TiPS is an R package to generate trajectories and phylogenetic trees associated with a compartmental model. Trajectories are simulated using Gillespie’s exact or approximate stochastic simulation algorithm, or a newly proposed mixed version of the two. Phylogenetic trees are simulated from a trajectory under a backwards-in-time approach (i.e. coalescent).
We use the classical SIR epidemiological model to illustrate the
functionning of TiPS
This SIR model can be described by a system of reactions such as
S+I \xrightarrow[]{\beta S I} I+I
I \xrightarrow[]{\gamma I} R
or by a system of differential equations such as
\frac{dS}{dt} = -\beta S I
\frac{dI}{dt} = \beta S I - \gamma I
In R, with TiPS
, this model can either be written as
<- c("S [beta*S*I] -> I",
reactions "I [gamma*I] -> R")
Let’s now build the simulator:
We then build the simulator that will allow us to run multiple trajectories:
<- build_simulator(reactions) sir_simu
This typically takes 10-15’ as it involves compilation.
To run numerical simulations, we define the initial values of the state variables,
<- c(I = 1, S = 9999, R = 0) initialStates
the time range of the simulations,
<- c(0, 20) time
and the parameters values
<- list(gamma = 1, beta = 2e-4) theta
For the τ-leap and mixed algorithms, a time step is also required:
<- 0.001 dT
In some simulations, the population size of a deme compartment may be zero before the upper time limit is reached, because of stochasticity or parameter values. In this case, the simulation is considered to have failed and is halted.
To bypass these failures, we can define the following wrapper:
<- function(f, ...) {
safe_run <- list()
out while(! length(out)) {out <- f(...)}
out }
A safe version of our simulator sir_simu()
is then:
<- function(...) safe_run(sir_simu, ...) safe_sir_simu
A trajectory using Gillespie’s direct method is obtained by
<- safe_sir_simu(
traj_dm paramValues = theta,
initialStates = initialStates,
times = time,
method = "exact")
The output consists of a named list containing the reactions of the
model (with $reactions
), the parameter values (with
), the time range (with $times
), the
algorithm used to simulate (with $algo
), the time-step in
case the algorithm is τ-leap or the mixed algorithm (with
) and finally the simulated trajectory (with
) :
#> [1] "reactions" "values" "times" "method" "tau" "seed"
#> [7] "traj"
The simulated trajectory is also a named list, where each simulated
reaction event is recorded $Reaction
, along with the time
at which it occured $Time
, the number of times it occured
(if τ-leap or mixed algorithm chosen), and
the size of each compartment througt time, here $I
#> Time Reaction Nrep S I R
#> 1 0.00000000 init 1 9999 1 0
#> 2 0.09966524 S [beta*S*I] -> I 1 9998 2 0
#> 3 0.13240687 I [gamma*I] -> R 1 9998 1 1
#> 4 0.63636802 S [beta*S*I] -> I 1 9997 2 1
#> 5 0.76161520 S [beta*S*I] -> I 1 9996 3 1
#> 6 0.76990828 S [beta*S*I] -> I 1 9995 4 1
The trajectory can readily be plotted using the plot()
You can also specify the seed to generate reproducible results with the parameter seed. By default, its value is null (set to 0), in which case the seed is randomly generated. Let’s fix the seed to 166:
<- sir_simu(
traj_dm paramValues = theta,
initialStates = initialStates,
times = time,
method = "exact",
seed = 166)
When running this multiple times, you will always get the exact same results:
#> Time Reaction Nrep S I R
#> 1 0.00000000 init 1 9999 1 0
#> 2 0.06279117 S [beta*S*I] -> I 1 9998 2 0
#> 3 0.10048223 S [beta*S*I] -> I 1 9997 3 0
#> 4 0.13123844 I [gamma*I] -> R 1 9997 2 1
#> 5 0.22783501 I [gamma*I] -> R 1 9997 1 2
#> 6 0.35976195 S [beta*S*I] -> I 1 9996 2 2
The default mode of the simulator is the τ-leap method. The
argument must be specified and fixed to
. The time-step tau
is by default
set to 0.05. Let’s fix its value to 0.009:
<- safe_sir_simu(
traj_tl paramValues = theta,
initialStates = initialStates,
times = time,
method = "approximate",
tau = 0.009)
We obtain the same type of output as with the direct method:
#> Time Reaction Nrep S I R
#> 1 0.000 init 1 9999 1 0
#> 2 0.342 S [beta*S*I] -> I 1 9998 2 0
#> 3 0.648 S [beta*S*I] -> I 1 9997 3 0
#> 4 0.963 S [beta*S*I] -> I 1 9996 4 0
#> 5 0.990 I [gamma*I] -> R 1 9996 3 1
#> 6 1.008 S [beta*S*I] -> I 1 9995 4 1
The trajectory can also be plotted:
To run simulations with the mixed
