Abstracts from files in info-mac/per/im/infomacv15 as of Sun 13 Mar 2005 #### TEXT infomacv15-001.txt **** Today's Topics: [!] How we doing? Derrat Sorcerum problems continued Mac Problem Q: Different screen resolutions on a mac7200/90 Random auto-connect in Free Text to Speech in Word 5.1a #### TEXT infomacv15-002.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Airport Simulator v1.1 [*] A Mess O' Trouble v1.7 [*] Apple Electrifier 2.0 - Object-oriented Internet Animation [*] Astradyne - sans serif futurist typeface [*] BirthdayChecker 2.1 [*] Chemical Hazards [*] Days To Go 2.0.0 - count down to any entered date [*] English Italian 2.0 ITA - Dictionary [*] Font Clerk 6.2 Update Released [*] Guide to the Artists [*] Guide to the Explorers [*] InDisk 1.4 Labeless Disk Labeler [*] Netscape Bryce splash patch [*] Netscape marble splash patch [*] NetsGB 1.0 - AppleScript agent application [*] New Menu 1.0b3 adds a hierarchical menu to your Finder [*] NewsWatcher 2.1.5, a Usenet news reader [*] Ocean for Kaleidoscope [*] Ozymandias for Kaleidoscope [*] Pattern Manager 1.0 [*] PiPhilology 7.0 : A collection of Pi mnemonics in several langu [*] PPP-Connect 1.2 [*] QuickScrap 1.1 [*] ScrapIt Pro 5.23 (fat) [*] ServerMounter 1.1 [*] Smart Dubbing Pro 1.2v1 [*] SoundApp 2.2.1 [*] Styl - a decorative, futurist typeface [*] Stylin Buttons - Button graphics for web [*] Styl Round - a decorative, futurist typeface [*] Sum*It 1.0.2 [*] Technomatch: A HyperCard vocabulary game. [*] The Aeneid - Newton Book [*] URL Manager Pro 1.3v3 [*] Workin' Too Hard 1.0b1 "TIA" Survey [A] Eudora Outbox shows Times vice Dates?!? [A] Guitar Tuning Program Available? [Q] Converting .DSK Images to DiskCopy for Apple II Emulators [Q] Possible to print colored MS WORD text with Imagewriter? [Q] Radius "Direct Color" Video Card Alphabet soup Announcing the 11th Annual Netter's Dinner Answering Machine Software Apple's birthday: sine qua non Desktop Windows -- What's out there? Different screen resolutions on a mac7200/90 Different screen resolutions on a mac7200/90 (R) Eudora Date and Time Problem: Fixed! Eudora Outbox shows Times vice Dates?!? (3 msgs) Eudora Outbox shows Times vice Dates?!? (A) Mac Problem Netscape 2.01 doesn't run on Mac IIcx No Powerbooks in UTAH's Stores Pictures in SimpleText (3 msgs) Removing anchors from html documents System 7.6 TERM in MAC Text to Speech in Word 5.1a Text to Speech in Word 5.1a [A] TIA? Virtual Memory Which Klone Kwery... and all that JAZ #### TEXT infomacv15-003.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] AudioCDgh 1.1.2 [*] Bone Appetit [*] ChordBook Lite v1.2 [*] ChordBook v1.6 An Interactive Chord Book for Guitar [*] Coffee Timer 1.0.2J FAT (Japanese version) [*] CoplandCursor Chooser 0.7.0 [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 030 [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 031 [*] Dialog ItemID Guide 1.0 - shows the ID for all items in a dialo [*] DivideBy 4.3 (2 msgs) [*] E-News 96.12 [*] Fast Draw 1.0 [*] Feo's Icons vol. 1 - a range of useful icons [*] Feo's Icons vol. 2 - various icons [*] HTML ColorChooser [*] InteractiveTeacherDutch [*] Kaleidoscope for Laymen 1.2 [*] Keep Out! v1.1 [*] Kiss*311 Application [*] Macpql [*] Mando! Lite v1.2 [*] Mando! v1.6 -- An Interactive Chord Book for Mandolin [*] NameCleaner 1.5.5 [*] Natural Order 1.1 [*] New Menu 1.0b3 [*] NoDesktopCleanup 1.3J (Japanese version) [*] OpenStack 1.1.1 US Pkg [*] PowerCalc 2.0.1 (2 msgs) [*] Shiva's 3D Icons vol.1 [*] Shutdown Delay 2.4J (Japanese version) [*] SimpleText Color Menu 2.2J (Japanese version) [*] Stylin Buttons [*] Styln Buttons [*] Superman [*] Tenor v1.51 - An Interactive Chord Book for Tenor Banjo/Guitar [*] THE BLOCK 1.5.4 (security utility) [*] Verbs&Nouns 1.2.6 - language teaching program [*] Verifile 1.3J FAT (Japanese version) [*] Volume FKEY 1.1.1 [*] WebOutliner 1.0.1 demo (HOTSAUCE, HTML, PROJECTX, BOOKMARKS) [*] Wolf Carnage Tour 2.0 [*] WordQuiz [*] WPMac News 10/96 Internet #### TEXT infomacv15-004.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Angel Of Christmas" StartUp (Ster) [*] 2 line file names [*] Acoustical Terms [*] ALLDAY 5.1 [*] Area Properties 3.0 [*] Asterbamm 1.0 Space-Combat Game [*] Beehave Beehive 1.2 [*] Biorhythms 6.0c upgrade [*] bulkrate-faq-215b-german [*] bulkrate-faq-251b-english [*] Bumbler demo 1.0.0 [*] Charcoal 2.0 for Kaleidoscope [*] ChessKing Beta 0.80 [*] CommuniGate Fax Gate 1.9.7 [*] CommuniGate List Gate 1.1 [*] CommuniGate Server 2.6.1 [*] CopyPaste 3.2.2J - Japanese Version [*] CrazyCar 1.1 [*] CyberCOP 2 for Kaleidoscope [*] DelayTime 1.0 - A delay time calculator [*] Desktop Patterns v1 [*] Despair 1.4 - a wrath simulator [*] Erik's Desktop Patterns V [*] Finder Windows 1.2 (68k) [*] Finder Windows 1.2 PPC [*] FolderGuard 1.0.1 [*] Format-Chart Version 1.1.7 [*] Glidel France 3.2.1 [*] Glidel U.S. 3.2.1 [*] Guarddogg 1.1 [*] HCtoWWW 1.00 HyperCard to HTML Translator [*] HomeSweetHome [*] io 1.1.2b - Power Personnal database [*] IP Monitor 1.1.1 [*] johns calc 1.1 [*] MEDICAL RECORDS (9.6) [*] Nervana 0.3 - Isle of the Apes Simulation [*] NewsWatcher 2.15+jp1 patch [*] NS-TOWER 2.4F --- Climb up the tower! [*] NS-TOWER 2.4J --- Climb up the tower! [*] SMAP: an SNMP-based network traffic visualizer [*] StuffIt Deluxe 4.0 F96 Updater [*] TV Helper 1.0.1 & FM Strip GH 1.0 [*] Ultimate Button CDEF 1.0.2 - Source Code [*] VacationMail 1.52 Demo [*] Vremya 1.1.5 [*] WeatherTracker 2.2.5 [*] Westminster Abbey #### TEXT infomacv15-005.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] AniGifs. Volume 1 - animated gifs for your website [*] Bill Atkinson's QuickFile [*] Birthdays-and-Such 1.0.2 update [*] c.s.m.p.games FAQ Draft [*] ClarisWorks 4.0v5 Updater [*] Clicker 4.0 [*] Control Strip Menu 3.0.2 [ English ] [*] Count WWWebula Plugin 1.1.1 [*] Disk Charmer 3.0.7; disk erase/copy/verify utility [*] DiskTracker 1.1 [*] Energy Orbs 2.3 [*] ePress 4.0.3 [*] Eumorpha 1.5.4 [*] Fast Eddie 1.0b1 [*] Finder Windows 1.2J 68K - Japanese Version [*] Finder Windows 1.2J PPC - Japanese Version [*] Focus AudioClock v3.2.1 [*] Focus Comatose v4.2.5 [*] Focus VoiceCalendar v2.8 [*] FoldIt (light) v.4.2.1 [*] Freeware PICT player/info maker [*] FunKeys 1.2 [*] Garompa for Kaleidoscope [*] GLMStat 2.0.5 [*] Guide =?iso-8859-1?Q?Blaster=81?= v1.5.1 [*] Icon series - 133 icons [*] iView 2.0 [*] Kid Scope 1.1 for Kaleidoscope [*] Koyomi 1.1, Japanese calendar [*] MacAttack 1.85 demo [*] MacChess 3.0 PPC: Great free Power Macintosh chess software [*] MacSOUP 2.2b7 - an offline reader for news and mail [*] Mapper 1.0b2 [*] MD2FCMFSPLV2.3 (2 msgs) [*] NamePrinter 1.4 [*] NightShade 1.0.1 [*] NS-SHAFT 1.1 --- Dive into the shaft! [*] Only for Mac Hi-Tech [*] QuickChar 1.5 [*] Scrollites "Alien" for Kaleidoscope [*] SGMLTool [*] Skittles 1.0.7 [*] SpriteWorld ++ [*] System Log version 1.1 [*] Tim's Calculator 1.3 [*] Word Translator 2.2 [*] X-Win Color Scheme for Kaleidoscope [*] YA-NewsWatcher version 2.4.0 #### TEXT infomacv15-006.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Aerosmith StartupScreen [*] Avesh's Desktop Theme [*] Batch FTP v2.61 [*] Blood Bath Demo 1.85 [*] CDFinder 1.2 [*] Cel Maker 1.0.4 [*] Chris Netscape Patch 1.0.0 [*] Cleaner Package 3.2 (9 AppleScripts) [*] Clue-J [*] DOCMaker version 4.7.1 application & licensing information [*] DSM API v1.0 [*] Emergo Tutor 1.1, an introduction to the game [*] Eumorpha 1.5.4 [*] FastFontMenu 1.1 [*] French Kiss 2.1.2 [*] Gameboy 0.7.4 [*] Gestalt.Appl 2.7.4, freeware by JP Curcio [*] Happy Hippy Holiday Icons [*] Ho! Map Editor V1.0.2 [*] Ingot - a Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Inside Grayscale Kitchen 1.0 [*] Kaleidoscope scheme, Green Jewel [*] Kantara PartFinder 2.0 (OpenDoc Internet Utility) [*] KeyQuencer Lite 2.0 [*] Language Reader 1.0.1 - foreign language teaching [*] Language Writer 1.0.1 - foreign language teaching [*] LaunchKey v1.1 [*] MailConverter 2.2.4 [*] MIDIGraphy 1.3.1 [*] Mikey's Textures (Revision 2) [*] Orniwell 3.0.1 (Text Viewer) [*] Orniwell 3.0.1 PPC (Text Viewer) [*] PaginationPal 2.0 demo [*] Phoneanizer 1.5 [*] QuickChords 1.0 [*] Smart Dubbing Pro 1.2v1 [*] Snooze Alarm 3.0.3 [*] Snow 2.1 [*] SpriteWorld++ [*] Technical Snapshot 1.1.1 [*] The Mac Savvy #10 [*] The NeXT Copland 1.0 (a Kaleidoscope color scheme) [*] Tiny Saver 3.5 - very small screen saver [*] TurboFind 2.0 [*] URL Manager Pro 1.3v4 - Bookmark management utility [*] Voice-controlled Finder v1.6 [*] WhatBird? #4 [*] X-mas Files #### TEXT infomacv15-007.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Welcome to Paradise" StartupScreen [*] BOL PROCESSOR 2.6.2 [*] CD-Sunrise 2.2c - CD-ROM driver for ANY SCSI CD-ROM drive [*] Countries & Capitals v0.9 [*] DDT Calc 1.3.5 fat - A Digital Delay Time Calculator [*] Deco 1.0.1 [*] Diet Master 2.0.2 [*] eScan - First Release (2 msgs) [*] eScan - First Release (PPC) [*] FontView 1.5.6 [*] G.U.T.S. 2.0 [*] Hellmaker 1.1 - Make your own DOOM and HEXEN levels! [*] ImageMapper 1.4 (fat) [*] IP NetLink 1.0c3 (68k) [*] IP NetLink 1.0c3 (PPC) [*] Kewl Cursor v1.02 [*] Kong Filter 0.1 ppc - Real Time Audio Filter [*] LandShark 1.5.1 [*] M-C-M Simpson 2.00 [*] Mac CallerID 1.1.5 (FAT) [*] Mac Invaders V1.00 [*] Make It Grow 1.7 DEMO [*] Markus' Collection Vol.1.hqx [*] Midi Delay 2.5.6 fat-A Realtime Midi Effects Application [*] Midi Thru 1.5 fat - A Software Midi Thru Box [*] Mike's PowerMac Icons v97r2 [*] Monkey Shines [*] netscape 3.0.1 splashscreen [*] NetSupport Page 1.0 [*] PopupCD 1.4.1 [*] Purple Neon - Kaleidoscope color scheme [*] QuickMail Express [*] R. Crumb Startup Screens [*] Rachael'sXmasPack [*] Rock'nRoll Heaven an AfterDark Module [*] SafeAlert.c - C source code for automatic background/foreground [*] Salatime v4.2 [*] Scenario Maker 3D DR1 [*] Screening Room v1.2.6 (FAT) [*] Sentry 3.6.1 - security software [*] Shanghai II Cairo Set [*] Shanghi II Gunshy Set [*] Snapz Pro [*] Snapz Pro Press Kit [*] Speech Writer v1.0.0b2 [*] Startup Splash Screens (Splash Schemes) for Kaleidoscope [*] The Ultimate Installer Hack;acur & CURS rsrc file [*] Wolfenstein scenario : Final Solution #### TEXT infomacv15-008.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Ambient Grace Textures - Ambient textures for your desktop [*] BeHierarchic 3.1b8 [*] Gordo's Zip Disk Icons - Vol. 2 - 35 more cool, custom Zip Icon [*] IP Monitor 1.1.1 [*] Kaleidoscope 1.0.1 [*] MooVer 1.4 [*] NavigatorButtonEditor 1.2J - Japanese Version [*] Small Screen 1.3 -- show smaller screen boundaries [*] Startup Patch v1.0.1 [*] Startup Patch v1.0.2 [*] Tex-Edit Plus 1.8.5J - Japanese Version [*] WarpSearch CGI 2.3 [*] WEST 1.1.3 - free Web-based course management and delivery [A] Eudora Outbox shows Times vice Dates?!? [A] Guitar Tuning Program Available? [A] Virtual Memory [Q] Guitar Tuning Program Available? [Q] Iomega Driver error....! (2 msgs) Annoying speaker whine on a PM8200/120 Can anyone run Britannica CD? Creating Fonts or Characters Disk Cataloger That Organizes ALL Your Files? Floppy drive & a cable Guitar Tuning Program Available? Info-Mac Digest V14 #298 Info-Mac Digest V15 #2 (2 msgs) Jaz slowdowns Looking for.... MS Exchange Client for Macintosh and Windows NT Exchange server trouble? NeXT file site Pictures in SimpleText poor experience with Canvas 5.0 Q: Different screen resolutions on a mac7200/90 Question RTS/CTS scriptable apps? System 7.6 (2 msgs) talk/chat with Windows machines over the Internet? Viritual Memory Virtual Memory (2 msgs) Which Klone Kwery Which Klone Kwery... and all that JAZ Will there be a MS Word 7 for Mac? #### TEXT infomacv15-009.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Cassette Labeler 2.03 [*] CD Labeler 2.05 [*] Creator Changer 2.7.1 [*] CrystalMaker 2.1 demo [*] FileMaker Pro Big Dialog Patch 21" for FMP 3.0v4 [*] GPA Tracker v1.3 [*] Japanese Font Pack 1.3 [*] Lost New York 1.2 - adventure game [*] Mac-FTP-list Version 4.2.1 [*] MacZine Classic 13 [*] MacZine International 6 [*] Super Countdown 1.2 - Graphical Timer [*] SystemNOTE v2.0 [*] The Mutatron 1.1 [*] TidBITS#360/06-Jan-97 [*] TimeSlice Lite 3.0 [*] TOO Demo [*] Tools Plus 3.2 [*] tron96 [*] Unlabel 1.0.7 [*] Use Printer Scripting Extension [*] Version Master 1.0 - Notification of Version Changes [*] VideoIN 2.5 PPC Released! [*] Welcome Speech 3.0 [*] What Dropper?! [*] what URL?! 1.0b1 (68k) [*] what URL?! 1.0b1 (ppc) (A) Mac Problem (A) TIA?-alternative (Q) 500 MB SCSI HD for PB 540 (Q) bad hard drive [A] Iomega Driver error....! [Q] Installing 2nd internal IDE drive on a Perf. 6205? Ancient Art of War Audio CD Problem - no sound Battery in Mac IIcx; Superdrive prices Claris Home Page Updater Problems Control Strip for Perf636?? Creator Codes E-mail to Japan in Japanese? FreePPP 2.5 and Global Village Update FYI How to Increase System Memory Info-Mac Digest V15 #8 (2 msgs) korean fonts LaserWriter problems Looking for Calvin & Hobbes icons OT/PPP problems ppp server for Mac Prices for used Macs Stuffit searcher switch box to printer problems #### TEXT infomacv15-010.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Dave's Kaleidoscope Extras 1.3.2 [*] Disk Charmer 3.0.8; disk erase/copy/verify utility [*] DSM Player (FAT) [*] Folder icons [*] Fractals 1.0 [*] FreePPP Password Decoder [*] HipHop House Rave Metal [*] HOTLINE 1.1b19 68k [*] HOTLINE 1.1b19 PPC [*] Hotline Server 1.1b19 (68K) [*] Hotline Server 1.1b19 (PPC) [*] Johns WP File Manager 2.1 [*] ListWrangler .03 (complete) AppleScript list helper [*] ListWrangler .03 (mini) AppleScript list helper [*] Loquor - a 'speaking menus' extension and control panel [*] Lord of the Deck 25 -> 26 Update [*] Lunar View 1.1 (Viewer for moon phases) [*] MacOS 15" Startupscreen, Blue Spirals [*] md2sub1.3cw3 [*] Pardon My Icon Folders ? Running Netware on DOS compat card [Q] Installing 2nd internal IDE drive on a Perf. 6205? Answer: MS Exchange Client for Macintosh says NT Exchange server not available Can anyone run Britannica CD? Italian mac mailing list LC II expansion/CD-Rom/external HD Mac Classic list PC Fonts on Mac? POWER COMPUTING related mailing list Prices for used Macs Software for IMPACT 030 Souping up a 660 AV VM performance Wanting help with CodeWarrior What can I do with QuickDraw GX? Yooz nationnal versions #### TEXT infomacv15-011.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Realmz 4.0 (A) Audio CD Problem - no sound [Q] connecting 'PC' printer to Mac Anti-Win Wallpaper? DIMMs Duo Disks? Five Questions Harvard Graphics I.P. Address Installing 2nd internal IDE drive on a Perf. 6205? Installing 7.5.5? Kaleidoscope questions LC II expansion/CD-Rom/external HD Mac Classic list Magnifying Glass Cursor (?) Modem handling overhead MS Publisher to QuarkXPress? New FREE Publication! Norton crashes PowerBase & extra drives Prices for used Macs To-do lists and email Wanted: RGB to NTSC Converter Zaurus/Mac Connectivity #### TEXT infomacv15-012.txt **** Today's Topics: Battery in Mac IIcx; Superdrive prices connecting 'PC' printer to Mac [A] Control Strip for Perf636?? DiskExpress II Patches Five Questions Freeze on second InterNet disconnect How to Increase System Memory I.P. Address Kaleidoscope designers mailing list Kaleidoscope questions Kaliedescope Question MO storage Part 2/2: NON-DELIVERY of: Info-Mac Digest V15 #11 sound stopping on perf636? Virtual Memory #### TEXT infomacv15-013.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#361/13-Jan-97 [Q] Can't shutdown my Mac! Is it alive?? [Q] Connecting a PC to my apple Color Stylewriter 1500 [Q] Installing 2nd internal IDE drive on a Perf. 6205? Anyone Got "DAVE" Experiences? Can't use ImageWriter connecting 'PC' printer to Mac connecting 'PC' printer to Mac [A] Gopher Sites HP Printer Info-Mac Digest V15 #11 Init String for Megahertz CruiseCard Modem Q: Where is that web site?! Virtual Memory #### TEXT infomacv15-014.txt **** Today's Topics: [A] Can't shutdown my Mac! Is it alive?? [A] Radius "Direct Color" Video Card [Q] Can't shutdown my Mac! Is it alive?? [Q] Locked Hard Drive? Anyone Got "DAVE" Experiences? CD-ROM Problems Digitizing sound E-mail to Japan in Japanese? Info-Mac Digest V15 #11 Info-Mac Digest V15 #13 Java on a Mac Netscape Crashes New Troubleshooting Web Page Now Utils 6.5 & RamDoubler 2 Okidata Printer Phantom has control of printer port problems with Netscape Problems with UMAX scanner Problem with setting new PMac... Quadra/Performa 630 PPC Upgrade Card? Scripting text file orientation surfing with the enemy Virtual Memory Will there be a MS Word 7 for Mac? #### TEXT infomacv15-015.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] AlphaBet Game Show [*] C.S.M.P. Digest Vol 4 No 032 [*] Checkers' Birthday Party [*] Checkers' Hide 'n Seek [*] Checkers' Playroom [*] Checkers' Treasure Hunt [*] GeoGenius USA [*] GeoGenius World [*] Jons Commands 1.8.1 [*] Kaleidoscope Themes [*] Little Red Wagon [*] Macpql [*] md2sub1.3cw4.sit.hqx [*] Memory Game Show [*] Microsoft Borg [*] MooVer 1.41 [*] MultiTimer 2.1.1 [*] Music Notation (ClarisWorks tools) [*] My Mac #21, January 1996 [*] NihonGO_200.sit.hqx (Language Conversion) [/font or /text] [*] nihongo_deluxe_2.sit.hqx Lang. Conversion & Fonts /font or/text [*] Persian Webfont -> Nisus Macro [*] Play it Cool 1.61 [*] Programme ElemFin 68k 1.0.0 [*] Railroad Heralds 1.0 [*] Scrollites Dragon for Kaleidoscope [*] Smart Scroll 2.01 Espanol [*] Smart Scroll 2.01 Francais [*] Smart Scroll 2.02 [*] Solaris 2.0 [*] Star Gate 1.0.5 [*] Wilbur Worm *blush* I can't find the reset-button... 6100 Problem [A] Can't shutdown my Mac! Is it alive?? [A or more Q?] Can't shutdown my Mac! Is it alive?? [Q] Can I upgrade the CPU in a powerbook 140? [Q] Folder Compare Utility? [Q] Locked Hard Drive? A: Not enough Memory CD-ROM Problems Claris translator for Word 6? Desktop printing 2.0 MacOS Functions (?) My mac is alive too (cant power it off) ! Need advice on CPUs Needed: Intelligent e-mail storage/sorting OT for the rest of the World! (Q) problems with netscape Quadra/Performa 630 PPC Upgrade Card? Solution to Our Performa Difficulty Trying to create a two-byte Japanese kana font Zaurus/Mac Connectivity #### TEXT infomacv15-016.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Edwin's Power Tools 1.1 Excel Add-In [*] eScan - First Release (68K) [*] FFT Macros for Kaleidagraph [*] GX Font Display 1.2 [*] HC Encrypt 1.6 [*] HypoGraph 0.96--graphs functions, parametric, polar [*] Mac's Talkin' Dictionary version 2 [*] MacEspresso1.0, boolean logic reduction programm [*] Mech's icon replacements for Kaleidoscope, Aaron, Finder, etc. [*] Mercutio MDEF v1.3.3 [*] Omega 0.80.2 (1.0) - A Roguelike Game [*] PIRAYAS X-SCOPE [*] Smart Scroll 2.01 Deutsch [*] Smart Scroll 2.01 Italiano [*] Star Wars - scheme for Kaleidoscope [*] Stefan's Emailer Menus 1.0 [*] Stefan's Finder Menus 1.3 [*] Super Othello 2.1 [*] Synk 2.1.1 [*] Tcl-Tk 4.2p1 Installer [*] The Structure of DNA [*] Total Desktop Rebuild 1.1 [*] URLicon 1.0 PowerPC [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.2.9 - foreign language teaching [*] Webmaker 1.0.1 [*] Xenia 1.0 (A) Phantom has control of printer port Eudora Lite J Info-Mac Digest V15 #12 IRC Questions on sounds and pics ISDN...Help! Mac Plus & Zip Drive MacTCP DNR Magnifying Glass Cursor (?) Need some advice on scanners pb500 pcmcia problem Q-Beeping after inactivity Secure Shell (ssh) for macintosh? Using backup mail servers, fall back DNS servers Web Resource for VRAM Options? #### TEXT infomacv15-017.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Alias Arranger [*] BBase 1.1 [*] California 2.02a - calculator [*] Contini Volume I 1.0a - MS-FltSim airplanes [*] eScan - First Release (PPC) [*] FishCard 1.01 - flash card review [*] FreeRamPlus1.0 [*] HCPhone 1.05a - phone book/dialer [*] HyperLaunch 1.11a - program launcher [*] HyperNet 1.01b - network messaging [*] HyperWorks 3.22a - integrated [*] Internet Address Book 1.2a [*] Jackson's Aaron Patch 1.0 [*] Launch Express 1.11a - program launcher [*] Modem Server 1.0.1.sit [*] Pipes [*] Speed/Mac 1.11a - card game [*] TimeSlice 1.6 [*] ValueFax 2.0.11 [*] X-Win 1.0 Kaleidoscope Color Scheme - Initial Release *blush* I can't find the reset-button... [A] Desktop printing 2.0 [A] I can't find the reset-button... [A] To-do lists and email [Q] FORTRAN compilers [Q] Virtual Memory - Does it have to be on if you have enough memory can't shut down Mac [R] HP Deskjet 870Cxi and QuickDraw GX I.P. Address (2 msgs) MacOS Functions MacOS Functions (?) Microsoft Mac Application Futures missing reset button Needed: Intelligent e-mail storage/sorting (2 msgs) Print 4 pages per paper Printing from Mac Plus Smoking Monitor - Help Needed To-do lists and email Using backup mail servers, fall back DNS servers #### TEXT infomacv15-018.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] AppleMail to Cyberdog [*] BumbleScope 1.0.0, Kaleidoscope Colour Scheme [*] Disturbing Desktop Patterns [*] HAND! - Issue #16 (January '97) [*] HyperBook 1.11a - book catalog [*] Italian Verbs 1.2.4 - foreign language teaching [*] Japanese Font Pack 1.3 REPOST [*] Mailto Tamer Updater: v1.1 to v1.2 [*] NiceStopShutDown 1.0.2 [*] PageInspector 1.0b2 [*] Pyramad v1.2 Pyramid Game [*] Quote of the Day new version (1.1) [*] Software Database 4.1 [*] SystemNOTE v2.0.1 [*] TidBITS#362/20-Jan-97 [*] Type / Creator Database v2.9 [*] Updater for Eudora's Speller [*] Updater for Spellswell Plus *blush* I can't find the reset-button... 8500 power button [A?] connecting 'PC' printer to Mac [A]Desktop Printing 2.0 solved [A] Init String for Megahertz Cruisecard Modem [A] Need some advice on scanners [M] serial ports [Q] Web utilities for the Mac ADB fuse Capacity in Kbytes Claris translator for Word 6? (R) DiskExpress II Patches Eudora Lite J (2 msgs) how to merge/sort multiple bookmark lists? Info-Mac Digest V15 #17 MacOS Functions (?) MacTCP DNR (2 msgs) Microsoft Mac Application Futures Neurology IPA Norton/MacTools Disk Fixing PowerBook 180c screen troubles Print 4 pages per paper (2 msgs) Printing from Mac Plus printing from microsoft office apps programming intro for kids SCSI problems with 7.5.3 / 7.5.5 talk/chat with Windows machines over the Internet? Tech.help Web Resource for VRAM Options? (2 msgs) What's a Plus good for? #### TEXT infomacv15-019.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Airport IDs 2.4 [*] Ansel 1.0b1 [*] ApplLoader version 1.2 [*] Big Friendly Calculator v3.1 [*] BigPicture34.hqx [*] BitMapMusic [*] CopyPaste 3.2.2 [*] Decrypto v3.0 -- a fast cryptoquip solver (FAT) [*] DivvyUP v1.1.1, course scheduling software [*] Enigma 2.6.1 [*] Familiar 3.0 [*] Folder Security - Applescript [*] Foobar vs. the DEA v1.1, an arcade game [*] Foon4Mac 1.0, shareware Dutch phone-CD reader [*] FTP Palimpsest1LitePPC.hqx [*] Insecticons Volume I [*] Kong Filter 0.3 ppc - Real Time Audio Filter [*] Language Reader 1.0.1 - foreign language teaching [*] LinPro Mac v1.0 [*] MacNamer 2.0 [*] MailDock 1.0 [*] Mailto Tamer 1.2 for HTML WWW Forms submitted via Email [*] Mountain Rescue 1.1, a Kaleidoscope color scheme [*] NeXTSTEP/MacOS StartupScreen/System Patch [*] ObjectDaemonShell (ODS) 1.2 [*] Palimpsest 1 Lite [*] Persian Rug 1.0 [*] PhoneWatcher 1.7.1 [*] PictureAlbumLite 2.0.6 from Media Minds [*] Poetry Ink 2.07 [*] Quantum Vichyssoise 1.0, AfterDark/Darkside module [*] Red Plastic Kaleidoscope Plugin [*] Rename! v1.00 - rename files, fix HTML links [*] SilmutMAC1.0a [*] SoundApp 2.2.2 [*] Stereo 1.0 for Kaleidoscope [*] Survival.6.1.4b. upgrade of version 6.1.3 [*] Synk 2.1.2 [*] Ultimate MOD-Player 1.0.0 [*] WhatURL?! Bookmark helper #### TEXT infomacv15-020.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Codebook-v2.7.sit.hqx [*] File for the archive, Meatballs startupscreen [*] Galaxus 1.0.5 - shoot'em'up game with scrolling graphics [*] IBMUG Monthly v1n5 [*] NetSupport Page 1.0.1 [*] Placidos Kaleidoscope Patch 1.0.1 MacOs 8 [*] Tagline 1.2, signature randomizer (resolved) Phantom control of printer port [Q[ - Looking for best extended keyboard for new Mac [Q] Multiple Cyberdog/Internet Config users on single Mac? [Q] Web utilities for the Mac ACAD 13 & Softwindows 95 CSM-Runtime Enabler DTP and HP 600 printers IIci's Won't Shut Down Info-Mac Digest V15 #18 "Tech help" Kaleidoscope hang LCIII external CD problems Microsoft Mac Application Futures Nisus Writer Default Font problem printing from microsoft office apps Re. What's a Plus good for? Re Word 6 speed Simple Alarms app - any suggestions? System calls for Duo screen brightness The arrow pointer...?? Two internal hard drives? Web utilities for the Mac What's a Plus good for? #### TEXT infomacv15-021.txt **** Today's Topics: [!] Removal of Folder Security - Applescript [*] Brigantine [*] Classical Guitar Sampler [*] Computer Cuisine 4.0 [*] CPC++, Amstrad CPC emulator [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 033 [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 034 [*] DSM Player 1.04 [*] HanMac Word-J v2.0.1 (68K) [*] HanMac Word-J v2.0.1 (PPC) (2 msgs) [*] HanMac Word-K 2.0 [*] Holiday Lights for Macintosh 3.0.4 [*] Hornet STRIKE! Missions 2.0 [*] MemphisBelle 1.0 - multimedia shareware [*] NetStripper v4.0 [*] NetStripper v4.0 PDF manual [*] PageNOW! 1.5a - For Mac users with alphanumeric pagers [*] Planet Magazine 11 & 12 [*] Specular Infini-D(tm) 3.2 Demo [*] Sprite Fight 2002 [*] Star Fighters 1.02 [*] Stomp Box Delay [*] The Interactive Aquarium Guide CD-ROM Demo 1.0 (2 msgs) [*] THE JUKEBOX 2.05 FAT [*] The Structure of DNA [*] Touch-3D v2.0 demo [*] WackedSoundsVol-1.1 [*] Window Tools 1.6.1 [A] Can't shutdown my Mac! Is it alive?? Ghosts in the machine [Q] Problem with Mac VisualFoxPro-ODBC-Oracle Memo and General Fields a second IDE in the 6400/200 bay? Can WindowShade do Win95 help Help! HP LaserJet and Appletalk Simple Alarms app - any suggestions? Support/Replacement for Souvenir This old Mac What's a Plus good for? #### TEXT infomacv15-022.txt **** Today's Topics: [!] Break in digests [*] Abbalone 3D 1.0 [*] Abbalone 3D 1.0 (German) [*] Capitalism Demo 1.02 - corporate empire building [*] Cruciverbalist Crossword Program (68K) [*] Cruciverbalist Crossword Program (PPC) [*] Enemy Bomber Balloons 1.0 [*] Filip's Word Macros 1.2 [*] FoldIt (light) v.4.2.1 [*] Format-Chart Version 1.1.8 [*] FreePPP 2.5v2 files 1.0 [*] HanMac Word-K 2.0.1 [*] HC to WWW 1.01 [*] HP DeskWriter 600 series drivers v9.1.4 (English) [*] HP DeskWriter 600 series drivers v9.1.4 (French) [*] HP DeskWriter 600 series drivers v9.1.4 (German) [*] HP DeskWriter 600 series drivers v9.1.4 (Japanese) [*] Image Express-The Professional Image Management Solution [*] MacOS 15" StartupScreen, Difference Clouds [*] MacOS 15" StartupScreen, Granite [*] MacOS 15" StartupScreen, Grey [*] MacOS 15" StartupScreen, Pentacles [*] MacOS 15" StartupScreen, TechArrows [*] MacZPoint 1.9.3 [*] Media Gallery Demo - The Complete Image Management Solution [*] Michael's NeXT Folders [*] My Precious Baby 1.0.2 [*] Ooze #9 ----International edition [*] Starry Night 2.0.1 Manual [*] Starry Night 2.0.1 Plug In [*] Starry Night 2.01 [*] StartupScreen, HHGttG Green Guy Glass, 14" [*] StartupScreen, HHGttG Green Guy Glass, 15" [*] StartupScreen, HHGttG Green Guy Glass, 21" [*] StartupScreen, HHGttG Green Guy Plain, 14" [*] StartupScreen, HHGttG Green Guy Plain, 15" [*] StartupScreen, HHGttG Green Guy Plain, 21" [*] Trek Cursor Modern 1.02 Amer. Heritage Dictionary patch on AOL? Downloading Stuffit Expander email good outlining app? printer problems SCSI problems with 7.5.3 / 7.5.5 Serial Port Liberation!!! The "OPEN" box in Netscape doesn't retain the URL #### TEXT infomacv15-023.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 01-97 MacAssistant Tips [*] 12-96 MacAssistant Tips [*] 3DMacOS.GIF [*] BibleBrowser 1.02 - browse, read, and search the Holy Bible [*] BibRef Pro 1.0 Additional Information [*] Book, Chapter & Verse -- Learn to use the Bible [*] Calendar Machine [*] CASSETTE LABELER 2.05 [*] CD Label Printer Pro 3.0.1 [*] CrazyCar1.2 [*] Electric Broadsheet 1.1 [*] Eudora Multiple Accounts AppleScript Script, version 1.0 [*] Flex Processor Interactive Control Interface [*] FontGuide - automatic font cataloging utlility [*] GLOBspin.gif [*] Gradebook 2.01 [*] holiday-calendar [*] I am a Talking File 2.0: Speech in a double-click [*] Johns WP Outlining 6.0 [*] Kalk 1.1 (68K and FAT) Submission (2 msgs) [*] Loquor 1.0.1 - an extension/control panel [*] MacTypingTutor [*] MacWebCam 2.7 [*] Many Faces of Kirk - Great Decor file! [*] NeXTish - a Kaleidoscope Color Scheme [*] NS ScreenSaver v3.1 [*] Orniwell 3.0.2 (Text Viewer) [*] Orniwell 3.0.2 PPC (Text Viewer) [*] ProCreation-Life-11.sit.hqx [*] Regis 1.0 (FAT), A Registration Serial Number Tracker [*] Scrollites Alien 1.6 Update for Kaleidoscope [*] Sensei [*] ShrinkWrap French-2.1 [*] SiteSearch; Web Site Search Engine CGI [*] Sword Dream 3D [*] tcpip_config_cstrip.hqx [*] TecMotion [*] The Hajj -- Islamic Pilgrimmage to Mecca [*] ultra-find-25.hqx [*] World Religions QuizBase [*] Xavier/New Collected Poems [*] Year 2000 brochure [*] Yooz 1.57 FR is available #### TEXT infomacv15-024.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] BOOM 1.0 (an arcade game) [*] Bubblomania 1.2 [*] ChessKing Software Updater [*] Desktop Countertops 1.0 [*] drag and drop C++ [*] GenKey Version 1.0, Family Tree Editor [*] HP DeskJet 850/855, and 870 drivers (English) [*] HP DeskJet 850/855, and 870 drivers (French) [*] HP DeskJet 850/855, and 870 drivers (German) [*] HP DeskJet 850/855, and 870 drivers (Japanese) [*] HTML ColorChooser [*] HTML Vocabulary 1.7.1 [*] InformInit v1.3 [*] Macsounds, Modified System 7 Sounds [*] Mailto Converter1.5 [*] Polish Lesson 10 - foreign language teaching [*] Welcome Speech 3.5 (Q)uestion re:Font - Monaco & printing 2 x MacQ 5xx series 603e upgrade [A] Simple Alarms app - any suggestions? [Q] CFM 68K Runtime Enabler Byte on Macs vs. Pentium/MMX Centris 610 error -39 cropping up & no icons [Q] Eudora Pro 2.1.3 FWB Tools Extension conflicts with playing audio CD's how do i How to do an auto re-boot? Info-Mac Digest V14 #280 Info-Mac Digest V15 #19 Info-Mac Digest V15 #21 loan ammoritization Looking for Clay Wilson Font MPEG 3 Players? my sharing setup control panel fix Need Advice for new Keyboard Netscape and RAM Disk (Q an networking help needed No desktop printers Norton and disk corruption (more, again...) WebArranger 2.0 URL Validator agent doesn't work What's a Plus good for? which powerbooks? #### TEXT infomacv15-025.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#363/27-Jan-97 [A] - Looking for best extended keyboard for new Mac [A] ACAD 13 & Softwindows 95 [A] MacOS Functions (?) [A] Multiple Cyberdog/Internet Config users on single Mac? [Q] HD Driver Question... AppleTalk over PPP ARA connections Can Windowshade do Win95 (2 msgs) Do MacTCP/PPP get tired? Downloading Stuffit Expander (3 msgs) email--attachments between Macs & PCs HP LaserJet and Appletalk I need help w/ mac system! Info-Mac Digest V15 #22 (2 msgs) MacTCP and a Classic... Mac TV OWNERS UNITE!!! Modem software for PB 170 OT 1.1.2 & PowerComputing problem [Q] OT TCP/IP Extension PageNOW to mobile phone (aussie)? pm 8500 and cd-quality sound registering printerusage in a computerlab SCSI problems with 7.5.3 / 7.5.5 StarMax Internal SCSI Cable? Tempo... Upgrading internal CD-ROMS WWW file upload problem #### TEXT infomacv15-026.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 5HOTAConvert 1.0 [*] Anthem 1.04 [*] BonkHead Cheater v. 1.1 [*] Briscola 1.2 [*] ChessKing Software Package version 1.00 [*] Exile III [*] FedTax calculations [*] GD Dancing Bears After Dark Module [*] Hell Farm Calendar [*] Heraldry Primer: HC 2.3 stacks for generating heraldic shields [*] Hyper-Stack Player Pro-PPC [*] Lets Talk 2,0 [*] MacChess 2.5.1 68K: Free chess for non-PowerMacs [*] MEA package (Multiple Eudora Accounts) [*] National Geographic Index [*] NetBots 1.1 - Internet Agent [*] NeXT LeAP 1.0 - Kaleidoscope Color Scheme [*] NS-TOWER 2.4 --- Climb up the tower! [*] ObjectPlant, Object Oriented Analysis and Design [*] PlayItCool 1.6.1J - Japanese Version [*] SculFux 1.0 psychedelic postscript font [*] Smack a Skunk 1.0 (game) [*] SmartScroll 2.0.2J - Japanese Version [*] ThunderDraw how do i Upgrading internal CD-ROMS #### TEXT infomacv15-027.txt **** Today's Topics: (Q)uestion re:Font - Monaco & printing [A] Looking for best extended keyboard for new Mac [A] Multiple Cyberdog/Internet Config users on single Mac? [Q] Mac app to access MS access database [Q] Using Netscape 2 with AOL2.7 [Q] What is a good label program for the Mac? Can anyone run Britannica CD? (update) CorelDraw vs. Suitcase How is the pinconfiguration on the Macs ADB-bus and printer/modem-port? How to convert 4,000 MS Word files to Adobe Acrobat? HP LaserJet and Appletalk Info-Mac Digest V15 #25 Is Apple dying? LaserWriter NT and the PC Looking for best extended keyboard for new Mac Mac IIsi Hard Drive MapGrafix and/or GeoInsight Mystery Open File pm 8500 and cd-quality sound Powerbook printing weirdness... reading Windows help files registering printerusage in a computerlab Relysis Scanners? Startup Items Folder Problem Too-dark Web Page UMICH archive? WebArranger 2.0 URL Validator agent doesn't work Webmap for Macintosh Zoom 33600 PC modem on Mac. Init string? #### TEXT infomacv15-028.