- added ‘verbosity’ argument to pass to inputMunch()
- varImp
- added ‘relative’ argument for z value (suggested by Alba
Version 3.15 (committed
Modified functions:
- threshMeasures, evaluate, modEvAmethods
- added ‘ORSS’ and ‘SEDI’ metrics (Wunderlich et al. 2019) (suggested
by Jose Carlos Guerrero)
Version 3.14 (committed
New functions:
Modified functions:
Version 3.13.3
(committed 2024-01-19) -> CRAN
Modified functions:
- threshMeasures
- set plot=FALSE on confusionMatrix() call
- confusionMatrix
- set default ‘plot’ to FALSE (for back-compatibility)
Version 3.13.2 (committed
Modified functions:
- confusionMatrix
- add arguments plot=TRUE, classes=FALSE and …
Version 3.13.1 (committed
Modified functions:
- confusionLabel
- assign consistent colours to output raster categories
- add plot=TRUE and … arguments
Version 3.13 (committed
Modified functions:
- confusionLabel
- output SpatRaster (if input ‘pred’ is SpatRaster) now properly
Other modified files:
- AUC.Rd
- unimplemented argument ‘FPR.limits’ now suggests using
Version 3.12 (committed
Modified functions:
- applyThreshold, inputMunch
- added ‘verbosity’ argument to pass to ptsrast2obspred()
- added ‘grid.lty’ argument (used e.g. in modevapp)
- ‘grid’ now at 0.1 (not threshold) intervals
- getThreshold
- finished implementing ‘maxF’
- implemented maxJaccard, maxSorensen (= maxF)
- optiThresh
- replaced single with double ||, &&
- added modEvAmethods(“similarity”) to default ‘measures’
- added maxJaccard and maxSorensen criteria
- modEvAmethods
- added Jaccard, Sorensen and their maximizations
- arrangePlots
- return c(1, 1) if n.plots <= 1
Other modified files:
- Boyce.Rd
- ‘Note’ now mentions that Boyce is designed for suitability or
favourability, not probability
- similarity.Rd
- ‘Description’ and ‘Details’ now mention equivalence to Li &
Guo’s F-measures
Version 3.11
(committed 2023-11-25) -> CRAN
Modified functions:
- Dsquared
- added dismo.version argument: if FALSE, uses the previous version of
Dsquared, as the dismo version sometimes produces negative or NaN
Version 3.10
(committed 2023-11-10) -> CRAN
New functions:
Modified functions:
- modEvAmethods
- added methods for similarity()
Version 3.9.6 (committed
Modified functions:
- Dsquared
- warning emitted and Dsquared calculated correctly even when family
binomial and response not binary (following bug report by Elic M.
- varImp
- metric reported in console result
- absolute (rather than original) values now returned for z value (if
model is glm)
- added ‘GiniCoefficient’ to outputs when simplif=FALSE
Version 3.9.5 (committed
Modified functions:
- varImp
- barplot now also gets error bars replotted on top of points if
- implemented for models of class “lbart” and “pbart” of pkg ‘BART’
(though not ideal for group.cats = TRUE)
- group.cats default now FALSE
- started implementation for flexBART models (still imperfect because
object has no var names; issue submitted at
Version 3.9.4 (committed
Modified functions:
- varImp
- new argument group.cats=TRUE, for BART models, to sum up the
contributions of (one-hot encoded) categorical variable levels
Version 3.9.3
(committed 2023-04-14) -> CRAN
Modified functions:
- ‘method’ default now NULL, to avoid unsolicited warning when
curve=“PR” because default method was “rank”
Other modified files:
- varImp.Rd
- improved info on parameters for different plot types (e.g. cex.axis
for lollipop, cex.names for barplot)
Version 3.9.2 (committed
Modified functions:
- Boyce
- explicit warning instead of obscure error if ‘obs’ has no
- warning also when ‘obs’ has only presences (Boyce = NA)
- optiThresh
- explicit warning (and results NA) instead of obscure error if ‘obs’
has either no presences or no absences
- empty plot instead of error for incalculable metrics
- threshMeasures
- explicit warning instead of obscure error if ‘obs’ has either no
presences or no absences
Version 3.9.1 (committed
Modified functions:
- varImp
- error if family is not ‘binomial’, to avoid obscure error otherwise
because no ‘z-value’ column in summary
- confusionMatrix, confusionLabel
- changed defaults ‘interval = interval, quant = quant’ to ‘interval =
0.01, quant = 0’
Other modified files:
- replaced old-style personList() with c(), and citEntry() with
bibentry(), as per new CRAN requirements
Version 3.9 (committed
2023-01-12) -> CRAN
Modified functions:
- varImp
- corrected point locations (accounting for space between bars) for
- error.bars in lollipop chart re-plotted on top to improve
- help file cites Weissgerber et al.
