params <- list(EVAL = FALSE) ## ----setup, include=FALSE, message=FALSE-------------------------------------- library(knitr) library(glmmTMB) library(MASS) ## for mvrnorm() library(TMB) ## for tmbprofile() ## devtools::install_github("kaskr/adcomp/TMB") ## get development version knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, eval=if (exists("params")) params$EVAL else FALSE) do_image <- exists("params") && params$EVAL ## want to *store* images within package save_vig_dir <- file.path("inst","vignette_data") pkg_dir <- "glmmTMB" ## guess where we are ... if (grepl("/vignettes$",getwd())) { ## in vignettes dir save_vig_dir <- file.path("../",save_vig_dir) } else if (grepl(paste0("/",pkg_dir,"$"),getwd())) { ## in repo head save_vig_dir <- file.path(pkg_dir,save_vig_dir) } ## want to *retrieve* images from system files use_vig_dir <- system.file("vignette_data",package="glmmTMB") mkfig <- function(expr,fn) { png(normalizePath(file.path(save_vig_dir,fn))) eval(substitute(expr)) invisible( } usefig <- function(fn) { knitr::include_graphics(file.path(use_vig_dir,fn)) } ## turned off caching for now: got error in chunk '' ## Error in retape() : ## Error when reading the variable: 'thetaf'. Please check data and parameters. ## In addition: Warning message: ## In retape() : Expected object. Got NULL. set.seed(1) ## run this in interactive session if you actually want to evaluate chunks ... ## Sys.setenv(NOT_CRAN="true") ## ----covstruct-table, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE------------------------------ ctab <- read.delim(sep = "#", comment = "", header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE, text = " Covariance # Notation # no. parameters # Requirement # Parameters Unstructured (general positive definite) # `us` # $n(n+1)/2$ # # See [Mappings] Heterogeneous Toeplitz # `toep` # $2n-1$ # # log-SDs ($\\theta_1-\\theta_n$); correlations $\\rho_k = \\theta_{n+k}/\\sqrt{1+\\theta_{n+k}^2}$, $k = \\textrm{abs}(i-j+1)$ Het. compound symmetry # `cs` # $n+1$ # # log-SDs ($\\theta_1-\\theta_n$); correlation $\\rho = \\theta_{n+1}/\\sqrt{1+\\theta_{n+1}^2}$ Homogenous diagonal # `homdiag` # $1$ # # log-SD Het. diagonal # `diag` # $n$ # # log-SDs AR(1) # `ar1` # $2$ # Unit spaced levels # log-SD; $\\rho = \\left(\\theta_2/\\sqrt{1+\\theta_2^2}\\right)^{d_{ij}}$ Ornstein-Uhlenbeck # `ou` # $2$ # Coordinates # log-SD; log-OU rate ($\\rho = \\exp(-\\exp(\\theta_2) d_{ij})$) Spatial exponential # `exp` # $2$ # Coordinates # log-SD; log-scale ($\\rho = \\exp(-\\exp(-\\theta_2) d_{ij})$) Spatial Gaussian # `gau` # $2$ # Coordinates # log-SD; log-scale ($\\rho = \\exp(-\\exp(-2\\theta_2) d_{ij}^2$) Spatial Matèrn # `mat` # $3$ # Coordinates # log-SD, log-range, log-shape (power) Reduced-rank # `rr` # $nd-d(d-1)/2$ # rank (d) Proptional # `propto` # $1$ # Variance-covariance matrix " ) knitr::kable(ctab) ## ----sim1, eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------- n <- 25 ## Number of time points x <- MASS::mvrnorm(mu = rep(0,n), Sigma = .7 ^ as.matrix(dist(1:n)) ) ## Simulate the process using the MASS package y <- x + rnorm(n) ## Add measurement noise ## ----simtimes----------------------------------------------------------------- # times <- factor(1:n, levels=1:n) # head(levels(times)) ## ----simgroup----------------------------------------------------------------- # group <- factor(rep(1,n)) ## ----simcomb------------------------------------------------------------------ # dat0 <- data.frame(y, times, group) ## ----fitar1, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # glmmTMB(y ~ ar1(times + 0 | group), data=dat0) ## ----ar0fit,echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------- # glmmTMB(y ~ ar1(times + 0 | group), data=dat0) ## ----simGroup----------------------------------------------------------------- # simGroup <- function(g, n=6, phi=0.7) { # x <- MASS::mvrnorm(mu = rep(0,n), # Sigma = phi ^ as.matrix(dist(1:n)) ) ## Simulate the process # y <- x + rnorm(n) ## Add measurement noise # times <- factor(1:n) # group <- factor(rep(g,n)) # data.frame(y, times, group) # } # simGroup(1) ## ----simGroup2---------------------------------------------------------------- # dat1 <-"rbind", lapply(1:1000, simGroup) ) ## ----fit.ar1------------------------------------------------------------------ # (fit.ar1 <- glmmTMB(y ~ ar1(times + 0 | group), data=dat1)) ## # <- glmmTMB(y ~ us(times + 0 | group), data=dat1, dispformula=~0) #$sdr$pdHess ## Converged ? ## # VarCorr( ## ----fit.toep----------------------------------------------------------------- # fit.toep <- glmmTMB(y ~ toep(times + 0 | group), data=dat1, # dispformula=~0) # fit.toep$sdr$pdHess ## Converged ? ## # (vc.toep <- VarCorr(fit.toep)) ## # vc1 <- vc.toep$cond[[1]] ## first term of var-cov for RE of conditional model # summary(diag(vc1)) # summary(vc1[row(vc1)!=col(vc1)]) ## ----fit.toep.reml------------------------------------------------------------ # fit.toep.reml <- update(fit.toep, REML=TRUE) # vc1R <- VarCorr(fit.toep.reml)$cond[[1]] # summary(diag(vc1R)) # summary(vc1R[row(vc1R)!=col(vc1R)]) ## ----fit.cs------------------------------------------------------------------- # fit.cs <- glmmTMB(y ~ cs(times + 0 | group), data=dat1, dispformula=~0) # fit.cs$sdr$pdHess ## Converged ? ## # VarCorr(fit.cs) ## ----anova1------------------------------------------------------------------- # anova(fit.ar1, fit.toep, ## ----anova2------------------------------------------------------------------- # anova(fit.cs, fit.toep) ## ----sample2------------------------------------------------------------------ # x <- sample(1:2, 10, replace=TRUE) # y <- sample(1:2, 10, replace=TRUE) ## ----numFactor---------------------------------------------------------------- # (pos <- numFactor(x,y)) ## ----parseNumLevels----------------------------------------------------------- # parseNumLevels(levels(pos)) ## ----numFactor2--------------------------------------------------------------- # dat1$times <- numFactor(dat1$times) # levels(dat1$times) ## ----fit.ou------------------------------------------------------------------- # fit.ou <- glmmTMB(y ~ ou(times + 0 | group), data=dat1) # fit.ou$sdr$pdHess ## Converged ? ## # VarCorr(fit.ou) ## ----fit.mat------------------------------------------------------------------ # fit.mat <- glmmTMB(y ~ mat(times + 0 | group), data=dat1, dispformula=~0) # fit.mat$sdr$pdHess ## Converged ? ## # VarCorr(fit.mat) ## ----fit.gau------------------------------------------------------------------ # fit.gau <- glmmTMB(y ~ gau(times + 0 | group), data=dat1, dispformula=~0) # fit.gau$sdr$pdHess ## Converged ? ## # VarCorr(fit.gau) ## ----fit.exp------------------------------------------------------------------ # fit.exp <- glmmTMB(y ~ exp(times + 0 | group), data=dat1) # fit.exp$sdr$pdHess ## Converged ? ## # VarCorr(fit.exp) ## ----spatial_data------------------------------------------------------------- # d <- data.frame(z = as.vector(volcano), # x = as.vector(row(volcano)), # y = as.vector(col(volcano))) ## ----spatial_sub_sample------------------------------------------------------- # set.seed(1) # d$z <- d$z + rnorm(length(volcano), sd=15) # d <- d[sample(nrow(d), 100), ] ## ----volcano_data_image_fake,eval=FALSE--------------------------------------- # <- array(NA, dim(volcano)) #[cbind(d$x, d$y)] <- d$z # image(, main="Spatial data", useRaster=TRUE) ## ----volcano_data_image_real,echo=FALSE--------------------------------------- # if (do_image) { # <- array(NA, dim(volcano)) #[cbind(d$x, d$y)] <- d$z # mkfig(image(, main="Spatial data"),"volcano_data.png") # } ## ----volcano_image,eval=TRUE,echo=FALSE--------------------------------------- usefig("volcano_data.png") ## ----spatial_add_pos_and_group------------------------------------------------ # d$pos <- numFactor(d$x, d$y) # d$group <- factor(rep(1, nrow(d))) ## ----fit_spatial_model, cache=TRUE-------------------------------------------- # f <- glmmTMB(z ~ 1 + exp(pos + 0 | group), data=d) ## ----confint_sigma------------------------------------------------------------ # confint(f, "sigma") ## ----newdata_corner----------------------------------------------------------- # newdata <- data.frame( pos=numFactor(expand.grid(x=1:3,y=1:3)) ) # newdata$group <- factor(rep(1, nrow(newdata))) # newdata ## ----predict_corner----------------------------------------------------------- # predict(f, newdata, type="response", ## ----predict_column----------------------------------------------------------- # predict_col <- function(i) { # newdata <- data.frame( pos = numFactor(expand.grid(1:87,i))) # newdata$group <- factor(rep(1,nrow(newdata))) # predict(f, newdata=newdata, type="response", # } ## ----predict_all-------------------------------------------------------------- # pred <- sapply(1:61, predict_col) ## ----image_results_fake,eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------- # image(pred, main="Reconstruction") ## ----image_results_real,echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------- # if (do_image) { # mkfig(image(pred, main="Reconstruction", useRaster=TRUE), # "volcano_results.png") # } ## ----results_image,eval=TRUE,echo=FALSE--------------------------------------- usefig("volcano_results.png") ## # vv0 <- VarCorr( # vv1 <- vv0$cond$group ## extract 'naked' V-C matrix # n <- nrow(vv1) # rpars <- getME(,"theta") ## extract V-C parameters # ## first n parameters are log-std devs: # all.equal(unname(diag(vv1)),exp(rpars[1:n])^2) # ## now try correlation parameters: # cpars <- rpars[-(1:n)] # length(cpars)==n*(n-1)/2 ## the expected number # cc <- diag(n) # cc[upper.tri(cc)] <- cpars # L <- crossprod(cc) # D <- diag(1/sqrt(diag(L))) # round(D %*% L %*% D,3) # round(unname(attr(vv1,"correlation")),3) ## ----other_check-------------------------------------------------------------- # all.equal(c(cov2cor(vv1)),c($obj$env$report($fit$parfull)$corr[[1]])) ##,cache=TRUE------------------------------------------------ # ## want $par, not $parfull: do NOT include conditional modes/'b' parameters # ppar <-$fit$par # length(ppar) # range(which(names(ppar)=="theta")) ## the last n*(n+1)/2 parameters # ## only 1 fixed effect parameter # tt <- tmbprofile($obj,2,trace=FALSE) ##,eval=FALSE-------------------------------------- # confint(tt) # plot(tt) ##,echo=FALSE-------------------------------------- # mkfig(plot(tt),"us_profile_plot.png") ## ----us_profile_image,eval=TRUE,echo=FALSE------------------------------------ usefig("us_profile_plot.png") ## ----fit.cs.profile,cache=TRUE------------------------------------------------ # ppar <- fit.cs$fit$par # length(ppar) # range(which(names(ppar)=="theta")) ## the last n*(n+1)/2 parameters # ## only 1 fixed effect parameter, 1 dispersion parameter # tt2 <- tmbprofile(fit.cs$obj,3,trace=FALSE) ## ----fit.cs.profile.plot_fake,eval=FALSE-------------------------------------- # plot(tt2) ## ----fit.cs.profile.plot_real,echo=FALSE-------------------------------------- # mkfig(plot(tt2),"cs_profile_plot.png") ## ----fit.cs.profile_image,echo=FALSE,eval=TRUE-------------------------------- usefig("cs_profile_plot.png") ## ----rr_ex, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------ # ## fit rank-reduced models with varying dimension # dvec <- 2:10 # fit_list <- lapply(dvec, # function(d) { # glmmTMB(abund ~ Species + rr(Species + 0|id, d = d), # data = spider_long) # }) # names(fit_list) <- dvec # ## compare fits via AIC # aic_vec <- sapply(fit_list, AIC) # delta_aic <- aic_vec - min(aic_vec, na.rm = TRUE) ## ----spider-re-plot, message=FALSE, fig.width = 10, fig.height=7-------------- # spider_rr <- glmmTMB(abund ~ Species + rr(Species + 0|id, d = 3), # data = spider_long) # re <- # re <- within(re, { # ## sites in numeric order # grp <- factor(grp, levels = unique(grp)) # ## species in site-1-predicted-abundance order # term <- reorder(term, condval, function(x) x[1]) # lwr <- condval - 2*condsd # upr <- condval + 2*condsd # }) # if (require("ggplot2")) { # ggplot(re, aes(grp, condval)) + # geom_pointrange(aes(ymin=lwr, ymax = upr)) + # facet_wrap(~term, scale = "free") # } ## ----get-fl------------------------------------------------------------------- # source(system.file("misc", "extract_rr.R", package = "glmmTMB")) # rr_info <- extract_rr(spider_rr) # lapply(rr_info, dim) ## ----spider-biplot, fig.width = 8, fig.height=8------------------------------- # par(las = 1) # afac <- 4 # sp_names <- abbreviate(gsub("Species", "", rownames(rr_info$fl))) # plot(rr_info$fl[,1], rr_info$fl[,2], xlab = "factor 1", ylab = "factor 2", pch = 16, cex = 2) # text(rr_info$b[,1]*afac*1.05, rr_info$b[,2]*afac*1.05, rownames(rr_info$b)) # arrows(0, 0, rr_info$b[,1]*afac, rr_info$b[,2]*afac) # text(rr_info$fl[,1], rr_info$fl[,2], sp_names, pos = 3, col = 2) ## ----propto_ex, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # require(ade4) # require(ape) # data(carni70) # carnidat <- data.frame(species = rownames(carni70$tab), carni70$tab) # tree <- read.tree(text=carni70$tre) # phylo_varcov <- vcv(tree)# phylogenetic variance-covariance matrix # # row/column names of phylo_varcov must match factor levels in data # rownames(phylo_varcov) <- colnames(rownames(phylo_varcov)) <- gsub(".", "_", rownames(phylo_varcov)) # carnidat$dummy <- factor(1) # a dummy grouping variable must be added to the dataset # # fit_phylo <- glmmTMB(log(range) ~ log(size) + propto(0 + species | dummy, phylo_varcov), # data = carnidat) # ## ----mm_int, eval = TRUE------------------------------------------------------ model.matrix(~f, data.frame(f=factor(c("c", "s", "v")))) ## ----mm_noint, eval = TRUE---------------------------------------------------- model.matrix(~0+f, data.frame(f=factor(c("c", "s", "v"))))