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#364/03-Feb-97 *End of the Mac at the VA? 5HOTAConvert 1.0 [Info-Mac Digest V15 #26] [A] Looking for best extended keyboard for new Mac [Q] Appletalk/Printer woes At Ease Background filemanes color settings? Denaba Canvas 5 corrupts ClarisDraw docs Help- Netscape Bookmarks how do you ethernet between two computers (2 msgs) learning font Losing space on hard drive Macintosh Easy Open NEC CD-Rom Netscape dialing OT/PPP Dropping Connections OT TCP/IP Extension Performa 6400 Expansion Bay Hard Drive Install Relysis(C) S.O.S. with rebuilding the desktop Safe Colors For Web Pages Souvenir SpeedDoubler 2 -- Problematical Startup Items Folder Problem Sumary - Mystery Open File the potential of NeXTSTEP on a 533 MHz Mac!!! :) which powerbooks? Zoom 33600 PC modem on Mac. Init string? #### TEXT infomacv15-029.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] ATrain_Snd_patch.abs [*] Caribbean Stud Poker 1.0 [*] FoldIt (light) update [*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.0.2 [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.0.2 9500/120 upgrade path? [A] how do you ethernet between two computers [Q] Instability With System 7.5.6? Denaba Canvas 5 corrupts ClarisDraw docs Laserwriter 4/600 Losing space on hard drive Macintosh Easy Open MMX again NEC CD-Rom OT/PPP Dropping Connections Rebuilding desktop removing resource forks #### TEXT infomacv15-030.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Abalone 1.5.0 [*] Billgateus of Borg [*] Cobwebber 1.0 [*] Computer Icons 2.5 [*] ConvertUnits Pro v1.5.6 measurement unit conversion for Mac [*] eudora-multi-account AppleScript Script v 1.0.1 [*] Geyser 1s21.hqx [*] Just a Reminder 1.1.2 [*] Kamprath's Text Utilities OSAX v1.0.0 [*] Keep Out! 1.1.1J - Japanese Version [*] LinPro_Mac_v1.hqx [*] MDJ Recap #2 (PDF/Acrobat) [*] MDJ Recap #2 (setext) [*] MicNotePad Lite 3.8.7 [*] MT2Trivial 2.1.1.sit.hqx [*] MultiTimer 2.1.2 [*] Orniwell 3.0.3 (Text Viewer) [*] Orniwell 3.0.3 PPC (Text Viewer) [*] Polish Lesson 10 - foreign language teaching [*] PR--Extension Overload 1.8 [*] Program Switcher v4.2.1 [*] QuizMaker 1.6 New Version [*] Shockchat - Multimedia Chat for the WWW [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 1.0.2 [*] sScan 1.01 (68K) [*] sScan 1.01 PPC [*] The VOK-Test Stack 1.52 [*] to-jpeg-10.hqx: easy, fast conversion [*] TurboFind 2.2 [*] Wizbang's_Wolf_Sounds.sea [*] WOLFENSTEIN LEVELS 16" monitor Acrobat Reader Problems [A?] AppleTalk & IPX over PPP CD player pauses often Dialer/Netscape/OT 1.1.2 Problems Need Mac/PC Buying Info New Mac purchase: should I consider PowerComputing? removing resource forks (2 msgs) #### TEXT infomacv15-031.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?CardSaver=81?= [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?HardwareSaver=81?= [*] Kaleidoscope Windows 95 Color Scheme - Freeware [*] MacDater 1.3 [*] MacWorldWeather_En v.5.2.5 [*] Musical Games 1.0 [*] NihonGO! DELUXE version 2.0.1 [*] NihonGO! version 2.0.1 [*] Postage $aver bulk mail sorter v3.5.2 [*] PPPop 1.5 [*] PPPop 1.5J [*] RChess 2.2.2: Free humorous, beatable chess program [*] The Ambrosia Times V4.1 [*] Winecellar 0.8b2 (no subject) Can Windowshade do Win95 Changing internal HD on Quadra 610, difficult? downgrading system??? hiding how do you ethernet between two computers [A] HP LaserJet 4P Netscape Mail Enclosures New Edward Johnston font available OT/PPP (C) PB540 upgrade vs. my hard drive removing resource forks Speeding up PPCs System Floppy??? #### TEXT infomacv15-032.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] BBEdit Remote Link Checker 1.1 [*] blood-bath-demo-1.86 [*] catakig100b.sit.bin [*] Countries-n-Capitals-1.0 [*] CSDebugger101sit.hqx [*] Cult Leader Success Secrets [*] Daily Planner 3.18 [*] Dictionary Search 1.1 [*] DropPreview101(FAT)sit.hqx [*] Farkle 2.0 [*] Focus Majestic v1.0.1 [*] Format-Chart Version 1.1.9 [*] GIF Translator for EasyMage (Fr) [*] GIF Translator for EasyMage (US) [*] GLMStat 2.0.6 [*] HTML Grinder 3.1 [*] Icons series 1 [*] Internet ToolKit for 4D (ITK) v1.1.4 update/demo [*] Island Defender 2.0 [*] Language Reader 1.0.3 - foreign language teaching [*] Micheal's NeXT folders 2.0 [*] MYM2QIF v5.0 [*] NewtHack 1.1 [*] NS-SHAFT 1.2J --- Dive into the shaft! [*] Phantasie [*] Photos4us 1.02 - Multimedia Screen Saver [*] UltraFind Text Indexer 1.0 - Instant Text Search [*] Wanderer I - The Cult of Misery v1.21 #### TEXT infomacv15-033.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?PasswordSaver=81?= [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?SoftwareSaver=81?= [*] zaptballs 16 bit addon 16" monitor [A] [A] New Mac purchase: should I consider PowerComputing? [A] Zoom 33600 PC modem on Mac. Init string? [Q] Is Pippin for sale? [Q] SAM 4.5 Conflict [Q] System 7.6 and MS Office [Q] System 7.6 and OT/PPP Apple LaserWriter 4/600 Appletalk and Personal LW LS Assorted Mac problems cd problems: energy saver? Changing internal HD on Quadra 610, difficult? Disappearing Menu Bar? Escape Velocity for PC getting Amadeus, a colour scheme for Kaleidoscope. Getting StartupScreen to appear on PB 540's external monitor good outlining app? hiding image gamma for the web Mac IIsi Hard Drive NEC CD-Rom New Mac purchase: should I consider PowerComputing? Problems w/Clarisworks Updater removing resource forks Repeated system beep in Netscape Sound recording on a Powqerbook 540C The NeXT Apple Mistake Warning to anyone who wanna buy from MacMall #### TEXT infomacv15-034.txt **** Today's Topics: [!] Mirror list updates... [*] TidBITS#365/10-Feb-97 (Q) FUJITSU DynaMO 230 experience? 2.5GB IDE Drive in a Performa 630? 2.5GB IDE Drive in a Performa 630? (maybe not!) [Q] Anyone have a "threefold" template for ClarisWorks? [Q] IIsi battery replacement? Are PowerBook 5300 really glitchy? Clarisworks updater Error message good outlining app? IIsi Hard Drive Info-Mac Digest V15 #33 - PowerComputing? Macmall problem Muted Sound PDS slot pin configuration? Powerbook 5300 v. 190 printing problem with acrobat Proxy for MacOS Q: Hypercard to FMPro3.0 conversion removing resource forks Removing Resource from files Sound problem on my 7500/100 Speed Disk Issues summary of Upgrade path for 9500/120 The NeXT Apple Mistake #### TEXT infomacv15-035.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#365/10-Feb-97 A: Hypercard to FMPro3.0 conversion Buying an older PowerBook Converter Creating a print server out of a networked Mac (Q) External CD-ROM Drive - help needed Good outlining app? Help with QuickCam and Appletalk Hypercard to FMPro3.0 conversion IIsi battery replacement Info-Mac Digest V15 #34 Joystick opinions LCIII to LAN problems Line weigth printing problem with Word MacMall Gripe InfoMac #33 Mobius FPD Muted Sound OpenDoc Powerbook 190cs Question for Info-mac removing resource forks saving text-to-speech as a sound file script for mail SigmaPlot 5.0.1 (Mac): Still buggy Space Shuttle Simulation The NeXT Apple Mistake (2 msgs) threefold template Warning to anyone who wanna buy from MacMall Word errors #### TEXT infomacv15-036.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Art-by-Maryann [*] ATPM 3.01 [*] BeBop [*] Best Embossed Textures [*] BigPicture 3.5 [*] Chris Netscape Patch 1.2.0 [*] Conference Organiser [*] Creepin Critter Math 4.0.0 [*] Edwin's Power Tools 1.1.2 Excel Add-In [*] Email Effects 1.0.sit [*] Fast Font Menu 1.1J - Japanese Version [*] Internet Training Module 2 [*] Keyboard Menu 1.0.0 [*] Lunar View 1.2 [*] MacCurveFit 1.3 [*] MacOS replacement window [*] macucp-11-68k.hqx - UUCP package for the Mac [*] macucp-11-fat.hqx - UUCP package for the Mac [*] macucp-11-ppc.hqx - UUCP package for the Mac [*] Manic_Minefield (a minesweeper type of game)) [*] MicNotePad Lite 3.8.8 [*] Nascar Demo 1.0 - Racecar simulation [*] NetSupport Page 1.1 [*] OpenStack 1.1.1z US Pkg [*] OTConfigs - AppleScript addition to configure OT [*] Paddington, a font revival [*] Paul's Soundtrio [*] ResFork Killer 1.4.0 [*] ResFork Killer 1.4.0 (German Version) [*] Rypple 1.0 [*] ScanKeeper68K [*] Spell 1.0 [*] Tangrams Demo 1.02 to replace Tangrams 1.01 [*] Tesselation - repeating-tile filter for Photoshop [*] Troubleshooting 101 IA [*] Troubleshooting 101 IA w MUSIC [*] Ultimate Wedding/Honeymoon Planner V2.2 [*] WarpSearch CGI 2.4 Possible per minute telephone charges for access to ISPs #### TEXT infomacv15-037.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?EasyAccount=81v1.5.?= [*] Caesar II Demo 1.0 - Roman city building [*] CommuniGate Fax Gate 1.10 [*] CommuniGate UUCP Gate 2.1.2 (now w/TCP and ADSP support) [*] DiskSurveyor 1.2 FAT - Lots of new features [*] Giza 2.1.3 [*] My Precious Baby 1.02 [*] NS-SHAFT 1.2 --- Dive into the shaft! [*] NS-SHAFT 1.2F --- Dive into the shaft! [*] NS-SHAFT 1.2J --- Dive into the shaft! [*] Postman Pat 0.9b, action game [*] Priority One 1.1 [*] Realmz 4.0 [*] ScanKeeper-ppc [*] Short Circuit v1.3 - action puzzle game [*] Suomen_Folders [*] The Hajj -- Islamic Pilgrimmage to Mecca (Q) NFS client software 16-bit video card for 1400c (Q) 230MB for 1400c (Q) [Q] Automatic "confirm" utility? ARA nightmare CD player pauses often Chronic mouse freeze problem... Claris Works 4.0 v5 fr canadian Great new Mac error guide available through "MacUser" IIsi battery replacement IIsi battery replacement? MacMall Gripe MacMall Gripe InfoMac #33 Powerbook 180, 1400, and PC MCIA modems PowerSecretary Q: It's Dead. Now What? Question for Info-mac SOLVED (was:Re: Networking 2 Macs [Q]?) The Internet Adaptor Wanted: info on video cable between IIsi and SigmaDesign Pageview GS monitor. Warning to anyone who wanna buy from MacMall WebMap 2.0 #### TEXT infomacv15-038.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Aardvark Smooth 1.0 - Kaleidoscope Colour Schemes [*] Bumbler 1.0.1 demo [*] Charcoal 2.2 for kaleidoscope [*] ClipAppend 1.0 [*] ColorMind 1.0 [*] Control-Strip-Module for OT/PPP [*] Cookie monster desktop pattern [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 035 [*] DA Piggyback 1.2; converts DAs into apps [*] Electric Broadsheet 1.5.sit [*] HAND! - Have A Nice Day #17 [*] IM/Mac 1.0b28g [*] Kaleidoscope Greenish [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.0.2d [*] Korean font Munhwa Regular [*] Korean Font MunhwGothic Reg [*] MacPipes 2.2.1 (an update) [*] SiteEdit Pro Demo - Web server based CGI [*] Talking Clock =?iso-8859-1?Q?Pro=81?= 2.0.1 source [*] WarBirds v1.10r0PPC601 [*] Year 2000 brochure updated 2.5GB IDE Drive in a Performa 630? 2.5GB IDE Drive in a Performa 630? YES! [A] Hypercard to text-tab output Icon Placement Line weigth printing problem with Word Looking for Mac Telecoms Solutions MacClassic does not print on DW660C? [Q] multiple monitors and decor OT/PPP on localised systems PAP printing problem with acrobat Printing to Video from Premiere realtime chat software? RTF file translation into word processor script for mail SigmaPlot 5.0.1 (Mac): Still buggy System 7.6 and Quickdraw GX Printing The NeXT Apple Mistake Two monitors, one computer #### TEXT infomacv15-039.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Classical" Kaleidoscope Sounds [*] A-Train MIDI Patch [*] Althea 1.0 for Kaleidoscope [*] Amadeus 1.0.6 for Kaleidoscope [*] Apple NeXTSTEP Splash Screen/System Patch [*] Ben's Zip Icons [*] CD Label Printer Pro 4.0 [*] Crossbow Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Decoder 1.2, a fast, easy Base64 and UU decoder [*] Drop Rename 3.0.2 [*] Ergo (an abstract action game) [*] eudora-multiple-account v2.0 script [*] File Kinder 1.0b1 - a type-changer in pure Applescript [*] FlashyCursor: Changes cursor into colour animated masterpiece. [*] FormDrop WWW v1.0 [*] GifBuilder 0.5 [*] HTML QuickTags Lite 1.1b [*] Icicle Tax Return for Canada (CW) [*] Icicle Tax Return for Canada (XL) [*] IM/Mac 1.0b28g [*] Insomniac 1.1.1 for PowerBooks and PCI Power Macs [*] ISO Issue Release - #19 [*] Jewel: A Kaleidoscope Theme [*] Keep Out! v1.1.1 - user-friendly login system [*] Kelly's Duets 1.0 - 24 Songs in 2-part Harmony [*] Knot 3.7.1 (FAT) abstract 3-D graphics designer [*] Mac-FTP-list Version 4.2.2 [*] MacOs 7.6 StartUpScreen 640x480 [*] MacXOS [*] merryxmas Vaccine 3.2 [*] MicroWorld 2.2 - now with 3DMF file export and ChemViewer3D! [*] MooVer 1.42 [*] MooVer 1.42 (German) [*] ScaleConverter 2.1 [*] September Brook - A Digital Painting [*] TagStripper v1.2 [*] The Adventures of Billy [*] Whammy Desktop Patterns Volume 2 [*] X-Files_Desktop_Patterns [*] Zip Label Printer 1.0 #### TEXT infomacv15-040.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Duck Quest 1.3 [*] FinderWindows 1.2.1J - Japanese Version [*] FinderWindows 1.2.1v2 - English Version [*] Geyser 1s41 [*] Gif.gIf.giF 1.2.2J - Japanese Version [*] Hi-Lo Poker 0.8 [*] JerryUltra Kaleidoscope Color Scheme [*] Johns WP File Manager 2.2 [*] Kaelido-Black [*] Kaleidoscope for Laymen 1.3 [*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.0.2d [*] Kalk 1.1 [*] Lunar View 1.3 [*] PerFer_1.0_english (Tiny 'Things To Do') [*] PlayerPRO 4.5.4 (FAT) [*] PowerSaver Tweak 1.1.1 for PowerBooks and Power Macs [*] Purge-O-Matic 1.00d [*] Red Dwarf Startup Screen [*] Regicide v8 -- A game of historical slaughter [*] rnMac v2.0d14 -- an offline NNTP newsreader [*] RoboWar 4.2 [*] Sleeper 2.1f (French version) [*] Sokoban 2.3, the classic puzzle/game [*] Space Junkie 1.2a [*] The Show Must Go FOND-promo [*] TIMM 1.4 - The Ideal Mac Mailreader [*] TurboFind 2.2.1 [*] URL Manager Pro 1.4v3 [*] Wagner's Eudora prefs 1.2.2 [*] WebStationery 1.0 [*] WindowsNT Splash Screen/System Patch [*] WorldClock CSM 1.0.1 (Q) Networking to Macs with Ethernet? Appletalk and Personal LW LS Avoid MacMall at all costs! #### TEXT infomacv15-041.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] AnGST 1.2 fat - ANother Gestalt Selector Tester update [*] AVI-to-QT Kit [*] Burning Rubber 1.2 [*] CacheSaver 1.0.2d (German version) [*] Clp Convert 1.0 [*] GenKey 1.2 - The Family Tree Editor [*] ImageMapper 1.4.1 [*] John's WP Find Recent 2.1 [*] Jur 1.5.1 [*] LEELAS RETURN [*] Net-Tac-Toe V1.0 [*] Object Mandelbrot 1.0 [*] Recent Additions 1.0 [*] TidBITS#366/17-Feb-97 : [Q] Automatic "confirm" utility? [A] Automatic "confirm" utility? [A] Automatic Confirm Utility [Q] Automatic "confirm" utility? [Q] PowerBook 100 features? Apple workgroup server to WinNT? Casio B.O.S.S. Chat server [A] Getting StartupScreen on PB's external monitor: The Solution Icon Placement Icon Placement [A] Info-Mac Digest V15 #37 MacClassic does not print on DW660C? [A] MacZone Was Terrific ! PAP PowerSecretary Q: Starting up PB 540c with dead display Recycling old equipment script for mail SCSI Video Input Peripheral? Speeding up PPCs System 7.6 memory? Two monitors, one computer #### TEXT infomacv15-042.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] AniGifs.V2 [*] Anthem 1.07 [*] block.sit.hqx [*] coax - Matlab's functions for RF calculations [*] Decoder 1.2, a fast and easy UU and Base64 decoder [*] DiskTracker 1.1.1 [*] Easy View 2.62 [*] Eudora Wacked Sounds 1.0 [*] Exercise Log 1.24d [*] facespan extension 2.1 [*] Glidel France 3.4 [*] Glidel U.S. 3.4 [*] gold-pusher-14.hqx [*] Grid Warrior v1.1a [*] ImageMapper(FAT) 1.4J - Japanese Version [*] Kinematic Land 1.5 (2 msgs) [*] last-straw-pointer (2 msgs) [*] Linko 1.0a6 [*] LogTimer J - Japanese Version [*] LongToDate 0.1.6b [*] MidiKit 2.3 FAT [*] Mike's PowerMac 3D Icons v.97.3 (2 msgs) [*] MultiMaker - Multiple Choice Tests [*] musical-set-complete-103.hqx (2 msgs) [*] Nag 2.5 [*] newstartupscreens [*] Packerland - a color scheme for Kaleidoscope (2 msgs) [*] PhotoMovie 1.0 ITA (2 msgs) [*] Photos4us Lite 1.02 [*] SerialSpeed 230 Version 1.5a [*] Web Devil 1.0 [*] What's New Assistant v1.0 (68K) [*] What's New Assistant v1.0 (FAT) [*] What's New Assistant v1.0 (PPC) #### TEXT infomacv15-043.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] AniGifs.V2 [*] Anthem 1.07 [*] block.sit.hqx [*] bonYx2 - shareware for internet [*] CommuniGate Server 2.7.1 [*] Decoder 1.2, a fast and easy UU and Base64 decoder [*] DiskTracker 1.1.1 [*] Exercise Log 1.24d [*] facespan extension 2.1 [*] GammaToggleFKEY - useful for Mac web page designers [*] Glidel France 3.4 [*] Glidel U.S. 3.4 [*] Grid Warrior v1.1a [*] HTML Color Utility v1.0 [*] HTML Viewer 1.3 [*] ImageMapper(FAT) 1.4J - Japanese Version [*] ImageViewer_433_68k.sit.hqx [*] ImageViewer_433_PPC.sit.hqx [*] Linko 1.0a6 [*] LongToDate 0.1.6b [*] Mac-HaBu 3.5 [*] MacOS/Kirk Startup Screen [*] MidiKit 2.3 FAT [*] MultiMaker - Multiple Choice Tests [*] Nag 2.5 [*] newstartupscreens [*] NS-PassWord-v15.hqx NS PassWord v1.5 is a secure password util [*] Photos4us Lite 1.02 [*] Pocket DiabetiCare 1.10 Beta 6 [*] Power Mac Neon [*] SeaWolf_Demo [*] SerialSpeed 230 Version 1.5a [*] Sprite Fight 2002 [*] The_Oswiecim_Operation_Demo.sit [*] Very Macintosh Startup Screen [*] Web Devil 1.0 [*] What's New Assistant v1.0 (68K) [*] What's New Assistant v1.0 (FAT) [*] What's New Assistant v1.0 (PPC) [*] Wizbangs Sounds [*] WWW Sites 2.1 #### TEXT infomacv15-044.txt **** Today's Topics: [!] Word changing line-widths [*] coax - Matlab's functions for RF calculations [*] Easy View 2.62 [*] Eudora Wacked Sounds 1.0 [*] gold-pusher-14.hqx [*] LogTimer J - Japanese Version (Q) Finder heap fix and OS 7.6 (Q) Superpaint problem; recommendation for new drawing software [Q] Automatic WindowShade utility? [Q]L2 cache [Q] PowerBook 100 features? (2 msgs) Connecting two old Classics Connect speeds, etc. dos emulator Epson Stylus Printer Problems ethernet on PowerMac 6200/75 FileMaker Pro for Windows 95 and NT Form Z site/mailing list Info-Mac Digest V15 #33 Info-Mac Digest V15 #37 Info-Mac Digest V15 #38 Info-Mac Digest V15 #40 Info-Mac Digest V15 #41 Max Modem Speed on DUO 280 Mouse Troubles Need opinions on modems... Netscape Preferences in Lab Setting Online Bible for Macintosh PowerMonger print PS file to Quckdraw printer QuickDraw GX manual feed alert Saving MicroSoft Word Documents SCSI Video Input Peripheral? Skew problem with HP DeskJet 879Cse. SoundMaster Replacement (?) Speeding up PPCs TIFF class? views prefs not sticking WWWW #### TEXT infomacv15-045.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] AutoLaunch 1.0.8 [*] Bio-2.2b [*] Blue Plastic Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] bulkrate-faq-252-english [*] BulkRate 2.5.2 [*] CacheSaver 1.0.2f (French version) [*] cdmd.sit.hqx, compression/utils [*] Chaotic Software CDEF Set #1 [*] Chris's Face for Reading Mouse [*] CommuniGate Server 2.7.4 [*] Download Timer Gauge v3.0 [*] E-Mail Central 2.4 =?iso-8859-1?Q?=9F.sea?= [*] Enigma 2.6.2 [*] Find_icon 2.0, code to find an icon suite of file or folder [*] gif-builder-05-fr [*] Hyper-Stack Player Pro-68k [*] Internet Logger v. 2.1 [*] Jason'sIconsv1.0.sit [*] Johns WP Find Recent 2.1.1 [*] kev-pp10b1.sit.hqx [*] KidKeys [*] Mac =?iso-8859-1?Q?ChessMate=811.0?= [*] MailDock 1.0.1 [*] MKG3D [*] My Mac Magazine #22 [*] Pastoral Care Pro Help [*] PhoneCodesTimeZones 3.3.1 [*] Planeta Mac, n 12, febrero de 1997 [*] quotefortoday [*] Simple Video Saver [*] SimpleView 0.5d4 [*] Sleeper 2.1.1 - Sleep mode for all Macs [*] Snapz_Pro_Installer.hqx [*] Swiss-German Verbs - language teaching software [*] Symbionts 2.7 [*] TrueClock? 1.9 [*] TurboFind 2.2 German version [*] video-toolbox.c [*] Volume Key 1.0 [*] What's New Assistant v1.54 (68k) [*] What's New Assistant v1.54 (PPC) Slow Modem Connection #### TEXT infomacv15-046.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] AutoLog USA v1.0 [*] Burning of Eden, Marathon 1 scenario [*] chessking-updater-103 [*] Chris Aaron/Kaleidoscope Patch 1.9.0 [*] Gestalt Selectors List 3.7 [*] Isles [*] macmny.sit [*] Musicomania 1.0 [*] Musicomania 1.0P (Portuguese) [*] Photographer's Database v1.0 [*] Snap-to cdev-puts cursor on default button (Q) Looking For Hard Drive (Q) Superpaint problem; recommendation for new drawing [Q]L2 cache (2 msgs) Apples "Auto On Off" Avesh's Desktop Schemes for K - warning Blueprint (Minicad) plugins problem Bug in Torquemada 1.3.0? CFM-68K Runtime Enabler Chat server [A] Connecting two old Classics English System on Japanese Mac Eudora Pro Question Family Tree Maker for Power Macintosh GeoPort Info-Mac Digest V15 #35 Info-Mac Digest V15 #41.Reply Info-Mac Digest V15 #44 L2 Cache Macintosh Easy Open Menus key assignment programs? Outlines & Notes Please include MIME info!! print PS file to Quckdraw printer (2 msgs) QuickBasic and Power PC Skew problem with HP DeskJet 879Cse. SoundMaster Replacement (?) answer Superpaint Problem Symantex's Directory Assistance II Two Questions URGENT - MAC EVANGELIST NEEDED! #### TEXT infomacv15-047.txt **** Today's Topics: CFM-68K Runtime Enabler Gregorian font Info-Mac Digest V15 #46 L2 Cache Menus key assignment programs? Mis-diagnosis with Tech Tool??? Paying for shareware. Saving MicroSoft Word Documents Symantex's Directory Assistance II Two Questions (3 msgs) Urgent - Mac Evangelist Needed URGENT - MAC EVANGELIST NEEDED! #### TEXT infomacv15-048.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?EasyAccount=81v1.6?= [*] AutoLaunch 1.0.8 [*] AutoLog Metric v1.0 [*] AutoLog USA v1.0 [*] Azerbaijan HTB - Newton [*] Azerbaijan HTB for Mac [*] Bio-2.2b [*] BlueSkyIcons #6 [*] CacheSaver 1.0.2f (French version) [*] CD-Square 1.0 [*] Crafty 11.13 [*] C Reference Card 2.6 [*] Easy View 2.62 [*] ExaChess Lite 1.0 [*] FontLint font manager [*] Glidel U.S. 3.4 [*] GnuChessMac 4.0 [*] gold-pusher-14.hqx [*] How Big is the Mac Archive [*] Japanese Font Pack V.1-3 [*] Log Watcher 1.1.0 [*] Log Watcher 1.1.0 PPC [*] MO disk Icons [*] Mortgage Saver Excel Spreadsheet [*] PrintUseMonitor 3.4 [*] QuickPress 1.0 [*] Resource Remover 1.0.0 [*] simpletext-color-menu-221.hqx [*] TrueClock? 1.9 [*] What's New Assistant v1.54 (68k) #### TEXT infomacv15-049.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Technica" Kaleidoscope Sounds [*] CyberAssistant 1.0 [*] FM Export Cleaner [*] HTML Color Utility v1.0 [*] last-straw-pointer [*] Mike's PowerMac 3D Icons v.97.3 [*] MMDemo358.hqx (Mac Manager Demo v3.5.8) [*] Multi Find-Replace 1.5 [*] NewsWatcher 2.1.6, a Usenet news client [*] Resource Remover 1.0.0 PPC [*] TidBITS#367/24-Feb-97 [*] tiggrs-clock-13-ad.hqx [Q] MacIIci serial ports replacement? [Q] More Pb 100 questions [Q] Questiona about Anarchie Acorn Archimedes Disk Reader. Advice wanted on HP Deskwriter 600 A PB 5300ce Apple workgroup server to WinNT? Forced to the Darkside? Frames and Pagemill 2.0 Info-Mac Digest V15 #47 LaserWriter NT and the PC Mac SE30 and SCSI drive (2 msgs) Paying for shareware. (2 msgs) Sound channel changing at startup Summary of "Misdiagnosis of Tech Tool?" Superpaint Problem #### TEXT infomacv15-050.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 48hours [*] Blue Plastic Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Chaotic Software CDEF Set #1 [*] Chris Aaron/Kaleidoscope Patch 1.9.0 [*] Come and Get It! [*] CommuniGate Server 2.7.4 [*] die geringste Aussicht [*] DiskTracker 1.1.1 [*] facespan extension 2.1 [*] FileTyper 5.2 [*] Find_icon 2.0, code to find an icon suite of file or folder [*] FloorTiles 2.0.1 [*] Gestalt Selectors List 3.7 [*] Hitler's Hell [*] Interactive Prophet [*] Isles [*] Johns WP Find Recent 2.1.1 [*] Kinematic Land 1.5 [*] Linko 1.0a6 [*] ListLib 1.0 [*] lmqeld-fr.hqx [*] LongToDate 0.1.6b [*] macmny.sit.hqx [*] MacOS/Kirk Startup Screen [*] Musicomania 1.0 [*] My Mac Magazine #22 [*] Photographer's Database v1.0 [*] Pocket DiabetiCare 1.10 Beta 6 [*] Quick Time 2.5 Icon Patch. [*] quotefortoday [*] Re:El Parso's NeXT/Copland MacOS Scheme [*] SeaWolf_Demo [*] Simple Video Saver [*] Snapz_Pro_Installer.hqx [*] Sokoban Level Editor 3.5 [*] The_Oswiecim_Operation_Demo.sit [*] The Doctor is In! [*] The Gallery [*] Three Crowns [*] Total Shutdown 1.1 [*] videobase_library_1.1.hqx-fm db [*] Waffenfabrik [*] Web Devil 1.0 [*] Wizbangs Sounds Info-Mac Digest V15 #47 #### TEXT infomacv15-051.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] AutoLaunch 1.0.8 [*] Brad's StartupScreens Vol.1 [*] BulkRate 2.5.2 [*] CacheSaver 1.0.2 [*] cdmd.sit.hqx, compression/utils [*] ePress European Kit 1.0.4 [*] Hyper-Stack Player Pro-68k [*] Internet Logger v. 2.1 [*] Italian Verbs 1.2.5 - foreign language teaching [*] Language Toolkit Reader 1.0.5 - foreign language teaching [*] Mac-HaBu 3.5 [*] MacFrodo v3.1.5 [*] MicroWorld 2.2b submission [*] MKG3D [*] MultiMaker - Multiple Choice Tests [*] newstartupscreens [*] PhoneWatcher 1.7.2 [*] PhoneWatcher 1.7.4 [*] PHOTOCAT 1.0 fr - PICTURE CATALOGUER [*] PHOTOCAT 1.0 PPC [*] Power Mac Neon [*] SimpleView 0.5d4 [*] Symbionts 2.7 [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.3 - foreign language teaching [*] Very Macintosh Startup Screen [*] Vocabulary 2.0 - New version [*] Vremya 1.2.1 [*] WWW Sites 2.1 9500/120 upgrade path? [A] Apple Server for Windows (3.1 and 95) [Q] FTP vi Anarchie through Netscape CFM-68K Runtime Enabler Conclusion: Paying for shareware. Easy-View 2.6.2 - Where is it? family tree maker for mac floppy drive for Quadra 800 Forced to the Darkside Fried serial ports? Info-Mac Digest V15 #49 LaserWriter NT and the PC Password Protect a Folder pb100 questions Quark end-of-file Re Superpaint Problem Summary of "Misdiagnosis of Tech Tool?" Superpaint Problem Two Questions #### TEXT infomacv15-052.txt **** Today's Topics: [!] Where are the programs? [*] Aardvark Smooth 1.0 for Kaleidoscope [*] Airport IDs 2.5 for Mac [*] ChaosPoetry Generator-HC.sit [*] ConvertMachine 1.1.1 [*] Countries-n-Capitals v1.1 [*] D-SoundPRO 2.5: the mac sound editor [*] DEATH FROM ABOVE 1.4 [*] Eastgate Web Squirrel 1.5.0 [*] FileTyper 5.2.1 [*] fonts (4 msgs) [*] Fractal Trees - a bare bones fractal tree modeler. [*] Frontier 4.2 [*] Hermes II 3.5.2 documentation in Adobe Acrobat format [*] HyperGlot Goobledygook-HC.sit [*] Jeremy's CSM's 1.6.3 [*] kaleidoscope mightask scheme 0.1 [*] macucp-11-doc-eng.hqx - English doc for MacUCP [*] macucp-11-doc-ger.hqx - German doc for MacUCP [*] Mahjong 1.0.5 [*] My Mac Magazine #22 [*] New Macintosh Application adds PGP + Voice encryption to Eudora [*] ouchMe 1.1.2 [*] PDF Object Browser 1.0 [*] Quote of the Day 1.2 [*] RestrictionEnzymes2.7 [*] serial control [*] SimpleText Color Menu 2.2.1J - submission [*] Snavely 1.0.4 [*] synk-220.hqx [*] TykeWriter - Word Processor for Kids! [*] Valentines 1.0.1 for Kaleidoscope [*] Vremya [*] Wolf Maps package SuperPaint Problem #### TEXT infomacv15-053.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 3D-Touch-Me Textures Sampler1.1 - Professional Multimedia Deskt [*] Anarchie J 2.0.1 [*] AutoHide 1.1 [*] BB-Gun - BBEdit auto-typer [*] BBEdit tool for Textures [*] Better Edit Keys 1.0.1J - submission to cfg/ [*] ComputerModern.T1 [*] ComputerModern.TT [*] Consecutive Four v1.0 [*] CustoFinder 7 1.2.3 (german version) [*] Deep Purple [*] DeskBots 1.1 [*] DeskBots Bonus Folder [*] DeskBots Workshop [*] Download Deputy 1.3.1 [*] Electric Broadsheet 1.6.sit [*] El Parso's NeXT Theme [*] Flies 3D PPC [*] Format-Chart Version 1.2.0 [*] FTP LetterRip Mailing List Server [*] gold-pusher-14.hqx [*] Gradekeeper 4.4 is now available!! [*] Hermes II 3.5.2, a BBS [*] Hermes II 3.5.2 documentation in MS Word format [*] iNES 0.6 [*] Internet Bolo Buddy 1.0 [*] IPNetMonitor 1.1.1 Macintosh Internet Tools (2 msgs) [*] Kaleidoscope for Mac Color Scheme [*] Kinematic Land 1.5.1 [*] odDateFixer 1.0 [*] Pancake 1.0.6.sit [*] People Lister 1.0b20 [*] SoundMachine 2.7 [*] SoundMachine 2.7J - Japanese Version [*] SoundPhone [*] Trainspotters Puzzle 2.1; fitword crossword puzzles [*] Videobase Library [*] Web Devil 1.0 #### TEXT infomacv15-054.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Photon" Kaleidoscope Sound Replacements [*] 02-97 MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial [*] Analyst Lite Demo [*] AppHider v1.3 - Hides apps from Finder [*] Aussicht [*] BeHierarchic31b9 [*] Bill's Zip Disk Icons [*] CDFinder 1.2.1 [*] ClickPad II 2.2.2 [*] ConvertTextInfos version 1.0.0 [*] drop-text-printer-14.hqx [*] Edwin's Power Tools Excel Add-In 1.2 [*] etronome [*] Fetch 3.0.2b2 Installer [*] Font Box 2.1 (FAT) [*] FontLint 1.0.1 [*] Freebytes [*] Gerbils Tracks [*] Hotline Server 1.1b20 68K [*] Hotline Server 1.1b20 PPC [*] Hotline Tracker 1.0 68K [*] Hotline Tracker 1.0 PPC [*] HTML_Maker_v.1.2.sit.hqx [*] IBMUG Monthly V1N6.hqx [*] iNES 0.6 [*] Mac CallerID 1.1.6 [*] MacSense Volume 4, Issue 1 [*] McB-NeXT, Another Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Midi Thru 1.5 fat - A Software Midi Thru Box - (Replaces [*] Mortgage Solver 2.04.hqx [*] MTX2HTML Version 1.5.5 [*] My color schemes for Kaleidoscope [*] New OT/PPP control Strip [*] SC Basic Compiler [*] Slabbers.1.0. animated action game... [*] The Doctor is In! [*] Ultimate copland 2.2 [*] What's New Assistant v1.5.0 (68K, PPC) [*] Woof's BeView - submission #### TEXT infomacv15-055.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Amadeus 1.0.8 for Kaleidoscope [*] BBEdit Text To Speech Update [*] Catch - Command your own fishing Expedition [*] Change UU 1.0 AS [*] Fitness Coach [*] galactica-11.hqx (strategy game; include on CD) [*] Hotline tracker 1.0 68k [*] Hotline tracker 1.0 ppc [*] JWindows97 for Kaleidoscope [*] Kaleidoscope Color Scheme [*] Kaleidoscope Win95 Color Scheme 2.0 - Freeware [*] Language Reader 1.1 - foreign language teaching [*] Language Writer 1.1 - foreign language teaching [*] Little_Schabbs_Of_Horror1.sit [*] Mac-HaBu 3.6 [*] MediaPresenter 1.38LE [*] meine boerse 1.4 [*] metric conversion metric calculator ConvertUnits Pro v1.5.6 [*] minix sed for PowerPC [*] MT2hyperDisk-1-0-1.sit.hqx [*] NewtonCD FM2 Descriptions (self running demo) [*] NewtonCD FM3 Descriptions (requires FM3) [*] Ophiuchus 1.0.0 [*] PowerBook 5xx -> PPC upgrad [*] RubikSolver 1.1 [*] Sidescape 1.01 for 68k Mac [*] Sidescape 1.01 for PPC Mac [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 1.1.1 [*] Sticks11.sit [*] TableCloths 1.0 [*] Totally Incomplete PDA CD-ROM #8 CD List [*] Total Restart 1.4 - The next version of this all famous utility [*] wheres-the-waste(fat)1.0.hqx [*] Word Services XCMD 1.0d3 [*] Worksheet Magic 2.0.1 [*] XTND Update (Q) Apple Video Player Eudora splits long emails Old Deskwriter with Serial Driver Spell Checker (?) #### TEXT infomacv15-056.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] a-powerbook-suite-120 [*] AniGifs.V2 [*] Anthem 1.07 [*] apple-sos-joke-snd [*] Assimilator 1.1 [*] AutoLog USA v1.0 [*] Birthdays-and-Such 1.0.3 update [*] bonYx2 - shareware for internet [*] ChatTalk 1.0.1 (Easy network messages) [*] CyberAssistant 1.1 [*] E-News 97.02 [*] Filip's Word Macros 1.2.2 [*] GammaToggleFKEY - useful for Mac web page designers [*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.0.3 [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.0.3 [*] macmny.sit.hqx [*] MidiKit 2.3 FAT [*] Musicomania 1.0P (Portuguese) [*] Nag 2.5 [*] Tax Forms Excel Spreadsheet [A]: PowerBook 540c with dead display [A] Problems w/Clarisworks Updater [A] Symantex's Directory Assistance II A PB 5300ce Boot disk problems CyberDog... Desperately need help. Global Village TelePort Gold II FS... Info-Mac Digest V15 #49 Need Advice on Upgrading/Replacing PowerBook 540 Need opinions on modems... Paying for shareware PC fonts on the Mac Performa 6400/Applefax Problem Please explain and elaborate.... Problem w/ equations across platforms ResEdit 2.1.3 - fmnu Editor Role Playing Game Survey SID and MacRecorder Slow Modem Connection Stumped over connectivity problems Type 1 Error WriteNow 4.0->4.02 Update XTextures #### TEXT infomacv15-057.