This is ChangeLog.txt for teTeX and GS on Mac OS X 2002-05-27 - This file has not been actively maintained because any changes now come from the TeX Live system which has its own log mechanism. Only where changes with respect to the TeX Live repository or teTeX texmf distribution remain necessary will there be entries here. Most often, these entries are very temporary because I submit changes and fixes to both teTeX and TeX Live. 2002-03-27 - This file has not been actively maintained over the last couple of weeks due to a major rewrite of the installation mechanisms 2002-03-14 - Added symbloic link for nehyph2.tex in texmf.macosx 2002-03-13 - Synced with TeX Live @2002/03/12:09:00 - Changed settcshpath to find it's parent and add that (relocatable) it is added to the end, so a newer path will not precede a previous one (sadly, this is a TODO) 2002-02-21 - Ugh: ugly bug in new epstopdf2.8draft. Fixed. 2002-02-19 - Synced with TeX Live repository @2002/02/19:09:00:00 pdfTeX (Web2C 7.3.7) 3.14159-1.00b-pretest-20020211 - Rewritten epstopdf eol-handling at request from Reinhard Kotucha release: epstopdf 2.8draft - Removed knowledge abour and from altpdftex. To use those map files, call altpdftex with --extradviopts "-u -u" - Edited tetex/ in source.development so that it makes copies instead of symlinks - Changed my own altpdftex install procedure to do the same. - Added altpdftex installation to TeX Live 2002-02-17 - Increased hash_extra from 0 to 30000 (maybe this should be moved to the specific macosx texmf.cnf instead) 2002-02-04 - Updated to TeX Live 2002/02/04:22:40:00 (pdfTeX (Web2C 7.3.7) 3.14159-1.00b-pretest-20020204 etc.) 2002-02-02 - Updated installfixes in Makefile to automate changes on default settings form teTeX and TeXLive (texmf.cnf and fmtutil.cnf). These now overwrite share/texmf instead of live in texmf.macosx if possible - Tex Live sync for date 2002/02/01:00:00:00 2002-02-01 - Updated epstopdf with a fix for broken eps files from Freehand (Peder Axensten ) 2002-01-31 - Added teTeX-beta-20020129 texmf to my share.texmf tree - Reapplied marvosym font patch - Upgraded altpdftex to pure sh version 2002-01-28 - texmf.cnf was reset to older (lower) values. This has been repaired. - The revtex *.bst files (for BIBTeX) moved to bibtex/bst/revtex4 2002-01-23 - Compiled and installed current TeXLive - For historical reasons the location remains /usr/local/teTeX - Replaced dvips in bin directory with older version (5.86d) - Added dvips 5.86e as dvips-5.86e - Updated slanted marvosym tfm per instructions from Bruno Voisin - Added altpdf* symlinks creation to texlinks (experimental) 2002-01-22 - Added remove actions to installer script 2002-01-18 - altpdftex rewritten in sh. Trap for removing of temp files added This trap works when the process group is sent a SIGTERM. 2002-01-16 - zlib is part of Mac OS X 10.1.2 (maybe earlier). Commented out in gs INSTALL instructions. Untested instructions. 2001-12-12 - Updated to teTeX-20011202 (programs and texmf) - Released as beta 2001-12-10 - altpdftex now has --debug and echos version by default - adapted for -current and ships in TeX bindir as settcshtexpath - added TEXINPUTS.pdfamstex to texmf.cnf.tetex to combine with the pdfamstex format in fmtutil.cnf 2001-12-4 - textrace-0.48 fixes bug. bbold pfb files updated to new versions and added to pdftex.cfg and altpdftex 2001-12-1 - Added -f flag to tcsh scripts altpdftex, u-psbuild 2001-11-29 - Bug report additions: - Added synchronized versioning information to TeXGSInstaller and dmg creation - Added basic logging to /var/log/TeXGSInstaller.log to the installer - Added creation of /usr/local/teTeX/TeXGSInstaller.version and /usr/local/share/ghostscript/TeXGSInstaller.version to TeXGSInstaller 2001-11-27 - teTeX-2001-11-25-23-30-02.dmg contains gs7 binaries with gs6 libraries. Repaired and released as teTeX-2001-11-27-09-57-11.dmg 2001-11-26 - Updated README in TeXGSInstaller (automatically updated in the future) 2001-11-26 - Released as teTeX-2001-11-25-23-30-02.dmg 2001-11-25 - Updated thumbpdf.sty and thumbpdf.tex in teTeX/share/texmf 2001-11-12 - Added alt(any)tex support to altpdftex - Added amstex and pdfamstex format creation in fmtutil.cnf.macosx - Removed from default pdftex.cfg 2001-11-12 - Increased some sizes in teTeX's own texmf.cnf 2001-11-06 - Changed semantics and flags of altpdftex script. Can now use any distiller - I added /usr/local/bin/pstill (cli interface to PStill) and /usr/local/bin/u-psbuild (cli interface to another commercial package) 2001-11-03 - Added '$HOME contains //' check to TeXGSInstaller installation script 200-11-02 - Changed --dviopts and --extradviopts flags of altpdftex to --dvipsopts and --extradvipsopts. Longer but more apt. - Fixed bug in altpdftex, --dvipsopts did not work - Added oberdiek macro packages to texmf.macosx 2001-11-01 - Released as teTeX-2001-11-01-01-34-47.dmg 2001-10-31 - *Really* Patched version of protcode.tex for Margin Kerning with pdfTeX 1.00 (I forgot to put it in the texmf tree, I forgot to change \div and \mul, and my installer script stank. Bad day).) 2001-10-30: - Updated pdftex from patched 20010417 (.14h) to 20010806 (1.00a) - Patched version of protcode.tex for Margin Kerning with pdfTeX 1.00 Oct 2001 release, major changes: - This file introduced on Oct 21, 2001 - latex base and required files updated in teTeX's texmf tree - latex misc and tools directories - texconfig, fmtutil and fmtutil.cnf updated as received from Thomas Esser - added bibtool and updated natbib (texmf) - added revtex (texmf.macosx) - added ppower4, pdfslide and pdfscreen (texmf.macosx) - ppower4 java postprocessor ( - added ifmslide, foiltex (texmf.macosx) - added texpower (texmf which it's makefile does by itself) - updated epstopdf (eol style, differently implemented, not in-memory, added --eol={cr,lf,crlf} flag to use with --filter (when auto detection of eol style is not implemented) - removed epstopdfwrap - User texmf trees do not use texhash anymore. See /usr/local/teTeX/texmf.cnf installdmg removes existing ~/Library/texmf/ls-R hash files for all users - turned on spanish hyphenation availability by default (texmf) - installer saves the current texmf.cnf in texmf.cnf. before removing the file. The tar.gz installs a fresh one. If the contents of the new one are equal to the old one, the backup is removed. - moved texmf.cnf to texmf.macosx and created a symbolic link to it. I can then later on update the texmf.macosx version without disturbing when someone has set the link to point to a different file - Upgraded memory sizes in /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.macosx/texmf.cnf