
Reproducibility is a cornerstone of modern science. This, in combination with a growing demand for the application of FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship, has led to the development of the ECOTOXr package. The EPA ECOTOX database provides the means to reuse data for multiple purposes. However, studies that use curated data from this database often describe the process of curating data implicitly or not at all. De Vries (2024) proposes to explicitly document data curation process in the form of an R script. Where the ECOTOXr package can be used to streamline this R code.

From De Vries et al. (2024); Creative commons
From De Vries et al. (2024); Creative commons

Rules of thumb

De Vries (2024) provides some rules of thumb for improving the reproducibility of your research when using the ECOTOXr package. These rules are repeated here with some explanation. Quoted text below is from De Vries (2024):

“… transparency and reproducibility is optimised when:”

For more details and some demonstrations using case studies, please read De Vries (2024).