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "SubHuman" Kaleidescope Sounds [*] Announcing eMerge Version 1.0 [*] best-of-the-best [*] Catch the Bunny II [*] Christian-images [*] coax - Matlab's functions for RF calculations [*] ConvertMachine 1.1.1J - Japanese Version [*] CS Library v1.10 [*] Dot2 [*] Drop2Label 1.0 (Fast floppy labels FAT) [*] Electric Broadsheet 1.2 [*] Electric Broadsheet 1.3 [*] Electric Broadsheet 1.4 [*] FeatherGIF 1.7, Web transparency filter [*] Fonts Manager 3.6.3 [*] FTP: Zafir.1.0.sit.hqx10 [*] GifScan 2.1 [*] Glidel France 3.4 [*] HyperGlot Gobbledygook-HC.sit [*] ICTypeChanger 1.2 [*] Johns WP Outlining 6.0.1 [*] Johns WP Tips & Macros 1.3 [*] kkPark Game [*] LandShark 1.6 [*] LeeMail 2.0.7 [*] MakeItGrow 1.8 DEMO [*] Marathon MacOS Screen [*] musical-set-complete-103.hqx [*] Numerarium: shareware game [*] Packerland - a color scheme for Kaleidoscope [*] Pancake 1.1.sit [*] pendenz [*] PhotoMovie 1.0 ITA [*] studenliste-fm [*] TidBITS#368/03-Mar-97 [*] Y-Not (Y Axis Flipper) [?} memory leak eating ram? [Q] PCMCIA Modem Slower than Modem Port on Powerbook?? Apple Internet Dialer Problem Guide to "Best" Web colors how do i Info-Mac Digest V15 #52 IOMEGA ALERT Iomega Jaz Need: Apple Adjustable keyboard Newton Messagepad 2000 Scrolling problesm in MAC powerbook System 7.6: Type 11 errors #### TEXT infomacv15-058.txt **** Today's Topics: [Q] Serial Speed 230 Animated GIFs Boot disk problems>Solved Booting from a floppy using At Ease 4.0 FreePP and Modem Speed Getting past At Ease without admin password (3 msgs) Hard drive info needed Here's a GX question Installing 7.5.5 IOMEGA ALERT!!!!!! Iomega problems and solutions Kagi and Credit Card Theft More TechTool Stuff My preferences won't save! Need Advice on Upgrading/Replacing PowerBook 540 Please include MIME info!! Reading PC Power Point file on a Mac Stumped over connectivity problems Symantec Comments System 7.6: Type 11 errors System 7.6 Thoughts System RAM Still Growing System software for Mac Plus #### TEXT infomacv15-059.txt **** Today's Topics: [Q] Font Utility A request for Info: ATM 4.0 Cheap Printer Shootout E-mail queries External apple floppy drives Hard drive for LC Info-Mac Digest V15 #57 Internal CD on LC 550 Iomega Problems Link dead when connecting to network looking for Mac program Mac client for Win95/NT file servers? Maxtech Modem Microsoft Internet Mail to Cyberdog (Q) MP3's? Netscape/IE2.1... also, binaries in Usenet PopChar PowerBook 5xx 2.5" SCSI Drive Replacement Advice Needed Problems with Aaron Removable Media Hard Drive Scriptable file compare Slow Ethernet/boot-ROM 2.8F2/PPC 7xxx Spell Checker (?) [A] Spelling Checker Tempo=Mac OS 8? WorldPort 14400 PCMCIA on a Mac ? #### TEXT infomacv15-060.txt **** Today's Topics: [!] 200 uploads waiting... [*] ExtensionInformant1.2.hqx [*] InfoMac Plug-In for AnySearch [*] NetRPG 2.59 [*] PredDemo1.0 - Kids Edutainment Demo [*] Raven 1.0 [*] Raven 1.0 Examples.sit [*] TidBITS#369/10-Mar-97 [*] WarpSearch 2.4 -> 2.5 Updater [A] Animated GIFs [Q] 7.1P --> 7.5.x OK to do? [Q] Font Utility algebra teaching software Animated Gifs (3 msgs) ATM 4 [C] Boot disk problems Boot disk problems>Solved CyberDog and the '030 (and Java, too) data overrun or underrun?!? Desperately need [HD] help. Flames Floppy drive for Quadra 800 Font utility Font Utility [A] FreePP and Modem Speed Getting past At Ease without admin password Hard drive for LC Hard drive for LC59 Here's a GX question Installing 7.5.5 Internal CD on LC 550 Internal Modem Tools IOMEGA ALERT Kagi and Credit Card Theft more Symantec comments Need Advice on Upgrading/Replacing PowerBook 540 Netscape/IE2.1... also, binaries in Usenet PB 100 batteries? Photoshop 3.03 crash picture clipping, type=clpp creator=drag PopChar powerbook keyboard Printing special characters on HP 5MP RD2/Quickdraw 3d conflict-->IE3/simpletext crash Removing QuickDraw GX - My Experience System 7.6 thoughts System software for Mac Plus (R) #### TEXT infomacv15-061.txt **** Today's Topics: [!] Info-Mac is moving! (and going offline for a short while) [*] 3D RotatingCursor v1.0: Makes boring old black & white cursor i [*] AliasPalette 1.2.9 - alias utility [*] A Smaller GIF v1.01 (68k) [*] A Smaller GIF v1.01 (PPC) [*] AutoBleed Lite 2.1 Plug-In Filter for Adobe Photoshop [*] BabyLabyrinth 1.0.5+ [*] Beat the Dragon 2.0-updated and revised full-color solitaire [*] Boxcars Casino v1.0b [*] Catakig 1.01 - Apple ][, ][+, and //e emulator [*] Eject = Unmount (FR) (2 msgs) [*] Fractals 1.1 [*] GR-30 Editor [*] Hotline Client 1.1b20 [*] Hotline Client 1.1b20 =?iso-8859-1?Q?=9F?= (PPC) [*] Hotline Server 1.1b20 [*] Hotline Server 1.1b20 (PPC) [*] Hotline Tracker 1.0.1 (68K) [*] Hotline Tracker 1.0.1 (PPC) [*] Image Express Pro Demo [*] Mac-FTP-list Version 4.2.3 [*] MacDater 1.3.1 [*] Mac F2C v1.3.3 [*] MacOS [*] Maction MPEG Audio Player [*] MacZPoint 1.9.4 [*] map2html 0.1b2 -- a perl imagemap utility [*] Navigator Button Editor v1.2 [*] NetCalculator 1.0b1 - calculate IP adresses and masks [*] Object Plant, an Object-Oriented Analysis/Design Tool [*] Random DeskPatv1.0 [*] ScriptQuencer [*] Signature Evangelism 1.0 [*] SoundApp 2.2.3 - sound playback and conversion utility [*] Treefrog French 1.0 [*] Treefrog German 1.0 [*] Truss 6.0 PPC Demo - Truss analysis application [*] URL Manager Pro 1.4v3J - Japanese version [*] WPMac News 3/97 [*] WWII BoloMaps Series [*] Yours, Love, Sincerely 2.0 [*] ZMODEM Tool J1-1.0.3 (Q) Powerbook Drive Needed [Q] Two Questions Animated GIFs (2 msgs) Eudora Pro demo, opens expired! Even more Pb100 questions! FPU Here's a GX question Mac + PICT to TEXT conversion picture clipping, type=clpp creator=drag RAM Doubler and/or Speed Doubler testimony... System software for Mac Plus (R) #### TEXT infomacv15-062.txt **** Today's Topics: [!] You're going to hate us [*] Angry Face Cursor v1.04 [*] BackSlide 1.2, a Java puzzle with a twist [*] Birthdays-and-Such 1.0.3 update [*] Bushka Tutor 1.1, an introduction to the game [*] Drop2Register 1.0 [*] Emergo Tutor 1.2, an introduction to the game [*] europe-221.hqx [*] Fetch 3.0.2 [*] Glass Beas Game Tutor, an introduction to the game [*] GNTAX96.hqx [*] Havannah Tutor, an introduction to the game [*] ioBase1.4 - Power Personnal database [*] mail-kanji-fixer-10.hqx [*] Marathon MacOs Screen [*] Monster Mac Rally [*] Mortgage Saver Excel Spreadsheet [*] Mr. Cat's Quest 1.1.sit.hqx [*] NoMoreCookies 1.1 [*] PageInspector 1.1 [*] Pioneer Cursor v1.03 [*] PowerFantasm v4.17 demo [*] Reanimator 1.0 [*] Resource Remover 1.1 [*] Resource Remover 1.1 PPC [*] SIMON [*] Smiley Cursor v1.07 [*] sndseng1.1b (hc).sit.hqx - English language pronunciation tutor [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 1.21 [*] Space Trek [*] Speed Tester 2.2 (PPC) [*] Star Fighters 1.3.sit.hqx [*] Stock Updator1.1 [*] SuperSaver 1.0 [*] synchronize-352-demo.hqx [*] synchronize-pro-352-demo.hqx [*] System Errors Application v1.0b [*] Tax Forms SYLK Spreadsheet [*] Trainspotters Puzzle 2.1.1; fitword crossword puzzles [*] UnderControl 0.47 [*] Voyager Cursor v1.09 [*] waffenfabrik [*] zaphod A-B Switch for mointors? HP printers Share #### TEXT infomacv15-063.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 'Grand Ma Told Me' - Genealogy Tree Manager [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?=B5Zak?= 1.6, a sound playing utility [*] Aaron's Wonderful Icons 1.5 [*] Aaron 1.5.3 [*] ANEMIA [*] Apple-NeXT IG Startup RSRC [*] ATPM 3.02 [*] Bad to the Bone, a Collection of Wolfenstein 3D Scenarios [*] Bounce clickthrough utility [*] C.S.M.P. Digest Vol 4 No 036 [*] ChooserUser 1.3.1 [*] chronos 2.0 [*] CISExport [*] CodeWarrior AppleScripts [*] Color Tools Quick (HyperCard utility stack) [*] CopyPaste 3.3J - Japanese Version [*] CopyPaste 3.3 Just Released! [*] Cryptix 1.1.1 [*] CW10.XLL.Framework [*] D-SoundPRO 2.5b2 (FAT): the professional sound editor [*] D-Sound Pro 2.5J - Japanese Version [*] Danimal's Textures, Volume 3 [*] Designer Icons 1 [*] DiskTracker 1.1.1 [*] EasyAccount v 1.8 [*] Ebola Monkey Bingo v1.00 [*] FeatherGIF 1.7, Web transparency filter [*] FontLoupe [*] Hexomania, a new strategic shareware board game for Mac [*] Hubert's M.A.C. Icons r9702 [*] Kev's PreProcessor 1.0b1 [*] Mac-HaBu 3.6 [*] Math_Arithmetic1.0.sit.hqx [*] Math_Counting1.0.sit.hqx [*] Math_Numberline1.0.sit.hqx [*] Mt. Everything 1.1 [*] PB Patterns 3.0 [*] PhotoMovie 1.6 - The Projector Maker [*] PoD- map of vast mines [*] ScanMon 1.06 an April Fools' Joke! [*] Screen Lock 3.0 [*] SerialControl 0.01b [*] Simple CD Player 1.0 [*] Simple Movie Player 1.0 [*] Simple Sound 1.0 [*] Sound Volume Adjusters [*] Super Comments 2.0.8 [*] The Gray Council 2.1 #### TEXT infomacv15-064.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Subhuman" Kaleidoscope Sound Replacer (2 msgs) [*] "Vortek" Kaleidoscope Sound Replacer [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?Strategram=81?= Demo version 1.0 for Macintosh [*] Althea 1.1 for Kaleidoscope [*] Althea LED 1.1 for Kaleidoscope [*] Bio-Marine Wolfenstein levels [*] Colour Collector 1.0 [*] CyberGold, a Kaleidoscope color scheme [*] Dark Corona 1.0.1 - action arcade game [*] Darts ScoreKeeper [*] Daylight Savings Time [*] DeskBots Bonus [*] DeskBots Workshop 1.0 [*] Drill 1.1 [*] Federal Taxes for 1996 Excel spreadsheet [*] GLMLCp [*] HAND! - Have A Nice Day #18 [*] Hide Folders 2.1 FAT [*] HTML QuickTags 2.0 [*] II2Mac 1.0.4 [*] Internet Bolo Buddy 1.0.1 [*] Joel's Applemania - Kaleidoscope color scheme [*] Learn To Type v1.5 68k - Dvorak or QWERTY? [*] Learn To Type v1.5 B&W - Dvorak or QWERTY? [*] Learn To Type v1.5 PPC - Dvorak or QWERTY? [*] Mortgage Saver Excel Spreadsheet [*] MOTHER-IN-LAW AfterDark screensaver (2 msgs) [*] NewsWatcher 2.16+jp1 patch [*] PIRAYAS X-SCOPE [*] PlayerPRO 4.5.5 Developper Kit and XCMD [*] PlayerPRO_4.5.5_(FAT) [*] POLYCHEM chemistry demo [*] Rypple 1.3 (2 msgs) [*] Screening Room v1.2.7 (FAT) - video screensaver package [*] So Far: a text adventure [*] Spice3f4_16 Analog Circuit Simulator [*] SunClock 1.0 [*] Tax Forms Excel Spreadsheet [*] The Haber Process - Chemistry [*] The Mac Channel - Webcast software [*] Tintin Icon collection [*] ToDo List 2.1 [*] Treefrog Chem Elements 1.0 [*] Treefrog Chemistry Ions v1.0 040 [*] Treefrog Chemistry Qual Analysis v1.0 040 [*] Wolf Maps package #### TEXT infomacv15-065.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Allostris 2.0 [*] AppleTalk Access 1.0.1 OSAX [*] AppleTree1.0.3 - a multinomial modelling application [*] BarbaBatch 2.0 Demo [*] Bill's Zip Disk Icons [*] BitMapMusic 1.2 - music notation program [*] black-night-tool-docs-103.sit [*] black-night-txfr-tools-103.sit [*] blood_bath_ppc_137.sit [*] bonyx 2.01 [*] Cassandra - fortune for the Mac! [*] Default Folder 2.7.1 [*] development/hypercard/file management [*] exile3.v102.sit.hqx [*] Flexmail form-to-email plug-in [*] FTP CrystalDesigner DR5 [*] galactica-11.hqx [*] Garcia's Guitars 1.2 non-violent game for you! [*] Geoport Shut Down V1.0.2 [*] GLMLCp [*] KeyMash V1R1M1 Freeware [*] net-presenz-41.hqx [*] NET/Mac2.3.62.sea.hqx [*] PhoneWatcher 1.7.3 [*] PhotoMovie 1.6 - The Projector Maker [*] Powerbook.keyboard.remap [*] PrfFileSDK 0.2 [*] SelectDriveIcons - Unique identities for your Mac! [*] Sidescape1.00 - browsing assistant [*] Sleeper 2.1.1d (German version) [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 1.2 [*] sound volume adjusters.sit [*] Star Wars game Demo [*] SutoMIDI 1.15 - MIDI File Player [*] TechTool 1.1.3 for InfoMac [*] Text Indexer 1.1.1 - Instant Text Searches! [*] The Alphabet 2.0aj - Japanese Version [*] Treefrog_Alphabet_1.0.sit.hqx [*] TykeWriter 1.0.1 [*] UltraFind 2.5.2 - Disks, Networks, Indexes, WWW, Usenet [*] UltraFind 2.5.2 ITAL - Italian Version [*] URL Manager Pro 1.4v3J - Japanese Version [*] Verbs and Nouns 1.4.1 - foreign language teaching [*] Virtual 1.6, a multiple virtual screens manager (3 msgs) [*] vsamp-200.sit [*] VSamp 2.0 [*] Zafir 1.0 [*] Zip-Six icons #### TEXT infomacv15-066.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 3D Control Panel Icons 1.4 [*] 3D Hard Disk Icons 1.0.1 [*] 3D Touch-Me Textures Sampler1.1 Multimedia Desktops [*] Artistic Desktop Patterns [*] AutoHide 1.2 [*] BertrandFAT10.sit.hqx [*] Boris's Patch 2.5.3x for Aaron 1.5.3 [*] CDFinder 1.2.2 [*] Clue-J [*] Codebook-2.8sit [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 037 [*] Days To Go 2.0.1 - a simple reminder program [*] Designer Icons I [*] Fractals 1.2 [*] Last Straw Pointer 1.2 [*] MacFlash 1.0 - Flashcard Editor and Quizzer [*] Marathon Physics Model [*] Mikes PowerMac 3D Icons v97r4 [*] MusiCalc v.4.3 music time calculator [*] My Precious Baby 1.1 [*] Natural Order 1.4 [*] NetBATCH 1.05 Revision B (new) [*] NetPresenz 4.1, an FTP, Gopher, and Web server [*] Pinky_&_TheBrain_Icons.sit.hqx [*] PrintUseMonitor 3.4 [*] QuickChar 1.5.1 [*] Regis 1.1 (FAT), A Registration Serial Number Tracker [*] Sherlock Holmes Icons [*] Snood 2.0 -- Puzzle Game [*] SolitaireTillDawn3.0.sit.hqx [*] SoundVision DELTA 51 - Superfast Realtime Sound Analyzer [*] TykeWriter - Word Processor for Kids! Version 1.0.1 [*] Vremya 1.5.2 [*] WebCalendar1.2.sit.hqx [*] wolf level [*] WPMac News 2/97 #### TEXT infomacv15-067.txt **** Today's Topics: [!] This is the last digest for a while [*] ALXSCR11.HQX [*] Andy's 3D Modern Cursor v1.0 [*] AppleSOS-joke1.2beta [*] Archimedean v. 6.0 [*] Bill's Zip Disk Icons [*] Copland 7 Color Scheme - Freeware [*] csOTPPP [*] CyberGold 1.1 [*] GNTAX96.hqx [*] Marathon MacOS Screen [*] MatheEg 6.0 [*] OT/PPP Strip 1.0b2 [*] Photoshop Dither Filter package, v1.6 (dither-filter-16.hqx) [*] Point4 Demo version 1.3 [*] RecCleaner10.hqx [*] Sherlock Holmes Icons [*] SimpleLogger1.0 [*] SuperSaver 1.0 [*] X-Files startup [*] Yours, Love, Sincerely 2.0.1 Change of e-mail address Cheap Printer Shootout Eudora problem FreePPP & SCSIProbe 4.0 Clash Info-Mac Digest V15 #58 Japanese keyboard Latest version of Word Microsoft File PB 100 batteries? PB 5300ce & Port Problems RFreePP and Modem Speed - Re: Info-Mac Digest V15 #58 Sensitive data & equipment Salvage System 7.6: Type 11 errors System software for Mac Plus (R) Upgrade possibilities for a MacII (q) DOS emulator!!!!!! #### TEXT infomacv15-068.txt **** Today's Topics: [!] The first new digest!!! [*] TidBITS#370/17-Mar-97 [*] TidBITS#371/24-Mar-97 100-time size difference between excel and pict charts! 512k Hack [Q] Two Questions/Word A Few Questions A great place Australia info mac site bar code font Can I use Global Village software on USR Modem? Design Problems with PB1400c downloading Epson Stylus Pro/PC Compatability Printing? family tree maker for mac Fonts Help With Modem String (USR & FaxSTF) hosed LC520 InFo Info-Mac Digest V15 #61 IOMEGA ALERT!!!!!! IP via appletalk looking for SCHEME for Mac Mount multiple CD's from 1 volume? need help with Apple IP Gateway [Q] Need replacement monitor cable Personal Laserwriter and 7.5.3 PowerBook 520 Power PC upgrade question about Netscape and MacTCP RAM Doubler and/or Speed Doubler testimony... ResEdit aete editor Scsi Wierdness Searching for Web site grabber Stuffit Deluxe 4.0 crashes 7.6 System 7.6 Type 11 error (C) system for Japanese Performa/was Info-Mac Digest V15 #37 win95/MacOS lan #### TEXT infomacv15-069.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Mac-Addict-StartupScreen [*] 3.9.9 of MicNotePad Lite [*] 3D Touch-Me Textures Vol1.1 [*] BeView Xtras 1.1.1 [*] BeViewScreens3 (a replacement) [*] black-night-conn-tools-103.sit [*] Clicker 4.2 [*] CopyThru v2.4 [*] CornerClock v1.7 submission [*] Default Folder 2.7.1d [*] DEM Reader 1.5 (68K) [*] DEM Reader 1.5 (PPC) [*] DiskTools Collection 3.3.3 [*] Fast Font Menu 1.1.1J - Japanese Version [*] FolderGuard 1.0.1J [*] FormDrop WWW v1.0.2 [*] HCIPMSSIMSWR - THE GUIDE!!!! 1.0 [*] Hearts-Elvis (Playthe King with HEARTS DELUXE!) [*] hexxII.cpt.hqx [*] Html Table 1.0 [*] Lobster 1.5 [*] MAC-nificent 2.7 [*] MacKitty(tm) V1.0 [*] Manic Minefields 1.1 [*] MineSweeper Pro 1.0 [*] paperchord10.hqx [*] PRAM Time Manipulator [*] prelude-v1-fm3.sit [*] Quinielax 251 (fat) [*] RealView 2.3 [*] Scenario Maker 3D DR2 [*] SelectionPalette 1.0 for Mac OS QuarkXPress [*] Shareware program (in German) [*] SiteWeaver; Web Site Manager [*] Smart Scroll 2.03 [*] Speech Typer v1.0.1 [*] Super Mac Freecell 1.1 [*] TabPalette 1.5 for Mac OS QuarkXPress [*] TidBITS#373/01-Apr-97 [*] TidBITS#374/07-Apr-97 [*] TidBITS#375/14-Apr-97 [*] TidBITS#376/21-Apr-97 [*] TileSwitcher 1.2 [*] wwwtimer1.0.sit.hqx [*] YourDreamsStartupScreen #### TEXT infomacv15-070.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] [*] 8-Ball Emulator 8 [*] Boxcars Casino 1.0b [*] conflict wolf [*] Education Chemistry Compound Weights Percentages [*] English Italian 2.6 ITA - English/Italian Dictionary [*] html-linkchecker-20.hqx [*] html-vocabulary-18.hqx [*] HyperSlider 1.8.5 - creating interactive slide shows [*] Kaleidoscope Schemes [*] MacSpeaker 1.6: Loudspeaker measurement [*] MutantDungeonVR-1.0 [*] newtons speaking [*] paperchord10.hqx [*] patch [*] patch for the game Digital Vendetta [*] Pittsburgh for Kaleidoscope! [*] QuickTTest1.2 [*] Red Plastic Kaleidoscope Plugin [*] Simon Says Deluxe [*] Spike 1.03 [*] vsamp201 "download a web site" 8845 long plots problem Accelerator for LC AOL version 3.0 Can I use Global Village software on USR Modem? Color StyleWriter 2400 COMAL Programming Language Extensions Fwd: NetBatch Revision C Post looking for SCHEME for Mac Mac-Binhex40 Modem is /too/ reliable... Mount multiple CD's from 1 volume? Mount multiple CD's from 1 volume? Mount multiple CD's from 1 volume? Newton - repeating to do item OS 7.6 and After Dark? Pesky Word 5.1a question Project Schedule software with Gantt charts? Quadra 700 and video redirecting LaserWriter spooling Small Web browser videos #### TEXT infomacv15-071.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Find File 1.1.3 patch [*] [A] WWWStat4Mac-15.hqx [*] Cat's Eye View vol.1 [*] Cat's Eye View vol.2 [*] Cool Address Book 1.5 BETA [*] CopyThru 2.4.4 [*] dev - WindowDetective 1.1.0 [*] development/hypercard/HCRoundup.sit.hqx [*] Electric Broadsheet 1.8 [*] email-merge-1.1.sit.hqx [*] Fat Cursors v1.2.2 [*] Five Dice 2.2 [*] FolderWatcher 1.02d (Demonstration version) [*] Font Image Library 3.3 [*] fontvu 1.57 [*] FTP ClearPhone.hqx v3.1.2 [*] HINTS to David's Hell [*] I Ching Connexion 2.3.1; I Ching with a new view [*] Instant Folders, INIT to quickly browse in Standard File dialogs. [*] MacChannel Version 1.0b3 [*] MacChannel Version 1.0b3 [*] Mailto Tamer 1.3 for HTML WWW Forms submitted via Email [*] Mailto Tamer Updater: v1.2 to v1.3 [*] McPoet 4.2: Text-morphing tools [*] Metronome-Tuning Fork [*] Mikes PowerMac 3D Icons v97r6 [*] Mirror 1.0 - Directory synchronisation using FTP [*] NetFinder 1.3 [*] Netscape 3.0.1 Gay Pride Patch [*] Numbers & Charts 1.0.1 demo [*] Peak 1.53 [*] Scripture Memory 1.3 [*] TidBITS#377/28-Apr-97 [*] Timed Alert v1.0 - displays alerts at specified times [*] Triple A [*] uploading suntar 2.1.2 FAT 100-time size difference between excel and pict charts! Mac Binhex 4.0 (R) Mac Binhex 4.0 (R) Mac-Binhex40 Performa 6400 Pesky Word 5.1a question (R) Pesky Word 5.1a question (R) S.O.S: GlobalVillage 33.6 not 'Selected'by Mac Small Web browser #### TEXT infomacv15-072.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 1400 Newton files listing [*] Ambrosia_Times_4.2.hqx [*] Bill's Zip Disk Icons [*] Bills Icons [*] Bills to Pay Pro 3.5.6 [*] CopyPaste 3.3.1a (US) [*] development/hypercard [*] DOS Export 1.0.sea.hqx [*] DOSImport [*] Element Tools for Excel [*] Explorer.sit [*] Helios LanTest 2.0.0 - File Server Performance Evaluation Tool [*] Home Automation Software [*] ICeTEe 2b5 [*] ictype11.sit.hqx [*] Italian Nouns - Italian language learning software [*] Language Toolkit Reader 1.2.1 - foreign languages learning tool [*] List Launcher [*] List Launcher [*] Lottery Wizard 2.0 [*] Mac Errors & Help 1.1-hc [*] Mac Restart (ppc) [*] Macintosh Floating Windows support routines [*] metapong.sea.hqx [*] Metronome-Tuning Fork [*] NetBATCH 1.05c [*] NetBATCH 1.1preview [*] newtons speaking [*] NOVA 2.0.0 [*] OMDI Unit Calculator [*] Port Juggler Update 4.6 [*] Pure Component Tools for Excel [*] puriTEXT 1.3 [*] QSJ HyperCard Satcks [*] Rate-A-Course for Newton [*] remember-30.hqx [*] ResEdit aete Editor [*] SFX Machine Demo [*] Spy 2.51 [*] StepOnItDemo.hqx [*] The AMUG May 1997 Newletter in pdf format [*] touchMe 1.2 [*] WWWStat4Mac 1.5 [*] YAAF v1.0a1 - Yet Another Application Framework SEND equivalent on Macs with PPP? #### TEXT infomacv15-073.txt **** Today's Topics: FMPro 3.x secret? NewsWatcher 2.0, a Usenet news client [A] Pb 100 batteries? [Q] Hardware Tests [Q]PC printing to mac Laserwriter ANNOUNCE: FlashStats v. 1.1 - Log File Analysis ApplePhone docs? (Q) Browser for MAC SE?? Finder ver 6.1.7 CE Software QuicKeys PowerMac Native finally released Connecting Mac to Windows 95 Network digital font design/Fontographer Disk Blocks keep going bad email and file encryption Ethernet hardware address Explorer for mac? file sharing won't start up [Q] hanging on hanging up I am having trouble with my MacTCP Mac OS Megahertz Ethernet Modem and the Newton 2000 MORE translator network problems/PortSharePro Networking Mac and PC/Device Sharing Networking My Mac and PC Newswatcher 2.1.2 Open Apology Re: Can anyone run Britannica CD? PPP problems QuicKeys 3.5.2 not compatible with System 7.6.1 QuickTime and Premire 4 System 7 sound files make old newton talk loud TidBITS#373/01-Apr-97 available (exclusive!) Time server for Macintosh VRAM troubles with Radius 8/1600 card Word 6 translators #### TEXT infomacv15-074.txt **** Today's Topics: Quadra630 Crashes and Won't Restart "Extensions" (Edward Ver Hoef) [!] Digest Schedule [A] Personal Laserwriter and 7.5.3 [a] www for 68000 macs; 68000-mac-faq Color Stylewriter 2400 Endangered Species? FITS Image Header Displayer Gantt Chart Program Internet software for old Macs (A) Monitor Diagnostic Software Need SE30 Video Interface card Pesky Word 5.1a question (R) Pesky Word 5.1a question (R) repairing a NuDesign CD-ROM Scanner and OCR software query Searching for Web Site Grabber system 7.6, a 5300cs and PCethernet card problems #### TEXT infomacv15-075.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 3D MetaBounce 1.1.1 - 3D After Dark module [*] backup_by_stuffit_1.3e/AppleScript [*] CDIconKiller 1.4.1; disables custom icons on CD-ROMs [*] CustoFinder 7 1.2.4 US [*] EasyHTML 1.0b3 [*] Family Reunion Planner for Filemaker Pro 3.0 [*] Fancies set for Kaleidoscope 1.5, 3 elaborate color schemes [*] FolderWatcher [*] Foobar vs. the DEA version 1.1.2 - an action game [*] Frog Xing 1.2 [*] I Ching Connexion 2.3.1 patch [*] I Ching Connexion 2.3.1; I Ching with a new view [*] Instant Folders (NEW VERSION 1.0 b), INIT to quickly browse in [*] MacSOUP 2.2 - an offline reader for news and mail [*] MacSOUP D-2.2 - an offline reader for news and mail (German ver [*] MacZine #14 [*] NameCleaner 1.6.0 [*] New Toner Tuner Demo [*] Updater for Toner Tuner [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.5.6 Q: Pinnacle Tahoe 230 Mb MO drive driver (A): Color StyleWriter 2400 email and file encryption Explorer for mac? Looking For Sources For Smaller HD's Monitor Diagnostic Softwar Nudesign 4x CDROM drive does not work with system 7.6.x Pb 3400 internal modem Program that allows internal PB modem to act like external modem? Specifications for the Stereo Audio Out Plug in the 7100/80 system 7.6, a 5300cs and PCethernet card problems URGENT!! Being converted to a Windows user Very Slow IIcx Boot Word 6 translators #### TEXT infomacv15-076.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 3-D Cannon [*] Argeiphontes Lyre [*] audiofile 2.01 [*] brain-hex-11.hqx [*] Bubble Trouble 1.01 [*] Bubble_Trouble_1.0.1_Updt.hqx [*] CalConvert 2.3 FAT [*] CopyPaste 3.3.1J - Japanese Version [*] Download Timer 3.0 [*] DragAnyWindow 4.0 [*] Errors & Help [*] Go HTML 2.0J - Japanese Version [*] HiTech Calc! Set 0.91 [*] HS Icon Librarian Demo [*] HyperCard Roundup 1.0 [*] Icon Archiver 2.1 FAT [*] Jins_NeoN-B_Schemes.hqx [*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.5.1 [*] Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection 1.5.1 [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.5.1 [*] KidCalc! 0.91 [*] List Files 2.6 FAT [*] Mac-FTP-list Version 4.2.5 [*] MetaPong v1.0r2 [*] Midi Thru 1.6 fat - A Software Midi Thru Box [*] NDS Osax v1.0d8 [*] NoDesktopCleanup 1.4 [*] Script for ircle IRC client [*] SelectRequestIcons - They change when selected! [*] Sesame 2.1.2J - Japanese Version [*] Shutdown Delay 2.5 [*] SimpleText Color Menu 2.3 [*] SmartMap 1.0 [*] SmartScroll 2.0.3J - Japanese Version [*] SndSampler 3.3.1 [*] SoundMachine 2.7.1J - Japanese Version [*] SquattyArchive.hqx [*] Submit Jin's_HiTechBlue_Schemes.hqx [*] SwitchBack 2.6J - Japanese Version [*] URL Manager Pro 1.4v5J - Japanese Version [*] Vector Tool Kit 1.0.0 [*] Version Master 1.1.1J - Japanese Version [*] Visual Icon Patch for Blade 1.1 Small Web browser Specifications for the Stereo Audio Out Plug in the 7100/80 #### TEXT infomacv15-077.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] better-edit-keys-11.hqx [*] "Infinity" StartUp Sound (Mono) [*] "Infinity" StartUp Sound (Stereo) [*] ATPM 3.04 [*] AudioLog 1.0.4 [*] Coffee Timer 1.1 FAT [*] Curt's StartUpScreens [*] Electric Broadsheet 1.9.sit [*] GetMouse4Prog 1.2 68k [*] GetMouse4Prog 1.2 PPC [*] IntelliAlias 1.1.1J - Japanese Version [*] Name Finder 1.2 [*] PowerPCheck 3.2 FAT [*] SimpleText Color Menu 2.3J (Japanese version) [*] Sloop (68K) 1.0J - Japanese Version [*] Sloop (PPC) 1.0J - Japanese Version [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 1.6 [*] Software Database 4.1 [*] Utra * Label #### TEXT infomacv15-078.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Aaron 1.6.1 [*] Amy's Recipes 2.4 [*] Apple Gray [*] Area Properties 3.2 [*] Bumbler demo 1.0.2 [*] CD Equalizer+Karaoke 3.1 [*] CD Label Printer Pro 4.0.3 [*] convert-cntrl-europe-rtf-12.hqx [*] convert-greek-rtf-12.hqx [*] DiskTracker 1.1.2 [*] ImageMapper 2.5J - Japanese Version [*] Kaleidoscope 1.5.1 [*] Kaleidoscope Classic Pack 1.5.1 [*] Palimpsest 1(2) PPC [*] Palimpsest1(2) 68K [*] Postcard plug-in for WebSTAR [*] QPict 2.2 to be distributed [*] TechTool 1.1.4 [*] Truss 6.0.1 [*] Word 5.1a patch #### TEXT infomacv15-079.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] adt_1.0.3_update.hqx [*] convert-cyrillic-rtf-12.hqx [*] DiskTracker 1.1.2 updater [*] MacFrodo v407 [*] Music Collection 2 (FileMaker Pro 3) Conclusion: Pinnacle Tahoe 230 Mb MO drive driver Re: Explorer for mac? [!] Spam... sucks. [A]: Very Slow IIcx Boot [A]: Word 6 translators [ANN] The Performa Problems & Solutions site has moved! [Q] Can anyone recommend scheduling SW? [Q] Claris HomePage - Visible Invisibles [Q] Fax to TIFF automagically? [Q] PowerBook 160 Batteries [Q] Software for making "Mix Tapes" AOL version 3.0 Checkered Mac SE-30 FITS Image Header Displayer Hide Dialogs Looking for a Less Powerful Browser mac sw to print cd labels Premiere help! Re; Quadra 630 Crash Retrieving Info-Mac files? Sound Input for IIci? U.S. System 7.6 software for PB3400 Video Editing VRML/QTVR/QD3D Word 6.0.1 and page numbers #### TEXT infomacv15-080.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#378/05-May-97 (Q) Opinions about greeting card making applications? (Q) Problem with NetPresenz [A] Explorer for Mac? Browser for Plus How much $$ to expect for PB 500-series 8MB SIMM? Info-Mac Digest V15 #72 Info-Mac Digest V15 #74 Printing to large format HP printers... Q700 freezes 2nd disconnect from ISP The Info-Mac Digest V15 Issue 68 Time server for Macintosh Video editing Who makes logo fonts? #### TEXT infomacv15-081.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] FTP : Adrenaline Numbers & Charts 1.0 Demo (new installer versi [*] 04-97 MacAssistant Tips [*] 05-97 MacAssistant Tips [*] Amadeus 1.5.4 for Kaleidoscope 1.5.x [*] Beavis & Butthead Icollection [*] BertrandFAT11.sit.hqx [*] Blade - bevel and texture filter [*] bol-processor-27-appl.hqx [*] bol-processor-27-data.hqx [*] bol-processor-27-doc.hqx [*] Chapbook - a 17th century typeface [*] Chapbook Italic - a 17th century typeface [*] Character Edit Pro 3.1 - For Realmz! [*] ClubManager10a [*] Damage Incorporated Demo 1.1 [*] Damage Incorporated Updater 1.0->1.1 [*] DaySquareCut - an unusual typeface [*] eteor Storm - Fast paced space shootem' up [*] Evil Breakfast Color Schemes [*] Icons from Dennis SCP 97 [*] Jins_Gamelan_Schemes - Freeware [*] Johns WP File Manager 2.2.3 [*] Kaleidesktop Patterns [*] Macintosh Dingbats (PS1) [*] MPj Astro 1.5 Installer [*] QuickChar 1.5.5 [*] Solitaire_Till_Dawn_31.sit [*] Squiggle Icons v1.0 [*] Stomp Box Delay 1.0.2 [*] Stomp Box Tremelo 1.0.0 [*] Stones II - The Mancala Game [*] Trainspotters Puzzle 2.5; fitword crossword puzzles [*] Ultimate Blackjack(tm) 1.3.1 [*] Ultimate NHL Package [*] Vector Tool Kit 1.0.0 [*] Vespasian - a 'Celtic' font [*] Wallpaper your Desktop v1.0 [*] WriteAway 1.0-A Hypercard word processor Info-Mac Digest V15 #80 Move files by a keystroke SGML Tools for the Mac? #### TEXT infomacv15-082.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 7Tuner207 Abstract [*] Byron 1.0 -- Wordtrainer English - German [*] CommuniGate POP Gate 2.3 [*] CommuniGate Server 2.9 [*] Email Effects 1.1 [*] ePress 4.0.5 [*] ePress European Kit 1.0.5 [*] ePress Simpsons Kit 4.0.1 [*] Finder Windows 1.2.2 - Add a window menu to the Finder [*] Gestalt Selectors List 3.8 [*] Instant Folders 1.1 b, for quick browsing in sf dialogs [*] Iron Mountain [*] Keys Off 1.2.1 [*] KQ AESend 1.0; a KeyQuencer extension [*] Log Watcher 1.1.2 68k (Server utility) [*] Log Watcher 1.1.2 PPC [*] Master Spell 2.0 [*] Save read in a data file OSAX [*] tftpd-12.sit.hqx [*] ValueFax 2.0.13 submission [*] WASTE 1.3a4; a text editing library [*] zippier-zip-501.hqx #### TEXT infomacv15-083.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Alert Sounds For Mac [*] audery-hepburn-desktop-pict.hqx [*] CommuniGate SMTPGate 2.5 [*] Data Transformer Project Manager [*] ePress Japanese Kit 1.0.5 [*] Gramotki_1.5e_Demo.sit (sticky notes on desktop) [*] HAND! - Have A Nice Day! [*] Internet ToolKit for 4D (ITK) v1.1.5 update/demo [*] Jurassic System Alert Beep (16-bit) [*] Jurassic System Alert Beep (8-bit) [*] Keys Off Enterprise 1.2 (put in Configuration Folder) [*] Language Toolkit Writer 1.2 [*] MO Label Printer Pro 4.0.3 [*] Pict2Ascii 1.0 [*] Plants.sit Filemaker Pro 1500+ Plant Database [*] SandraScreen [*] ScanSaver 1.0 [*] SmoothType 1.2 [*] SyQuest EZ Label Printer Pro 4.0.3 [*] THE BLOCK 1.6.1 (security utility) [*] The Lightsaver 1.0.1 upload [*] WhatBird#3.sit [*] Yooz 1.58FR (French version) [*] Yooz 1.58IS (Icelandic version) [*] Yooz 1.58IT (italian version) [*] Yooz 1.58US (english version) [*] Zip Label Printer Pro 4.0.3 #### TEXT infomacv15-084.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 4FMPro models [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?Chmod=B4s?= Icons.sit [*] Aardvark Smooth 1.7.1 for Kaleido 1.5 [*] Aardvark Ultra Smooth [*] Aardwolf 1.2.1 for Kaleido 1.5 [*] Beavis & Butthead Icons [*] Bill's Zip Disk Icons 2.1 [*] Bird-Songs-1-3-Pt-1.hqx [*] Bird-Songs-1-3-Pt-1.hqx [*] Bird-Songs-1-3-Pt-1.hqx [*] blood-bath-191-demo.sit [*] blood-bath-patch-191.sit [*] BOOM 1.0->1.0.1 Update [*] BOOM-101.hqx [*] D-SoundPRO 2.5.2 (FAT):the professional sound editor [*] DiskSurveyor 1.3 - Handy new feature! [*] eclectic CDEF Collection 1.0 [*] Escape_Velocity.hqx [*] EV_Update_105.hqx [*] Eye Candy 3.0 - Photoshop plug-ins [*] Find In Files 1.0 68K [*] Find In Files 1.0 PPC [*] FinderWindows 1.2.2J - Japanese Version [*] Garbage 1.5 for Kaleidoscope 1.5 [*] HTMLColor v1.0 [*] icon-dropper-20-{68k}.hqx [*] icon-dropper-20-{fat}.hqx [*] ImageViewer 4.4 PPC [*] Lun (a Marathon Infinity netmap) [*] Mac's Talkin' Dictionary 2.2 [*] MaCthugha 1.0 [*] Mellow Tones Textures [*] Multimedia Animation Maker 2.0.1 US [*] MW_Build_Java_Scripts.sea [*] My Mac Magazine #25, May '97 [*] NeXTish 1.5 Kaleidoscope Color Scheme [*] Nisus Indexing Macros [*] NoDesktopCleanup 1.4J (Japanese version) [*] PHOTOCAT-UPGRADE-1.1.hqx [*] Play It Cool 2.0J - Japanese Version [*] Popup Navigator 1.1 [*] Screen Catcher 1.0 [*] SpikeInstaller104 (abstract) [*] The CD Database 2.0 [*] virtual-maze-book-lite-11 #### TEXT infomacv15-085.