- predDensity
- ‘ci’ now plotted as semi-transparent rectangle (rather than just
vertical ablines)
- added ‘ci’ example to help file
Version 3.8.9 (committed
Modified functions:
- varImp
- implemented plot.points argument
- arguments ‘ci’ and ‘ci.type’ replaced by argument ‘error.bars’
- ‘error.bars’ can also be a numeric for a x% confidence interval
- added ‘grid’ argument
- added “imp.type” argument (placeholder, so far only option
- set ‘border’ to NA in legend and barplot
- fixed legend colour bug
- added check for loaded ‘gbm’ when needed
- predDensity
- added ‘ci’ argument
- added ‘…’ for arguments to pass to ‘hist’
Version 3.8.8 (committed
New functions:
Modified functions:
- varImp
- added “ylim” argument (default “auto”), and xpd=FALSE to ‘barplot’
- changed default positive colour for better contrast with CI lines in
- new default plot.type = “lollipop”
- threshMeasures
- “OddsRatio” removed from default ‘measures’
- ‘ylim’ argument removed (default 0,1 not needed after OddsRation
removal; ‘ylim’ can still be used under ‘…’)
- new argument ‘plot.type’
- new default plot.type = “lollipop”
- RsqGLM
- new argument ‘plot.type’
- new default plot.type = “lollipop”
Version 3.8.7 (committed
New functions:
Modified functions:
- mod2obspred
- added supressMessages() when predicting with GBM
Version 3.8.6 (committed
Modified functions:
- Dsquared
- ‘family’ is now guessed from data (with message) if null
- extended to models other than GLM
Version 3.8.5 (committed
Modified functions:
- ptsrast2obspred
- added (or ‘rm.dup.points=TRUE’ for ‘Boyce’ function) to warning,
otherwise Boyce would say “argument X matches multiple formal
- MilerCalib
Version 3.8.4
(committed 2022-10-28) -> CRAN
Modified functions:
- applyThreshold
- added “as.numeric” to ‘sort(tresh)’, otherwise it was character if
one of the input ‘thresh’ criteria was character, which generated errors
Version 3.8.3 (committed
Modified functions:
- predPlot
- ‘thresh’ can now be set to NA or NULL
- legend is also changed accordingly
- optiThresh
- warning emitted if obs are all 0 or all 1 (which may originate
errorr) - propagates to optiPair
Other modified files:
- MillerCalib.Rd
- added explanations and examples on applicability to non-logit link
models and non-probability predictions
Version 3.82 (committed
Modified functions:
- varPart
- added argument ‘cor.method’
- changed previous argument name ‘method’ to ‘pred.type’, to avoid
confusion with the above
Version 3.81 (committed
Modified functions:
- varPart
- argument ‘model’ now accepts glms of any family (but properly tested
only for binomial!)
