WorldMap 1.2.0
- map_df0 is now saved as one of the dataset, meaning that it is not
built from scratch every time a function is called. Because of this,
rnaturalearth and rnaturalearthdata packages are not required to be
imported anymore
- Adjusted some label positions
- Added the shadows option, to choose whether to print a shadow around
country labels or not
- Improved the UK_as_GB option in countrycoord_data
WorldMapR 1.1.0
- Added the internal function countrycoord_data, which substitutes
geometries_data and incorporates modifications of the crs.
- Because of the above, geometries_data is now deprecated, and might
be removed in later releases. It is not used anymore in worldplot and
- Added legend.position option to move or remove the legend
- Added label.color option to change color of the country labels
- Added label.size option to change the size of the country
WorldMapR 1.0.1
- Corrected a bug which caused the figures to be plotted twice
- Default option for range value added
- Possibility to specify a user-defined gradient continuous variables
- Option to modify the color for missing countries added
- Option to automatically update coordinates limits when using
different crs added
WorldMapR 0.1.3
- Added option to modify the coordinate reference system (crs
- Created vignette
- Removed save functionality within the functions, as the plot object
can be saved with various external methods now
WorldMapR 0.1.1
- Label’s position has been improved for some countries in
- For categorical variables, the color palette can now be customized
- Improved labels’ aesthetics
WorldMapR 0.1.0