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Atmosphere TrueType/Postscript font [*] AutoShare 1.3, a freeware list server [*] CDFinder 1.3 [*] Eject-Me-Not 1.0 - Stop ghosted ejected disks [*] IBMUG Monthly [*] IBMUG Monthly [*] IBMUG Monthly [*] Johns WP Outlining 6.1 [*] OT/PPP Strip 1.0 [*] PPPop 1.5.4 [*] PPPop 1.5.4 FR [*] PPPop 1.5.4 JP [*] ScanSaver 1.0 [*] Scorpio 1.1 [*] Version Master 1.1 [*] XTension 1.6 demo (A) Problem with NetPresenz (Q) System 7.6 and 32bit addressing >Subject- Move files by a k [A] Word 6 translators A new tool to monitor signals with your Mac Explorer for Mac FilterTop rename filter [Q] high-density port use? Info-Mac Digest V15 #81 Mac SE Crashing with RAM Boost Phantom Startup Printing Printing every other page-Is it possible? Printing Problems Printing to large format HP printers... Reduced Monitor Image After RAM Upgrade Word 5.1 & Powerbook 1400 compatible? #### TEXT infomacv15-086.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Althea 1.5.1 [*] ASCII Art V.1 [*] Better Edit Keys 1.1J (Japanese version) [*] Billmo interactive comedy [*] Coffee Timer 1.1J FAT (Japanese version) [*] Dark Star 1.5.1 [*] DragAnyWindow 4.0J FAT (Japanese version) [*] Goldfire color scheme for Kal 1.5 [*] Johns WP UltraClip 1.0.2 [*] Khaki 1.5.1 [*] PictViewer 1.0; a PICTure disassembler [*] Program Switcher v4.3.0 [*] QuizMaker 1.7 [*] RegisterCreato Demo.hqx [*] Ripple 1.5.1 [*] Serial Port Scripting Addition [*] Shutdown Delay 2.5J (Japanese version) [*] swank desktop patterns [*] Terrapin Station 1.5.1 [*] TFTP Daemon 1.2.1 [*] X-Words Deluxe 1.0 #### TEXT infomacv15-087.txt **** Today's Topics: (Q) EZ135 or ZIP Drive? (Q) System 7.6 and 32bit addressing [Q] Any shareware mouse-key program for PowerBook? Apple Multiscan 15 troubles Beatles Icons Beatles Icons Digital Cameras Found it! (Program to let PB w/ internal modem act as external modem) IE Mail Utility mac vs. nt for web serving Printing Problems StandardGetFile w/thumbnails Visioneer Paperport & file formats [Q] Word 5.1a/ PB 1400/System 7.6 solution #### TEXT infomacv15-088.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Mirkwood, for Kaleidoscope 1.5.1 [*] "Prayer Of Power Macintosh" (Mono) [*] "Prayer Of Power Macintosh" (Stereo) [*] Amber for Kaleidoscope 1.5 [*] Argus - AppSwitcher Control Panel [*] Atmosphere TrueType/Postscript font [*] Bits & Bytes Scripting Addition [*] CallTracker 1.0 [*] ClubManager10b [*] DropTextPrinter 1.5 [*] DVG1.13.hqx [*] Editcard(1.0) [*] elniks Custom Art * [*] GEOCAD 1.0.2 ppc (english) [*] GEOCAD 1.0.2 ppc (german) [*] GoMac 1.1 [*] iView [*] JokeMaster JokeMaster [*] KaleidoDeskPats [*] kalscp-NitroOS-schemes-15b1 [*] Logiciels Metro [*] MailKanjiFixer 1.11 [*] MarbleDesktopPatterns [*] Math Stars 3.2 [*] MathPad 2.4.7 [*] Minara for Kaleidoscope 1.5 [*] MojibakeFixer 1.2 - Eudora Plug-in [*] Moonstone for Kaleidoscope 1.5 [*] MovieMacs [*] NatureIcons [*] NeXTMac 1.0 - a Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Object Newton 1.0 [*] PPPop 1.5.4 FR - submission to comm/inet/conn/ppp/ [*] RCompare - resource file compare MPW Tool [*] simple-tetris-10-beta.hqx [*] SimpleTetris 1.0 beta [*] SunClock 1.0.1 [*] TextInspector 1.0 [*] TidBITS#379/12-May-97 [*] Type & Speak .05 #### TEXT infomacv15-089.txt **** Today's Topics: (Q) System 7.6 and 32bit addressing [Q] Apple Two-Page Video Card CD-ROM drivers and DOS card Fetch/Netscape Script Info-Mac Digest V15 #84 Info-Mac Digest V15 #85 PowerBook 180c wont use DSDD floppies? Printing every other page-Is it possible? SE RAM resistors Waiting for Apple Video System #### TEXT infomacv15-090.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] [*] backup_by_stuffit_2.0e/AppleScript [*] Blade 1.2 - Bevel & texture filter [*] Bubblomania 1.3.1 [*] CommuniGate Client 2.7.1 [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 038 [*] Epson Stylus Pro Icon [*] FolderWatch 1.0 [*] FolderWatcher 103 Demo [*] GolfMeister 2.0 [*] Greg's Buttons 3.8 [*] HoloDozo 1.0 - Photoshop Plug-ins [*] II2Mac-1.0.5.sea.hqx [*] JobFinder 1.2 [*] KnowledgeMiner [*] Lake Veronica 1.0 for Kaleidoscope 1.5.1 [*] Lites Out -- Puzzel Game [*] MacDater 1.4.1 [*] MacinService's MacWebPack [*] NameCleaner 1.6.5 - File Naming and Typing [*] Play it Cool 2.0 [*] Polish Nouns 1.2 - Polish language [*] Polly 1.2 [*] ProMaker Utils 0.9.1 [*] REVERSI - The Eclipse 1.01 [*] Roses scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.5.1 [*] Scrollites "Aspen" for Kaleidoscope 1.5 [*] Scrollites "Denim" for Kaleidoscope 1.5 [*] Scrollites "Joriki" for Kaleidoscope 1.5 [*] Scrollites "Sapphire" for Kaleidoscope 1.5 [*] Synth MooVier 2.1 [*] The Organized Macintosh 1.0 [*] Transparent box folders [*] VolumeSync 1.2 [*] Vremya 1.61 [*] WebChecker 1.0.0 Photoshop asking for unmounted Zip disks. (Q) Help required against error 12 (Q) Word 6.0.1 Doc. compatibility to Windoze Fetch/Netscape Script Open Apology Re: Can anyone run Britannica CD? Printing every other page-Is it possible? Printing every other page-Is it possible? System 7.6 and 32bit addressing Type 10 & Type 11 Errors #### TEXT infomacv15-091.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Bullseye" Email Sound (Mono) [*] "Bullseye" Email Sound (Stereo) [*] AceMan's Design's [*] Airports For Newton Release 3 [*] Aqua Regia - K-Scheme (1.5.1) [*] Baseball Stats for Mac (basic) [*] BatMac StartupScreen [*] Bob [*] Bob [*] Box 1.2.1 for Kaleidoscope 1.5.1 [*] Cone of Silence 1.0b1 - Stops key capture [*] Jeremy's Control Strip Modules 1.7.0 [*] Jerry's Cursors II [*] Mac Repair Sound 1.0 [*] MPEG Multiplexer 1.0b1 [*] PhotoMovie 2.0 - standalone multimedia projectors. [*] PopChar Pro 1.01 [*] PowerPCheck 3.2J FAT (Japanese version) [*] Prisim's Animatron II [*] Screen Gear [*] Scrollites "Gold 2.0" for Kaleidoscope 1.5 [*] Talk 1.0 [*] Tidy It Up ! II 1.0 [*] Typical 1.0 [*] Wacked Spam Snds (Eudora) 1.0 [*] Windows97 Presentation 1.0 [*] Xtension Overload 2 (Q) how to tighten PB520 hinge? MacOS 7.6 and 32-bit addressing Printing every other page-Is it possible? #### TEXT infomacv15-092.txt **** Today's Topics: (Q) good address book; calendar (Q) MIDI-hardware [Q] Playing those new .avi's Can anyone explain why ***MacsBug caused the exception*** ???? Driver for Intel Pro100B PCI 10/100 fast ethernet card? Good C++ books? Locator ? Looking for old macs MS IE 3.01 on 7.6.1 on a IIci DayStar Turbo 040 - Quits Immediately New Virus? Opentransport/Novell Netware Server problem PowerCenter Pro 210 recommendations? QT to AVI conversion Updated Driver for Old Quantum drive Win95 on 6100 DOS compatible? #### TEXT infomacv15-093.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#380/19-May-97 (A) Word 6.0.1 Doc. compatibility to Windoze appletalk on a duo Chooser printer driver for Hurdler CPI Info-Mac Digest V15 #92 MAC NDS Moving bookmark file between Netscape and Explorer No one outside my ISP can read my Usenet posts -- why? Philips CDD522 problem Pointer Freezes #### TEXT infomacv15-094.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] NeuroSim 1.0.2 - a neural net sim for al [*] AGT3.0 [*] Ambrosia_Times_4.3.hqx [*] Axelrod for Kaleidoscope1.5 [*] blood-bath-192-demo.sit [*] blood-bath-patch-192.sit [*] Bo's Dilbert Icons Vol. 1 [*] Bo's NHL Icons [*] Bob1.1.hqx [*] CD Label Printer Pro 4.1 [*] ChordLab 1.5.1 [*] convert-cyrillic-html.hqx [*] DIOM Master 1.0.2 [*] Generic Drug Info for Newton [*] GEOCAD 1.0.3 ppc (english) [*] GEOCAD 1.0.3 ppc (german) complete [*] ile Switcher 1.2.1 [*] Insider Updates (MAC) [*] Insider Updates (PPC) [*] Ma Painter's Cook Book [*] MO Label Printer Pro 4.1 [*] New Sensory Overload Music file for Tetris Max! [*] Orniwell 3.0.6 68k [*] Orniwell 3.0.6 PPC [*] Pardon Pack 1.00 (icon pack) [*] Pardon Pack 1.00 (icon pack) [*] Pardon Pack 2.00 (icons) [*] PlayerPRO 4.5.6 (FAT) [*] PlayerPRO 4.5.6 (FAT) FRENCH [*] PopChar Pro 1.0.1 [*] Popup Navigator 1.1J - Japanese Version [*] Prisim's Animatron I [*] Program Switcher v4.3.1 [*] RandomScope 1.0 - random Kaleidoscope schemes! [*] ric's grayscale - a Kaleidoscope Colour Scheme [*] sisnikk 2.0.3 - Photoshop Plug-ins [*] Super Mac Freecell v1.1.1 [*] SyQuest EZ Label Printer Pro 4.1 [*] Tex-Edit 2.0 [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.0.1J - Japanese Version [*] TimGA 1.2 - a graph drawing application [*] Ultimate NHL Package 1.1 [*] Ultimate NHL Update 1.03 -> 1.1 [*] VCD Player 1.0.0 [*] Zip Label Printer Pro 4.1 #### TEXT infomacv15-095.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] [*] ProMaker Utils 0.9.2 [*] Sloop 68K 1.0.1 (English) [*] ATPM2.07.sit.hqx [*] ATPM3.03.sit [*] AutoLaunch Pro 1.0.9 [*] ColorSwitch_Pro_1.1.0.hqx [*] CoMa_Mac_4.0.1.sit [*] explorer-301-ukrainian.hqx [*] Foreshadow Alert Beep (16-bit) [*] Foreshadow Alert Beep (8-bit) [*] Guide to HyperCard [*] gURLfriend v1.02 [*] Havoc Music 2 for Tetris Max! [*] Havoc Music for Tetris max! [*] HCtoWWW 1.02 HyperCard to HTML Translator [*] International_Futures_10.sit [*] Mac CallerID 1.1.8 (FAT) [*] Modern Greek Verbs 1.0 [*] MPW Editor Substitue/Quaid [*] My Precious Baby 1.2 [*] NotifyMail 3.0.7 Demo [*] PlayerPRO Dev.Kit 4.5.6 [*] Polish Lesson 12 - Polish for beginners [*] Recall 1.0 (reminder utility) [*] Russian Lessons - multimedia lessons [*] Series E Savings Bond VALUES [*] Sloop (68K) 1.0.1J - Japanese Version [*] Sloop (PPC) 1.0.1J - Japanese Version [*] Sloop PPC 1.0.1 (English) [*] Spaceway 2000 music for Tetris Max!! [*] Speech Typer v1.0.2 [*] Squirt [*] Stalker Internet Mail Server 1.0b3 - FREE! [*] Star Flick 1.0.3 [*] Symbats - a Pagan dingbats font [*] TimGA 1.2 Source Code (PowerPlant/C++) [*] TransCryptor(Cyr) 1.0 - new shareware [*] Troubled Souls Music for Tetris Max! [*] Type & Speak [*] Verbs and Nouns - foreign languages learning [*] Virtue 1.5 [*] Window Monkey 1.1.1 [*] Windows95 Elvis Sound [*] WorldClock CSM 1.1 #### TEXT infomacv15-096.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] '60 =?iso-8859-1?Q?Guckl=F6cher?= in die Welt' [*] Blade 1.3 - Bevel & texture filter [*] Blender version 1.0, PowerPC [*] Bob1 .1.hqx [*] Bolo 0.99.7 better dialogs [*] Cassette Labeler 2.11 [*] CutXtra Lite 1.5 submission [*] Democracy in America-full text [*] ExtraPlugs 1.0 submission [*] GoMac 1.2 release: bug fix update [*] Grid Warrior 1.2.2 [*] Hornet Log Macintosh Abstract [*] johns Calculator 1.2 [*] KJV-Full text of King James Version [*] Origin of the Species-full text [*] OTChess 1.0b2 [*] Page! - For wannabe numerical pagers [*] PlugOne 1.0 submission [*] PowerReplace 5.7.2 [*] Rofonts [*] ScanPlot 1.5 submission [*] Series EE Savings Bond VALUES [*] SimpleTetris 1.0 [*] simulaton, a font. [*] Sleeper 2.1.1 - Sleep mode for all Macs [*] Slurpee 2.0 (text/data Newton/desktop transfer) [*] SOI [*] Starbases and numbers.sit [*] Starry Night 2.1.3 Manual [*] Starry Night plugin [*] VCD Player 1.1.0 [*] VCD Player SS 1.0.0 #### TEXT infomacv15-097.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] crumble, a font. [*] DivvyUP course scheduling software 1.2.1 [*] imagemapper-v2.5-FAT.hqx.gz [*] Starry Night 2.1.3 (Q) Help needed against error 12 [Q] Help: Bluets and Granola Bars... [Q] Whiny Maxtor HD appletalk on a duo Appletalk on duo Info-Mac Digest V15 #93 IRC and New Mac channel. MAC NDS No one outside my ISP can read my Usenet posts -- why? Philips CDD522 problem PoetryInk-As was pointer freezes Problem receiving attachments with Eudora Pro 3.0 TechTools #### TEXT infomacv15-099.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Ben Jonson's Volpone [*] Charles Dickens [*] Curvus Pro 1.3.1 E [*] Jerome's Idle Thoughts... [*] Litterature francaise [*] Market Minder 1.8 (update) [*] Marlowe's Dr Faustus [*] Moby Edition of Shakespeare's Works AppleScript & Excel 4 appletalk on a duo Is my 3400 too hot? MS IE 3.01 on 7.6.1 on a IIci DayStar Turbo 040 - Quits Immediately Pointer Freezes Pointer Freezes Problems reading digests with Easy View 2.62 Rhapsody's User Interface TechTools zip vs. syquest drives--another opinion #### TEXT infomacv15-100.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Geometric" for Kaleidoscope [*] FTP : Adrenaline Numbers & Charts 1.0 Demo (new installer versi [*] 'The Wealth of Nations' [*] Adrenaline Numbers & Charts 1.0.2 Updater [*] Ancient Poems and Ballads [*] AppleTree1.1.0 - a multinomial modelling application [*] Art in Quilting [*] BackgroundWarper 1.0 [*] CD Cover Maker 1.0 [*] CD Label Printer Pro 4.1.1 [*] CD Labeler 2.10 [*] ColorKeeper 1.0 [*] convert-cyrillic-html-15.hqx [*] David's Hell for Lode Runner [*] FileTyper 5.3 [*] FKEYDragger 1.0 [*] Hero Quest Designer v2.2 [*] HTML Colors v1.0 [*] IFile.v.99 [*] image-sxm-161-4.hqx [*] Jon's Commands 2.0 [*] Kaleidoscope 1.6 [*] Les fleurs du mal [*] MacFont 2.0 FAT (D) [*] Mega Change 1.1 [*] Monkey Shines 111 [*] Monkey Shines Editor [*] Pict2Ascii-1.02-src.sit [*] Pict2Ascii-FAT-1.02.sit [*] Pomona for Kaleidoscope 1.6 [*] Seismic Duck [*] Selection of Poems in English [*] ShrinkWrap 2.1-J (Japanese version) [*] Smart Cookies v. 2.0 [*] SndSampler 3.4 - Sound Recording & Editing [*] Sullivan's Apprentice for Kaleidoscope 1.6 [*] SunClock 1.1 [*] Syquest 3.5 disk label [*] Tiger Woods Swings [*] Update [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.6 [*] Virtual Drummer 3.0- Virus Free [*] VOODOO 1.8 - integrates version control with CodeWarrior [*] Works of Flavius Josephus [*] Writing About Reading #### TEXT infomacv15-101.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Red Rose" color scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.5-1.6 [*] "Swan" color scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.5-1.6 [*] Anglo-Saxon Chronicle [*] Charlemagne [*] Charlemagne [*] Claris E-Mailer To Text 1.1 [*] ClockSync II 1.0.0 [*] ColorKeeper 1.1 [*] ConvertMachine 1.2J - Japanese Version [*] David's Hell for Lode Runner [*] Dither Filters 1.8 [*] Fly Through 1.1.2 - A 3DMF Viewer [*] Format-Chart Version 1.2.3 [*] Funky Mac [*] Glider Edit [*] Gort's Icons [*] Hi-Fi [*] Johns WP Find Manager [*] Johns WP OuickCorrect macros [*] morsedec-10-68k.hqx morse code decoder for 68k [*] morsedec-10-ppc.hqx morse code decoder for ppc [*] NCC 1701-D [*] Retrospect Event Handler for Eudora 1.1 [*] Stundenliste [*] Styles "Classical Blues" for Kaleidoscope 1.5-1.6 [*] Styles "Elegance" Kaleidoscope 1.5-1.6 [*] SysLog 1.0.1 [*] true-color-103-hc.hqx [*] true-tools-103-hc.hqx [*] VCD Player 1.2.0 #### TEXT infomacv15-102.txt **** Today's Topics: (Q) Geoport (Q) Video editing and frame capturing software 150 MHz 604 Processor Cards [Q]: Getting an LC630 to recognize a multisync monitor Anti Static Spray? Audio CD glitch on Centris 610 Dead PowerBook 100 Disk Express II (C) Driver for Intel Pro100B PCI 10/100 fast ethernet card? get a zip html to rtf convertor? Info-Mac Digest V15 #99 Mac repair MS WORD 6 Paths New Virus? Norton's Fastback Pointer Freezes Pointer Freezes Seeking advice on Postscript emulators for Epson Stylus 800 SIMM Question syquest vs zip System 7.6 and 32bit What setting? #### TEXT infomacv15-103.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Sensory Overload Lvl 7 Music For Tetris Max! [*] AVI-to-QT Kit 1.1 [*] CombiNumerals - circled numbers dingbat font [*] Daleks ET 1.0 [*] Drill v1.2 [*] Eldacur Anteak 1.5.2, an earth-tone Kaleidoscope scheme [*] EV-Edit 2.1 [*] Find In Files 1.2J - Japanese Version [*] Frosty 2.0 Photoshop 3 Plugin [*] GIF Blast 3.0 [*] Heroes of the Black Tower [*] How to Pickup Women [*] Manual Maker 2.3 (a standalone document maker) [*] Manual Maker 2.3J (a standalone document maker) [*] MatrixHelper 2 Demo [*] Metronome68k1.0 [*] MetronomePPC1.0. [*] MPW Editor Substitute/Quaid Update [*] onescan111.sit [*] Painting 1.0.3 - A graphics editor [*] Pattern Manager 1.5 [*] Robert Rhino-interactive story for kids [*] Rosie - enhanced Finder font [*] SimpleText2Html 1.0 [*] Slider 101 [*] SolitaireTillDawn32.sit.hqx [*] Squishy Pack, Kaleidoscope color schemes and patterns [*] TE+ 2.0.1 [*] The Kaleidoscope MU Schemes Collection [*] Tuner68k1.0.hqx - Guitar tuner with 3 tunings [*] TunerPPC1.0 [*] V&N Lookup 1.0 - foreign language learning [*] VCD Player 1.2.1 Updater (Q) Intermittent problems with Zip drive (Q) Way to make Fax terminal beep on received fax? Audio CD glitch on Centris 610 Excel Textbox limits problem Finder substitute like Windows Explorer kaleidoscope request MacWeb and Proxy Servers microsoft works4.0 on powermac Pointer Freezes - Problem Solved tape drive The unscratchable itch? web page management #### TEXT infomacv15-104.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Yoohoo!" Email Sound Replacement (Stereo) [*] "Yoohoo" Email Sound Replacement (Mono) [*] Aesop [*] Aesop [*] apocryphal [*] Destruction Animation [*] Erasmus [*] iliad-odyssey [*] Lewis Carroll's [*] Lites Out -- A puzzle game [*] Mac Restart 2.0 68k [*] Mac Restart 2.0 PPC [*] Mac-FTP-list Version 4.2.6 [*] MCQ Database 1.0 [*] miniaddress070.sea [*] mixed bag of English literary texts [*] Multi-resolutions 1.2 [*] Navigator Enhancer 1.0 (internet utility) [*] Popular Delusions [*] scriptAction XFCN [*] Squirt [*] Styles "Twilight" for Kaleidoscope [*] SwitchBack 2.6 [*] synk-222.hqx [*] TechTool Pro 104 Updater [*] The Devil's Dictionary [*] TidBITS#382/02-Jun-97 #### TEXT infomacv15-105.txt **** Today's Topics: (A) MacWeb and Proxy Servers (A) Way to make Fax terminal beep on received fax? (Q) Eudora Light 3.1 [a] MacWeb and Proxy Servers & 68000 macs [Q] Experience w/ New Geoport Fax Software? Emptying trash on a diskette but not on HD LaserWriter 8.4 MacWeb and Proxy Servers more on audio glitch Norton Utilities 3.5 Quickdraw 3D Virtual PC #### TEXT infomacv15-106.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] amtrak81.hqx [*] Argentinian Icons Vol. 1 [*] backup_by_stuffit_2.1e/AppleScript [*] catwoman icons [*] chipmunk-basic-3.5.2 [*] CrystalMaker 2.1.3 demo [*] Danish lessons - foreign language learning [*] Delete Web Caches 2.0 [*] Email Merge 1.3 [*] Error Finder 1.0b1 ErrorFinder1.0b1.sit [*] Excalibur 2.4 - Spelling Checker [*] Forrest Gump Icons [*] galactica-112 [*] galactica-112-update [*] Gibbon's "Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire" [*] Gold Pack, Kaleidoscope Color Scheme [*] Hearts-Alice (Wonderland for HEARTS DELUXE!) [*] Hearts-Camp96 Play BILL CLINTON in HEARTS DELUXE! [*] Hearts-Dinos! [*] Hearts-Dogs Dogs in HEARTS DELUXE! [*] Hearts-OttoDix German Painters in HEARTS DELUXE! [*] Hearts-SkelCrew Skeletons in HEARTS DELUXE! [*] Hearts-Smiths Smith Boys in HEARTS DELUXE! [*] Hearts-Yalta Churchill & Co. for HEARTS DELUXE! [*] iso-mac: ISO Issue#21 Mac File [*] Kinga 1.0 [*] LibraryCataloger1.0.2 track books and articles [*] Logiciels Metro [*] MacDim 1.1 - small screen saver [*] MetoliusFlora [*] My Mac Magazine #27 [*] Pattern Manager 1.5.1 [*] People Icons [*] Planeta Mac =?iso-8859-1?Q?n=FAmero?= 16 - Junio de 1997 [*] QuickNailer 1.2 [*] Sandman Icons [*] Seinfeld Icons [*] Speed_Demon [*] Spike104to105updater [*] SpikeInstaller105 [*] StartScreenUp 1.0J - Japanese Version [*] The Ultimate Wedding & Honeymoon Planner (Vers. 3.0) [*] Twin Peaks Icons [*] X-files Icons [*] X-Men Icons #### TEXT infomacv15-107.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Page! - For wannabe numerical pagers [*] ProCon 1.0 (Q) base64 format [Q] Networking with Ethernet A wrestling simulator Annoying Menu Bar Delay Blank PDF pages Can't Select Printer from Chooser kaleidoscope request Mac TV more on audio glitch Quickdraw 3D Reading Ragtime documents Virtual PC Word 6.01 macro for downloads?? ZIP is ZAPPED #### TEXT infomacv15-108.txt **** Today's Topics: Re: (Q) base64 format (A) Annoying Menu Bar Delay (A) base64 format (Q) Really annoying monitors & sound problem ? game cheats/tips website [A] Networking with Ethernet [Q] PB 140 Question Annoying Menu Bar Delay Annoying Menu Bar Delay Annoying Menu Bar Delay apocryphal etc. Audio from CD's on external CDROM Decode MIME-messages manually Maze game Networking with Ethernet Performa 6400 and MacOS 7.6.1 problems... Public domain electronic texts syquest 270 problems Truly anonymous IRC? Type 1 errors #### TEXT infomacv15-109.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 3D Touch-Me Textures Vol3.1 [*] 06-97 MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter [*] 3D Touch-Me Textures Vol3.1 [*] Air traffic Control (ATC) simulator [*] Bedlam 2 v.1.0 [*] convert-cyrillic-html-20.hqx [*] CopyPaste 3.3.2J - Japanese Version [*] Cricket game [*] Dr. Katz Icons [*] Graceful Textures for your desktop V [*] Iconizer1.2 [*] Isoptikon [*] Jesse the Soccer player [*] JPEGger 1.0 [*] KaleidoDeskPats2 [*] KaleidoDeskPats3 [*] KaleidoDeskPats4 [*] Kaleidoscope Windows 95 Color Scheme - Freeware [*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.04 [*] mine-sweeper-pro-music-l4 [*] mine-sweeper-pro-music-l5 [*] mine-sweeper-pro-music-l6 [*] MM2L68KFPU.sit, MM2Lite.sit, MM2Lite68K.sit [*] MM2L68KFPU.sit, MM2Lite.sit, MM2Lite68K.sit [*] MM2L68KFPU.sit, MM2Lite.sit, MM2Lite68K.sit [*] Nine Inch Nails- At The Heart of It All for Tetris Max [*] OMS SysEx Sender 1.0-68k [*] OMS SysEx Sender 1.0-ppc [*] Peach Lace color scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.5-1.6 [*] PowerFantasm v4.19 Unregistered [*] rtf-reader-10.hqx: [*] SieteLavender [*] SOI 1.3 [*] SpaceWumpus.sit [*] Speed_Demon_1.1.sit.hqx [*] Speed_Demon_1.2_patch.sit.hqx [*] Super Othello 2.2 [*] Ultimate NeXT Kaleidoscope Color Scheme [*] Ultimate X Windows Kaleidoscope Color Scheme [*] VCD Player 1.2.1 [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.6.1 - foreign language learning [*] VolumeSync 1.2.1 [*] vsamp-212.sit [*] war-of-flowers-209.hqx [*] WWIISkyFighters1.3 #### TEXT infomacv15-110.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Baseball Stats (multi) [*] Baseball Stats (Basic) 1.1 [*] CLASS ACTION: OBTAIN REFUND FROM AOL [*] Elixir [*] explorer-301-romanian.hqx [*] FunKeys 1.5 [*] Get Item Info Strip 1.0 [*] Grand-Mere disait' - Gestionnaire d'arbres geneal [*] GURL Friday - URL manager [*] Helium 3.0 [*] Macintosh Application Development Essentials 1.0.1 [*] MacWaves 1.7.2 - IRC Utility for Macintosh [*] netbots-20.hqx (Internet Agent Program) [*] Personal Budget Database of FMPro3 [*] PhoneCodes-TimeZones 3.3.3 [*] Referencer [*] SerialControl 0.1 [*] Some Guy animation [*] Talk 1.1 [*] The Mac Channel 1.0b4 68k [*] The Mac Channel 1.0b4 PPC [*] TidBITS#383/09-Jun-97 [*] URL Manager Pro 1.4v6J - Japanese Version [*] WarpSearch CGI 2.6 [*] WhatRoute 1.4 [*] WhiteBoard (Q) Advice for buying a new computer 7300/7.6.1 System Tools [A] Annoying Menu Bar Delay [A] Networking with Ethernet [Q] PB100 [Q] Slow Text & Navigator A question abt. Open Transport recc. for Power Mac 8200/120/7.5.5 Blank PDF pages Decode MIME-messages manually Decode MIME-messages manually Eudora error messages Need Software to pinpoint miscreant PB 140 Question PB 5xx upgrade card Performa to Power PC upgrades Really annoying monitors & sound problem Sound extraction from CD SVGA monitor possibilities windowshades #### TEXT infomacv15-111.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Apple Electrifier 4.01 [*] BatMac StartupScreen Revised [*] Bible Dictionary(5Versions) [*] bob1.1.hqx [*] Flex Processor 1.2 [*] Grand Ma Told Me' - Genealogy Tree Manager [*] HerbRack [*] Kaleidoscope Windows 95 Light 1.6 - Freeware [*] MacDim 1.1 - small screensaver/dimmer [*] Personal Directory 2.0 [*] siete10.sit [a] Decode MIME-messages manually [a] Decode MIME-messages manually disk driver software and Norton Speed Disk LaserWriter 8.4.1 #### TEXT infomacv15-112.txt **** Today's Topics: Re: LaserWriter 8.4.1 (A) more on audio glitch (Q) Advice for buying a new computer [a] Decode MIME-messages manually [A] Pb 100 question [A] Slow Text & Navigator [Q] Running Mac programs via HTML web page [Q] ANSII Color [Q] Macintosh Aquarium :) Advice for buying a new computer (R) Advice on computer Appletalk with PPP?? Classic accelerator software disk driver software and Norton Speed Disk (A) Eastern European Fonts Extensions FYI - Macintosh, Rhapsody, Intel... LaserWriter 8.4.1 telneting to IRC? windowshades #### TEXT infomacv15-113.txt **** Today's Topics: (Q) Advice for buying a new computer [A] Annoying Menu Bar Delay [A] Macintosh Aquarium :) [A] Slow Text & Navigator [Q] Running Mac programs via HTML web page [Q] Help! Monitor and hard disk trouble... Buying Advice/Mac Arrogance Can you help? Color StyleWriter Pro Epson 800 Extensions Extensions Extensions Manager 2.01? Floppy drive disappears under certain conditions Info-Mac Digest V15 #110 Info-Mac Digest V15 #112 PB 5300cs 7.6 file sharing won't start PB5300 sleeping problem - need your help! Query re Macs & NT 4 Script error puzzle Word type 1 error Word type 1 error (two more bits of info) #### TEXT infomacv15-114.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Styles" Elegance Set for Kaleidoscope 1.6 [*] "Styles" Fancies 2.0 Set for Kaleidoscope [*] "Styles" Garden 2.0 color scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.6 [*] "Styles" Goldfire 2.0 for Kaleidoscope 1.6 [*] 3DataMan [*] 800-SAY-WHAT 2.1J - Japanese Version [*] BackBrain [*] Ballistik_4.3_de [*] Blade 1.4 - Bevel & texture filter [*] CopyPaste 3.3.3 with handy internet tools! [*] DragAnyWindow 4.1 - Live window dragging [*] DroGIF v1.0d [*] hanmac-word-j-203.hqx [*] hanmac-word-k-203.hqx [*] Icon Archiver 2.2 FAT - Best icon utility [*] Johns WP Find Manager 1.0.1 [*] Johns WP Outlining 6.1.1 [*] JokeMaster [*] Kaleid. SchemeMover1.1.sit [*] kaleidoscope color scheme "Hi-Res" [*] Kaleidoscope Schemes [*] Kaleidoscope Schemes [*] Kinga 1.0 [*] LCD Screen Tester [*] Mac Identifier 2.1 [*] MacCurveFit 1.3.3 [*] MacMolecule 2 Lite 68K.sit - Molecule exploration tool [*] MacMolecule 2 Lite.sit - Molecule exploration tool [*] opyPaste 3.3.3J - Japanese Version [*] PiPhilology 8.0: A collection of Pi mnemonics in several langua [*] Power Ranger icons [*] Quick Preview v1.0 release [*] RoboWar 4.3.1 [*] Sesame Street Icons [*] Simple CD Player 1.1 [*] Simple Movie Player 1.1 [*] Simple Recorder 1.1 [*] Skat/Doppelkopf Demo [*] Startup Player 2.0 - Music while your Mac starts up [*] SunClock 1.1.1 [*] Synth MooVier 2.1.1 [*] The Indexer 2.0 - an automated indexing program for yearbooks [*] Ultimate NHL Package 1.2 [*] Ultimate NHL Package Update 1.1->1.2 [*] Wolverine Icons #### TEXT infomacv15-115.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Akua Sweet (osax) V1.01 [*] Alias Arranger 1.1 [*] Birds of the Metolius Basin [*] cache-killer-12 [*] Capt.Mac to the Rescue! [*] CGI Assimilator Library [*] Curt's StartUpScreens [*] Custom Launcher 1.0 FAT - Create your own launchers [*] Dinos(colorized) [*] Drop Rename 3.5 [*] File Buddy [*] Focus ContactManager v1.5 [*] FontLINK Utilitiy [*] Fracas1.hqx [*] Gradekeeper 4.6 [*] ICMP Logger [*] ictb Compiler 1.0 [*] Idea Keeper 0b27 [*] Idea Keeper 0b27 [*] Jargon File (setext format) [*] La Fontaine [*] Latin-English Dictionary [*] Mac Restart 2.0.2 68k [*] Mac Restart 2.0.2 ppc [*] macattack-188.sit [*] mon-battle3 [*] monsieur [*] Nag 3.0 [*] Nag!_1.00 [*] Navigator Enhancer 1.1 (internet utility) [*] NET/Mac2.3.63.sea.hqx [*] NOVA 2.5 68k [*] NOVA 2.5 ppc [*] Pictures San Francisco [*] ROCK_ART_IMAGES_1.0 [*] RTF/WordEdit Multimedia Kit.hqx [*] SC Basic V1.5 [*] Software Submission! [*] SOI 1.32 [*] speed-demon-12.sit.hqx [*] Squirt 2 [*] ster-battle3.sit [*] ULTRA * LABEL [*] zeds Simple Collection 2.05 [*] Zonez! a new boardgame #### TEXT infomacv15-116.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Big Brother 1.2 (the WWW link checker) [*] CacheTrash [*] Log Watcher 1.1.4 68k (Server utility) [*] Log Watcher 1.1.4 PPC (Server utility) [*] netbots-201 [*] SmartMap 1.0.1 [*] URL Manager Pro 1.4v6 [*] URL Manager Pro 1.4v7J - Japanese Version [*] Web Devil 2.0 [a] Decode MIME-messages manually [A] Eastern European Fonts Looking for Darth Vader Clipart Telnet Server for mac... Unknown sad mac code #### TEXT infomacv15-117.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#384/16-Jun-97 7500/100 processer upgrade question [Q] AIFF Startup [Q] Discussion Group (web based) software for the Mac Appletalk with PPP?? Epson 800 HD Drivers Question Info-Mac Digest V15 #112 QuickTime - Mpeg QuickTime Talking heads on PC server to server- email on demand #### TEXT infomacv15-118.txt **** Today's Topics: [Q] How to turn off blinking in Netscape 3.01 [Q] Which System for IIfx? Application to log keystrokes? Conversion software for Excel from PC to Mac? dirrectly connecting ethernet Duplicate message in Eudora HD Drivers Question (R) HP 4M Plus and Windows 3.11 ? ImageWriter II and AppleTalk MS IE blues Win95 Long file names and the Mac #### TEXT infomacv15-119.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] ChineseTilesv111.hqx [*] "Styles" Pastorale color scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.6 [*] Agent Audio v1.0.1 (PPC) [*] ClipStation 1.1d2 [*] Congo Introduction, a chess variant [*] Control Strip Toggle 1.3 [*] Copland Folder Icons v1.0 [*] CopyPaste 3.3.3 with handy internet tools! [*] Daleks ET 2.0 [*] Dark Matter [*] Deskbots 121 [*] DollyDots 1.0 for Kaleidoscope [*] DragAnyWindow 4.1J FAT (Japanese version) [*] DroGIF 1.1d [*] Droids 1.1 [*] GIFmation2.0-FAT.sit.hqx' [*] GNU GhostScript 3.33 for Mac - revised version [*] Havannah Tutor 1.1, an introduction to the game [*] Hit Factory 3.1.4 [*] Jeremy's Control Strip Modules 1.7.1 [*] Lava's Ppats - More patterns [*] macattack-190-patch.sit [*] macattack-190.sit [*] MHG Lovefor3Oranges Kaleidoscope scheme [*] MHG Turf Club Kaleidoscope scheme [*] MineSweeper Pro 2.0 beta [*] MoreMarbleDesktopPatterns [*] MovieMaker v2.0.1 [*] MPecker Encoder 020b1 - Mpeg3 Encoder [*] RandomScope 1.1 - random Kaleidoscope schemes! [*] Scrollites "Comet" for Kaleidoscope [*] Smack a Skunk 1.1 (game) [*] Solar System Icon Set [*] Some new Kaleidoscope Files [*] SoundApp 2.3.1 - sound player and conversion utility [*] Sphere [*] Startup Player 2.0J (Japanese version) [*] Styles" Patterns 2.0 Set of color schemes for Kaleidoscope [*] The Ultimate Star Wars Icon Library v1.0 [*] Ultimate Pool 1.1 [*] Unify 1.02 [*] Vertigo 3D software Tryouts [*] Yet Another CD Player [*] Yet Another Movie Player [*] Yet Another Sound Recorder #### TEXT infomacv15-120.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] AlwaysONline 1.25 [*] amsched81a.hqx [*] DockMaster 68K 1.0.3J - Japanese Version [*] DockMaster PPC 1.0.3 [*] Dutch lessons - foreign language learning [*] Emailer2 Privacy Script [*] EnterAct 4.3.1 [*] enteract-431-updt.hqx [*] Format-Chart Version 1.2.4 [*] Glimmer 3D v1.2 [*] GUM [*] HexDame Tutor, an introduction to the game [*] HyperCard Dummy 1.2.1 [*] ICMP Logger [*] MacDoppler [*] MacSOUP 2.2.1 - an offline reader for news and mail [*] MacSOUP D-2.2.1 - an offline news reader (German version) [*] MsgMem 1.1 [*] MyEyes 2.2 [*] Netscape History 3.0 [*] ProMaker Utils 0.9.4 - For the FileMaker Professional [*] Script Archiver 1.0 - AppleScript Archive Maker [*] SendToBack FKEY 1.0 Source [*] Show Me The Mail 1.0 [*] Super Othello 2.2.1 [*] Trash Bag 12 [*] URL Manager Pro 1.4v7J - Japanese Version [A] Annoying Menu Bar Delay [A] How to trun off blinking in Netscape 3.01 [A] How to turn off blinking in Netscape 3.01 [Q] AIFF Startup Conversion software for Excel from PC to Mac? Conversion software for Excel from PC to Mac? How to turn off blinking in Netscape 3.01 ImageWriter II and AppleTalk MS IE blues Norton 3.5 and Old Macs (C) Performa 6400 Virtual Mem. Powerbook and external CD-ROM Recording keystrokes Which system for plain Mac II? Win95 Long file names and the Mac Win95 Long file names and the Mac #### TEXT infomacv15-121.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] RoundNRound -0 shareware strategy/puzzle game [*] 68000-mac-faq [*] Baba Thing [*] CalConvert 2.3J FAT (Japanese version) [*] Chili Man [*] College Calculus 1.0 [*] convert-cntrl-europe-rtf-13.hqx [*] convert-cyrillic-rtf-13.hqx [*] convert-greek-rtf-13.hqx [*] DockMaster 68K 1.0.3 [*] DockMaster PPC 1.0.3J - Japanese Version [*] DuckPond Startup/Background image [*] EjectDisk 2.1.1 - A (very handy) disk utility [*] Electric Broadsheet 1.10.sit [*] Focus Comatose v4.3- Disk and monitor energy untility [*] FoldIt_light_426.Hqx [*] french HP DeskWriter printer driver [*] Gramotki_1.5_shware.sit - neat sticky notes [*] Hafith (Qur'An Application) [*] How to Install WordPerfect Macros [*] hp-dj-800-series-932-de.hqx [*] hp-dj-800-series-932-fr [*] hp-dj-800-series-932-jp.hqx [*] hp-dj-800-series-932.hqx [*] hp-dw-600-series-922-de.hqx [*] hp-dw-600-series-922-jp.hqx [*] hp-dw-600-series-922.hqx [*] John's WP Document Notes [*] John's WP Equation Manager [*] John's WP Previous Positions 2.0 [*] John's WP QuickCorrect 1.2.1 [*] MacMolecule 2 Lite 68K FPU [*] Mickeys Startup/Background [*] MicroArchitecture Simulator 1.1; microprogrammed processor [*] MiniRegister 1.0 [*] Nisus Indexing Macros 1.1 [*] ooze10 [*] Orniwell 3.0.8 (68k ) [*] Orniwell 3.0.8 (PPC ) [*] PageSpinner 2.0.1 [*] Physix A La Baba [*] SendToBack FKEY 1.0 [*] SetSoundVolume 1.6 [*] Spy vs. Spy issue 1 [*] Welcome to Macintosh 1.2.1 #### TEXT infomacv15-122.