Version 3.8 (committed
Modified functions:
- varPart
- new arguments ‘model’, ‘groups’, ‘method’, ‘return.models’
- output table now doesn’t say “pure” or “overlap”, just the factor
names separated by “_”
- argument ‘coloured’ changed to ‘colr’ to avoid English/American
spelling issues
Version 3.7 (committed
Modified functions:
- applyThreshold
- ‘thresh’ can now be of length 2, for high, intermediate and low
Other modified files:
- added reference about the method, as suggested by Uwe Ligges after
previous CRAN submission
Version 3.6 (committed
New functions:
Modified functions:
- confusionLabel
- added ‘getThreshold’ to include all ‘thresh’ options
- added ‘interval’ and ‘quant’ arguments for the above
- ‘rm.dup’ now defaults to FALSE to assume less
- threshMeasures
- moved part of the code to new ‘confusionMatrix’ function, which is
now called from here
Version 3.5 (committed
2022-05-16) -> CRAN
New functions:
Modified functions:
- Boyce
- warning emitted and points coloured red for bins with less than 30
- standard01 (benefitting threshMeasures)
- added is.finite(score) to avoid error when NAs produced by kappa
integer overflow
- getThreshold, inputMunch
- ‘obs’ can be null if only ‘pred’ is needed
- predPlot
- added call to ‘getThreshold’ to include more threshold options
- added ‘cex’ argument (default 0.5), plus ‘interval’ and ‘quant’ to
pass to ‘getThreshold’
- confusionLabel
- output is SpatRaster if input is too (as also implemented in
- optiThresh
- fixed bug: Precision and Recall were missing from
‘goodness.measures’ and didn’t get optimals
Version 3.4 (committed
Modified functions:
- AUC, confusionLabel, Dsquared, getBins, HLfit, MillerCalib,
optiPair, optiThresh, plotGLM, predDensity, predPlot, RsqGLM,
- added arguments ‘rm.dup’ and ‘na.rm’ to pass to ‘inputMunch’ and
cascade to ‘ptsrast2obspred’
- Boyce
- renamed arguments ‘rm.dupl.classes’ and ‘rm.dupl.points’ to
‘rm.dup.classes’ and ‘rm.dup.points’, for better coherence with ‘rm.dup’
in other functions
- added ‘na.rm’ argument
Version 3.3 (committed
New functions:
- inputMunch
- converts from model or point & raster inputs to obs & pred
- getThreshold
- computes threshold based on any of a range of published
Modified functions:
- prevalence
- added ‘unlist’ to avoid obscure error when input is one-column
tibble instead of vector
- confusionLabel, Dsquared, getBins, HLfit, MillerCalib, optiPair,
optiThresh, plotGLM, predDensity, predPlot, RsqGLM, threshMeasures
- ‘obs’ and ‘pred’ can also be presence coordinates and a SpatRaster,
- confusionLabel, getBins
- threshMeasures
- ‘thresh’ argument now calls new ‘getThreshold’ function to include
more options
- ptsrast2obspred
- checks for duplicates and shows message if there are (if rm.dup =
- ‘rm.dup’ now defaults to FALSE, to assume less and to match
- Boyce
- ‘rm.dupl.points’ now defaults to FALSE, to assume less and to match
- modEvAmethods
- added error message when ‘fun’ not correctly specified (instead of
silent empty result)
- help file now provides all available values under ‘fun’
- getModEqn
- ‘round’ replaced with ‘signif’ to avoid small coeffs becoming zeros
(bug report by Jose Carlos Guerrero)
- added ‘verbosity’ argument
Version 3.2 (committed
Modified functions:
- ‘obs’ and ‘pred’ can be presence coordinates and a SpatRaster,
- Boyce
- added argument ‘…’, e.g. for plot ‘main’ or ‘xlim’
- argument name ‘nclass’ replaced with ‘n.bins’ to match other modEvA
- argument name ‘window.w’ replaced with ‘bin.width’ to accomodate
other modEvA functions
- default ‘nclass = 0’ replaced with ‘n.bins = NA’, and all else
- changed default ‘rm.dupl.classes’ to FALSE after some checks
(e.g. Galpyr RF in SDMB course)
- ptsrast2obspred
- added argument ‘na.rm’ and set to TRUE by default
- help file now uses ‘elev’ raster for more clarity
Version 3.1 (committed
New functions:
- Boyce
- ptsrast2obspred
Modified functions:
- moved ‘pred’ range check to after NAs are removed to avoid
- predPlot
- on exit, restores only ‘par(mar)’ (the only one changed) rather than
all ‘par’
- RsqGLM
- added las = 2 to ‘barplot’
Version 3.0 (committed
2021-12-20) -> CRAN
Modified functions:
- warning if ‘obs’ contains only zeros or only ones (to explain result
NaN and no curve on plot)
- if the previous occurs, other warnings suppressed (PR curve
interpolated past NaN precision, method changed to ‘trapezoid’,
- MillerCalib
- plot text elevated by 0.05 y-axis units, to avoid it being cropped
in small plots
Other changes:
- uniformized description of arguments "model", "obs" and "pred" across functions' help files
Version 2.8 (committed
Modified functions:
- optiPair
- message “‘pred’ must range between 0 and 1” changed from error to
- added argument ‘na.rm’ (default TRUE) to avoid NaNs in result
MinDiff, MaxSum, etc.
