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News for Package RcppZiggurat
Changes in version 0.1.7 (2025-03-22)
The CI setup was updated to use
from r-ci (Dirk).The windows build was updated to GSL 2.7, and UCRT support was added (Jeroen in #16).
Manual pages now use JSS DOIs for references per CRAN request links and badges have been updated
Continuous integration actions have been updated several times
The DESCRIPTION file now uses Authors@R as mandated
Use of multiple cores is eased via a new helper function reflecting option
or architecture defaults, used in testsAn inline function has been added to avoid a compiler nag
Support for exponential RNG draws
has been added, the internal uniform generator is now also exposed viazruni
The vignette bibliography has been updated, and switched to DOIs
New package zigg is now mentioned in DESCRIPTION and vignette
Changes in version 0.1.6 (2020-10-18)
Several typos were corrected in the vignette (Blagoje Ivanovic in #9).
New getters and setters for internal state were added to resume simulations (Dirk in #11 fixing #10).
Minor updates to
script and Travis CI setup (Dirk).
Changes in version 0.1.5 (2018-06-10)
Description rewritten using doi for references.
Re-setting the Ziggurat generator seed now correctly re-sets state (Ralf Stubner in #7 fixing #3)
Dynamic registration reverts to manual mode so that user_norm_rand() is visible as well (#7).
The vignette was updated to accomodate pandoc 2* [CRAN request].
Changes in version 0.1.4 (2017-09-27)
The vignette now uses the pinp package in two-column mode.
Dynamic symbol registration is now enabled.
Changes in version 0.1.3 (2015-07-25)
Use the
generator for the default implementation just like Leong et al do, making our default implementation identical to theirs (but 32- and 64-bit compatible)Switched generators from
ensuring that results are identical on 32- and 64-bit platformsSimplified builds with respect to GSL use via the RcppGSL package; added a seed setter for the GSL variant
Corrected use of
on integer variables, with a grateful nod to Brian Ripley for the hint (based on CRAN checks on the beloved Slowlaris machines)Accelerated Travis CI tests by relying exclusively on
packages from the PPAs by Michael Rutter and myselfUpdated
according to current best practices, andR-devel CMD check --as-cran
Changes in version 0.1.2 (2013-12-28)
Add a new generator deploying R's unif_rand which faciliates use of Ziggurat as the user-supplied generator for N(0,1)
Update a 'local' demo comparing normal distribution RNGs from Boost, C++11 and Armadillo none of which are particularly speedy
Add declaration to import a symbol from Rcpp to
to ensure proper instantiation with the upcoming Rcpp version
Changes in version 0.1.1 (2013-12-22)
Set dependency on R (>= 3.0.0) needed by vignette builder
Remove pdf files in vignette on cleanup to ensure rebuilds
Changes in version 0.1.0 (2013-12-21)
Testing framework added with a standard RNG test, a new and similar test particular for Normal distributions, and the Chi^2 test from the Leong et al paper (JSS, 2005)
functionality showing the three added tests.Code has been reorganized into separate headers implementing the generators, using a common (virtual) base class; and accessors and tests in the
directory.Two new ziggurat generators implementations have been adapted from, respectively, GNU Gretl and QuantLib
Added a
Changes in version 0.0.1 (2013-10-06)
Initial basic package version, wrapping five different implementations