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] English for Beginners - foreign language learning [*] List Files 2.6J FAT (Japanese version) [*] synk-230.hqx [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.6.2 - foreign language learning (A) Application to log keystrokes? (A) Conversion software for Excel from PC to Mac? (A) Win95 Long file names and the Mac [*] Control Strip Toggle 1.3 Directly connecting ethernet Eudora Pro 3.1 filtering Help! Monitor and hard disk trouble... MS IE blues New Netscape problem Performa 6400/Express Modem Woes Why can't I find info-mac back issues? #### TEXT infomacv15-123.txt **** Today's Topics: [A] Appletalk with PPP?? Adobe Pagemaker 6.0/Performa 6400 AppleShare 5.0 and ARA 2.1 Canon Bubblejets vs. Apple Stylewriters Duplicate mail in Eudora Pro 3.1 Email frustration!! Laserwriter II NT Problem New Netscape problem Norton 3.5 & Old Macs (C2) Old CD-Rs Older Macs - MacUser serial port misinformation? Performa 6400/Express Modem Woes Performa 6400/Express Modem Woes Photoshop 4.01 Bus Exception Error Powerbook 1400 external video Q: Bubble Jet ink cartridges on a Stylewriter II? Recording Keystrokes Regarding Control Strip Toggle 1.3 Unimplmented trap? #### TEXT infomacv15-124.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#385/23-Jun-97 Re: Info-Mac Digest V15 #123 [A] Audio -> AIFF Desktop rebuild / SCSI problems with 7.5.5 DOH! Zip drive hangs system on copy! Email frustration!! Eudora Actions IrTalk to IrDa "upgrade" Microsoft Excel macro News server PB5300/system7.6.1/PowerportPC Card modem...doesn't work RE Unimplemented trap Reply to "email frustration" Type 11 errors Unknown sad mac code #### TEXT infomacv15-125.txt **** Today's Topics: [A] Older Macs - MacUser serial port misinformation? [Q] Advice on buying new mac [Q] HP DeskWriter Upgrade to DeskWriter C? Application to log keystrokes? assigning an IP address to a printer Blank PDF Pages canon printer Info-Mac Digest V15 #123 Info-Mac Digest V15 #123 It's my mom's fault PB5300 sleeping problem - need your help, please! Photoshop 4.01 Bus Exception Error Type 11 errors Using ARNS (q) Zip drive hangs system on copy #### TEXT infomacv15-126.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Styles" Classical Blues 2.0 for Kaleidoscope [*] "Styles" Guys Set 2.0 for Kaleidoscope 1.6 [*] "Styles" Morganite 2.0 for Kaleidoscope [*] "Styles" Peach Lace 2.0 for Kaleidoscope 1.6.1 [*] "Styles" Roses 2.0 for Kaleidoscope 1.6 [*] "Styles" Twilight 2.0 for Kaleidoscope 1.6.1 [*] BeHierarchic3_1b10 [*] California Copland Folders [*] Camille Paglia icon [*] ClipStation 1.1d3 [*] CornerClock v1.9 [*] CPU-View Version 1.2.1 [*] CrystalDesigner 6.0.1, a tool for visualising crystal structure [*] Decor 3.0.4 (French) [*] Decor 3.0.4 (German) [*] Decor 3.0.4 [Background picture utility] [*] ExtractIt! for System 1.5.6 [*] FoldIt_light_427.hqx [*] FreeRamPlus1.1.1 [*] Higher Tek 1.0b1 - Make Your Mac High Tech! [*] HoverBar 1.3.1 Floating Icon & Clip Palettes [*] hp-dj-800-series-932.hqx [*] Insider Updates 1.0.1 (MAC) [*] Insider Updates 1.0.1 (PPC) [*] Kaleidoscope "mu" Schemes Collection 1.7.1 [*] Kaleidoscope 1.7 [*] Kaleidoscope Classic Pack 1.7 [*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.7.1 [*] Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection 1.7.1 [*] Kaleidoscope scheme [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.7 [*] Kaliedoscope Scheme:_Crayon [*] McHurricane 3.0.6SW [*] Modern 3.0 for Kaleidoscope 1.6 [*] More MarbleDesktopPatterns [*] MULTIV [*] Neatnik 1.0.1 [*] NeXT Tempo scheme [*] O(S) CANADA! [*] QuickNote 1.1 [*] Schubert's MyEyes Sets (correct) [*] Stromboli-e [*] Stromboli-e-PPC [*] ThufirCalc 1.0 [*] Unicorn Editor v1.2.2 #### TEXT infomacv15-127.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Styles" Geometric 2.0 for Kaleidoscope 1.6 [*] "Styles" Swan 2.0 for Kaleidoscope 1.6 [*] 'Round'n'Round 1.0 [*] 16 Marbles v1.0 (FAT) [*] APTAS2.sit.hqx [*] AudioLog 1.1 [*] Brewery [*] Burning Rubber 1.2.2 [*] Club MID v1.0.0 [*] Connect 4 v.1.1.5 FAT [*] Dart Board v1.00 [*] Decor 3.0.4 (Japanese) [*] Delirium Icons [*] Dirty Pair Icon Set [*] disturbance1.0 [*] Dogfight City Demo [*] EV Target Graphics - The Escape Velocity 3D target graphics [*] Excalibur: Morgana's Revenge v1.4 [*] Fatal Encounter - They Hypercard Space Shoot-em-up [*] Fatal Encounter II - The awesome sequel [*] FontBook 2.0 (e) [*] Fun Things to Do in A-10 Cuba! - The name says it all [*] Heroes of the Black Tower - a game scenario for Sword Dream 3D [*] Leelas Return 1.05 Marathon Scenario [*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.04a [*] MaraDamage Tool [*] MazeworldAbyss0.7PPC [*] MazeworldCatacombs1.0.5 [*] Monty Python Icons [*] NS-TOWER 2.4D --- Climb up the tower! [*] oundMagic FX 1.0.3 [*] Peanuts Icons [*] PlayerPRO 4.5.7 (FAT) [*] PlayMaker Football [*] PowerReplace 6.1; a text conversion utility [*] Pretty Solider Sailor Moon [*] Quick Gallery v1.0 release [*] Spiked2.sit [*] Television Networks Icons [*] tom's icons 1.0 [*] TreasureMapperV2.1.sit [*] Ultimate NHL Package 1.3 [*] Ultimate NHL Package Updater 1.2->1.3 [*] virtual-pong-10.hqx [*] WebFire 1.0 #### TEXT infomacv15-128.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Anopolis (Formerly IFSPLM) v. 2.0 [*] Beatnik Plug-in--Interactive Music! [*] Cache Killer 1.2 - for Netscape, Cyberdog, AOL, and Internet Ex [*] caveman-sound-111.sit.hqx [*] Chrdkeys [*] custom Navigator [*] Disk Charmer 3.0.9; disk erase/copy/verify utility [*] ExtractIt! for Stacks - The ultimate in stack editing [*] Fetch 3.0.3 [*] filebuddy4.04 General Disk & File Utility [*] Group Box CDEF [*] HyperChat 1.0 [*] IE 3.01 AutoSearch Changer - Change the engine in Internet Expl [*] ioMC2Base1.5.2 - Power Personnal database [*] Mac F2C v1.3.5 [*] MacBrickout Japanese [*] MacBrickout, Version 3.1.1a [*] MondoMail Pro: Scriptable SMTP Emailer [*] MUSASHI-J (FTP) [*] Navigator Enhancer 1.2 (internet utility) [*] Netscape History 3.0.1 [*] NumberSayer 1.0.1 - The nifty HyperCard number speaker [*] Pediatric Diagnosis 1.sit [*] Pediatric Diagnosis 2.sit [*] Pediatric Diagnosis 3.sit [*] Quaid1.2 [*] ramBunctious 1.1.2 [*] RumorMill 1.0 [*] Space Cab [*] TransCryptor 2.0 [*] URL Database v1.1 HyperCard stack [*] V&N Lookup 1.0.1 - foreign language learning [*] Verbs & Nouns 162 [*] XtraPong - a cute little shockwave game 7.6 on a 6300CD [Q] AppleTalk shutoff using AppleScript? [Q] Do you know where to get 20th anniv mac cheap [Q] No-command-key window folder hierarchy access? assigning an IP address to a printer Duo keyboard - from 'source'? e-mail frustration Laserwriter II NT Problem Mac Microphones.... Recording Keystrokes Zip drive hangs system on copy! #### TEXT infomacv15-129.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] LabHelper 4.5.2a Submission [*] "Jupiterian" System Alert Beep (16-bit) [*] "Jupiterian" System Alert Beep (8-bit) [*] a_musing_perspectives [*] ATPM 3.06 [*] Birthdays-and-Such 1.1 update [*] Blinded Me With Formulas! [*] BoringClock? Version 4.1 [*] ClockSync II 1.0.2 [*] ClockWork 1.0b1 - Dayplanner for MacOS and Newton [*] ClockWork 1.0b1 - Dayplanner for MacOS and Newton [*] eudora-central-e-europe-12.hqx [*] eudora-cyrillic-12.hqx [*] eudora-greek-12.hqx [*] EZ-Cal 1.0 [*] Finder Windows 1.2.2 (Swedish) [*] Japanese Plug-in 1.0b2 (Eudora Plug-in Module) [*] MathEg 7.0 (June 21, 1997) [*] MUSASHI-J (FTP) [*] NU Fixer Extension, for Norton Utilities 2.0.x [*] NullSet.sit [*] OT/PPP Strip 1.0.1 [*] OutBox Demo [*] Peek-a-Boo 1.2 [*] SeeMail 3.0 Demo [*] sentry-40.hqx [*] Sloop 68K 1.0.1 (French) [*] Sloop PPC 1.0.1 (French) [*] StartUpScreen submission - Head Space StartUpScreen [*] Super Countdown 1.4 - Graphical timer [*] Support_Comedy_V2.sea multimedia humor [*] TaskMaster [*] TourDeFranceImages_circa1950's [*] VCD Screen Saver 1.1.0 [*] Window Monkey 1.1.2 [*] You Bet Your Mac - The AD Module for Computer Geeks #### TEXT infomacv15-130.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Cyberdog IC Helper [*] Dualing Eudora's [*] Enterprise-D Kaleidoscope Scheme for Trekkies [*] File Buddy 4.1 - 68k [*] File Buddy 4.1 - ppc [*] Japanese Plug-in 1.0b3 (Eudora Plug-in Module) [*] Kaleidoscope Color Scheme [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collections 1.7.1 [*] Newt's Cape 1.4 (browse web, create books) [*] Newt's Cape 1.4 docs (book format) [*] NewtATut 1.5 (Newt Application Tutorial) [*] Newton 9 CD from AMUG [*] NewtTurT 1.5 (Newt Turtle Tutorial) [*] Rotex2 1.3 [*] SeaNymph - Kaleidoscope Color Scheme [*] shutdown-controller-68k.hqx [*] shutdown-controller-ppc.hqx [*] Styles Byzantine 2.1 for Kaleidoscope 1.7 [*] Styles Elegance 2.0.1 for Kaleidoscope 1.7 [*] Styles Red Rose 2.0 for Kaleidoscope 1.7 [*] Styles" Pastorale 2.0 for Kaleidoscope 1.7 [*] TimeCache 1.7 Demo [*] Universial Fighters [*] WebMan - The HTML Editor #### TEXT infomacv15-131.txt **** Today's Topics: [A, revisited] audio -> AIFF (or CD -> CD-R) assigning an IP address to a printer canon printer Connecting two Macs e-mail frustration LaserWriter LS problem Mac Microphones.... Monitor Diagnostic Software monitor for Centris OS7.6.1 from my PB550c Doesn't Move from Wakeup!(Re-send) Pesky 1,010 error problem with emailer 1.1v3 Problems with Valuefax RE Unimplemented trap Re: P 6400/Express Modem Woes repairing a NuDesign CD-ROM S.O.S: GlobalVillage 33.6 not 'Selected'by Mac street atlas usa multiplies desktop printers two printers/one computer Type 11 errors Very Slow IIcx Boot #### TEXT infomacv15-132.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Ballistik_4.4.2_de [*] Booklet Maker v1.1 [*] Celest [*] Club MID v1.0.1 [*] Codebook v2.9 [*] CopyPaste 3.3.4 Released [*] CopyPaste 3.3.4J - Japanese Version [*] CURLPushButton 2.2 - A PowerPlant Class [*] CVersCaption - A PowerPlant Class [*] Digital_Diary_v1.4.sit [*] Dualing Eudora's 1.1 [*] GifScan 2.2 [*] HCmdButtonAttachment 1.1 - A PowerPlant Class [*] HendrixSaver 1.0 [*] HMarqueeCaption 1.0 - A PowerPlant Class [*] HTML Colors v1.02 [*] HToggleRadioButton 1.2 [*] iView 2.6 [*] Kinga 2.0 [*] Lunar Commando 1.0 [*] macnetic_term-16-de [*] Menu Tasker [*] Message Box Rebounder 1.0 [*] Nuts'n'Bolts [*] pure-power-startup-mov.hqx [*] ResHunterDemoPPC1.0.sit [*] Seeker 1.0, a shareware web search helper [*] SFX Machine Demo 1.02a - Multi-Effects Plug-In [*] Snakes&Ladders [*] speed-demon-121-try3.hqx; 3D Car Racing with Carnage [*] speed-demon-121-updater.sit [*] Squeaky Toy v1.0 [*] StartupScreen: Plastikman [*] System's Twilight [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.0.3J - Japanese Version [*] The_Record.hqx [*] TidBITS#386/30-Jun-97 [*] Tile Switcher 1.2.2 (Q) Printer toner [Q] AppleTalk shutoff using AppleScript? Background driver for Imagewriter #### TEXT infomacv15-133.txt **** Today's Topics: Applescript and PPP... Background driver for Imagewriter Desktop rebuild problem DeskWriter 320 AppleTalk driver Find by time? Hundreds of fonts online: how best to organize? Power Mac DebugServices TransCryptor (Cyr) 2.0 Type 11 errors (solved) VGA to Mac Problem #### TEXT infomacv15-134.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Alex Gray" Kaleidoscope Color Scheme [*] Agent Audio v1.0.1 (68k) [*] Agent Audio v1.0.1 (PPC) [*] AGoldGold1.5.2 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] alt.CyberDrive [*] bhj - A funny animation [*] BluLulu1.5.2 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Clock-o-Box [*] CombiNumerals 3.0 - numeric dingbat font [*] Comedy KO screen saver [*] Cone of Silence 1.0b2 - Stops key capture [*] Diccionario 2.0 [*] DreddLock1.5.2 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Elixir [*] EXODUS: ULTIMA III [*] G&G_MCS.file.converter [*] Installer VISE 4.5 [*] KD Screenwriting System [wordprocessing utility] [*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.04a (68k)--Killer Vector Graphics for the W [*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.04a (PPC)--Killer Vector Graphics for the W [*] Mac-FTP-list Version 4.2.7 [*] Macboy [*] Macboy [*] PearlRain1.5.2 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] PearlRhap1.5.2 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] personal_search_2.0.sea.hqx [*] Program Switcher v4.3.2 [*] Robo Riter [*] SeeMail 3.0 Demo [*] Speech Typer v1.0.3 [*] SteelChill1.5.2 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] StoreBuilder Lite [*] Super Save v2.0.1 [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.0.4J - Japanese Version [*] Timed Alert v1.1 - a versatile, yet simple reminder utility [*] Trygve's CMM Plug-Ins 1.1 [*] Updater VISE 1.3 [*] video-toolbox-97-07-01-c.sit [*] Word 5.1a patch #### TEXT infomacv15-135.txt **** Today's Topics: (Q) convert .mov to System 7 snd (Q) software to kill animated gifs [?] netscape and 7.6 crashes [A] Answers: AppleTalk shutoff using AppleScript? [A] Applescript and PPP... [Q] Mounting UNIX Drive A Translator for MacWrite Files? e-mate vs. powerbook query IE and Easy Open file confusion (Q) Info-Mac Digest V15 #124 Microphones (A) Navigator crashes Problems with Value Fax speech recognition on mp2010 (my goof) #### TEXT infomacv15-136.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#387/07-Jul-97 (Q) Mac OS 8.0 (Q) software to kill animated gifs [A] Mounting UNIX Drive [A] No-command-key window folder hierarchy access? [A] software to kill animated gifs A handy thesaurus? A Translator for MacWrite Files? Beta Testers Wanted Can't open Word files by double click?? dialing into UNIX IE and Easy Open file confusion Info-Mac Digest V15 #134 LaserWriter LS problem Missing back issues netscape and 7.6 crashes Powerbook 190 monitor powerwave problems PPC upgrade for Powerbook 190 software to kill animated gifs #### TEXT infomacv15-137.txt **** Today's Topics: (A) convert .mov to System 7 snd (Q) convert .mov to System 7 snd (Q) convert .mov to System 7 snd (Q) Mac OS 8.0 [?] netscape and 7.6 crashes [Q] Modem for PB 150 A Translator for MacWrite Files AIMS with Open Transport convert .mov to System 7 snd convert .mov to System 7 snd (a) emulator for Mac HC 2.1 -> MOV? Info-Mac Digest V15 #134 Info-Mac Digest V15 #136 Info-Mac Digest V15 #136 Info-Mac Digest V15 #136 Mac OS 8.0 and Older Macs Netscape 4 (C) performa ram powerwave problems software to kill animated gifs (a) #### TEXT infomacv15-138.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Styles" Bunnies for Kaleidoscope 1.7 [*] AhiTek IconInterface Upgrade SVR [*] BBEdit extensions for MacPerl Rel. 5.2 [*] Clue-J [*] commentexcerpter-110 [*] data-transformer-pm-09a9 [*] Disinfectant 3.7, an essential anti-virus utility [*] FractalDesk.sit - fractalish desktop patterns [*] GraceMaze1.5.2 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] GucciKoo1.5.2 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] HotSpurs1.5.2 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] LuigiXIV1.5.2 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Mac-IBM-compare, Html Version 2.1.5 [*] PageADayDemo.FM [*] Spiderman Icon [*] System's Twilight 1.0.5: An Abstract Fairy Tale [*] tidbits2html-120 [*] Virtual Wings Demo (?) teleconferencing for free long distance [a] AIMS with Open Transport [Q] Localtalk / ethernet problem Mac Microphones.... Mounting UNIX Drive (A) Netscape 4 (C) Netscape 4 (C) Netscape 4 (C) powerwave problems System Software for Mac 128k? #### TEXT infomacv15-139.txt **** Today's Topics: PC mouse with Mac (?) screen is showing 1 letter every 2 or 3 seconds (A) Mac OS 8 [A] Answers: AppleTalk shutoff using AppleScript? [A]Netscape & 7.6.1 [Q] Desktop Printer/Printer Menu/Error 15 Messages A handy thesaurus? A Translator for MacWrite Files? HC 2.1 -> MOV? IE and Easy Open file confusion (Q) localtalk bridge Netscape 4 (C) #### TEXT infomacv15-140.txt **** Today's Topics: Eudora urls defer to gold not Communicator 4.01 (Q) "unknown.mime" (A) Mac OS 8 - Correction! (A) MacOS 8 Can't open Word files by double click?? Classic on the internet Converting MSIE Favorites to Navigator Bookmarks (Q) duo keyboard repair-DIY (do it yourself) HP DJ870Cxi takes forever to print Info-Mac Digest V15 #139 Info-Mac Digest V15 #139 L2 cache for 7600/120 Mac OS 8/Centris 650/68040 Netscape 4 Netscape 4 (C) PC mouse with Mac (R) PC mouse with Mac (R) Powerbook 190 monitor Syquest EZ-135 Translator for MacWrite files Viewing attachments in Newswatcher? Zterm emulation problems? #### TEXT infomacv15-141.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Styles" Ceremond for Kaleidoscope 1.7 [*] "Styles" Ceremond for Kaleidoscope 1.7 [*] BackBrain 1.5 [*] Blade 1.5 - Metallic reflections filter [*] Dave's Kaleidoscope Extras 1.6 [*] Desk Patterns by Pete [*] Desktop Patterns Shareware [*] Dividers [*] Excalibur 2.5 - Spelling Checker [*] Gaussian Companion v1.1 - See the vibrations of molecules! [*] GhostTrail1.5.0 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Gort's Icons Vol. II [*] GPSView1.0b [*] html-grinder-3.21.sit [*] HTMLstyle FKEY v1.0.1 [*] ImageViewer 4.43 PPC [*] Kaleidoscope color scheme [*] KD Screenwriting System 1.2 [wordprocessing utility] [*] kibmfat [*] Lenny and Rita [interactive adventure] [*] MahaRaja1.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Make Icelandic Fonts [*] MHG Forum 1.0 scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.7 [*] MHG Karlsplatz color scheme for Kaleidoscope [*] My Mac #27 [*] OmegaWindow 1.9 [*] OneStep 1.0 [*] Personal Log v2.1.3 68K [*] Personal Log v2.1.3 PPC [*] Play it Cool 2.5 [*] PlayItCool 2.5J - Japanese Version [*] PopChar Pro 1.0.2 [*] PurpleTechII [*] rtf-viewer.sea.hqx [*] Scrollites "Walrus" for Kaleidoscope [*] Sphfolders [*] StarlightExpress1.5.2 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Steve's NeXT Folders set #1 [*] Surge2.0 [*] TextInspector 1.1 [*] Tez's Icon [*] Ultimat X Windows Kaleidoscope Color Scheme [*] Ultimate NeXT Kaleidoscope Color Scheme [*] Unquote V1.5 [*] Vertigo 3D Words Tryout #### TEXT infomacv15-142.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] AkuaSweets 102 [*] APTAS 2.01c [*] Brix 1.0.2 [*] Burning of Eden, version 2 [*] Burning Rubber 1.2.3 [*] CLUT Maker [*] FileTyper 5.3 [*] Flash-Pro 3 [*] FreeBytes [*] FTP Archive Commenter 1.1 [*] FTP Prelude_1.0v2-fm3 [*] FTP Prelude_1.0v2Updt [*] HQX1.hqx [*] Instant Folders 2.0 [*] Instant Folders 2.0 Italian [*] Italian spelling dictionary - foreign languages learning [*] Latin Dictionary for ObiWan [*] MacTypingTutor [*] Make Turkish Fonts [*] Mazeworld Abyss 1.0 PPC [*] Noah! 1.0 [*] NS-TOWER 2.5 --- Climb up the tower! [*] NS-TOWER 2.5J --- Climb up the tower! [*] Orkney Runes - two runic typefaces [*] Pict2Ascii-1.03-src.sit [*] PictureBank Lite 3.0 - FileMaker Pro graphics extender [*] PixMaps1.hqx [*] Ralph 1.0 [*] Rock Solid 2.1 [*] Sentinels of Ceth v1.0 [*] Sim-Cinema DELUXE 1.0 [*] speed-demon-122-patch.sit.hqx [*] speed-demon-122.sit.hqx - 3D car racing [*] Spike 1.25 [*] Stev Folders Set#2 [*] Steve's NeXT Folders Set#3 [*] StoryMaker 1.0 [*] TestPilotTyper [*] V&N Lookup 1.0.3 - dictionary & spellchecker [*] VCD Player 1.3.1 [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.6.5 - foreign language learning [*] WolfEdit Demo 2.0.3 [*] Word Search [*] Word Translator - version 2.5 [*] Yacht-3D 1.1 (PPC) #### TEXT infomacv15-143.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] beveled buttons [*] Cache Killer Pro 1.0 - the original Cache Killer and more!!! [*] ClearPhone 3.5.2 [*] CPU-View 1.3 [*] eScan 1.02 [*] Eudora Thai Tables 1.1 [*] I Ching Connexion 2.3.2 patch [*] I Ching Connexion 2.3.2; I Ching with a new view [*] ichat Pager 1.0 68K [*] ichat Pager 1.0 ppc [*] LoShuMusic.max [*] Mac Startupscreen [*] MacDoc-1.0 [*] meditative Startupscreen [*] NetFinder 1.1.3J - Japanese Version [*] Netscape 4.0 Baltic, Cyrillic, Romanian Support [*] PeopleLink v1.04 for non-PPC Macintosh [*] PeopleLink v1.04 for PPC Macintosh [*] Pict2Ascii-FAT-1.03.sit [*] Relax 2.0 [*] Seeker 1.0.1, a shareware web search helper [*] sentry-401.hqx [*] Spacix Cards data [*] TaskMaster for PowerMac 1.0 [*] The Calorizer 2.0 [A] Classic on the internet [Ans] Converting MSIE Favorites to Navigator Bookmarks [C] System Software for Mac 128k? Animated GIF's Barnes and Noble Classic on the internet Convert Picture to Icons? Converting MSIE Favorites to Navigator Bookmarks (Q) Correction- Classic on the internet Epson 800 Responses Eudora urls defer to gold not Communicator 4.01 (Q) Info-Mac Digest V15 #139 Info-Mac Digest V15 #140 Info-Mac Digest V15 #141 Syquest EZ-135 Netscape 4 (C) Numbering pages in Word 5a OS8 Problems loggin in to chat sites translators Virtual Wings Demo #### TEXT infomacv15-144.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] ++ ANIMATE XCMD 1.0 ++ [*] BoringClock? 4.2 [*] consensus timers 2.03 hc, alarms/scheduler in hypercard [*] creator changer 2.8.3 [*] custompak2.sit [*] Disinfectant 3.7.1 [*] eScan 1.02 [*] FibonacciBlues [*] FTP Who -b 1.1 [*] ImageViewer 4.43 68K [*] macnetic contaxt [*] SimpleTime 1.0a - A clock of global proportions [*] sock.sit [*] StarDrive 3.1 [*] The Slippy Stack [*] V&N Lookup 1.0.3 - dictionary & spellchecker #### TEXT infomacv15-145.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Argentinian Icons Vol.2 [*] BBEdit extensions for Textures Rel. 1.1 [*] BigSecret42 [*] BlackSun1.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] blobsculptor-11 [*] Default Folder 2.7.2 - Now Mac OS 8 Compatible [*] Delirium 1.2 [*] DollyDots 1.75 for Kaleidoscope 1.7 [*] Donor Researcher 1.2 [*] DragThing 2.0 [*] eclectic-desktop-patterns [*] File Buddy 4.1.1 [*] FinderPop 1.0 - MacOS8 Finder Utility [*] GEOCAD 1.1.0 ppc (international) [*] Heme's Copland Cursorv1.0.sit - Coplandize your cursor! [*] Higher Tek 1.0 - The True High Tech Theme [*] ICFileDiverter 1.2 [*] IconToGIF 1.0.3 [*] Insecticons Vol I V 2.1, colourful insect icons. [*] MacMolecule 2 Demo 68K.sit - Molecule exploration tool [*] MacMolecule 2 Demo PPC.sit - Molecule exploration tool [*] MHG Agora 1.0 scheme for Kaleidoscope [*] Neatnik 1.0.2 [*] Painting 1.0.4 - A graphics editor [*] Pete's Patterns [*] PixMaps11.hqx [*] PlayerPRO 4.5.8 (FAT) - FR [*] PlayerPRO 4.5.8 Dev.Kit [*] Pretty Scroll 1.0.0 - a control panel animates scrolling [*] Project Planner 1.01 [*] ProMaker Utils 0.9.5 - For the FileMaker Professional [*] Proposal Writer 1.01 [*] ramBunctious 1.1.2J - Japanese version [*] SchoolNurse10.sea.hqx [*] Steve's NeXT Folders set#4 [*] Surge 2.0.1 [*] TidBITS#388/14-Jul-97 [*] Tintin in icons 2.0 [q] applescript/utility for arranging windows ? [Thanks!] [Thanks!] Re: [Q] Desktop Printer/Printer Menu/Error 15 Messages Anderson (Q) any suggestions? LaserWriter simm source? Partition Question #### TEXT infomacv15-146.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 15" StartupScreen [*] Bionic Yeah Alert Beep (16-bit) [*] Bionic Yeah Alert Beep (8-bit) [*] Bloom County Icons [*] Cookie's Revenge v1.0 [*] Eagle Strike v1.00 [*] Frodo 4.1 [*] GifScan 2.2.1 [*] Hexadecimal Drill Stack [*] Macboy 2.0 68k [*] Macboy 2.0 ppc [*] MacMolecule 2 Demo 68KFPU.sit - Molecule exploration tool [*] MultiTimer 2.1.4 [*] NoMoreCookies 1.1.1 [*] PlayerPRO 4.5.8 (FAT) - Music Editor [*] QuickieMail.1.0.sit.hqx QuickieMail simple e-mailer [*] RanPassword 1.3 [*] SmartMap 1.1 [*] Tecno Folders [*] WebCat 1.02 HyperCard URL Catalog French #### TEXT infomacv15-147.txt **** Today's Topics: [Q] Some Questions about MacLink Plus (A) PC mouse on Mac (Q) Cookies stored where ? (Q) Mac TCP & Eudora configuration [Q] Defeating junk email A 7 slot PCI expansion board for the PB3400? A help is needed Annoying noise from external speakers Chinese on the Mac? Classic on the internet cleaning up unix text Convert Picture to Icons? Cookies Correction- Classic on the internet duo keyboard repair-DIY (do it yourself) Eudora Pro 3.1 & Netscape EZ135 drive won't mount cartridges ichat Pager 1.0 Application installing sys. 7.6.1 on a powerbook netscape and 7.6 crashes Numbering pages in Word 5: the final answer! Nutscrape 4 Please help: Need MAC sound program to play mpeg files problems unstuffing large file Re Info-Mac Digest V15 #144 software violating apple midi specifications (Q) Specifications for the Stereo Audio Out Plug in the 7100/80 Sticky Menus telnet client wanted #### TEXT infomacv15-148.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] AFL Package 1.0 [*] Airport IDs 2.6a [*] Anna's Desktop Patterns 1.0 [*] AppSwitcher [*] Area Code Changer [*] blankscreen 2.0 [*] Click, there it is! 1.0.8 [*] Convert Central European TrueType Fonts [*] Convert Cyrillic TrueType Fonts [*] Convert Greek TrueType Fonts [*] CR-Calculator 1.0. A chemical reaction calculator. [*] Default Folder 2.7.3 - Enancement for Open/Save Dialogs [*] Digital Diary 1.5.sit [*] Electric Broadsheet 1.11 =?iso-8859-1?Q?=9F.sit?= [*] elodyFair1.5.0 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Empty Glass DT Pic [*] eXpress 4.0 [*] FastTrash 1.2 [*] FeatherGIF 1.8, Web transparency filter [*] Flaming Pear Icons Vol. 3 [*] Font List 1.0 final [*] Italian lessons - foreign language learning [*] Kaleidoscope color scheme for info-mac [*] La Confrerie - a game scenario for S&S 3D [*] make-turkish-fonts-20.txt [*] McPoet4.3 [*] Music Collection Deluxe 2.1 (FileMaker Pro 3.x) [*] NetBackup 1.0 [*] NetRPG 3.0.1 [*] OTChat 3.0.1 [*] PowerReplace 6.2.1; a text conversion utility [*] QuickInstaller 1.1.0; The Installers Builder. [*] RainbowHigh1.5.2 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Ralph 1.0 [*] RealtorRecords [*] ScenarioMaker 3D, developer release 6 [*] Screen Catcher 1.0f - GIF, JPEG, and PICT screen snapshots [*] Smileyface Font(tm) 3.0 [*] Smileyface Font(tm) 3.0 [*] STRiKE Korea '97 [*] Sunset 1.0 [*] TitlePop 3.0.1 [*] Trash Can v1.0 - An alternative Trash Can [*] VCD Player 1.3.2 - Play Video CD on your Mac - Johnny C N Lee [*] ZyXEL Omni Station 1.0 #### TEXT infomacv15-149.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] mega mind [*] Mister Monster Maker 3D 2.3 [*] Orion [*] Recall 1.1, the ultimate digital egg-timer [*] Rendered Desktop Pix [*] RICE v1.0b Restricted Interval Counterpoint Engine [*] tiggrs-clock-14-ad.hqx [*] trigo-121-ad.hqx [*] Ultimate NeXT Scheme 1.0B4 [*] Ultimate X Windows Scheme 2.0B1 [Q] Defeating junk email [Q] Defeating junk email [Q] Some Questions about MacLink Plus Convert Picture to Icons? Cookies Defeating junk email Defeating junk email Eudora Pro 3.1 & Netscape Info-Mac Digest V15 #147 problems unstuffing large file Sticky Menus telnet client wanted #### TEXT infomacv15-150.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 07-97 MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial [*] AliasCrony 2.0.2; Alias management. [*] Celest 1.01 [*] Convert Romanian TrueType Fonts [*] eLetter 2.00-68k [*] eLetter 2.00ppc [*] graphicconverter_2.91_us.hqx [*] Jive Toalk [*] Jon's Commands 2.0.1 [*] Lines of Action 2.0.1 [*] Mac CallerID Update [*] MacGzip 1.1.1 sources [*] MacGzip_FAT_1.1.1 [*] Make Icelandic TrueType Fonts 2.0 [*] Mazeworld Abyss 1.1 PPC [*] Moon Tool 1.0.1 [*] MotionRecorder PPC 1.0 [*] Okey Dokey Pro 2.0.3 [*] PowerReplace 6.2.2; a text conversion utility [*] q-emulator-lite-096.hqx [*] quizz-anglais-2.5.1 [*] QuizzAllemand 2.5.1 [*] Sloop (68K) 1.0.2J - Japanese Version [*] Sloop (PPC) 1.0.2J - Japanese Version [*] Star-Fox-64-Icons [*] Steve's NexXT Folders Set #5 [*] Storeys-68k [*] Storeys-ppc [*] The MacLocksmith 2.0.0; file-disk protection [*] TidBITS#389/21-Jul-97 [*] URL Manager Pro (FAT) 1.4v8J - Japanese Version [*] UtilScript (tm) 1.0 [*] Whoops 1.0 [*] WWW.Where.com 1.00 Netscape Global History Stack [*] Xtension Overload 2.1 #### TEXT infomacv15-151.txt **** Today's Topics: Video Converters PC mouse with Mac (A) 32-bit addressing and Rex [Q] Powerbook 180 and System 7.6.1 [Q] PowerBook Infrared info/demo? AppleScript help ARA and System 8 (Q) Classic on the internet Convert Picture to Icons? Ghost Zip disk installing sys. 7.6.1 on a powerbook L2 cache for 7600/120 Looking for WindowShade-like utility Lower the MenuBar Making Booklets Problem with ProColorServer 24/PDS & Apple Guide Questions about Debugging Searching for Mac equivalent of the Windows app "Thumbs Plus" SGML Tools for the Mac? software for mail order software violating apple midi specifications (sorry) Some Questions about MacLink Plus Syquest EZ-135 telnet client wanted The Info-Mac Hyper Digest has moved to digester.et.tudelft.nl unreadable magneto-optical cartridges #### TEXT infomacv15-152.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Zerzoom" Email Sound Replacement (Mono) [*] "Zerzoom" Email Sound Replacement (Ster) [*] Ad_Track_FM - Ad Banner Generation and Tracking [*] amtrak82.hqx [*] Baseball [*] BatteryAmnesia 1.5.1 released! [*] Big Brother 2.0 Deluxe: a cute toy [*] Big Brother 2.0: a cute toy [*] Cache Killer Pro 1.01 - the original Cache Killer and more!!! [*] ClockSync II 1.0.3 is available! [*] cmyk color charts [*] Convert Celtic TrueType fonts [*] Convert Romanian TrueType Fonts [*] Convert Turkish TrueType Fonts [*] Count WWWebula CGI 1.4 [*] Count WWWebula Plugin 1.1.2 [*] CURLPushButton 2.3 - A PowerPlant Class [*] DT Pic - Asteroid Attack.jpg [*] DT Pic - Cave at Dawn.jpg [*] Graphite 1.0.2 PPC demo (PS plugin) [*] HMarqueeCaption 1.1 - A PowerPlant Class [*] Insider Updates 1.5 [*] Language Toolkit Writer 1.2.2 - foreign languages learning [*] MapMaker 1.1 [*] Mousigator 0.3 [*] Music Collection Deluxe 2.1a (FileMaker Pro 3.x) [*] pb-suite-301 [*] Pente 2.0 [*] QuickNote 1.11 [*] ReBirth_RB-338_demo.hqx [*] Savior 1.0 - Applescript that reminds you to save [*] sidplay-132-ppc [*] Siemensstern_1.4_de.sit.hqx [*] Siete 1.2 [*] Sloop (68K) 1.0.2v2J - Japanese Version [*] Sloop (PPC) 1.0.2v2J - Japanese Version [*] Sloop 68K 1.0.2v2 - add cursor focusing to your mac [*] Sloop PPC 1.0.2 - add cursor focusing to your mac [*] smash-hc [*] Steve's NeXT Folders Set #6 + More [*] systema-animalia.sit.hqx - Icons for your desktop! [*] Thicker Cursors Word5 PIM [*] WASTE Object Handlers 1.2.5 [*] WCII Maps 1.0 [*] WindowDetective 1.1.0 #### TEXT infomacv15-153.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] PhoneCodes/TimeZones 3.3.4 [*] Bio-2.2g/e.hqx [*] CVersCaption 1.3.1 - A PowerPlant Class [*] DT Pic - Desert Pond.jpg [*] DT Pic - Empty Glass.jpg [*] DT Pic - Faint Mists.jpg [*] DT Pic - Fantast Island.jpg [*] DT Pic - Flattened Clones.jpg [*] DT Pic - Floating Sphere [*] DT Pic - Foggy Fjord Outlet [*] DT Pic - Low Moon.jpg [*] DT Pic - Melted Sphere.jpg [*] DT Pic - Mirror & Spheres.jpg [*] DT Pic - Misty Shoreline.jpg [*] DT Pic - Snowy Mountain.jpg [*] DT Pic - ST IV.jpg [*] DT Pic - Thaw.jpg [*] DT Pic - Thirsty?.jpg [*] DT Pic - Underwater Abstract.jpg [*] DT Pic - Watery.jpg [*] HCmdButtonAttachment 1.1.1 - A PowerPlant Class [*] Hsoi's App Shell 1.0a4 - a MacOS developer tool [*] inside [*] MrMouse 1.0 [*] Mythos089L [*] Perusal 1.0b1 text file browser [*] Rah-Jur's Sci-Fi Startupscreen v2.0 [*] Sentinels of Ceth v1.1 [*] SimpleTime 1.0.1 - A clock of global proportions 32-bit addressing and Rex [A] telnet client wanted [Q] Internet Explorer Error -491? ARA and OT Best CD-ROM cataloging software? cleaning up unix text Info-Mac Digest V15 #151 Info-Mac Digest V15 #151 Looking for WindowShade-like utility Looking for WindowShade-like utility Making Booklets Other comment on Claris & Mac Link Plus.... PB180 and 7.6.1 PC mouse with Mac (A) Please help: Need MAC sound program to play mpeg files Weird Pattern Problems... #### TEXT infomacv15-154.txt **** Today's Topics: 32-bit addressing and Rex Amiga_v_Mac Eudora Pro 3.1 & Netscape Invisible file on CD-ROM java compiler mac 6500/300 and HP 550 mac 6500/300 and HP 550 MSWord Multi-Function Printers (Scanner, copier, standalone fax, modem) Need to change file extensions based on file types and names NU 351 Updater (C) Private Idaho or similiar program for the mac..? Views Control Panel refuses to accept changes #### TEXT infomacv15-155.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#390/28-Jul-97 [A] Microtek Printer & Fontographer [Q] Refresh rate [Q] PCMCIA Flash Memory for the MP2K [Q]Substitute for Speed Doubler "Smart Replace". ARA and OT Best CD-ROM cataloging software? (C) Flushing an AppleShare Autolink (Q) Internet Explorer Error -491? (R) Iomega Bournulli 150M cartridges Looking for "Caps Lock" ext for PB3400 Netscape 4.0 "Feature" Weird Pattern Problems... #### TEXT infomacv15-156.