- added argument ‘exclude.zeros’ (default TRUE) to avoid
precision-recall “optimal” difference when both 0 or NaN
Version 2.7 (committed
New functions:
Modified functions:
- prevalence
- message “‘event’ is not among of the values of ‘obs’” changed from
error to warning
- ‘mod2obspred’ now used for extracting ‘obs’ if ‘model’ is
- AUC, getBins, HLfit, MillerCalib, optiPair, optiThresh, predDensity,
predPlot, threshMeasures
- ‘model’ can now be of class “glm”, “gam”, “gbm”, “randomForest” or
- ‘mod2obspred’ now used for extracting ‘obs’ and ‘pred’ if ‘model’ is
Version 2.6 (committed
Modified functions:
- predDensity
- added ‘main’ argument for plot title
- predPlot
- added ‘pch’ and ‘col’ arguments for the plot
- legend.pos is now “n” by default (legend was ugly and needed box to
distinguish from actual plot points)
- RsqGLM
- added “plot” argument (default TRUE)
- added ‘…’ for additional parameters for ‘plot’
- plotGLM
- added ‘plot=FALSE’ to ‘RsqGLM’ (used if ‘plot.values’)
- optiThresh
- slightly changed plot margins so that bottom axis values are
Other modified files:
- www/modEvA-tutorial.html
- updated with these recent options
Version 2.5 (committed
Modified functions:
- plot.preds=TRUE now plots filled circles with transparency
- plot.preds=TRUE now defaults to plotting circles on the curve
(rather than both curve and bottom)
- size of circles if plot.preds=TRUE changed from 100prop.preds to
- x coordinates of circles if plot.preds=TRUE changed from
‘thresholds’ to ‘xx’
- if plot.values=TRUE, value is now plotted on the middle bottom for
ROC and middle top for PR curve
- NaN precision values now coerced to the last non-NaN value (rather
than 1), and warning emitted
- interpolated (NaN precision) part of the PR curve now plotted
besides the curve with actual precision values
Version 2.4 (committed
Modified functions:
- fixed wrong PR area when last precision value(s) NaN, by coercing
NaN precisions to 1 (thanks to bug report by Ying-Ju Tessa Chen)
- deactivated option method = “integrate”, which was providing
somewhat inaccurate values
- added / improved warning messages when ‘method’ changed to match
chosen ‘curve’
- added warning when method = “trapezoid” and interval >= 0.01,
noting result is more accurate with smaller intervals
- threshMeasures
- added ‘ylim’ argument with default c(0, 1) to avoid error when no
selected measure has finite values
Other modified files:
- corrected publication year of ‘New measures’ paper under
‘textVersion’ of citation (thanks to bug report by Alba Estrada)
Version 2.3 (committed
Modified functions:
- prevalence
- added ‘model’ argument, which can now be provided instead of
- help file includes examples with ‘model’ and with character
- error message when ‘obs’ not a vector and when ‘event’ not in
- warning when ‘obs’ ignored in favour of ‘model’
Version 2.2 (committed
Modified functions:
- MillerCalib
