
Conversion, Validation, Formatting and Printing of Geographic Coordinates

The Waypoint R package enables conversion, validation, formatting and and elegant printing of geographic positional coordinates and waypoints (paired latitude and longitude values). Coordinates and waypoints may be converted easily and rapidly between (i) decimal degree, (ii) degrees and minutes, and (iii) degrees, minutes and seconds formats.


You can install the development version of Waypoint from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Author: Mark C. Eisler

eMail: Mark.Eisler@bristol.ac.uk

ORCID = 0000-0001-6843-3345

Waypoint Package Overview: –


Waypoint uses high performance C++ code seamlessly integrated into R using Rcpp to enable rapid conversion and formatting of large coordinate and waypoint datasets.


While every effort is made to ensure this package functions as expected, the author accepts no responsibility for the consequences of errors if your map shows a city in the middle of the ocean, if your boat runs aground, or even if your aeroplane crashes into the mountain.