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Backgrounds [*] Cadorna for Kaleidoscope [*] CMTools 1.0 [*] CoMa_Mac_4.1.0.sit.bin [*] CommuniGate FirstClass Gateway 1.4 [*] CommuniGate Server 2.9.7 (w/anti-spam) [*] CS Recorder 1.0 [*] Default Folder D-2.7.3 - Enancement for Open/Save Dialogs (Germ [*] director-game-engine [*] DockMaster 1.0.4J - Japanese Version [*] Download Separator v1.0 [*] Espi Font in OS8 [*] Factory 1.3 [*] FileT&C 2.1.0; type & creator changing. [*] FreeBack [*] FreeBack [*] FreeBack [*] GenericTrivia [*] Gradekeeper 4.7 [*] Grapple 1.2 - a fast and friendly string finder for the Mac! [*] hercules for Kaleidoscope [*] ImperialMing 1.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Interactive I Ching [*] kidcons.hqx, space icons, World of Copland:2 [*] Language Toolkit Reader 1.2.5 - foreign languages learning [*] MacGrammarTutor [*] MacMod Pro 5.01 [*] MagicalKeys 1.3.2 [*] MatchWord 1.0 - A Reading Game [*] Pretty Scroll 1.0.0 - a control panel animates scrolling - John [*] RoyalOrchid 1.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Sim-Cinema DELUXE 1.0 [*] SirenAngel 1.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] SlapMyBack-Macintosh PS-Font [*] Sleeper 3.0 - Sleep mode for all Macs [*] space icons [*] Steve's NeXT Folders Set #7 [*] Steve's NeXT Folders Set 8 + More [*] Switch-It 1.4.2 [*] The Elements of Map-Making Style [*] TwoBoysQuestion.sit [*] Type&Speak 0.55 [*] Warhammer Template [*] World of Copland:2 [*] Yet Another Text Editor #### TEXT infomacv15-157.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Apple Logo Startup/Desktop [*] ATPM 3.07 [*] Coffee Break 3.0.1 F [*] Common Objects Of Activities Of Daily Living [*] DT Pic - Argos.jpg [*] DT Pic - Eclipse.jpg [*] Ephemerid 1.1 [*] LetterRip 2.0 Mailing List Server [*] MakeItGrow 1.9DEMO.sit [*] Memetic Verses.sit [*] Reanimator 1.0.1 [*] UCB-Logo 3.3cf 604e Processor [A] ARA and OT [A] Substitute for Speed Doubler "Smart Replace" [Q] PCMCIA Flash Memory for the MP2K [Q] Virtual PC - using Token Ring Card? [Q]MAC OS 8 and PC compatible Card Airborne and Full Impact Alternative to ARA? ECD's Audio Not Working Flushing an AppleShare Autolink (Q) Formating text in calculation field in FileMakerPro Info-Mac Digest V15 #155 Mouse alternatives? Netscape 4.0 feature Q Looking for Mac check-out system Refresh rate Sound Manager question #### TEXT infomacv15-158.txt **** Today's Topics: Re: Info-Mac Digest V15 #156 (Q) OS8 on 840 AV? [A & Q] Flushing an AppleShare Autolink [A] MAC OS 8 and PC compatible Card [A] MAC OS 8 and PC compatible Card Desk chair recommendations? Info-Mac Digest V15 #155 Netscape, Eudora, PPP and japanese language kit Usage Tracking Software. Wierd monitor problem #### TEXT infomacv15-159.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?Sup=E9rWrit=E9r?= 1.1.sit [*] BaseBall [*] bol-processor-272-appl.hqx [*] bol-processor-272-data.hqx [*] bol-processor-272-doc.hqx [*] CMTools 1.1 [*] ColorCursorSpin [*] Convert Central European RTF files Mac <-> Windows [*] Convert Cyrillic RTF files Mac <-> Windows [*] Convert Greek RTF files Mac <-> Windows [*] CU-SeeMe 0.87b1 68K - internet videoconferencing [*] CU-SeeMe 0.87b1 PPC - internet videoconferencing [*] Cursor-GreyScale [*] CUSoon 2.0.1 - deamon connector for CU-SeeMe [*] Discolour patches - colour floppy discs, CD's, and server icons [*] Embossed [*] Findfiler 1.0 AS [*] Helium 3.1 [*] Insider Updates 1.5.1 [*] InstallerMaker 4.1 [*] Jigsaw Puzzles 5 [*] KaleidoDeskPats5 [*] Kaleidoscope "mu" Schemes Collection 1.7.2 [*] Kaleidoscope 1.7.1 [*] Kaleidoscope Classic Pack 1.7.1 [*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.7.2 [*] Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection 1.7.2 [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.7.2 [*] Kineto 1.0 [*] Kinga 2.0.1 abstract [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.2.8 [*] Meat Gone Bad 2.1 (space invaders game) [*] MediaPresenter 1.41 [*] Object Functions Of Activities Of Daily Living [*] Orrery 1.0 PPC - Solar System Animation [*] OS8 CMM Expansion Pack version 1.0 [*] Removables 1.0 AS [*] Sierpinski-Triangeln 1-swe.sit [*] SOI 1.3.3 [*] Stefan's Emailer Menus 1.0 [*] Strip_BlackJack.cpt.hqx [*] systema-animalia.sit.hqx - Icons for your desktop! [*] TextLock 1.0; [TEXT->ttro] [*] V&N Lookup 1.0.6 - dictionary & spellchecker [*] Warcraft II Maps 2.0 #### TEXT infomacv15-160.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Candle&Flashlight.jpg [*] desktop pictures [*] DT Pic - Gorge Campfire.jpg [*] Geiger Counter Alert Sound (16-bit) [*] Geiger Counter Alert Sound (16-bit) [*] HCPhone 2.0 - phone dialer [*] Jon's OS 8 mods [*] MacEME_1.2.1.hqx [*] Mantra II v1.01 [*] MYMAC.JPG...An OS8 desktop picture [*] os8-deskpict-cycle-1.0 [*] Snitch 2.5 [*] Trygve's CMM Plug-Ins 2.0.1 [*] Window Monkey 1.2.1 #### TEXT infomacv15-161.txt **** Today's Topics: Second, Happier Rhapsody Thoughts! (Q) Powerbook Internal Modem Problem Dialing Under MacPPP (Q) Replacement for CDU under 7.6.1 >Subject- Alternative to AR [A]MAC OS 8 and PC compatible Card [Q1] OS 8, 7100, internal CD [Q2] OS 8, 7100, Stuffit Deluxe [Q3] OS 8, 7100, Ofoto scanning software [Q] Defeating junk email Desk chair recommendations floppy drive not working on Powerbook 170 FPU (Mac LC111) Info-Mac Digest V15 #155 Info-Mac Digest V15 #158 MacOS8: The Web Campaign Netpresenz is serving up .html as text. Solutions? PB5300 Battery (C) Problems with Disk Copy 6.1.3? submissons #### TEXT infomacv15-162.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#391/04-Aug-97 (Q) danish characters 9500 Cache? [A] OS 8, 7100, internal CD [Q2] OS 8, 7100, Stuffit Deluxe [Q] Close applications without open windows? [Q] Defeating junk email [Q] Defeating junk email [Q] Defeating junk email [Q] Laser Printer for small pages comment Re: submissions mailing list software <Q> NoEject 1.1 breaks under 7.6.1: update available? Re submissions regarding OS* (OS8 on 7100/80av) Second, Happier Rhapsody Thoughts! Spirit CD? Summary - Monitoring Software System 8 and HP DW600 V15-#158: Desk chair recmd Windows -> Mac TrueType #### TEXT infomacv15-163.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Aufrdumen nach D-1.0.2 - The German version of Clean Up [*] DesktopMinder v1.1 [*] Glidel D-3.4.2 - the German version of Glidel [*] MapMaker 1.1.1 [*] PowerMenu 2.0J - Japanese Version [*] PowerMenu: A Contextual Menu Utility for MacOS 8 and 7! [*] QuickTrasher v1.0 [*] QuitEverything v1.1 [*] Save ClipBoard v1.2 [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.0.5J - Japanese Version [*] Unix-Droplet_0.4beta [*] x-files-cursor #### TEXT infomacv15-164.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Styles" Emerald Peridot for Kaleidoscope [*] AFL Package 1.0.1 [*] Angela Sans TrueType/Type 1 Font [*] Apple Logo.sit - Visually stunning desktop picture [*] BeeHive 1.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] BrightChick [*] ComicHero 1.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Common Objects Of Activities Of Daily Living [*] CustoFinder 7 F-1.2.4 [*] daves-system7-scheme1.0 [*] Deskpop 1.0b1 - A Control Strip module [*] Digital Diary 1.6.sit [*] DT Pic - Skull Shock.jpg [*] eLetter 2.0 [*] eLetter 2.0 [*] Finder Quiting Scripts [*] Finger It! [*] HotlineServerBot v1.1 [*] Korean-Font-JungGothic [*] Korean-Font-Munhwa-Regular.hqx [*] Korean-Font-PCMyungJo.hqx [*] Language Toolkit Reader 1.2.5 - foreign languages learning [*] Learn&Play 1.0 [*] Mac CallerID 119a (FAT) [*] Mac OS 8 Startup/Desktop [*] MacAttack 1.9.3J - Japanese Version [*] OT/Bot v1.0 [*] OT/PPPP CSM [*] OT/PPPSwitch v1.0 [*] PeepShow 1.5.3 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] PictSort 1.6 picture management tool [*] QuizPro 2.0 [*] Russisch Verbs&Nouns - foreign language learning [*] SchemeChecker 1.0 - a utility for checking Kaleidoscope schemes [*] Slider upgrade to 1.0.3 [*] Soi 1.4 [*] Spanish QuizPro 2.0 [*] Sphere 2.0: Tecno Sphere [*] TableCloths 2.0 desktop patterns [*] Ultimate NHL Package 2.0 [*] URL Manager Pro 1.4v8 [*] VCD Player 1.3.3 - Play Video CD on your Mac - Johnny C N Lee [*] VolumeSync 1.2.3 [*] Web Page Backgrounds Galore [*] world-kiss.hqx #### TEXT infomacv15-165.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Cache Killer Pro 1.02 - the original Cache Killer and more!!! [*] JPEGger 1.1 [*] MadBreaker 1.1 [*] TattleTech 2.55 Printer problems Re: mailing list software <Q> (Q) Applevision 1710 & 5300cs problems (Q)danish characters 2 [Q] Open transport & FreePPP [Q]: Eudora Light 3.11 filters: how to transfer files to Trash? CD-ROM comment Re: submissions (K schemes) Control Strip and Pop up windows GIFs and JPEGs not visible in Netscape Info-Mac Digest V15 #161 MacOS8: a jaundiced view mailing list softwar <A> Netpresenz is serving up .html as text. Solutions? OS 8 Printing Word 5.1 selected pages #### TEXT infomacv15-166.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] CalendarNote.fp3 for FileMaker Pro 3.0 [*] ChordCompanion [*] DOCMaker v4.8 [*] Edit JFIF Comment 1.0.4 [*] Engineering Assistant v1.6 [*] Ephemerid 1.1.1 (Update) [*] Graphite 1.0.3 68k [*] Graphite 1.0.3 PPC (replaces 1.0.2) [*] infomac2html.hqx [*] INFOMaker v2.8.5 Database Translator [*] Installer VISE 4.6.1 [*] Installer VISE Lite 3.6 [*] InstantInit 1.1 - disk formatting utility [*] KG's_OS8_Desktop_Pics1.sit [*] KG's_OS8_Desktop_Pics2.sit [*] MakeItGrow 2.0 [*] New Macintosh Game: Prometheus from Quarter Note Software [*] Rambling Rodney [*] Respond! 1.0a1 - preemptive multitasking [*] Swap 'em Over 1.5 [*] Switch-It 1.4.3 (Update) [*] talltail tim [*] Updater VISE 1.4 #### TEXT infomacv15-167.txt **** Today's Topics: (A) Replacement for CDU on 7.6 or 8 [Q] Defeating junk email [Q]: Eudora Light 3.11 filters: how to transfer files to Control Strip and Pop up windows Control Strip and Pop up windows DataDesk keyboard and Performa 6200 Dove accelerator card init? Info-Mac Digest V15 #165 Info-Mac Digest V15 #165 Mac OS installers installing non-checked items Mac sound player wanted Macintosh Model M0001 MacOS8: a jaundiced view MacOS8: a jaundiced view mailing list software <Q> mailing list software <Q> mailing list software <Q> Mixing OS 8 / OS 7.6 OS 8 Printing Word 5.1 selected pages Real Audio 2.0 Scantron Interface software for MacOS system 11 errors #### TEXT infomacv15-168.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#392/11-Aug-97 (Q) danish characters (Q) OS 8 fighting Microsoft Word 6.0.1 (Help!) [A] Booting off of OS8 CD-ROM crashes 7100 [Q] Rhapsody for Intel??? Classic programs... Fwd: Energy saver/sleep GIFs and JPEGs not visible in Netscape GIFs and JPEGs not visible in Netscape Mac sound player wanted MacOS8 and Gamma mailing list software Netscape 4.0 feature OS8 on 7100/80av Solution for crashing Pb! StyleWriter 1200 Default Preferences Symantec MORE File Format? Sys8 & Emergency Floppies #### TEXT infomacv15-169.txt **** Today's Topics: Energy saver/sleep [!] Bad disk info-mac disk [A] StyleWriter 1200 Default Preferences [ANN] ClarisWorks Mailing List [Q] Defeating junk email [Q] Rhapsody for Intel??? Classic programs... Fwd: (A) software for mail order Geoport modem script for TribePPP Info-Mac Digest V15 #168 Mac sound player wanted os8 & now quickfiler? Powerbook 180 and System 7.6.1 revisited setting up a network Starmax 5000 and modem problems What breaks with OS 8..... Where is "Remote-Only"? #### TEXT infomacv15-170.txt **** Today's Topics: [Q] Disk Copying with Disk Copy 6.1.3 [Q] INIT to power video port at startup w/ no monitor? Connecting two Macs to Internet using one IP address (Q) Evading FileGuard 2.5.2 Info-Mac Digest V15 #165 PopupFolder alternative for System 8 Powerbook 180 and System 7.6.1 revisited Remote Only What breaks with OS 8..... Where is "Remote-Only"? #### TEXT infomacv15-171.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Bedlam 2 1.01 [*] Blurb for Learn&Play [*] Camouflage v1.0 [*] Cloudburst 151 [*] Clue-J [*] Default Folder J-2.7.3 - Enancement for Open/Save Dialogs (Japa [*] DragAnyWindow 4.2 - Live window dragging [*] DragAnyWindow 4.2J FAT (Japanese version) [*] elleair-icons-vol-1 [*] ErrorFinder 1.0b3 [*] file Hider v1.0 [*] Flatland 1.0.1 (Kaleidoscope Color Scheme) [*] Focus MicroRecorder Pro v2.7- Sound utility for record/playback [*] Game of the Winds 2.0 (english) [*] Game of the Winds 2.0 (german) [*] Hexomania_1.1.sit.hqx [*] HTML ColorPicker v1.0 Beta [*] Icarud- First Contact [*] Icon Archiver 2.3 FAT - Best icon utility [*] Japanese Font Package 20 [*] Language Toolkit Reader 1.2.7 - foreign languages learning [*] Language Toolkit Writer 1.2.5 - foreign languages learning [*] Lines of Action 2.0.2 [*] Mac Identifier 2.2 [*] Mac Libs - Automatic story generator [*] MacAttack 1.9.3v2J - Japanese Version [*] Master Mind 2.6.1 - A Game of Strategy and Logic [*] Pan-Asia Chinese Japanese Korean Language Kit for MacOS [*] ProFont Distribution 2.2 [*] rule-10 [*] SimpleText Color Menu 2.4 - enhances SimpleText 1.4 [*] SimpleText Color Menu 2.4J (Japanese version) [*] Spawn icons [*] StartupFrills v3.6 [*] StoryProject [story development software for fiction writers] [*] Swiss-German lesson - foreign languages learning [*] The Musician 2.3.0; sound utility. [*] The Sixth Ring.sea.hqx [*] TykeWriter1.1 [*] Unix-Droplet_0.4beta2.sit [*] V&N Lookup 1.1.2 - dictionary & spellchecker [*] Vietnam War 3.0 [*] Vietnam War 3.0 [*] Windows 3.1 Icons [*] WriteAway 1.1-A Hypercard Word Processor #### TEXT infomacv15-172.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Aaron's Cy berdog Apple Scripts [*] Advanced i/o & arithmetic compression [*] BBS in a Box animated gif [*] BetterTelnet 1.1.1 [*] Can't Remember $#!+ - A Tool For Forgetters [*] Color-Cursor-Spin [*] Compact Disc Library 20 [*] computer-cuisine-41 [*] Curt's StartUpScreens Volume II [*] Curt's StartUpScreens Volume II [*] Cyberdog IC Helper (1.0.1) [*] Download Macros [*] Eudora Celtic (Welsh) Tables [*] Finger It! [*] FlowerTalk HyperCard Stack [*] freebytes-11.sit [*] GeekTalk 1.1.1.sea - chat window plug-in for CU-SeeMe [*] HCPhone 2.01 - phone dialer/address book [*] Italian spelling dictionary - foreign languages learning [*] JerkAlert Beep (16-bit) [*] JerkAlert Beep (8-bit) [*] lupe-11 [*] NetBots 2.0.2 [*] ObiWan 5.2 [*] Organizer 2.6 for 1998 [*] Player Helper 2.3 [*] RealtorRecordsV1.2 [*] Sans-Faute-Grammaire 2.1 [*] Snap-To 2.1.1 [*] sound-utilities.hqx [*] speech-manager-ext-updt.hqx [*] Stravinsky Alert Sounds [*] TaskMaster 11 [*] Timbuktu Pro for Macintosh OS 4.0 [*] TimeSlice Lite 3.1a [*] Visual Balloons for PowerPlant [*] Wartoons! [*] Watch It! [*] Web Page Backgrounds Galore #2 [*] Web Works [*] xmover.hqx [*] Yank 1.3.1a #### TEXT infomacv15-173.txt **** Today's Topics: [a] Classic programs... [Q] Clip Art Suggestions [Q] Disk Copying with Disk Copy 6.1.3 [Q] Load ROM into RAM Connecting two Macs to Internet using one IP address (Q) Evading FileGuard 2.5.2 Info-Mac Digest V15 #165 Info-Mac Digest V15 #165 Info-Mac Digest V15 #170 Info-Mac Digest V15 #172 Mac OS 8 incompatiblities Mac OS 8 Tips Tricks and Easter Eggs Mac sound player wanted MacOS8 and Gamma My PowerBook won't move!!! OS8 glitch Powerbook 180 and System 7.6.1 revisited Remote Only Remote Only - Ive Got it Speed Doubler 2.0.3 ThreadsManager? #### TEXT infomacv15-174.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 46to461_Updater [*] AtariWriter Convert [*] Banquet Master 2.0 [*] Brigantine Birds.sit [*] CalendarNote1.1 for FileMaker Pro 3.0 [*] ChartMaker Pro 1.2 [*] clut-maker-11.sit [*] ConvertTextInfos 1.0.1 [*] Creator Changer 2.8.4 [*] CyberRay 1.0/fw [*] Deskpop 1.0b2 [*] Edible Landscaping 4.1 [*] EG&G/MCS file converter 1.1 [*] fcm30.sit [*] Flush It! 1.0 [*] FolderBuilder 1.3 [*] font-o-rama-140 [*] Indexer Script 1.0 for Sitc=0 [*] Kill_All_Caches!v.1 [*] KillCookie 1.0 AS [*] LinPro 68k v1.0 [*] McHurricane_3.0.7SW [*] Object Plant 1.4 Object-Oriented Analysis/Design tool [*] PowerReplace 6.2.3; a text conversion utility [*] RumorMill 1.1 [*] Run_Java_Applet_as [*] StarFighters14.sit.hqx [*] StuLib-v2.6.hqx [*] URL Manager Pro Deutsch [*] Utopia TrueType [*] WeatherTracker -- displays weather for cities worldwide [*] Web Works 1.1 [!] sci is back! Apple Scanning software and OS 8.... Conflict Catcher/Suitcase with OS8 INIT to power video port at startup w/ no monitor? invisibles Load ROM into RAM [C] Mac OS 8 incompatiblities Making invisible files visible Netscape attachments OS 8 And Powerbooks OS8 on 7100/80av ThreadsManager? ThreadsManager? #### TEXT infomacv15-175.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?Stuffit=81?= Binhexer 1.0 AS [*] Asset Basset 2.0 [*] C-Futuro [*] Celtic Knot Kaleidoscope color scheme [*] Copland 7 Color Scheme 1.7.1 - Freeware [*] DesignHead StartUpScreen - Head New Media [*] DT Pic - Ball'nRings.jpg [*] English-German dictionary - foreign language learning [*] ExtractIt! for System 1.5.7 [*] French version of YP Slider Crank 1.0.3 [*] Geometria icons [*] GoldenHead StartUpScreen - Head New Media [*] Kaleidoscope Windows 95 Color Scheme 1.7.1 - Freeware [*] KoCal (last email had VoCal) [*] Life v1.01 [*] LingoHead StartUpScreen - Head New Media [*] MacAppraiser 1.3 (8.97) submission... [*] Manic Apple icons [*] MBarClock 2.0 B2 - FREE Another Menubar Clock [*] MediaPresenter 1.41a [*] Meditor ETR3 R2 - FREE Tracker [*] MicNotePad Lite 4.0.8 [*] Mousigator 0.3.1 - a cursor focusing extension [*] OneStep 1.1 [*] OT/PPP Toggle 2.2 [*] Path/URL CMM Plugin [*] PowerCalc 2.0 - Powerful Scientific Calculator for your Mac! [*] protractor-10.sit.hqx [*] scihang2.0 [*] Scrungle 1.0 Shareware [*] Slider Crank 1.0.3 [*] SoundApp 2.4 - sound player and converter [*] SoundVision D51 R2 - FREE Realtime Sound Analyzer [*] Spherules 2.0 [*] Steve's NeXT Folders Set #9 + More [*] Stock Tracker 26 [*] StreamWatcher 1.0 [*] Teflon 2.0 -- adjusts or eliminates MacOS 8's sticky menus [*] The Hajj -- Islamic Pilgrimmage to Mecca [*] TheFinderNOT [*] Total Othello v1.0 [*] Trash*Desktop 1.02 [*] TripHead StartUpScreen - Head New Media [*] VoCal [*] WatchDog #### TEXT infomacv15-176.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Styles" Lace and Sapphires color scheme for Kaleidoscope [*] Acme Filters_236 [*] Akua Sweets 106 [*] Art Folders1-10.sit [*] Art Folders11-20.sit [*] Art Folders21.sit [*] Articulation P_B_M [*] Articulation T_D_N [*] Baby Games 1.0 [*] Bitwise_18 [*] BrightChick 1.2.0 [*] Catakig 1.03b [*] CMTools 2.0.1 [*] delta_xy_30.sea.hqx [*] Deskpop 1.0b4 [*] EasyAccount2.0 [*] fim-zip-disk-resources.hqx [*] folder-builder-1.3.cpt [*] FreePPP Control [*] French lesson - foreign languages learning [*] German's Patterns v1.0.sit [*] Ghost 2.0 - Super File Hiding/Protecting Utility [*] grafyxx12_ppc [*] KQ Runner - a KeyQuencer Lite utility [*] Mac Libs [*] Must-Have Patterns Deluxe [*] NetRPG [*] OTChat 3.0.2 [*] Pan-Asia Language Kit for MacOS v1.0 release [*] PB Cursors - New Mac OS 8 Style Cursors for Programmers [*] Style 1.5; a scriptable styled text editor [*] Unicorn Editor for MacOS v1.2.4 release [*] WhackIt.sit.hqx -- freeware whack-a-mole arcade game [*] XContact 1.04 [*] zap-res-forks-101.hqx [A] Evading FileGuard 2.5.2 Bad Extension problems Good e-mail services for Macs? Info-Mac Digest V15 #173 live icon-dragging...? Load ROM into RAM [C] OS 8 And Powerbooks Performa 6400 modem upgrade? ThreadsManager? Unscheduled Restarts #### TEXT infomacv15-177.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Bob12 [*] StarFighters14.sit.hqx [*] TidBITS#393/18-Aug-97 Apple ! Honour your guarantee for the 6400 CD-ROM bug Apple Scanning software and OS 8.... Does my 7100 use a Display Card 8=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=b724_GC_=3f?= Eudora has the quits! H2 make invisible files visible invisibles Japanese Language Kit Looking for Speed601.lib Mac LC II, which version of MacOS ? Making invisible files visible PopupFolder alternative for System 8 #### TEXT infomacv15-178.txt **** Today's Topics: Ethernet Card problems Formatting software? H2 make invisible files visible Info-Mac Digest V15 #169 Looking for presentation software Mac LC II, which version of MacOS ? (R) Mac OS 8 users Making invisible files visible My PowerBook won't move!!! OS 8 install os 8 problem OS8 and NDD Performa 6400 modem upgrade? Popup Folder! PopupFolder alternative for System 8 PopUpFolder and OS8 PPP Client/Dialer question... RasterOps Video board Driver Patch Small icons with OS 8..... Win. cursors, icons --> Mac? #### TEXT infomacv15-179.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Ambrosia_FAQ [*] Apple Logo.sit - Visually stunning desktop picture [*] ATPM 3.08 [*] Big Bro.sit- Apple 1984 series desktop picture [*] Confetti.sit - a festive yet subdued desktop picture [*] Desk Pattern 2.1 [*] Drones.sit - Apple 1984 series desktop picture [*] Eclipse_310 [*] Eclipse_FAQ [*] el-verbo-simple-201 [*] emerald pond.sit - a moody looking desktop picture [*] English-Spanish dictionary - foreign language learning [*] First Class Gradebook 1.5b2 [*] Gestalt.Appl 2.7.6 [*] Ghost 2.0.1 - File Hiding/Protecting Utility [*] Grapple 1.2 [*] HICAP 1.5 [*] im4.1.1install [*] iNES Nintendo emulator update [*] info-mac/dev/card/speech-utilities-hc.hqx [*] Japanese Plug-in 1.0 (Eudora Plug-in Module) [*] Labyrinth - The Apple II Classic Revamped For Macintosh [*] Lava.sit - a cool desktop picture [*] Life.sit - a great looking desktop picture [*] MacHelp Ezine for Macs [*] MailKanjiFixer 1.3 [*] Match22 [*] Match22 [*] Max's Custom 3D Icon Pack [*] Nuclear Hammer Demo [*] OT/PPP CSM 1.3a [*] Platinum For Kaleidoscope [*] Runner.sit - Apple 1984 series desktop picture [*] Silver For Kaleidoscope [*] Ski! [*] Stock Tracker 2.6a [*] stuffit_engine_sdk_4.0v4.hqx [*] Tunnel 14.sit - Apple 1984 series desktop picture [*] Vertigo 3D HotTEXT -- add real 3D text to Photoshop [*] WebPainter 2.0 Demo [*] X-Files for Kaleidoscope [*] YP Projectiles 1.0.3 E [*] YP Projectiles 1.0.3 F #### TEXT infomacv15-180.txt **** Today's Topics: Stay away from Eigerlabs and MacMall house brands [A] os 8 problem [A]: Eudora Light 3.11 filters: how to transfer files to Trash? [A]: OS 8 install [A]: Small icons with OS 8..... [Q] Apple Fax Problem apple 15" portrait display Bad Extension problems Does my 7100 use a Display Card 8*24 GC Ethernet Card problems External SCSI drive case? Formatting software? Good e-mail services for Macs? Info-Mac Digest V15 #169 Info-Mac Digest V15 #178 Installing OS 8 Mac LC II Mac LC II, which version of MacOS ? OS 8 install os 8 problem Reading MS Schedule+ diary from a Mac: is it possible? Small icons with OS 8..... Small icons with OS 8..... SuperBoomerang for OS 8? Using SE monitor w/ external CPU?? #### TEXT infomacv15-181.txt **** Today's Topics: [!] Short Header Format Is busted [Q]: Male A/C connector for Apple 6115CD Alternative to Superboomeran An Open Letter to Steve Jobs BUG?: Mac OS 8.0's Finder deselects opened files Comments in Get Info disappear Communicator conundra Desktop Printing and Stylewriter 4500 Eudora has the quits! Good e-mail services for Macs? Good e-mail services for Macs? Is Epson 9000 Mac-able? Making invisible files visible Making invisible files visible NDD 3.5.1/OS8/Rebuild Power Protection (C) small Icons on Desktop - thanks 4 Info writenow mailing list #### TEXT infomacv15-182.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#394/25-Aug-97 (Q) Why is cursor pointed left? 7.6.1 problems Bad Extension problems Does my 7100 use a Display Card 8*24 GC Eudora has the quits! Eudora Lite S-ERR error msg Folder Aliases under the Apple Menu... Info-Mac Digest V15 #169 Info-Mac Digest V15 #177 Mac LC II, which version of MacOS ? Need update information. OS 8 install os 8 problem Performa 6400 HD PERSONAL: Looking for lost bag... PM 6.5 Printer Help (?) Speech the next paradigm? Don't think so... SuperBoomerang for OS 8? SuperBoomerang for OS8 Using TCP/IP & PPP on an SE with 6.0.7 #### TEXT infomacv15-183.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "3coll2rev": a Kaleidoscope Color Scheme + 2 dt-textures, [*] "Styles" Elegance Argent color scheme for Kaleidoscope [*] "Styles" Greek Key color scheme for Kaleidoscope [*] Aaron Light 1.1 [*] Aaron Light 1.1 [*] AchtungSpitfire.sit [*] Ares Demo 1.0; a networkable tactical space game [*] Blit 2 [*] Bob 121 [*] Cyberdog Window ID picture [*] Deskpop 1.0b5 [*] desktop-pictures-galore [*] desktop-pictures-galore [*] EuroHist10 [*] Fake-8: redemption for '030 users!!! [*] Gander Quill 1.0.2 DEMO [*] GIF Utility Pack 1.0b2 [*] Hail! 0.77 [*] JPEG Transmogrifier [*] JPEGiT! for Macintosh [*] Lenny and Rita [HyperCard interactive adventure [*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.04b (68k)--Killer Vector Graphics for the W [*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.04b (PPC)--Killer Vector Graphics [*] LinProPPC [*] LinProPPC [*] Mac QB Office Pool Manager [*] MovieCD Player 1.0 [*] MrCatsQuest143 [*] OS 8 Toolkit [*] OS 8 Toolkit [*] PowerCalc 2.0.2.sit - RPN Calculator for the Mac [*] PowerCalc 2.0.2.sit - RPN Calculator for the Mac [*] Pro Predictor [*] SoundApp 2.4.1 - sound player and converter [*] StarFighters141 [*] StarFighters141 [*] Styles" Eagle color scheme for Kaleidoscope [*] Swap 'em Over 1.5 [*] The Eraser 2.1.0 [*] Typo-graphics 1: Desktop Pictures [*] Typo-graphics 1: Desktop Pictures [*] Typo-graphics 2: Desktop Pictures [*] WebPainter 2.0 [*] WebPainter SE.sit [*] Word Search V 2.0.1 #### TEXT infomacv15-184.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "3coll2rev": a Kaleidoscope Color Scheme + 2 dt-textures, [*] "Styles" Elegance Argent color scheme for Kaleidoscope [*] "Styles" Greek Key color scheme for Kaleidoscope [*] AchtungSpitfire.sit [*] Blit 2 [*] EuroHist10 [*] Fake-8: redemption for '030 users!!! [*] GIF Utility Pack 1.0b2 [*] Hail! 0.77 [*] JPEG Transmogrifier [*] JPEGiT! for Macintosh [*] Lenny and Rita [HyperCard interactive adventure [*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.04b (68k)--Killer Vector Graphics for the W [*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.04b (PPC)--Killer Vector Graphics [*] Mac QB Office Pool Manager [*] MovieCD Player 1.0 [*] MrCatsQuest143 [*] Pro Predictor [*] SoundApp 2.4.1 - sound player and converter [*] StarFighters141 [*] Styles" Eagle color scheme for Kaleidoscope [*] Typo-graphics 2: Desktop Pictures [*] WebPainter 2.0 [*] WebPainter SE.sit (A) Cursor's always pointed left. 7.6.1 problems Changing list-view in Mac OS 8? Code 39 Bar Code Font:True Type? Compressing MP3 Audio Converting Sportster modem from PC to Macintosh? Does my 7100 use a Display Card =?iso-8859-1?Q?8=B724?= GC ? Formatting software? Info-Mac Digest V15 #182 internet phone Mac OS 8 and Win95 filenames multi platform cd woes Need update information. Netscape Mail Problem PM 6.5 Printer Help (?) PowerBase 180 & System 8 Q: Powerbook demands disk Serial Port with PPC6100 DOS card Sony Discman PRD650 system memory creeping up Using TCP/IP & PPP on an SE with 6.0.7 #### TEXT infomacv15-185.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Ares Demo 1.0; a networkable tactical space game [*] Bob 121 [*] Cohiba 1.0 -- Making Life with NetWare a Little Easier [*] Cubes [*] Cyberdog Window ID picture [*] Deskpop 1.0b5 [*] DT Pic - ArcticSpring.jpg [*] DT Pic - Orbic.jpg [*] dump-netscape-cache.hqx [*] Gander Quill 1.0.2 DEMO [*] InfoShare 2.0 [*] Location Manager Desktop Hack v1.0.2 [*] Lord Of The LAN V.1.0b1 - a Lab/LAN Management database [*] Meine Boerse 1.5 [*] ProcessMenu CMM Plugin [*] StarFighters141 [*] Stefan Anthony's AOL 2.7 Tools [*] Swap 'em Over 1.5 [*] The Eraser 2.1.0 [*] Visual Balloons DR3 [*] Window Monkey 1.2.2 [*] Word Search V 2.0.1 [*] ZipIt 1.3.7 #### TEXT infomacv15-186.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Akua Icon Fix [*] AnselSkis [*] Baby Games 1.1 [*] BatteryAmnesia 1.5.2 [*] Bionica Alert Sound (16-bit/44.1kHz) [*] Bumbler Bee-Luxe Demo 1.0.0 [*] CalendarNote.fp3 v 1.2 for FileMaker Pro 3.0 [*] ClickTyper - for people who can't use a keyboard [*] clut-maker-11.sit [*] CMTools 2.2 [*] Deskpop 1.0b6 [*] DivvyUP v1.2.2 [*] EZ 2Do's - Easy task Management for FMP3 [*] File Buddy 4.2.2 [*] File-Identifiers 970826 [*] Find_icon 3.0.1 (C code for finding icon suites) [*] Frame30 v1.1 [*] freebytes-12.hqx [*] iNES Nintendo emulator update [*] J.A.C.C (Just Another Classic Calendar) [*] KG's Desktop Pictures #3 [*] Mac Mesa 2.4 - Free 3D graphics library, with OpenGL API. [*] Mac OS 8 Views Setter [*] MacHelp Ezine Volume 3 [*] MacHelp Newbie Archive [*] MagicalKeys 1.3.4 [*] MrCatsQuest143 [*] MS splash screens [*] NameBatch.fp3 v 1.4 for collecting name, address, picture, etc. [*] Open with Process..." CMM plugin [*] OT/PPP Toggle 2.2.1 [*] Polywog [*] Power64 1.5b, a Commodore 64 emulator [*] QuakeDEMO.sit [*] Quizmaker Pro 3.01 [*] Random Desktop Picture v1.0 [*] ScenarioMaker 3D, developer release 7 [*] scriptable-checkers-1.0 [*] ShatterBat 1.1 -- great 3D game! [*] Sloop 68K 1.0.2 - D [*] Sloop 68K 1.0.2v2 - SE [*] Sloop PPC 1.0.2v2 - SE [*] StrList4 [*] Uptime 1.0.1 - Shows uptime for your Mac [*] Yank 1.3.1v3J - Japanese Version #### TEXT infomacv15-187.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] acDoc 1.2 [*] Beatnik Plug-in update--version 1.1.7 [*] C.H.A.T. Demo v2.3 [*] DockMaster (FAT) 1.1J - Japanese Version [*] Dto-loa 2.0 [*] Gecko [*] Ghent Percussion Font GIF/PS Preview v1.2 [*] Ghent Percussion Font PDF Preview v1.2 [*] Jeni [*] Les =?iso-8859-1?Q?H=E9ros?= de la Tour Noire - a game scenario for [*] Rehearsal Font gif/ps prevw.sit [*] Rehearsal Font pdf prevw.sit [*] Sicilian Numerals Font GIF/PS Preview 1.2 [*] Sicilian Numerals Font PDF Preview 1.2 #### TEXT infomacv15-188.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#395/01-Sep-97 [A] Re: Why is cursor pointed left? Adobe Nonsupport (C) Apple 14" Monitor...disassemble?? applescript to check e-mail on Netscape (Q) BOYCOTT ClarisWorks 5 Can HYPNOSIS really improve your Sensuality? Converting Sportster modem from PC to Macintosh? Converting Sportster modem from PC to Macintosh? Converting Sportster modem from PC to Macintosh? Dialer FKEY replacement? Disappearing Act Icon problem in 'About this computer' LC475 - Internal HD unable to mount. Mac OS 8 & Finder Crashes Mac OS 8 and Win95 filenames Navigator cache Need a SCSI Driver for Frog Systems 110 MB HD OS8 and WIN95 long file names patch-making... PowerBase 180 & System 8 Powerbook demands disk Powerbook demands disk [A] Q: "Caps Lock" extension for PB3400 Q: Menubar modem status for PB3400 Internal Modem Q: Powerbook demands disk SCSC cable SCSI-0 invisible to SCSI formatters [Q] Shareware Pascal Speakerphone Programs for the Mac? System 7.6 conflicts with Apple Personal Diagnostics 1.1.3? Thunder 7 Unwanted E-mail Using =?iso-8859-1?Q?=93PC=94?= Sportster on a Mac #### TEXT infomacv15-189.txt **** Today's Topics: (Q) Mac OS 8 [A] Changing list-view in Mac OS 8? [A] Changing list-view in Mac OS 8? [A]: Changing list-view in Mac OS 8? [Q] "Turing" Language for Macintosh? (CodeWarrior??) MacPPP (Best of PPP) 2.2.0 problem Powerbook demands disk [A] Q Tiled Icons on CD-ROMS Q: Powerbook demands disk Video Card for the PB3400? #### TEXT infomacv15-190.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Styles" Pinstripe for Kaleidoscope [*] "Styles" Springtime updated color scheme for Kaleidoscope [*] Anar2HTML 1.1 AS [*] Bridges [*] BrightChick 1.2J - Japanese Version [*] Bumbler Bee-Luxe Demo 1.0.0 [*] C.H.A.T. Demo v2.3 [*] CDFinder 1.5 [*] Computer Icons 2.7 [*] CyberRay 1.0.1 [*] Dark Highway Blue 1.7.1 - for Kaleidoscope 1.5.x or later [*] Dark Highway Red 1.7.1 - for Kaleidoscope 1.5.x or later [*] Dart Board v1.02 [*] desktop patterns [*] dolcher patterns [*] Eagle Strike v1.01 [*] Enhance 4.0 Demo [*] EscapeFractals 1.3 [*] fcas26 [*] GEOCAD 1.2 ppc (german) [*] GEOCAD 1.2 ppc english [*] GEOCAD 1.2 ppc english update [*] GEOCAD 1.2 ppc german update [*] GEOCAD cbd-mapset Africa [*] GEOCAD cbd-mapset America [*] GEOCAD cbd-mapset Asia [*] GEOCAD cbd-mapset Europe [*] Hack-a-Stack [*] Halley Maps [*] HELLOWORLD [*] HotRodC2demo.sit.hqx [*] John's WordPerfect Auto Character Styles [*] John's WP UltraClip 1.0.5 [*] JW's Ether Patterns 1&2 [*] OS8Pats [*] ParaMind Brainstorming Software for Mac 1.3 [*] ScriptRunner v1.0 [*] Synchronize! Pro 3.5.3 - Mac Server File Sync and Backup [*] Tachometer Pack [*] Text2Clip 1.0 - initial post [*] TextConverter [*] Unicorn Editor for MacOS v1.2.4 release [*] Vietnam War 3.0.2 [*] Web Works 2.0 [*] World Wide Web Weaver 2.1.1 #### TEXT infomacv15-191.