- slope value now plotted before (above) intercept (if plot.values =
- varPart
- fixed right margin in 2-factor plot and added option for colouring
the circles, following suggestions by Oswald van Ginkel
- bug fix e-mailed by Huijie Qiao
Version 2.1 (committed
New functions:
Modified functions:
- predDensity
- like ‘predPlot’, ‘legend.pos’ now allows NA (for no legend) instead
of throwing obscure error
- optiThresh
- added warning when any of ‘measures’ or ‘optimize’ not within
implemented values
Other modified files:
- removed mention that we will implement ExDet for dataframes; added
‘ecospat.climan’ to ‘See also’
Other changes:
- minor corrections to some ‘man’ files
Version 2.0 (committed
2020-01-21) -> CRAN
Modified functions:
- modEvA-internal
- multModEv, modEvAmethods, modEvA-internal
- added “MeanPrecision”, “AUCPR” and “F1score”
Other modified files:
- multModEv.Rd
- added “AUCPR” to one of the examples
Version 2.0 (committed
Modified functions:
- added ‘meanPrecision’ to returned list (if simplif = FALSE)
- “AUC[PR]” mentioned on plot when curve = “PR”
- optiThresh
- added “F1score” to goodness.measures in optimals.each
- added Liu et al. 2005 reference to threshold criteria
- threshMeasures, modEvAmethods
- added “Precision” and “Recall” (even though synonyms with “PPP” and
- optiPair
- changed pch of measure 1 to 19 (slightly larger than pch 20) so it’s
still visible when overlapped by measure 2
- multModEv
- added ‘plot = FALSE’ to internal AUC call
Other modified files:
- threshMeasures.Rd, optiThresh.Rd, optiPair.Rd
- added “Note” saying sens=recall and PPP=precision, and defining
Version 1.8 (committed
Modified functions:
- removed artificial zeros (instead of NaN) when curve = “PR”
- reversed the reference diagonal if curve = “PR”
- value now placed higher on the plot if curve = “PR” to avoid
Other changes:
- added 'inst' folder with article citation information
Version 1.7 (committed
Modified functions:
- implemented methods “trapezoid” and “integrate”
- added area calculation for “PR” curve
- threshMeasures, evaluate, modEvAmethods, (optiThresh, optiPair)
- added “F1score” to available ‘measures’
Version 1.5 (committed
New functions:
Modified functions:
- new ‘method’ argument, which in the future can be “rank”,
“trapezoid” or “integrate” (currently only “rank” is implemented)
- new ‘curve’ argument which can be “ROC” or “PR”
- arguments ‘roc.col’, ‘roc.lty’ and ‘roc.lwd’ renamed to ‘curve.col’,
‘curve.lty’ and ‘curve.lwd’
- ‘xlab’ and ‘ylab’ now default to “auto”, to be generated according
to ‘curve’
- removed ‘main’ argument (can be provided via ‘…’)
- ‘plot.preds’ can now be either a logical value as before, or a
character “curve” and/or “bottom”
- ‘plot.preds’ circles now plotted in darkgrey
- title in .Rd file changed to “Area Under the Curve” (removed
Other changes:
- corrected some problems in .Rd files, to reduce LaTeX errors when creating PDF version of manual.
