A package for computing likelihood ratios for univariate and
multivariate evidence.This package is for computing the weight of the evidence,
i.e. the likelihood ratio (LR) for trace evidence which has
been quantified with some instrument. For example a forensic scientist
might be have determined the refractive indices of fragments of glass
taken from a crime scene and fragments of glass recovered from the
clothing of the suspected breaker. This package evaluates the
probability (density) of the evidence,
The computation can use either univariate or multivariate observations of a physical object. For example trace element measurements, and a similar set of uni/multivariate observations from another object, and calculates a likelihood ratio for the propositions that the first item came from the same source as the second given some population data.
In a package of functions such as these which have undergone a long development over a number of years, it is inevitable that a number of people, besides those directly cited, have helped to correct and add to the code. These people are (in alphabetical order): Ivo Alberink (NFI), Anabel Bolck(NFI), Sonja Menges (BKA), Geoff Morrison (Aston), Tereza Neocleous (Glasgow), Anders Nordgaard (SKL), Brad Patterson (George Mason), Phil Rose (ANU), Agnieszka Rzepecka (Jagiellonian), Marjan Sjerps (NFI) and Hanjing Zhang (Edinburgh).
Aitken, C.G.G. & Lucy, D. (2004) Evaluation of trace evidence in the form of multivariate data. Applied Statistics: 53(1):109-122.