algorithm (basically
switching between the direct method and the τ-leap method
depending on the number of reactions occurring per unit of time), the
argument must be specified and fixed to
. The time-step tau
is by default set to
0.05. Let’s fix its value to 0.009 :
<- safe_sir_simu(
traj_mm paramValues = theta,
initialStates = initialStates,
times = time,
method = "mixed",
tau = 0.009)
Outputs are similar to the other methods and the trajectory can also be plotted :
#> [1] "reactions" "values" "times" "method" "tau" "seed"
#> [7] "traj"
#> Time Reaction Nrep S I R
#> 1 0.0000000 init 1 9999 1 0
#> 2 0.2947102 S [beta*S*I] -> I 1 9998 2 0
#> 3 0.5586645 S [beta*S*I] -> I 1 9997 3 0
#> 4 0.6503104 I [gamma*I] -> R 1 9997 2 1
#> 5 0.7677044 S [beta*S*I] -> I 1 9996 3 1
#> 6 0.8610195 S [beta*S*I] -> I 1 9995 4 1
The MSA is a new algorithm we introduce that switches from the direct
method (GDA) to the tau-leap algorithm (GTA) if over n iterations
(option msaIt
, by default msaIt = 10
) the time
until the next event δt is below a user-defined threshold
(option msaTau
, by default msaTau = tau/10
and from GTA to GDA if the total number of realised events is lower than
the number of possible events. When simulating trajectories with the
mixed algorithm, it is possible to modify these parameters such as :
<- safe_sir_simu(
traj_mm paramValues = theta,
initialStates = initialStates,
times = time,
method = "mixed",
tau = 0.009,
msaTau = 0.0001,
msaIt = 20)
It is possible to specify to write the trajectory directly in a tab
delimited output file with the option outFile
. By default,
the trajectory is as presented previously and outFile
<- sir_simu(
traj_dm paramValues = theta,
initialStates = initialStates,
times = time,
method = "exact",
seed = 166,
outFile = "sir_traj.txt")
In that case, traj_dm$traj
and the
output file name is indicated in traj_dm$outFile
. It is
possible to visualize the simulated trajectory by reading with the
R function :
<- read.table(file = "sir_traj.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = F) trajectory
A great advantage of TiPS
, besides its compulational
efficiency, is that it can generate phylogenies from the population
dynamics trajectories using a coalescent approach.
For this, we may need a vector of sampling dates.
For the SIR example, these are stored here:
<- system.file("extdata", "SIR-dates.txt", package = "TiPS") dates
The simulate_tree
function simulates a phylogeny from a
trajectory object and using a set of sampling dates:
<- simulate_tree(
sir_tree simuResults = traj_dm,
dates = dates,
deme = c("I"), # the type of individuals that contribute to the phylogeny
sampled = c(I = 1), # the type of individuals that are sampled and their proportion of sampling
root = "I", # type of individual at the root of the tree
isFullTrajectory = FALSE, # deads do not generate leaves
nTrials = 5,
addInfos = FALSE) # additional info for each node
The sampled
option can be used for labelled phylogenies
(i.e. with multiple host types) but it requires specifying the
proportion of each label type. The root
option indicates
the state of the individual initiating the dynnamics. See the next
section for details.
The full phylogeny can be obtained (therefore neglecting the sampling
dates) with the option isFullTrajectory
Finally, some runs may fail to simulate a phylogeny from a trajectory
for stochastic reasons. The nTrials
parameter indicates the
number of unsuccessful trials allowed before giving up.
The simulated phylogeny can be visualised using:
::plot.phylo(sir_tree, cex = .5) ape
It is possible to write the tree in a output file with the option
. If a file name is given as input, by default the
tree is written in a Newick format. To write the simulated tree in a
Nexus format, the option format
must be specified and fixed
to nexus (option format = nexus
<- simulate_tree(
sir_tree simuResults = traj_dm,
dates = dates,
deme = c("I"),
sampled = c(I = 1),
root = "I",
isFullTrajectory = FALSE,
nTrials = 5,
addInfos = FALSE,
outFile = "",
format = "nexus"
We sometimes have multiple demes, i.e. different types of individuals that contribute to the pylogeny or that can be sampled (e.g. juveniles vs. adults or acute vs. chronic infections).
We illustrate this example using an SIR model with two patches (labelled 1 and 2) and migration between these patches (at a rate μ).