Version 1.4.2 (committed
Modified functions:
- plotGLM
- corrected to adj=1 when plotting values on the right of the
Version 1.4.1 (committed
Modified functions:
- RsqGLM
- added NA handling for ‘cor’
Version 1.4 (committed
Modified functions:
- added arguments diag, diag.col, diag.lty, roc.col, roc.lty,
- ‘simplif = TRUE’ no longer overrides ‘plot = TRUE’
- MillerCalib
- added arguments diag, line.col
Other modified files:
- edited .Rd files (AUC, HLfit, evaluate, optiPair, threshMeasures, modEvA-package) to reflect difference between discrimination and classification
- updated index.php
Version 1.3.3 (committed
Modified functions:
- varPart:
- bug fixed (with na.omit) when only two factors (A, B, AB)
Version 1.3.2 (committed
Modified functions:
- getBins (affecting HLfit):
- bug fixed in “bin.method = size.bins”, which was giving two
different messages regarding ignored arguments
- HLfit:
- help file slightly clarified
Version 1.3.1 (committed
Modified functions:
- getBins (affecting HLfit):
- bug fixed in “bin.method = quantiles”, now providing even-sized bins
- added argument ‘quantile.type’, to pass to ‘quantile’ function
- HLfit:
- added argument ‘quantile.type’, to pass to ‘quantile’ function
- added argument ‘verbosity’
- multModEv:
- removed default ‘thresh’ (must be user-specified)
- replaced argument ‘quiet’ with ‘verbosity’ for coherence with other
- threshMeasures:
- removed default ‘thresh’ (must be user-specified)
- replaced argument ‘messages’ with ‘verbosity’ for coherence with
other functions
Version 1.3 (committed
Modified functions:
- getBins (affecting HLfit):
- bug fixed in “bin.method = quantiles”, removing last additional bin
of size 1
- help file improved to better explain what each bin.method does and
what arguments it ignores
- added argument ‘verbosity’
- HLfit:
- added examples to help file to illustrate differences in
Version 1.2.9 (committed
Modified functions:
- getBins (affecting HLfit):
- bug fixed in “bin.method = n.bins, fixed.bin.size = TRUE”
- help file updated to explain what each bin.method does
- removed default bin.method (must be specified by user)
- multModEv:
- included ‘…’ for additional arguments to pass to HLfit
- removed default bin.method (must be specified if HL in
- modEvAmethods:
- excluded “Miller.p” (previously eliminated from MillerCalib)
Version 1.2.8 (committed
Modified functions:
- varPart:
- ‘plot.unexpl’ now also rounded to ‘plot.digits’
- ‘model.type’ deprecated (message emitted)
- AB or ABC now also mandatory, and unexplained var 0, for GLMs
- help file updated
- plotGLM:
- warning on preds outside [0,1] now only emitted when
- AUC, getBins, HLfit, MillerCalib, multModEv, optiPair, optiThresh,
plotGLM, threshMeasures:
- error when model(s) provided but not binomial logit glm
Version 1.2.7 (committed
Modified functions:
- varPart:
- added argument ‘plot.unexpl = TRUE’
- explicit error message for 3-factor LM with no ABC
- help file now with both LM and GLM examples
- help file now notes that wrong input = wrong result
Version 1.2.6 (committed
Modified functions:
- AUC:
- error replaced with warning when pred values outside the [0,1]
- added argument plot.digits = 3 (for plot.values)
- varPart:
- added arguments ‘main’ and ‘cex.main’
- slightly increased default cex values
- updated help file to make GLM use a bit clearer
- plotGLM:
- error replaced with warning when pred values outside the [0,1]
- added pseudo-R-squared measures to plot.values
- changed plot.values default to TRUE
- added argument plot.digits = 3 (for plot.values)
Version 1.2.5 (committed
Modified functions:
- getBins:
- eliminated error when pred values outside the [0,1] interval
- HLfit:
- error replaced with warning on pred values outside the [0,1]
- plot now stretches if pred values exceed [0,1] interval
- MillerCalib:
- error replaced with warning on pred values outside the [0,1]
- default digits (for plot.values) lowered to 2
- slope p-value removed (values looked wrong)
- NaNs avoided by converting 0 and 1 in ‘pred’ to (1 -) 2e-16
- increased plot ymax by 0.2
- changed plot text location to bottom right
Version 1.2.4 (committed
Modified functions:
- multModEv:
- warning now emitted, and help file updated, about calibration
measures being valid only for probability (when input is +
Version 1.2.3 (committed
Modified functions:
Version 1.2.2 (committed
Modified functions:
- Dsquared, RsqGLM, plotGLM:
- NaN-caused errors avoided by converting 0 and 1 in ‘pred’ to (1 -)
Version 1.2.1 (committed
Modified functions:
- Dsquared, RsqGLM:
- NaN-caused errors avoided by converting 0 in ‘pred’ to smallest
computable positive number
Version 1.2
Modified functions:
AUC, Dsquared, RsqGLM, threshMeasures, optiPair, HLfit &
MillerCalib now omit NAs
Dsquared based on obs&pred now available also for Poisson