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] AutoBoot 1.6 [*] Baby Games 1.1 [*] ClockWork 1.0b2 68K - Day Planner for MacOS and Newton [*] ClockWork 1.0b2 ppc - Day Planner for MacOS and Newton [*] Desktop-Toons [*] DT Pic - AlpineLake.jpg [*] DT Pic - Conduit.jpg [*] DT Pic - Embryonic.jpg [*] Heritage 3.11 [*] JW's Textures 1&2 [*] MacDoc 1.2.1 [*] MagicalKeys 1.3.4 [*] OT/PPP Strip 1.0.2 [*] Pan-Asia Language Kit for MacOS v1.0 release [*] Peng! 1.0 [*] Sand is really Espi [*] Spice Girl Web Page Backgrounds [*] Synchronize! 3.5.3 - Mac File Sync and Backup [*] ZipIt 1.3.8 (A) Mac OS 8 [A] Changing list-view in Mac OS 8? [A] Tile Icons on CD-ROMS [A]: 7.6.1 problems A DVA-4000 for Macintosh problem CHRP question Disappearing Act FW: Impossible OS8 Problems Getting an SE/30 on the 'Net Memory use in OS 8 Need a SCSI Driver for Frog Systems 110 MB HD Need Sound Editor PLS HELP ME: AUTO DOUBLER + OS 8 MEANS TROUBLE!! PLS HELP problem with Classic HD Problem with HP Deskwriter and PM 6100/60 Q Tiled Icons on CD-ROMS SCSI-0 invisible to SCSI formatters [Q] Thunder 7 WriteNow and new Adobe Type Manager? #### TEXT infomacv15-192.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Dawn"; Kaleidoscope Color Scheme [*] "Twilight"; Kaleidoscope Color Scheme [*] Alien Invaders! [*] Alternatrash icons [*] Archive3_Fat [*] Baby Games 1.1.1 [*] Bleak Future Hand: a font [*] ChaosPoetry Generator 1.2.sit [*] Chris' Actions Library Vol 1 [*] DesktopMinder v1.5 [*] Dialog View 2.3 (Enhances Open/Save dialogs) [*] Dialog View 2.3J (Enhances Open/Save dialogs, Japanese) [*] Eyestrain for Kaleidoscope [*] Find In Files 1.3 FAT [*] Flush It! 2.0 [*] Hathor: a font [*] ikthusiaville icons [*] Interface Kit [*] JavaBloom 1.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Kaleidoscope "Styles" Elegance Hunter color scheme [*] Kaleidoscope color scheme"Styles" Classical Blues 2.1, updated [*] Mac-FTP-list 429 [*] MacBoxShade 2.08 - A Macintosh port of BoxShade [*] Mantra II v1.02 [*] Marathon1HardCoreSounds [*] MicNotePad Lite 4.1.2 [*] move-16 [*] Neon Tek Themes for Kaleidoscope [*] Neon Tek Themes for Kaleidoscope [*] Neon Tek Themes for Kaleidoscope [*] Neon Tek Themes for Kaleidoscope [*] Neon Tek Themes for Kaleidoscope [*] Neon Tek Themes for Kaleidoscope [*] PaleoIcons [*] QuickNailer 1.3.2 --The Preview in Bulk & HTML Tool [*] QuitEverything v1.4 [*] shrinkwrap3 [*] Spacecritters icons [*] StTropez 1.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] The Demuth Province [*] ya sound recorder 2.0.sit [*] ya text editor 0.5.sit [*] Yank 2.0 (Q) Mac OS 8 [Q] HP Officepro printer-Mac drivers? #### TEXT infomacv15-193.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] MakeItGrow 2.1 Released [*] Big Head Man [*] Biorhythms 6.02c ( =?iso-8859-1?Q?Espa=D2ol?= ) [*] Biorhythms 6.02c (English) [*] Date Reminder v1.1 [*] Desktop Pictures Grab Bag [*] DNA Update [*] FinderKiller v1.0 [*] FinderReset v1.0 [*] Idea Keeper 1.0 [*] Idea Keeper 1.0 [*] Lazurus v1.1 [*] MiniWin 3.0 Demo [*] OT-PPP Bot v1.2 [*] RETRO CD 1.0-3 ppc - Variable Speed CD Player [*] RETRO CD 1.0-E 68k - Variable Speed CD Player [*] RETRO CD 1.0-j 68k - Variable Speed CD Player [*] RETRO CD 1.0-j ppc - Variable Speed CD Player [*] Shutdown Controller 2.0 68k [*] Shutdown Controller 2.0 PPC [*] SmilingOS8_StartupScreen.sit [*] Sound Freaks f/ Mac OS [*] Stefan's Netscape Preferences Fix [*] Teflon 2.1 -- adjusts or eliminates MacOS 8's sticky menus [*] ya cd player 2.5 What is this group? 7.6.1 problems CHRP question HP 870Cse Driver problems Info-Mac Digest V15 #190 Info-Mac Digest V15 #191 MIDI Manager/Driver Netscape 4.03 Problems / Observations OS8 Random Freezes..... PageMaker & LW12/640 #### TEXT infomacv15-194.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#396/08-Sep-97 3400 & Scanning... 7.5.3 and nt server: vanishing files? [Q] MAC-OS - German-localized? International-English? [Q] Power Poker - a really good poker game, but i can't find it! Mac IIcx--which monitor??? OS8 on a Performa 6300? two questions... What is this group? What is this group? What is this group? What is this group? #### TEXT infomacv15-195.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] A.D.MONO font [*] And the winning ticket... [*] aptas [*] Attack of the Ma-Ma's! 1.0 [*] Banquet Master 2.0 [*] battle-girl demo [*] Colours [*] Default Folder 2.7.6 - OS 8 Compatible Open/Save Dialog Enhance [*] emeec.sit =?iso-8859-1?Q?=22English=2DEspa=F1ol_Cognates=22?= [*] emms.sit "Macromedia Shortcuts" [*] Enhance 4.0 Demo [*] Fake-8 RE: salvation made easy [*] hexy-10.hqx - A hex dump plug-in for BBEdit [*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.7.3 [*] Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection 1.7.3 [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.7.3 (updated) [*] Language Toolkit Reader 1.3 - foreign languages learning [*] Language Toolkit Writer 1.3 - foreign languages learning [*] macattack-192.sit [*] MacDNR submission [*] NameCleaner 1.7.0 - Cross-platform file renaming [*] OS8 Toolkit 2.02 submission [*] Pretty Scroll 1.0.2 - animate scrolling - Johnny C N Lee [*] ProCreation Life 1.2 - Fast A-Life Simulator [*] protractor-20 [*] silvser for kaleidoscope.hqx [*] Sim Cinema Deluxe 1.5 [*] simMir v1.0.0 [*] Software & Hardware Tracker II [*] WorldClock CSM 1.2 #### TEXT infomacv15-196.txt **** Today's Topics: 3400 & Scanning... 3400 & Scanning... [!] Digest 188... oops! [A]: OS8 Random Freezes..... [Q] MAC-OS - German-localized? International-English? [Q] MAC-OS - German-localized? International-English? [Q] OS8 and Audio CDs Access PC formatted zip disk Annoyance: MS Office and Generic Documents Arabic System Software CD Sound Dialer FKEY replacement? DOS Compatibility Card & CD-ROM DOS Compatibility Card Installer disk image wanted Fake-8 Extension makers... Future Direction of Info-Mac (fwd) Illustrator fix for Postscript error Info-Mac Digest V15 #195 Japanese to English OS Laserwriter slow printing on OS8 older shrinkwraps OS8 Freezes - Solved Power Poker Printing from Quadra to Personal LW NT Problem with MacOS8 and Internet Config Problems with GEOPORT/Express Modem Q950 parts Re. two questions... (changing Finder icons) Statistics and OS8 Supporting the Archive UART on Performa 575 URGENT: Techtool 1.1.5, OS8, & PB5300 What is this group for? What is this group? What is this group? What is this group? What is this group? Where to find System 6.0.7 #### TEXT infomacv15-197.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 3D platinum Jaz icons [*] A Mess O' Trouble 1.8 [*] Aaron Light 1.2 [*] Another Fine Mess 1.8 [*] Armitage's Icon Collection [*] boogaloopers v1.0 [*] Boston University & led [*] Boston University & led [*] Bubblomania 1.4 [*] Color (Kaleidoscope Color Scheme) [*] Diana's Candle for Kaleidoscope [*] DicomJavaViewer [*] Flush It! 2.0.1 [*] font utility (shareware MAC) [*] Frog Mania! 2.0 [*] Graphite 1.0.4 PPC [*] Greg's Browser 2.5.5 [*] Guillotine 1.0a4 [*] jeweltextures: desktop patterns [*] John's WordPerfect UltraClip 1.0.6 [*] John's WP Auto Character Styles 1.0.2 [*] Kaleidoscope 1.7.2 [*] LF2CRLF 1.0 AS [*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.04b (68k)--Killer Vector Graphics for [*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.04b (PPC)--Killer Vector Graphics for the W [*] MandelBrowser 3.0.sit [*] Niji 1.2 (Formerly OneStep) [*] QEdit 0.2.7a [*] SmoothType 1.3.1 [*] STATsimple 1.0.0 DEMO [*] Twisted! 1.1 [*] World Builder 1.2 660AV blank screen on startup Info-Mac Digest V15 #196 Is My Moniter Dying? Pull Plug or Give Medicine? Japanese to English OS Last Digest Section Always List vs. Archive OS8 despair Other Mailing Lists Statistics and OS8 What is this group (C-2) What is this group? What is this group? What is this group? #### TEXT infomacv15-198.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] CMTools 3.0 [*] Email Effects 1.2 - Create artistic eMails [*] FractalBackdrops.sit [*] HSharableResource 1.0 and HSharablePicture 1.0 - PowerPlant Cla [*] Keep Trying 1.0 [*] Kev's PreProcessor 1.0 [*] Molitov Alert Sound 16-bit/44.1kHz [*] Navigator Enhancer 1.2.1, the missing feature [*] Raven 1.2 [*] Raven 1.2 Examples [*] SysLog 1.0.2 - "Keep track of your Mac." [*] TFTP Daemon #### TEXT infomacv15-199.txt **** Today's Topics: Problem with pegasus [A] Music and Audio Macs [Q] Mac OS 8 and Tabbed windows [Q] MAC-OS - German-localized? International-English? [R] What is this group? Al Bloom's Comments Converting to-from Nisus Writer DOS CARD, 6100 and HEAT Dual adapater for ethernet/monitor on SE/30? Epson Color Stylus 600 on LC2 Future Direction of Info-Mac (fwd) Help! Sybase and MUI apps or virus? older shrinkwraps OT/PPP and PPP Menu TCP/IP slip error # What is this group? Where to find System 6.0.7 WorldBuilder 1.2 #### TEXT infomacv15-200.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Styles" Custom Cursor package; 11 3D colored cursors for Mac [*] Bitwise_181.sea.hqx [*] Cannons and Castles 2.0 [*] Club MID v1.0.3 [*] Color Picker Pro 2.0.1 [*] Crypto 1.0 [*] Crypto 1.0 [*] Dictionary of Computing - 'Verbs&Nouns' module. [*] Dinosaurs document [*] Drive Monitor 3.0 [*] English Nouns 1.0 - foreign language learning [*] FONTaSEE - shareware program [*] GLMStat 3.0.0 [*] GreenButtons [*] icon-dropper-21.hqx [*] Insider Updates 2.0 [*] Language Toolkit Reader 1.3.1 - foreign languages learning [*] Learn and play 1.1 [*] Learn and play 1.1 french [*] MacQuake AutoTypers 1.0 [*] mapper-10.hqx [*] MiniMinx 1.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Mister Bean icons [*] Morpher for Mac - Morph image maker [*] mt-everything-1.1.1 [*] NoReturn submission [*] PowerCalc 2.0.3.sit - RPN Calculator for the Mac [*] PowerReplace 6.2.5; a text conversion utility [*] QuickestMirror 1.0; makes downloading easier and faster [*] simMir v1.0.0 [*] SimpleText Color Menu 3.0 - greatly enhances SimpleText [*] Stephen's Circus 1.5.5 [*] Swedish lesson - foreign languages learning [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.1 [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.1J - Japanese Version [*] Thalassemia [*] The Demuth Province [*] TicTacToe posting [*] TidBITS#397/15-Sep-97 [*] WCII Maps v3.0.sit [*] ya text editor PRO 0.6b [*] Yank 2.0.1J - Japanese Version [*] YP Reflection 1.0.1 [*] YP Reflexion 1.0.1 (french) [*] ZeroZero7 - 1.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme #### TEXT infomacv15-201.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] PPPop 1.5.4 - Chinese localization - PPP operator utility [*] "Open Prolog" [*] A better flight-thru-clouds (Venus 3.5, a simple VR thing) [*] AutoShare 1.4, a freeware list server [*] black-night-107.hqx [*] black-night-D107 [*] black-night-F107 [*] ClearNetscapeCache [*] FCDropMail=99 1.0 DEMO [*] Internet Logger v. 2.1.1 [*] Law Student Advantage 2.0 [*] MacPPP Timer v. 2.0 [*] NetFinder 1.2 [*] Open with Process CMM Plugin v1.0 [*] PictureBank Lite 3.0.1 - FileMaker Pro graphics extender [*] PPPop 1.6 - comm/inet/conn/ppp/ - PPP operator utility [*] SafeAlert 1.1 - Background/Foreground user notification [*] SmartClicks - Contextual Menus [*] SmartSaver 3.2 [*] URL Manager Pro 1.4v9J - Japanese version [*] WASTE Object Handlers 1.2.6 [Q] AppleScript Help Needed [Q] Battery ran out [Q] Making a Multi-System Emergency Disk? After Dark 4.03/OS8/OT PPP conflict Al Bloom's Comments Busy cursor Correction to WarBirds URL Decoding base 64 attachments easy view and im digests Future Direction of Info-Mac (fwd) Info-Mac Digest V15 #197 Info-Mac Digest V15 #199 Info-Mac Digest V15 #199 Internal email-system for small AppleTalk network? Japanese to English OS LaserWriter IINT Problem LCIII and 2GB internal HD Mac OS 8 and Tabbed windows Other Nac Lists Performa 6300 performance and MacOS8? Printing pages of large adobe files Spam and Netscape Communicator (Q) Universal Power Supply What is this group? #### TEXT infomacv15-202.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] ActiveDrag 1.0 [*] Chronomenon 1.0 [*] Computer Use Logger 68k v. 1.1 [*] Computer Use Logger PPC v. 1.1 [*] Desktop Consoles [*] Hi's Universal Saver v.1.0 [*] KG's DTPix #4 - Be kind to your desktop [*] Path CMM Plugin 1.0 [*] Princess Diana Startup Screen (Color) - 368k [*] Process Menu CMM v1.0 [*] Quinielax 3.0 [*] Random Desktop Picture v1.1 [*] StarDrive 3.2 [*] THE BLOCK 1.6.2 / mac security [*] URL CMM Plugin v1.0 [*] XContact 1.05a1 Us #### TEXT infomacv15-203.txt **** Today's Topics: (A) Decoding Base 64 attachments [A] Battery Ran Out [A] Battery ran out battery run out Decoding base 64 attachments HP Scanner driver download stops, help Info-Mac post Internal email-system for small AppleTalk network? LCIII and 2GB internal HD OT/PPP and PB5300cs Other Nac Lists PB150 Beeps and fails to boot Problem with Apple Video Player Q: Colour printing Some internet clients do not work....(IIcx con't) #### TEXT infomacv15-204.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] A better flight-thru-clouds (Venus 3.5, a simple VR thing) [*] Bably Blurb Alert Sound 8-bit/22kHz [*] Baby Blurb Alert Sound 16-bit/44.1kHz [*] BibleViewer 1.3 - read, browse, and search the Holy Bible [*] CHAN desktop patterns! [*] Clear Netscape Cache 1.02 [*] CommuniGate POP 2.5 [*] CommuniGate SMTP 2.8 (Anti-Spam & AppleTalk support) [*] Deskpop 1.0b9 [*] Desktop Picture of Space, Stars, Planets [*] Diana's Candle for Kaleidoscope [*] Diktafon 1.2.1 - Transcribing/Dictation-Software [*] eDOC 2.0 [*] eDOC 2.0 [*] Fetch 3.0.3 Swedish [*] Fortune [*] freebytes-131.hqx [*] Greg's PlayList.sit [*] HTML Table Code Generator [*] ik's Auto Parts icons [*] MacDNR v1.3 [*] MacOS 8 Startupscreen [*] McHurricane 3.0.9 [*] ModemPal_v1.0.1 [*] Niji 1.2.1 (Formerly OneStep), the good one! [*] Program Switcher v4.4.0 [*] ProMaker Utils 1.0.1 - For the FileMaker Professional [*] RealView 2.4 =?iso-8859-1?Q?=A9?= Eyal Redler 1995-1997. [*] Russian Roulette (D) 2.0 [*] SimpleText Color Menu 3.0J (Japanese version) [*] Son Of Manic Apple icons [*] StoryBoard Quick 3.0 Demo [*] Synchronize! 3.5.4 - Mac File Sync and Backup [*] Synchronize! Pro 3.5.4 - Mac Server File Sync and Backup [*] Taste Test [*] Teks_Master_1.0_Demo.sit [*] Ulimate Media Collector [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.6.7 - foreign language learning [*] WWW-Freund 1.1 - URL-database and Link-launcher #### TEXT infomacv15-205.txt **** Today's Topics: Re: (A) Decoding Base 64 attachments (Q) Eudora Nicknames to Unix [A] Some internet clients do not work....(IIcx con't) [Q] 2 Queries about Claris Organizer [Q]"54xx/54xx L2cache reset" & Mac OS 8? alternate universe navigator aims honda in time (A?) Automatic Restart? battery replacement Battery Replacement connecting Mac to PCAnywher/Microsoft Mail Decoding base 64 attachments fundamental picture making HP Scanner driver download stops, help Internal email-system for small AppleTalk network? Internal email-system for small AppleTalk network? LCIII and 2GB internal HD Making a Multi-System Emergency Disk Need English Child-Voice Ofoto and OS8 PC SCSI CD-Rom drives to our beloved Mac? Possible to block user from quitting an app? QuickCam & FileMaker ?? Help! QuickCam & FileMaker?? Supra Express 33.6 Vanishing icons Web browser supporting GetURL When to buy a new powerbook #### TEXT infomacv15-206.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#398/22-Sep-97 (A) Decoding Base 64 attachments (Q) Mac X 2.0 released? (Q) Working with Postscript files on a Mac [Q] Sounds & Monitors CP won't switch sound source [Q] To Do list manager Automatic Restart? battery problems Converting Thinnet to 10-BaseT [Q] Decoding base 64 attachments. Thanks for ALL replies. Eudora Nicknames to Unix (A) fundamental picture making fundamental picture making HELP: connecting LAN to Internet Internal email-system for small AppleTalk network? Internal email-system for small AppleTalk network? LaserWriter Bridge 2.1 wanted MacTools Pro Updater?? No Multifunction Printers for Mac? password saver PB 1400: single printer/modem port PB150 Beeps and fails to boot PC SCSI CD-Rom drives to our beloved Mac? Performa 405 battery Possible to block user from quitting an app? PowerComputing Future? PowerPC 8600/300 Video Capture's DAVe slot?? Vanishing icons Vanishing icons When to buy a new powerbook When to buy a new powerbook #### TEXT infomacv15-207.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] AutoShare 1.4.1, a freeware list server [*] Bartender V1.2 [*] Color Picker Pro 2.0.2 [*] DC20/25 Link 1.0 - for Mac users with Kodak DC20 and DC25 [*] Dot to Dot v0.8, A Braille Editor [*] Electric Broadsheet 1.12 [*] eMerge 1.1.1 demo [*] Find In Files 2.0 [*] HelpLess-1.0 [*] HST desktop pictures [*] HTMLstyle FKEY v1.0.2 [*] HugBug - the DebugStr utility [*] Icon Archiver 2.3J FAT (Japanese version) [*] Internet Config 1.4 [*] Keep It Up 1.4 [*] Look Mom, No Hands! - Contextual Menus Utility [*] Mac OS Marketing JPEG [*] MIO_PLUGIN and MIO_ENCODER [*] MojibakeFixer1.3 (Eudora Plug-in Module) [*] MyEyes 2.2.2 [*] Navigator Button Editor 1.3.1J - Japanese Version [*] NewsHopper Cleaner v1.0 [*] NoReturn 1.1 [*] Phone Codes Time Zones 3.3.5 [*] PrintDesk 1.5.6 [*] Recall 1.2, the ultimate digital egg-timer [*] rtf-viewer-121.hqx [*] SinginSam.sit [*] Sleeper D-3.0 - Sleep mode for all Macs [*] Sound Info 1.0 - Sound Manager Profiler [*] speedsearch-68k-10 [*] speedsearch-ppc-10 [*] TextToMac 1.32 [*] The Squeegee Collection - AppleScripts for setting OS8 Finder P [*] The TIlery 3.2 [*] TiCalendar 1.0 [*] UnixDroplet0.5 [*] V&N Lookup 1.1.5 - dictionary, spellchecker, word-translator [*] Version Master 1.5 [*] View Setup Scripts for MacOS 8 [*] ya text editor PRO 1.02 [*] ya text editor RELASE! 1.0 #### TEXT infomacv15-208.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 039 [*] 08-97 MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial [*] 09-97 MacAssistant Tips [*] 3coll2-light; Kaleidoscope color scheme [*] D-SoundPRO 3.1.1: the professional Sound Editor for Mac [*] David's Backgammon 137 [*] Default Folder D-2.7.6 - Open/Save Enhancer (German) [*] Default Folder J-2.7.6 - Open/Save Enhancer (Japanese) [*] FairIsle 1.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] FishCrisis [*] GEOCAD sample maps [*] HeadOffice 3.0.2 Hockey-Baseball-Fantasy-Rotisserie-Pool Sports [*] HTMLstyle FKEY v1.0.2 [*] Icons [*] InCDius GH 1.0, Audio CD Title Downloader [*] Japanese Folder Icons [*] John's RAM Disk Auto Backup 1.0.1 [*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.04c (680x0)--Killer Vector Graphics for the [*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.04c (PowerPC)--Killer Vector Graphics for t [*] Look Mom, No Hands! 1.01 [*] MacLotto 1.0.1 Released [*] Navigator 4 toolbar patch [*] NOVA 2.6 - A Macintosh Screensaver [*] NOVA 2.6 - A Macintosh Screensaver [*] OMS SysEx Sender 1.1 [*] OMS SysEx Sender 1.1 [*] PastelTrace 1.5.2 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] PowerMenu 2.0.1J - Japanese Version [*] PowerMenu v2.0.1: A Contextual Menu Utility for MacOS 8 and 7! [*] PPP Redial 1.0, an AppleScript [*] QuickTrasher1.5 [*] Rainbow20.sit - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] sci-hang-2.5.sit.hqx [*] SummerWind10.sit - Kaleidoscope scheme [*] TEKS Master 1.0 Demo [*] TitlePop 3.0.2 [*] trax-v2.hqx abstract. [*] Valley of Doom [*] Valley of Doom [*] Valley of Doom [*] VOODOO version control integrated with BBEdit #### TEXT infomacv15-209.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] aFileCalNote, FileMaker Pro 3 calendar and note collection [*] apple data detectors plugin [*] Email Merge 1.4 - Easy Bulk Emailer [*] English Nouns 1.1 - foreign language learning [*] Find In Files 2.1 [*] Guia Internet 1.2 [*] Guillotine 1.0a5 [*] Harry [*] ic-app-source-kit-14 [*] ic-prog-kit-14 [*] Internet Guide 1.2. [*] Motorola ModemSURFR 56K [*] Motorola VoiceSURFR 56K [*] motosfera [*] Namebatch 1.5, FileMaker Pro 3 name card and message collection [*] NameChum 2.0.0; names management. [*] OSHA Form 200 Replacement for FileMaker Pro [*] Resource Remover 2.0.2 - 68k [*] Resource Remover 2.0.2 - PPC [*] Synchronize! 3.5.5 - Mac File Sync and Backup [*] Synchronize! Pro 3.5.5 - Mac Server File Sync and Backup [*] Universal PPP API 1.0 [*] URL Manager Pro French [*] URL Manager Pro German [*] Word Translator 2.5.2 French [*] Word Translator 2.5.2 Swedish #### TEXT infomacv15-210.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Ephemerid 1.1.2 [*] acPPP Quickeys 4.0 [*] ActiveDrag 1.0J - Japanese Version [*] Apple Desktop Images [*] Astronomy Startups [*] BibleViewer 1.3 - read, browse, and search the Holy Bible [*] Bizzard 2.1 AD Screen Saver [*] Chronomenon 1.0.1 [*] Control PPP 2.0 [*] Desktop Picture shareware images for mac OS 8 [*] DragThing F1-2.0 (French) [*] eMerge 1.1.1 Demo [*] ePress 4.0.5 (Swedish) [*] Journal 5.0.2 - A personal diary [*] MacDim 1.2 - small screensaver/dimmer [*] MacLocksmith 2.0.1; file-disk protection. [*] MacPPP Launcher 1.0 AS [*] Match Maker Special Edition [*] MUSASHI_68K_204 [*] MUSASHI_68K_204J [*] MUSASHI_PPC_204 [*] MUSASHI_PPC_204J [*] Next Desktop Pattern v1.0 [*] OTPPPBot1.5.2 [*] SuperSleek 1.0 [*] Version Master 1.5J - Japanese Version [*] Version Master Guide 1.5J - Japanese Version [*] Warp Factor 2.0 AD Screen Saver #### TEXT infomacv15-211.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] APTAS 2.01c [*] BitMapMusic v 1.3 [*] Byron 1.1 - Wordtrainer English-German [*] CDFinder 1.5.1 [*] ColorSafe1.1.1 [*] Convert Celtic (Welsh) TrueType Fonts 1.1 [*] Convert Central European TrueType Fonts 1.1 [*] Convert Cyrillic TrueType Fonts 1.1 [*] Convert Greek TrueType Fonts 1.1 [*] Convert Latin-3 (Esperanto, Maltese) TrueType Fonts [*] Convert Romanian TrueType Fonts 1.1 [*] Convert Turkish TrueType Fonts 1.1 [*] CryptKeeper_v1.0.7 Free Encryption/Decryption [*] CrystalDesigner 6.0.2, a tool for visualising crystal structure [*] D.I.S.G.E. 1.0 [*] Damage Incorporated Guide 1.0 [*] File Buddy 4.3 [*] Finder View Settings 1.0 for MacOS 8 - globally set folder view [*] First Class Gradebook 1.5b3 [*] Flip-O-Matic v1.0 [*] GIFmation2.1-FAT [*] GoMac 1.4 [*] HICAP 1.6 [*] Installer VISE 4.6.1 [*] John's WP Glossary macros 1.3 [*] KKGamesv1.04 [*] Painting 1.1 - A graphics editor [*] Palimpsest 1(3) Demo (68K & PPC) [*] Palimpsest 1(3) Demo (68K & PPC) [*] PiPhilology 8.5 : A collection of Pi mnemonics in several langu [*] Plastic (PS1) A POSTSCRIPT TYPE 1 FONT [*] Plastic (TT) A TRUETYPE FONT [*] RandomNotes v1.01 [*] SimpleText Color Menu 3.1 - greatly enhances SimpleText [*] SimpleText Color Menu 3.1J (Japanese version) [*] SING 202 [*] Smart Scroll 3.0J - Japanese Version [*] Super Mac Freecell 1.5 [*] Super Mac Freecell 1.5J - Japanese Version [*] TidBITS#399/29-Sep-97 [*] TimGA 1.2.1 Source Code (PowerPlant/C++) [*] TotoTurbo 1.1 #### TEXT infomacv15-212.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] CommuniGate File 1.1 [*] CommuniGate PWD 1.1 [*] Font Gander Pro 1.0.3 [*] Format-Chart Version 1.2.6 [*] Gridz Demo [*] Harry_Press_Kit. [*] Menu Tasker 2.0 [*] Navigator Button Editor 1.3.2J - Japanese Version [*] Orion B4 [*] PageSucker 1.0.1 - Automatic Web Downloader [*] Power 64 1.5.5, a Commodore 64 emulator [*] PPPop 1.6J [*] Switch-It 1.5 [*] Web Devil 3.0 [*] World Expense-Expenses in any currency #### TEXT infomacv15-213.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 6 of 49 Lotto - feelware [*] ACE! 1.0 - An extendible 'save-game' editor [*] Awale 2.1.0 [*] Baby Games 1.3.1 [*] Big Ten Football Icons [*] BigGridzDemo [*] Bill's Zip Disk Icons 3.0 [*] breakIn 1.02 [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 040 [*] Custom Cursors, 11 freeware color 3D cursors for Macintosh [*] CyberAssistant 1.3 [*] Dark Corona PEGASUS [*] Finder View Settings 1.0.1 - global settings for MacOS 8 [*] Flush It! 2.0.2 [*] gather items 1.0 [*] German's Patterns v2.0.sit [*] glider-edit-11.cpt.hqx [*] John's WP Outlining 6.2 [*] John's WP Tips and Macros 1.4 [*] Look Mom, No Hands! 1.2 [*] MacScene1.0 - For Molecular figures! [*] METAL [*] MicNotePad Lite 4.1.4 [*] More Custom Cursors, more freeware color cursors for Macintosh [*] Multimedia Designer v1.0 [*] NoDesktopCleanup 1.5 - confirm any menu command [*] OS8 CMM Expansion Pack version 1.1 [*] PandoCalendar - Desktop calendar for your Mac. [*] Phonemic Font Pack 1.0.6 [*] Photo Quest 2.5.3 - English Version [*] PlayerPRO_Direct2Disk [*] PovMacPPCUnofficial [*] QuickTags_Demo.sit HTML Reference/Edit Tool [*] Sapiens 2.2.0 [*] serial-modem-100-osax [*] Siemensstern_1.5_e [*] starry-night-basic-213-j.hqx [*] STATsimple 1.0.1 DEMO [*] Ultimate NHL Package 2.0.1 [*] V&N Lookup 1.2 - dictionary, spellchecker, word-translator [*] Visibility 1.0 [*] What's up, Dock? #### TEXT infomacv15-214.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?SuperSleek=81?= Plugin 1.0 for [*] Archimedean 7.0 [*] AutoShare 1.4.2, a freeware list server [*] BlackWatch 1.0 [*] Claris Contact Tracker [*] CommuniGate List 1.4 [*] Convert 1.0.9 Offers Improved Accuracy, Performance [*] DeathValley Desktop Pict. [*] Eudora (choose) - Apple Data Detectors Plug-in [*] Japanese Plug-in 1.1 (Eudora Plug-in Module) [*] Mac OS 8 Startup/Desktop 1.1 - New version! [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.3.0 [*] MathEg v. 7.5 [*] MT-NewsWatcher 2.3.5 [*] MUSASHI(68K) 2.0.5 [*] MUSASHI(PPC) 2.0.5 [*] MUSASHI-J(68K) 2.0.5 [*] MUSASHI-J(PPC) 2.0.5 [*] OT/PPPBot1.5.5 [*] OTPPPSwitch1.5 [*] Pattern Wrap [*] Personal_Calendar [*] PlayerPRO_Netscape_Plugin [*] PublicSpace v1.0b1 [*] QuickestMirror 1.0.1; easier and faster downloading [*] Scorchlist 1.1 [*] SMS 1.3 [*] SPY 2.52FR (french version) [*] SPY 2.52US (US version) [*] Three By Five 2.1 #### TEXT infomacv15-215.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Ambrosia_Times_45.hqx [*] Andrew's Files/Utilities*v1.0.0 [*] Ares Demo 1.0; a networkable tactical space game [*] Beep Beep [*] Bookends Plus 4.01- Reference Management Software [*] Bookends Plus 4.01-Reference Management Software [*] Cassette Labeler 2.11 [*] ColorSwitch_Pro_120 [*] Demon World [*] Director [*] Font Gander Pro 1.1.2.sit [*] MacUnRAR [*] MailNotify 1.5 [*] mctwilight-211 [*] MDC 1.0 [*] NetPresenz 4.1-SE [*] privateaccess [*] SchemeChecker 1.0.1 - a utility for checking Kaleidoscope schem [*] TBID's Holodesk 1.0 - Perspective Grid Desktop PICT [*] TDC 1.0 [*] The Probe [*] TidBITS#400/06-Oct-97 [*] Valley of Doom [*] ya cd player 2.5 [*] ya movie player 3.0 [*] ya series [*] ya sound recorder 2.0 [*] ya text editor 1.0 [*] ya text editor PRO 1.02 #### TEXT infomacv15-216.txt **** Today's Topics: (A) Decoding Base 64 attachments (Q) Working with Postscript files on a Mac [A] PB 1400: single printer/modem port [A] To Do list manager [Q] Are there any Daughter Cards for Apple's DAVe Video cards?? [Q] converting Doc files to Mac [q] how to use mac in kiosk w/ time-out [Q] International Keyboard/keyboard-layout Conundrum. [Q] Magic Trash can [Q] Master Disks [Q]How to convert _from_ HTML to text or database? battery problems beta-testers for a new Fake-8 Converting Thinnet to 10-BaseT [Q] Eudora S-Err problem EZ cart problem Fake-8 RE FONT: Any replacement for ProFont v2??? How to swap Caps Lock and Control? HP Scanner driver download stops, help I've been looking everywhere... If I make Netscape 2 stop loading, I must reboot to get online IMPORTANT Kaleidoscope question Info-Mac Digest V15 #206 Info-Mac Digest V15 #207 LaserWriter Bridge 2.1 wanted LC II case questions Mac OS 8 and the '040 processor (not much VH/SH: and I'm sorry about that) Monitor difficulties Netscape 403 download problem password saver PB 160: How to install HD PC SCSI CD-Rom drives to our beloved Mac? Power Computing sound muted tip Power's Fire Sale PowerComputing Future? QuickCam & FileMaker ?? Help! Reading non-Mac CD-ROMs Share Windows volumes on a Macintosh simple image capture application Upgrading system 7.5.1 to 7.5.3...problems! Which digital camera(s) have the following features? Word 6 to HTML macro Working with Postscript files on a Mac Working with Postscript files on a Mac (R) #### TEXT infomacv15-217.txt **** Today's Topics: (Q) SOCKS Client available for MAC?? ?Network Software Selector? [Q] Lost events - help needed [Q] Type 3 Errors from Hell! [Q] VT220 ctb tool Directory Assistance II Replacement Eudora Plugin IOMUG Digest - 28 Sep 1997 to 29 Sep 1997 LW Select 360 RAM [Q] Mac OS 8 and the '040 processor (again) Mac OS 8 monitor energy saving MacTools & OS/8 MacWrite to Word to PC Need Circuit Design/Sim Software for Mac New Computer Blues newton time navigator password saver Performa 405 battery PowerComputing Future? Q: Hard Drives QuickCam & FileMaker ?? Help! REQ: MountImage or equivalent? saving html files Sys8 Et c What is this group? - The good old days When to buy a new powerbook Will Suitcase fix this Macintosh font problem? #### TEXT infomacv15-218.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] AutoHide 2.3 [*] Connecticut Firearms laws Newton book - GUN_CT.sea.hqx [*] Control Freak 1.1 [*] Convert Central European RTF Files Mac <-> Windows [*] Convert Cyrillic HTML Files [*] Convert Cyrillic RTF Files Mac <-> Windows [*] Convert Greek RTF Files Mac <-> Windows [*] CrystalMaker 2.1.6 demo [*] CrystalMaker Desktop Textures [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 041 [*] Dark Matter 2: Intensive Matter [*] DocJet 1.3.0; Launcher utility. [*] Engrenage Planetaire 1.0.1 [*] FAR Part 61 Newton book - FAR61.sea.hqx [*] FAR Part 91 Newton book - FAR91.sea.hqx [*] Geometria Noir icons [*] gpower212 [*] Halloween! 1.0 - A Kaleidoscope color scheme [*] IADs For WhatURL!? [*] Icons [*] JW's Textures 3&4 [*] JW's Textures 5&6 [*] Kaleidoscope Classic Pack 1.7.2 [*] MacScene 1.1! [*] map-maker-112.hqx [*] Michael's Desktop Patterns [*] Neatnik 2.0.1 [*] Planetary Gear 1.0.1 [*] RandoTop 1.0 - simple random desktop pics 540c flickering [A] PC SCSI CD-Rom drives to our beloved Mac? A sad day Apple 15" Greyscale Monitor Autosave for Word 5.1 / Flow Diagrams Bluish tint on Sony Multiscan monitor Converting text files to settext Drive Setup 131 (C) Error message n=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=ba_10?= gestalt traps... Grayscale Portrait monitor looking for FormZ mailing list Netscape 4.01-StandAlone News readers Technical questions for you Way to automate this process... #### TEXT infomacv15-219.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] [*] proDraft Hockey rev. [*] ATPM3.09 [*] Autothenticate v1.1 [*] ClayScape3d 1.0 [*] CMCT Netmap Pak v1.2 [*] CopyThru v3.1 [*] Crash Recovery Macros for MacsBug, release 1 [*] DevilDarts -- Announcing Version 1.0 [*] DotbyDot [*] font-fix [*] Ghent_Perc_Font_GIF-PS_Prev.sit [*] Ghent_Perc_Font_PDF_Preview.sit [*] GREAT TRAFFIC SIGNS ICONS [*] Harry Cheater [*] Hotline Client 1.2GM 68K [*] Hotline Client 1.2GM PPC [*] Hotline Server 1.2GM 68K [*] Hotline Server 1.2GM PPC [*] Interfacials2.0 icons [*] Irish Accessories 8 for Macintosh [*] iSearch 1.1 [*] iView 2.8 [*] LeeMail 2.1 [*] Metal [*] moover-15-de [*] moover-15-us.hqx [*] NetherWorld v1.2 [*] OS8foto - an Ofoto popup menu fix for Mac OS 8 [*] PICpocket 2.1.1 [*] PictureSnooperV1.0 AutoSearch/Download Binaries Off NewsGroups [*] Rehearsal Font gif/ps prevw.sit [*] Rehearsal Font pdf prevw.sit [*] Revenge of Manic Apple icons [*] Sentinels of Ceth v1.2 [*] Sicilian Num. Font PDF prev.sit [*] SicilianNum Fnt GIF/PS prev.sit [*] Squish-v2.6.2 : Arcade/Puzzle Game [*] SuperDuper 2.1; Floppy/Zip Copier, Image Mounter [*] The Lightsaver EURO Upload [*] The Lightsaver USA [*] TinyTools [*] Triple-A 1.51 [*] TykeWriter - Word Processor for Kids [*] URL Manager Pro 1.4v10J - Japanese version #### TEXT infomacv15-220.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "CyberFem Warning" Alert Sound (16-bit/44.1kHz) [*] "CyberFem Warning" Alert Sound (8-bit/22kHz) [*] Child Support Solution 1.0 [*] CogniSieve Player [*] Digital_Diary_v1.7.1 [*] Keep Trying 1.0.2 [*] KnowledgeMiner 2.0 Released [*] MacHelp-Ezine.Vol.6 [*] MiniCalendar 2.0, Now Kaleidoscope Savvy [*] Mortgage Maker 2.0 #### TEXT infomacv15-221.txt **** Today's Topics: [A] News readers [A] News readers [Re] Sys8 Et c Apple (La Cie)_external 2.1 hard disk BLACK Performa/Power Mac 5000-series... Bluish tint on Sony 100SX monitor Converting text files to settext custom folder icon maker (Re: Sys8 Et c) digest@info-mac.org Directory Assistance II Replacement Directory Assistance II Replacement Grayscale Portrait monitor HP500C with centronics with Mac? Iomega Zip Tools Warning for Mac Users Looking For Manuscript Tracking Software Lost events - help needed LW Select 360 RAM [Q] mac client for Microsoft Mail 3.5 macbinary to PC? MacTools & OS/8 Megaphone and Power Mac 6500 MountImage News readers Pegasus and system 8 Powerbook 3400 external modems quicken users group or FAQ? Reading PC text CD-ROMs? REQ: MountImage or equivalent? REQ: MountImage or equivalent? (R) sfil conversion Submitting Files? Read this! Sys8 Et c Sys8 Et c USR Sportster Modem and Open Transport What are the good old days??? #### TEXT infomacv15-222.