The associated reactions are:
<- c("0 [beta1 * I1] -> I1",
reactions "I1 [gamma1 * I1] -> 0",
"I1 [mu1 * I1] -> I2",
"0 [beta2 * I2] -> I2",
"I2 [gamma2 * I2] -> 0",
"I2 [mu2 * I2] -> I1")
We then build the simulator:
<- build_simulator(reactions) bd_simu
The initial state variables values are
<- c(I1 = 0, I2 = 1) initialStates
The time range of the simulation is between 1975 and 2018:
<- c(1975, 1998, 2018) time
the parameters values are
<- list(gamma1 = c(0.2, 0.09), gamma2 = 0.1, mu1 = 0.025, mu2 = 0.021, beta1 = c(0.26,0.37), beta2 = 0.414) theta
and the time step (for the τ-leap and mixed algorithms) is:
<- 0.01 dT
A safe version of the simulator bd_simu()
<- function(...) safe_run(bd_simu, ...) safe_bd_simu
We perform the simulations using:
<- safe_bd_simu(
trajbd_tl paramValues = theta,
initialStates = initialStates,
times = time,
method = "approximate",
tau = 0.001)
We obtain:
#> Time Reaction Nrep I1 I2
#> 1 1975.000 init 1 0 1
#> 2 1975.249 0 [beta2 * I2] -> I2 1 0 2
#> 3 1977.053 0 [beta2 * I2] -> I2 1 0 3
#> 4 1978.664 I2 [gamma2 * I2] -> 0 1 0 2
#> 5 1979.283 I2 [gamma2 * I2] -> 0 1 0 1
#> 6 1981.790 0 [beta2 * I2] -> I2 1 0 2
Graphically, we get:
Instead of loading a vector, we assume we have 100 samples at 100 sampling dates between 2015 and 2018. We can generate the dates vector as:
<- seq(from=2015, to=2018, length.out=100) dates_bd
We then simulate a phylogeny where 20% of the sampling dates correspond to the I1 compartment, and 80% to the I2 compartment:
<- simulate_tree(
bd_tree simuResults = trajbd_tl,
dates = dates_bd,
deme = c("I1", "I2"),
sampled = c(I1 = 0.2, I2 = 0.8), # the type of individuals that are sampled and their proportion of sampling
root = "I2", # type of individual at the root of the tree
isFullTrajectory = FALSE, # deads do not generate leaves
nTrials = 3,
addInfos = TRUE) # additional info for each node
This is done using a coaslescence process informed by the trajectory.
Therefore, each internal node of the phylogeny corresponds to a
coalescence event and is associated with a label stoed in
In our two-patches example, there are two types of coalesence: I2 individuals creating a new I2 individual, and I1 individuals creating a new I1 individual.
We can plot the phylogeny and color the internal nodes based on the type of coalescence.
First we generate a vector of colors for the nodes (if we find
in the node label we color it in blue, otherwise in
<- ifelse(grepl(x=bd_tree$node.label,pattern="I2"),"blue","red") inode_cols
Then we plot the phylogeny:
::plot.phylo(bd_tree, root.edge = T, no.margin = F, align.tip.label = T)
One can give as input, sampling dates assigned to a compartment, in
which case the option sampled
is not required.
<- seq(from=2015, to=2018, length.out=100)
dates_bd <- data.frame(Date=sample(dates_bd),Comp=c(rep("I1",20),rep("I2",80)))
dates_bd head(dates_bd)
#> Date Comp
#> 1 2017.212 I1
#> 2 2015.515 I1
#> 3 2017.606 I1
#> 4 2015.576 I1
#> 5 2017.515 I1
#> 6 2015.030 I1
Now let’s simulate a phylogeny with sampling dates assigned to a compartment by the user.
<- simulate_tree(
bd_tree simuResults = trajbd_tl,
dates = dates_bd,
deme = c("I1", "I2"),
root = "I2", # type of individual at the root of the tree
nTrials = 3,
addInfos = TRUE) # additional info for each node
We can plot the phylogeny and color the external nodes given the compartment.
<- ifelse(grepl(x=bd_tree$tip.label,pattern="I2"),"blue","red") tips_cols
::plot.phylo(bd_tree, root.edge = T, no.margin = F, show.tip.label = F)
In the case where the user has no information on the sampling proportions or the assignment of sampling dates on any compartment, the algorithm will randomly assign each sampling date to a compartment. The user gives as input sampling dates:
<- seq(from=2015, to=2018, length.out=100) dates_bd
Now let’s simulate a phylogeny with sampling dates and no information about the sampling schemes :
<- simulate_tree(
bd_tree simuResults = trajbd_tl,
dates = dates_bd,
sampled = c("I1","I2"),
deme = c("I1", "I2"),
root = "I2", # type of individual at the root of the tree
nTrials = 10,
addInfos = TRUE) # additional info for each node
::plot.phylo(bd_tree, root.edge = T, no.margin = F, show.tip.label = F) ape
Let’s simuate a phylogeny where simulated deaths in the trajectory
generate leaves. This can be done with the isFullTrajectory
<- simulate_tree(
bd_tree simuResults = trajbd_tl,
deme = c("I1", "I2"),
root = "I2", # type of individual at the root of the tree
nTrials = 10,
isFullTrajectory = TRUE, # deads generate leaves
addInfos = TRUE) # additional info for each node
::plot.phylo(bd_tree, root.edge = T, no.margin = F, show.tip.label = F) ape
Danesh G, Saulnier E, Gascuel O, Choisy M, Alizon S. 2022. TiPS: Rapidly simulating trajectories and phylogenies from compartmental models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10.1111/2041-210X.14038.