campsismod 1.2.1
- Export from replicated Campsis model too slow, revise implementation
- OMEGA/SIGMA matrix export too slow, revise implementation #100
- Sampling from inverse Wishart/Chi-squared: degrees of freedom should
be a vector #101
- Implement show method on replicated Campsis model #103
campsismod 1.2.0
- Add min/max columns to THETA’s #24
- Method ‘addSuffix’ does not preserve the variance-covariance matrix
- Method ‘add’ does not merge variance-covariance matrices #82
- Method ‘addRSE’ to quickly add relative standard error on parameter
- Implement generic method ‘move’ #84
- Generate parameter uncertainty in campsismod rather than in campsis
- Error when printing the model in the console #88
- Allow manual import of sampled parameters for model replication
- Get rid of plyr package #90
- Quality: increase code coverage #91
- Method ‘addRSE’ can’t be used to replace an existing value #92
- Issue when the model is replicated only once #93
- Implement show method on replication setting object #95
- Check OMEGA and SIGMA matrix for positive definiteness #96
- Min/max values not loaded from Campsis model files #97
campsismod 1.1.2
- Code coverage does not appear on Codecov #77
- Accept dest=‘rxode2’ in addition to ‘RxODE’ #78
- Update pkgdown documentation #79
campsismod 1.1.1
- Function ‘replaceAll’ not replacing occurrences in compartment
properties #74
campsismod 1.1.0
- Revise model suite #66
- Add label, unit and comment fields to parameters #65
campsismod 1.0.0
- New method ‘addSuffix’ to combine several models #61
- Code review: extra parameters to mrgsolve model #62
campsismod 0.9.1
- Regenerate model suite #59
- Read model equations from character vector #58
campsismod 0.9.0
- New suite of models (> 100 model templates of all kinds: PK, PD,
TMDD, etc.) #54
- Standard error and relative standard error on parameters #53
- Improved code coverage #55
campsismod 0.8.1
- Harmonise simulation time in RxODE and mrgsolve #22
- Easy insertion of equations into the model at specific position
campsismod 0.8.0
- Added a
file to track changes to the
- Initial release of campsismod on CRAN