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Eudora Central European & Romanian Tables [*] AccountInfo [*] Alfresco 1.0 [*] Ambient grace textures Vol. 3 [*] BEST Quotes [*] Bonzai [*] DivvyUP v1.2.3 [*] DragAnyWindow 4.2.1 fat - Live window dragging [*] Eudora Celtic (Welsh) Tables 1.0.1 [*] Eudora Cyrillic Tables 1.3 [*] Eudora Greek Tables 1.3 [*] Eudora Latin-3 (Esperanto & Maltese) Tables [*] Eudora Turkish Tables [*] Gandolf 832x624 [*] HelpLess-1.0.1 [*] image-sxm-161-5 [*] LabelTool [*] MacPipes 2.2.3 [*] PPPop 1.6.1 - PPP operator application [*] PPPop 1.6.1 - PPP operator application [*] PPPop 1.6.1J - PPP Operator Utility (Japanese Version) [*] RainCatcher Desktop pict. [*] Siemensstern 1.5.1 [*] SpaceWorms [*] Spam Blaster [*] SpikeInstaller [*] URL Manager Pro 1.4v9 [Q] Type 3 Errors from Hell! Can't find user LC 580 & audiocard Mac OS8 Installation #### TEXT infomacv15-223.txt **** Today's Topics: 512K Mac > [Q] Master Disks [Q] Personal Laserwriter LS [Q] System 8 & 68040? Another sad day BLACK Performa/Power Mac 5000-series... CD/SCSI Question Color printing Japanese/Free PPP 5.5.2 Jaz woes SOLVED, AKA:what are the good old days??? key into italian/ k i english Mac OS8 Installation Megaphone on Power Mac 650/225 Netscape Comunicator and AVI files No Menu Bar Icon for PPP OS 7.6 PowerBook 5300 Problems with a Powerbook 3400c Q: Apple's future in the PC world? Quicktime VR saving html files SCSIProbe alternative? sfil conversion #### TEXT infomacv15-224.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] alfresco 1.0.1 [*] Avalon 2029 [*] BattlePong 1.0 [*] BertrandFAT12 [*] Boingo Electro 1.1 [*] Classic Monster Icons [*] D-Sound Pro 3.1.2J - Japanese Version [*] D-SoundPRO 3.1.2: the professional sound editor [*] Desktopper 1.0 [*] Dumpster 2.62 [*] Electric Broadsheet 1.14 [*] EyePop2 - 40 Seamless Patterns [*] Font Gander Pro 1.1.3.sit [*] galactica-de-sprachmodul [*] GLMStat 3.0.2 [*] HarryCheater-0.9b2 [*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.7.4 [*] Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection 1.7.4 [*] kaleidoscope scheme [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.7.4 [*] KnowledgeMiner 2.0 [*] Look Mom, No Hands! 1.3 [*] Lottery Simulator [*] MacChess 3.0.e PPC - Superb free chess program [*] MacZine #15 - an incredible e-zine [*] MemoryChallenge 1.0 [*] Mennos-organiser-1.0-fp3 [*] Monster!_1.0 [*] Pente 2.1 [*] Pente 2.1 Update [*] RealWorld Desktop Patterns Vol. 1 [*] SelectXmasIcons - and MagicXmasCursor! [*] Smile: The Splattering 1.3 [*] Smnd20 [*] SmoothType 1.3.2 [*] SoundTweak0.1 [*] StreetFinder 1.01 [*] Super Cars v1.2 [*] tcalc.sit [*] TileMovie v1.0 [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.7 - foreign language learning [*] Window Tamer [*] WriteAway 2.0-A Hypercard Word Processor [*] X-men II Icons Vol.1 [*] X-men II Icons Vol.3 #### TEXT infomacv15-225.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] NameBatch1.6, FileMaker Pro 3 Database for Name Cards and Conta [*] 7Tuner 2.0.9 [*] aFileCalNote2.0, FileMaker Pro 3 Desktop Calendar and Note Coll [*] Autothenticate v1.11 [*] Calendar Conversion-MacOS program to convert dates between cal [*] ClockSync II 1.1.0 [*] cmid.sit [*] Dallas Cowboys/Nike Desktop Picture [*] EPS beta [*] ikthusianSOUNDS [*] Mac OS 8 Desktop Pictures [*] Mac Restart 2.0.3 - 68k [*] Mac Restart 2.0.3 - PPC [*] New Mac Channel 1.0b5 68K is out! [*] OT/PPP Strip 1.0.3 [*] PictureSnooperV1.0 (AutoSearch/Download Binaries Off NewsGroup [*] resedit-fmn2-tmpl [*] Squirt 3 [*] The new Mac Channel 1.0b5 PowerPC is out! [*] The new Mac Channel 1.0b5 with Real Audio is out! [*] TiCk-AtTaCk! 1.0 [*] TileMovieAD 1.0 [*] WebFree 1.1 [*] YA-NewsWatcher Multilingual Tables [*] ZipWrapper 1.1 #### TEXT infomacv15-226.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#401/20-Oct-97 [A] Key into Italian....15 #223 ? SW 2500 & Custom Paper Size ? [A] Quicktime VR Apple's future in the PC world Canadian mail-order... Directory Assistance II Replacement Help Lost events - help needed ordinary TV, high res desktop pictures using time (Q) PIC programming on the Mac? Q: Apple's future in the PC world? REQ: MountImage or equivalent? SCSI Probe Alternative SCSIProbe alternative? SCSIProbe alternative? setting Mac's time from the internet stylewriter pro problem Subject: 512K Mac Sys8 Et c #### TEXT infomacv15-227.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?Koohg=81?= 1.0.1 for Macintosh Trialware [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?Strategram=81?= 1.0.2 Macintosh Trialware [*] Amadeus [*] BasketCase 2.0 [*] Columns Max 1.5 - Arcade Game [*] CommuniGate SMTP 2.9 (w/manuals) [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 042 [*] DeLosMuertos1.0Kaleidoscope scheme [*] DigitalSavior [*] ETD (Eudora-and MORE!-To Database) v2.1 Released [*] FinderPop 1.5f7 [*] Flip-O-Matic.sit.hqx [*] G-Lab Data aquisition [*] Jeremy's Control Strip Modules Release 1.7.2 [*] Kaleidoscope 1.7.3 [*] kalk112 [*] Look Mom, No Hands! 1.5 [*] Mail2000 [*] PictureSnooperV1.1 [*] RANDOMNOTES 1.01 [*] Right-on-time calendar and reminder program [*] Right-on-time calendar and reminder program [*] SchemeChecker 1.0.2 - a utility for checking Kaleidoscope schem [*] Shareware Buddy NEW [*] SilverTwoTab3DRsrcs_v5.sit [*] Sound Info 1.1 - Sound Manager Profiler [*] Startup Player 2.1 - Play sounds until startup is done [*] StoryProject 2.0 68K [*] StoryProject 2.0 PPC [*] StreetRumble [*] StreetRumble [*] Tom'sTiles [*] Twisted! 1.5 [*] Ultratech for Kaleidoscope [*] Wait Application - AppleScript Addition [*] Warcraft II maps v.1.0 #### TEXT infomacv15-228.txt **** Today's Topics: (A) Help/RAM for 7100/66 (A) setting Mac's time from the internet 512 K Mac (fwd) 512K Mac thanks 6200CD Freezes When Rebuild 7Tuner 2.0.9 ? SW 2500 & Custom Paper Size ? [A] setting Mac's time from the internet [Q] Auto-Startup on 6400 [Q] MS office &7.6.1 [Q] problem w seagate external disk Apple's future in the PC world At Ease sneaky with AShare passwords? CD/SCSI Question Color printing Color StyleWriter Pro (fwd) Desktop pictures control panel Directory Assistance II Replacement/SCSI Probe Replacement frames capable browser. Help Help [memory] Info-Mac Digest V15 #226 Jaz drives dying... mac and midi Mac crashes Mac OS 8 Page Setup always reverts to A4? Macintosh mail-order in the UK? ordinary TV, high res desktop pictures using time (A1) OS 7.6 OS 7.6 Power supply socket for PowerBook 190 Printing on a PC network Q: How to upgrade RAM within a PowerBook 2400? S. Brewster SCSI problems SCSIProbe alternative SCSIProbe alternative? setting Mac's time from the interne setting Mac's time from the internet setting Mac's time from the internet setting Mac's time from the internet (& NetBITS info) Stylewriter II causing freezes SW 2500 & Custom Paper Size System 8 & 68040 Word 97 PC to Word 6 Mac - problems with PICTs #### TEXT infomacv15-229.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] A.D.Mono update [*] Aaron Light 1.2.1 [*] BladePro - Metallic reflections filter [*] boogaloopers v1.1 [*] ClipFiler v2.4 [*] Clue Deluxe-J (color version) [*] DragAnyWindow 4.2.1J FAT (Japanese version) [*] EasyMail 1.75 [*] FastSmackEm [*] Fetch-O-Matic 2.0.1 automated website maintenance via FTP [*] Font Gander Pro 1.2.hqx [*] font-image-library-35.hqx [*] Fractals 2.0 [*] Fractals 2.0 [*] GradeTA [*] GUBBLE [*] Icons ET [*] II2Mac-1.0.8 [*] impressionist [*] Latin-3 (Esperanto & Maltese) Support for Netscape 2, 3, 4 [*] Mac-Football-Manager-1.0.hqx [*] Monster! 1.0 [*] NoDesktopCleanup 1.5J (Japanese version) [*] OPUS 1.0 (PPC) shareware music notation program [*] OT/PPP Bot 1.6 [*] OT/PPP Switch 1.5.1 [*] PandoFrame-Its like Stickies for pictures. [*] PatientPro 1.0b5 [*] Pattern Swapper [*] PrinterBot 1.0 [*] Program Switcher v4.4.2 [*] QuizPro 2.5 [*] Romanian Support for Netscape 2, 3, 4 [*] ServerBot v1.0b4 [*] smartdrag-10 [*] SndSampler 3.4.1 [*] Startup Doubler 1.0 -for faster startups! [*] Startup Speech ET [*] Subject OPUS 1.0 [*] SuperDuper 2.1; Floppy/Zip Copier, Image Mounter [*] SuperMemory 3.2 [*] theseus 1.1.sit [*] TotoTurbo 1.2.1 [*] Virtual Drummer 3.1 [*] WoodStock1.5.2 - KaleidoScopie #### TEXT infomacv15-230.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] A developer portfolio v2.0 [*] Calendar Conversion-MacOS program to convert dates between [*] Cassinnibrot Desktop Background [*] CContextualMenu 1.0 [*] CDIconKiller 1.5; disables custom icons on CD-ROMs [*] Chronos 2.3.3 [*] Devil's Fork Desktop [*] Digital_Diary_v1.7.3 [*] FlashStats 1.3.1; Log File Analysis CGI [*] Mac-HaBu 4.0 [*] QuickEncrypt 3.0b2; a flexible and secure encryption utility. [*] Stefan's "Compatible with Mac OS 8" Badge Kensington Conflict Netware admin from Mac? System 3.2 #### TEXT infomacv15-231.txt **** Today's Topics: [Q] PC-CD for Mac American Typewriter Font? Apple's future in the PC world Apple's future in the PC world Apple's future in the PC world Bansai movie, not! Rather Banzai CD-ROM problem Desktop pictures control panel Easy Access & Kensington Turbo Mouse frames capable browser. frames-capable browser Info-Mac Digest V15 #228 InfoBeat's Outlook Express Mac crashes Mac OS 8 Page Setup always reverts to A4? Mac OS 8 Page Setup always reverts to A4? Macintosh mail-order in the UK? Netware admin from Mac? OS 7.6 OS8 Sound input PC Compatibility Card with MacOS 8 QuickTime VR RAM Reaching Info-Mac archives read/write CD System 3.2 System 8 & 68040 used/reconditioned/refurbished Macs in the UK/NZ... #### TEXT infomacv15-232.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] A MacHead's Bookmarks [*] ACE! 1.1.1 - an extendible save game editor [*] Beached 1.0 [*] BioAssistant 1.0 Fat [*] CABOL III 7.0 [*] CLUE DELUXE [*] CLUE DELUXE B&W [*] clut-maker-12.hqx [*] Desktop Pictures #5 [*] Digital_Diary_v1.7.4 [*] DockMaster 1.1-SE [*] English-Polish Dictionary - foreign language learning [*] escape-from-nervana-mov.hqx [*] Font Gander Pro 121 DEMO.hqx [*] gasket-10.hqx [*] gcintr11.zip - a Grand Chess Introduction [*] HarryCheater-1.0 [*] html-grinder-3.3.sit [*] iCount (small update) [*] iSearch [*] iView 2.8.5 Released [*] Jukebox Title Strips [*] lupe-12 [*] MacSpice3f4 [*] MacSpice3f4 [*] MacSpice3f4 [*] move-161 [*] MUSASHI(68K) 2.0.6 [*] MUSASHI(PPC) 2.0.6 [*] MUSASHI-J (68K) 2.0.6 [*] MUSASHI-J(PPC) 2.0.6 [*] Myrmidon-201 [*] Myrmidon-201-update [*] NewFolderHere! v1.0 [*] Pancake BBS 1.1.2 [*] protractor-203 [*] Quicktime movie of Helical Gears [*] rule-11 [*] Slippy(fat)-E. [*] Software & Hardware Tracker II v2.0.1 [*] Space Cab 1.2 [*] theseus 1.1.sit [*] TidBITS#402/27-Oct-97 [*] Twisted Checkboards 1.0 [*] Warcraft II Maps v4.0.sit #### TEXT infomacv15-233.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] GoneSince ScreenSaver [*] Pseud040 (Q) Mac OS 8 and Pegasus Mail 2.21 (Q) ADB optical mouses (Q) Mac OS preferences [Q] PC-CD for Mac [Q] PC-CD for Mac [Q] - MS Word Crashes [Q] 2 questions Apple's future in the PC world Barcode pattern on 170 startup Can't drag & remove from Launcher Desktop pictures control panel Desktop pictures control panel Desktop pictures control panel Dow sinks, Apple floats Eudora Mac/PC setup options Eudora Mac/PC setup options Index Node Link Problem Info-Mac Digest V15 #231 InfoBeat Redux ISDN Modems MAC vs Windows Nader vs. Microsoft new batteries for PB180 NEWS: Free QuickCRC Trial For OO Design newton gps Bonzai needs slurpee for map and speech files OS 8 window problem PC-CD for Mac [R] Performa 6400 modem upgrade Shutdown and Restart problem VRAM Problem #### TEXT infomacv15-234.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 3rd Angel Kaleidoscope Theme [*] Aardoz 1.0.2 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Aardvark Smooth 1.7.6 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Aardvark Ultra 1.8.5 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Aardwolf 1.2.4 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Aashen 1.0.2 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Agent Aardvark 1.0.4 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Beavis & Butthead Icollection Vol. 2 [*] Box 1.2.4 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Change Desktop Picture [*] Custom Folder 3.0 [*] Deep Thoughts [*] DeskPictRotater v1.0 -- rotates desktop pictures under MacOS 8 [*] GLMStat 3.1.0 [*] Halloween Jack-o-lantern and Pumpkin [*] Ili's Halloween Icons [*] Insecticons Vol I V2.1.1 colourful insect icons. [*] Lake Veronica 1.0.3 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] MPj Astro 1.5.1 [*] Netscape Patch 1.3 [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] Oztex 3.1 distribution [*] QuickNote 1.2 [*] Startup Lock 2.0d1r10 [*] StoryProject 2.0.1 68K [Development software for fiction writer [*] StoryProject 2.0.1 PPC [Development software for fiction writer [*] Swan 1.0.0 - Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] TLC Color Sheme for Kaleidoscope #### TEXT infomacv15-235.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Cannons and Castles 2.0.1 [*] Clue Deluxe-J (color version) [*] El Verbo Simple 2.03 [*] fcm301 [*] FONTaSEE Deluxe 1.0c DEMO [*] Graphite 1.0.5 68k [*] Graphite PPC 1.0.5 [*] iView 2.8.6 [*] ModPlayer 2.12 [*] moover-15-jp.hqx [*] Opus1.0-68k.hqx [*] Opus1.0-UserManual.pdf [*] OTChess 1.5 [*] Poing! 1.1 [*] Revolutionary Calendar [*] SpellRight #### TEXT infomacv15-236.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Active-Memory-2.03 - Personal database/organizer, to do list, [*] C'nVOIT! [*] Calendar Conversion-MacOS [*] Cat'sEyeView vol.4 [*] CommuniGate FirstClass Gateway 1.6 [*] Curtains97 startupscreen [*] DNRDeleterV2 [*] English Italian [*] FishCard 2.01 - flash card review [*] Gramotki_1.5.3_FAT.hqx - enhanced sticky notes [*] Gramotki_1.5.3_to_1.5.4.hqx - bugfix Gramotki release [*] Instant Folders 2.1, the ultimate folder navigation solution! [*] Instant Folders 2.1, the ultimate folder navigation solution! [*] John's-Yosemite-BGs [*] KeyDisk TERMINATOR Pro Lite(tm) 1.0, Copy-Protection Utility [*] MacWaves v1.8.3 - IRC Utility for Macintosh [*] MATM 1.0.2 [*] Memory Measure 1.8 [*] ProMaker Utils 1.0.2 - For the FileMaker Professional [*] ResFork Killer 1.4 [*] Save the Mac [*] Script Executor & Post Linker plugins [*] Software & Hardware Tracker II v2.0.1a [*] Spanish Lesson 1 - foreign language learning [*] Typhoon 2.01 [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.7.2 - foreign language learning [Q] Personal Laserwriter LS [Q] Unzip Tool Ans: Netware admin and Macs CD Audio Player & CD Remote Command-Restart by mistake Energy Saver screen saver quit working Freeze on Rebuild Fwd: (off topic) Applescript question I'm a mac newbie. Please help. Mac OS preferences new batteries for PB180 Postscript error with PDF document v15#233 from "Denis M. Pelletier" <DENIS@CUSLM.CA> about (Q) Mac #### TEXT infomacv15-237.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#403/03-Nov-97 Kaleidoscope (A) I'm a mac newbie. Please help. 512K Mac-Happy ending [A]: I'm a mac newbie. Please help. [A]: new batteries for PB180 [Q] Anyone got experience with Office Jet? ADB optical mouses CD Audio Player & CD Remote CD Audio Player & CD Remote Command-Restart by mistake Command-Restart by mistake Easy View 2.61 and Info-Mac Digests GLOBAL VILLAGE ALERT, LIARS I'm a mac newbie. Please help. I'm a mac newbie. Please help. IIsi hard disks Jaz as Startup Mac OS preferences Mac OS preferences more than 1 startup partition Netscape Freezes OS8 & ATM OS8 & ATM #### TEXT infomacv15-238.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 3DFunctions 2.2.1 [*] Beatles [*] BioAssistant-10-fat [*] BodaciousBacksDT [*] ChunkJoiner 2.2; concatenates files [*] Cool Cursor [*] COWBOY! for Kaleidoscope [*] DB Presents Graphics Presentation App [*] DB Presents Graphics Presentation App [*] DepecheOS - A Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] EV Cheater [*] fractal-domains-12.sit.hqx - Fractal Image Generator for Power [*] FreezeFrame1.5 - Kaleidoscope [*] Gold Pack 1.7 [*] hanmac-word-j-204.hqx [*] Hit Factory VST 3.3 [*] Instant Folders 2.1, the ultimate folder navigation solution! [*] Instant Folders 2.1, the ultimate folder navigation solution! [*] irish.sit [*] Look Mom, No Hands 1.5.1 [*] MacOSZone! 1.5.2 - Kaleidoscope [*] MGRAPHIX Classic Monster Icons [*] MGRAPHIX X-men II Icons Vol.1 [*] MGRAPHIX X-men II Icons Vol.2 [*] MGRAPHIX X-men II Icons Vol.3 [*] Ophiuchus 1.1.0 [*] PowerCalc 2.0.4.sit - RPN Calculator for the Mac [*] ReduceNoise.sea.hqx - A PhotoShop plug in for PPC Mac [*] Styles "Seashell II Lite" light Kaleidoscope color scheme [*] Styles "Seashell II" Full, for Kaleidoscope [*] Super-Othello-23-FAT [*] TristansTexturesVolume1 [*] TristansTexturesVolume2 [*] TristansTexturesVolume3 #### TEXT infomacv15-239.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 3DFunctions 2.2.1 [*] Baby Games 2.0 [*] Beatles [*] BioAssistant-10-fat [*] BodaciousBacksDT [*] ChunkJoiner 2.2; concatenates files [*] clut-maker-14.hqx [*] Cool Cursor [*] COWBOY! for Kaleidoscope [*] Cross Platform 1.0 - Mac to Windows Compatibility [*] DB Presents Graphics Presentation App [*] DB Presents Graphics Presentation App [*] DepecheOS - A Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Eartraining 2.5 (D) [*] EV Cheater [*] fractal-domains-12.sit.hqx - Fractal Image Generator for Power [*] FreezeFrame1.5 - Kaleidoscope [*] Gestalt Selectors List 4.0 (Repost) [*] GLo3DGrayFX.sit - C++ routines that help draw psuedo 3D effects [*] GLoAppFolder.sit - C++ class to help access things in the appli [*] GLoCleanImage.sit - C++ class that simplifies keeping clean cop [*] GLoStDialAction.sit - a C++ class that helps facilitate live-sc [*] Gold Pack 1.7 [*] hanmac-word-j-204.hqx [*] Hit Factory VST 3.3 [*] Instant Folders 2.1, the ultimate folder navigation solution! [*] Instant Folders 2.1, the ultimate folder navigation solution! [*] irish.sit [*] KEYBOARDaSEE - KEYBOARD LAYOUT [*] Look Mom, No Hands 1.5.1 [*] Lush1.0b1--an intelligent cocktail guide [*] MacOSZone! 1.5.2 - Kaleidoscope [*] MGRAPHIX Classic Monster Icons [*] MGRAPHIX X-men II Icons Vol.1 [*] MGRAPHIX X-men II Icons Vol.2 [*] MGRAPHIX X-men II Icons Vol.3 [*] Ophiuchus 1.1.0 [*] PowerCalc 2.0.4.sit - RPN Calculator for the Mac [*] ReduceNoise.sea.hqx - A PhotoShop plug in for PPC Mac [*] Styles "Seashell II Lite" light Kaleidoscope color scheme [*] Styles "Seashell II" Full, for Kaleidoscope [*] Super-Othello-23-FAT [*] TristansTexturesVolume1 [*] TristansTexturesVolume2 [*] TristansTexturesVolume3 #### TEXT infomacv15-240.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 55_Cool_StartupScreens [*] ATPM3.10 [*] Ballistik_5.0.0_de.sit.hqx [*] Desktop Pictures: The Planets [*] Eartraining 2.5 [*] Estimate & Invoice Tracker [*] Format-Chart Version 1.2.7 [*] Go! 1.0 [*] hanmac-word-k-204.hqx [*] huu-1.0.0 [*] huu-1.0.0 [*] Inventory & Sale Tracker [*] IPNetMonitor 1.7 Macintosh Internet Tools [*] IPNetMonitor 1.7 Macintosh Internet Tools (1 of 2) [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.3.1 [*] macircd050 [*] MailNotify 1.5.1 [*] MEGAmac 1001 Bookmarks [*] MiniWin 3.1 Demo [*] Navigator Button Editor 1.3.3J - Japanese Version [*] NetFinder 1.1.1-SE [*] Psychomatic! [*] PsychScheduler [*] SmartScroll Patch for NN4 [*] STIGMA/ML 1.0 [*] suntar 2.1.3 [*] The On-Line Joke Book Version 1.2 [*] TimeCache 1.71 Demo [*] timecard1.0 [*] Truss 6.0.2 demo [*] Web Patterns 2.0 [*] Wildlife Portraits Vol 1-Desktop pictures for MacOS 8 [*] wna-1.5.7 [*] wna-1.5.7 [*] Yechi Startup [*] Zebrapipes [q] Force a Color Depth? [Q] MacOS 8.0 Problem alphabetize bookmarks in netscape 4.03 CD Audio Player & CD Remote ClubMac inquiry? Info-Mac Digest V15 #236 Info-Mac Digest V15 #236 Opical Mice Question re Powerbook 140 #### TEXT infomacv15-241.txt **** Today's Topics: Re: Kaleidoscope problems 'Dodgy' SIMM causes bloated system -- comments? (A) GLOBAL VILLAGE ALERT, LIARS (A) I'm a mac newbie. Please help. [!] Updated digest boilerplate [A] Lost events - help needed [Q] Odd icon in trash... alphabetize bookmarks in netscape 4.03 Apple's future in the PC world (GPS) Appleworks and ProDos translation Auto-save utility Can't shutdown MacOS 8 CD Audio Player & CD Remote Documents don't find programs Info-Mac Digest V15 #237 Kaleidoscope Mac OS preferences Need help upgrading 14 computer lab to Ethernet or TCP/IP OS 8 quirks Unmute sound when headphone plugged in? Unzip Tool used/reconditioned/refurbished Macs in the UK/NZ... Word 6.0.1 and OS 8 workshop scheduling #### TEXT infomacv15-242.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] BetterTelnet 1.2.2 [*] BigPicture37 [*] BlackSun 1.5.4 - Kaleidoscope [*] BlackSun+ 1.5.4 - Kaleidoscope [*] BumperTech 1.0 - for Kaleidoscope [*] CastPainter 1.0 demo [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 043 [*] DepecheOS v1.0.0. - A Kaleidoscope Scheme [*] Dr. Max 1.0 [*] Fallout Character Editor [*] Font Gander Pro 124 DEMO.hqx [*] FractalDesk.sit - Fractalish Desktop Patterns [*] FractalDesk2.sit - Fractalish Desktop Patterns [*] FractalDesk3.sit - Fractalish Desktop Patterns [*] FractalDesk4.sit - Fractalish Desktop Patterns [*] FractalDesk5.sit - Fractalish Desktop Patterns [*] FreePPP-NewIconResources [*] GraphicConverter_302DE [*] hanmac-word-j-204 [*] hanmac-word-k-204 [*] HelpLess-1.0.2.hqx [*] HyperSlider 1.8.5 - creating interactive slide shows [*] InterWorks v2.5 [*] Language Toolkit Writer 1.3.3 - foreign languages learning [*] LoopCD - a looping CD player [*] macattack-195.sit [*] MicNotePad Lite 4.2 [*] Mr. Cat's Quest 2.1 [*] Net Folder 2.4 [*] offline_Redr [*] QuickestMirror 1.1; easier and faster downloading [*] RKD's SHAREWARE Bookmarks v.1.1 [*] software-hdware-tracker-201.sit [*] STATsimple 1.0.2 DEMO [*] StuffCM 1.1.1 [*] Ultra Recorder 2.3 [*] X-Words Deluxe v.1.2 [*] X-Words Deluxe v.1.2 [A]: alphabetize bookmarks in netscape 4.03 [Q] OnCue - What ever happend to it? Disk Drivers fax-o-manic GLOBAL VILLAGE ALERT, LIARS (I AGREE!!!) info-mac digest upgrade? Info-Mac Digest V15 #241 #### TEXT infomacv15-243.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] EZWrapper 1.1 [*] ikthusianSOUNDStwo [*] JazzWrapper 1.1 [*] Lush1.0 [*] SELDON Decision Analysis and Support App [*] StartThing 1.0 - The incredible screen-saver [*] SwitchRes(en) - English Version [*] SwitchRes(fr) - French Version [*] The Ultimate MacOS-MacOS startup pictures [*] ZipWrapper 1.12 #### TEXT infomacv15-244.txt **** Today's Topics: (Q) Alias reconnection [Q] Personal LaserWriter LS [Q] Viewing & Scaling PS Graphics in Word 5.1a Auto Save utility Calibrating color output to a projector DOS Compatibility Software Energy Saver control panel dead Freeze on Rebuild how universal is vram? info-mac digest upgrade? Info-Mac Digest V15 #241 Newton PowerBase 240 slow to start up. powerbook 2300c PSION to Mac linking problem Radius B&W monitors on new Macs? Trouble with a PB140 TrueType Fonts #### TEXT infomacv15-245.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#404/10-Nov-97 'Dodgy' SIMM causes bloated system (A) (Q) Info on Serial card (Q) System 7.6.1 Error type 10? 6400 Problems with Menu Bar [A] Newton Appleworks and ProDos translation Auto Save utility Crossed wires on Info-Mac Digest V15 #244 Memory & Monitor Printer recommendations? TrueType Fonts TV-/videosysteem & MPEG Word Macro Virus and SAM #### TEXT infomacv15-246.txt **** Today's Topics: Re: info-mac digest upgrade? (A) System 7.6.1 Error type 10? 6200 monitor 68LC040 in an SE/30? [A]: Appleworks and ProDos translation Daystar 100MHz PPC card and OS 7.6 Java compiler wanted MacTools FileEdit Replacement(?) Memory & Monitor Memory & Monitor OS8 Data Loss SnapScan System Error 1708? virtualPC #### TEXT infomacv15-247.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Aaron Light 1.2.3 [*] Adrenaline Charts SE 1.0.1 Demo [*] Alternative Gray 1.0 - Kaleidoscope color scheme - [*] Clean_up_Trash [*] ClockWork 1.0 PPC - Day Planner for MacOS and Newton [*] ClockworkOrange 1.5 - Kaleidoscope [*] ClockworkOrange+ 1.5 - Kaleidoscope [*] Flowchart Maker 1.0.2 68k [*] Flowchart Maker 1.0.2 ppc [*] HenryKuoicons3 and Picasso Icons [*] HTML Image Indexer 1.0 (AS) [*] Ili's Flower Icons-1 [*] Insider Updates 2.0.1 [*] Kaleidoscope Color scheme. Scent of Greece! [*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.7.5 [*] Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection 1.7.5 [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.7.5 [*] My Mac Magazine #31 [*] protractor-21.hqx [*] Screwy-HTML-Fixer10b.hqx [*] SimpleText Color Menu 3.2 - greatly enhances SimpleText [*] The Tilery 3.2.1 [*] tobias plat..golden pack 1-2 [*] Zafir113.hqx #### TEXT infomacv15-248.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 37thResEx 2.0.0; the resources extractor. [*] AFL Package 1.0.3 [*] Ambient Grace Textures 4 - Yet more graceful desktop textures [*] Animation Mover [*] Archive31 [*] Beached 1.1 [*] bol-processor-273-appl [*] bol-processor-273-data [*] bol-processor-273-doc [*] C&T Changer 2.0 [*] Chair [*] Deskpop 1.0 [*] DragSelectRect XFCN 1.2 [*] DragStrip 3.0 [*] Fallout Character Editor 1.0a2 [*] FinderPop 1.5Fr [*] Floral Fantasy [*] Genetic Wars [*] Gestalt.Appl 2.7.7, freeware [*] jurytrials.mov [*] MacOS 12 / Vegan Machine Startup Screen [*] Nic's AppleView [*] OT Advanced Tuner 1.2 Macintosh TCP/IP Tuner [*] Othello Deluxe - THE ECLIPSE v1.2 [*] Phonemic Font Pack 1.0.7 [*] PictTool [*] PictureBank Lite 3.1 - FileMaker Pro graphics extender [*] PictureSnooperV1.2 AutoSearch/Download Binaries Off NewsGroups [*] PrintGuard 1.0 [*] rule-112.hqx [*] SFX_Machine_Demo_1.10 [*] SimpleText Color Menu 3.2J (Japanese version) [*] Sleeper 3.0.1 - Sleep mode for all Macs [*] Smashed_Dino [*] SndPlayer 2.4; Play batches of sounds in main Mac formats [*] speed-search-68k-11 [*] speed-search-ppc-11 [*] Startup Lock 2.0d1r11 [*] Startup Player 2.1J (Japanese version) [*] State Map Compiler [*] Thief of Hearts (DEMO) [*] Ultimate NHL Package 2.0.2 [*] Volunteer Tracker [*] WebMarker_10_Us [*] WebMender 1.0.1 #### TEXT infomacv15-249.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] StartThing 1.0.1 - simple and powerful screen-saver [*] Catakig 1.03 [*] ChemViewer3D-1.1 [*] Digital_Diary_v1.7.5 [*] Finder View Settings 1.0.1J FAT (Japanese version) [*] Kaleidopee 1.01 [*] Recall 1.2J - Japanese Version Release [*] RedChina+ 1.5 [*] Series EE Savings Bond VALUES V3.1 [*] Template/Doc Autotyper [*] The Ferengi Rules Of Acquisition V1.5 [*] TimeCache 1.72 Demo #### TEXT infomacv15-250.txt **** Today's Topics: (A) 68LC040 in an SE/30? (A) Daystar 100MHz PPC card and OS 7.6 (A) Java compiler wanted (A) System Error 1708? (A) virtualPC (Q) Data mining application (Q) Floppy drive problem 6200 Monitor 8500 Stock 2GB HD [A] System Error 1708? [A] Viewing & Scaling PS Graphics in Word 5.1a [A]: Java compiler wanted a request AOL 3.01 help CD-R Drives and Software Cheated by Microsoft Daystar 100MHz PPC card and OS 7.6 Daystar 100MHz PPC card and OS 7.6 Daystar 100MHz PPC card and OS 7.6 Default font substitutions Demise of MATLAB for the Macintosh descriptive abstracts email forward >>> Info-Mac Digest V15 #246 Info-Mac Digest V15 #246 Internet Dialer clears browser home page Java compiler wanted Long File Names in Virtual PC Long File Names in Virtual PC Musical composition software? My Mac won't stay off! newton-mac communication issues (A) Picture cataloguer program (Q) Powermac 7500 StartUp problems Saving Images SnapScan Thermal Recalibration and AV Drives Translating AppleWorks file Unimplemented Trap Upgrading from 7.5.3-->7.6 #### TEXT infomacv15-251.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#405/17-Nov-97 (Q) Recommendations for architectural drawing [A] 8500 Stock 2GB HD [Q] SE/30 color problem EtherTalk and LocalTalk Floppy drive problem Mac-Win Icons? old old software for macintosh512k Timer popup? workshop scheduling #### TEXT infomacv15-252.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] 3col3; Kaleidoscope Color Scheme [*] Banzai4800 (a newton talking program for gps navigation) [*] clut-maker-164.hqx [*] Concatenate plug-in for Adobe Illustrator [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 044 [*] Custom Folder 3.2 [*] D' Studio 1.1 [*] D' Studio 1.1 [*] Dart Board 1.03 [*] desktop-pictures-maryann.sit [*] DLA [*] Dock program submition [*] GoldenEyecons [*] Ili's Flower Icons-2 [*] Jabiru 2.1 [*] Keychain Cat v1.0 [*] MacSOUP 2.3 (German version) [*] MacSOUP 2.3 - an offline reader for news and mail [*] Navigator Knappredigerare [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac. [*] Paurian-autumn-icons [*] PowerMenu v2.2: The Definitive Contextual Menu Utility [*] Pretty Scroll 1.0.3 - animate scrolling [*] PsychScheduler 1.0 [*] QuickChi [*] QuoEdit 0.30 [*] Screens that are boss [*] texvert - A desktop pattern converter [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.7.4 - foreign language learning (Q) Recommendations for architectural drawing Eudora Internet Mail Server #### TEXT infomacv15-253.txt **** Today's Topics: Re: Eudora Internet Mail Server (A) Recommendations for architectural drawing (Q) Default font substitutions >>>'s [Q] OCR for fax? Ethernet and Megahertz Cruise Card Info-Mac Digest V15 #251 Mac-Win Icons? Puzzled over Performa 575/Ethernet cards Remapping Keyboards Serious System 8/Appleshare Problem Timer {Q} Powerbook 150 and 190 #### TEXT infomacv15-254.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Amadeus 1.5.5 for Kaleidoscope [*] Awale 2.2.0 (Awale.hqx) [*] Bubbles [*] Cascade Light 1.0 - Cascading Style Sheets Designer [*] ClkTlk11.hqx [*] CraftGen [*] Designer's Studio 1.1 Package (68K) [*] Designer's Studio 1.1 Package (PPC) [*] E$timator 680x0 [*] E$timator PPC [*] Ebola Monkey Bingo v1.0.1 [*] Finder View Settings 1.1 for MacOS 8 - global folder views [*] Finder View Settings 1.1J FAT (Japanese version) [*] German Plug-in for BabyGames 2.0 [*] GopherGolf v3.0.8 [*] IDIN-A new mac game [*] ISO Cat v1.0.0 [*] iView 2.9.4 Multimedia Asset Manager [*] Kaleido-NeXT Color Scheme 1.0 [*] Kaleidscope scheme of Yosemite [*] LeadMichele Kaleidoscope scheme [*] mac06-0.6. [*] MovieCD Player [*] NewFolderHere! 1.01: Makes new folders where you want them [*] Old English font [*] Photo Index 1.0 [*] Point Recorder 1.2.0 68k [*] Point Recorder 1.2.0 ppc [*] Realmz version 4.3.4, a great role playing game. [*] Rhapsody_DR1_Schemes.sit [*] Silvergol 1.0.1 [*] STATsimple 1.0.3 [*] Swat-Tac-Toe 3.0.1 [*] Tetris Max 2.9 [*] TotoTurbo 1.3.1 [*] Windox 1.0.1 [*] X-Mac Color Scheme 1.0 [*] X-Mac Color Scheme 1.1 (A) OCR for fax? (A) Powerbook 150 and 190 >>>'s ether and local talk as one G3 daughter cards Musical composition software? Remapping Keyboards #### TEXT infomacv15-255.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] KG's DTPix #6 - be kind to your desktop [*] Adrenaline Charts SE 1.0.1 Demo [*] Ballistik_5.2.0_de [*] BlackWatch 1.1 [*] Digital_Diary_v1.7.6 [*] EasyMail 1.75a SHAREWARE [*] Fantasm 5 Release [*] Funnel Web Demo [*] Gestalt.Appl 2.7.8, freeware [*] Gramotki_1.5.3_FAT.hqx - enhanced sticky notes [*] imagemapper-v3.0-FAT.hqx.gz [*] Inside The Evil Empire [*] Internet Config J 1.4 Release !! [*] Invert Video [*] Learn and Play 1.2 [*] Learn and Play 1.2 [*] lollscript [*] Lonely Annie TT Font [*] Mac F2C v1.3.7 [*] mac503.hqx [*] MWS-SP96.sit.hqx [*] NetBots 2.5 netbots-25.hqx [*] New Startup Movie [*] People Lister 1.0 - An addressbook that remembers birthdays [*] ProTYPE v1.1 - Mac to Apple II File Converter [*] quickshot_dx_v1.02.sit [*] SandStone Desktop Pict. from StartGallery [*] Software & Hardware Tracker II v2.0.2 [*] Solid Mac Bookmarks v1.1 [*] Startup Doubler 1.0J - Japanese version [*] suntar 2.1.4 [*] TattleTech 2.56 Update [*] THE BLOCK update posting / mac security [*] Think Different StartupScreen [*] Virtue TrueType font 2.0 - a replacement for Charcoal [*] Vokabeltrainer3 german vocabulary trainer upload #### TEXT infomacv15-256.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#406/24-Nov-97 Banzai4800 talking newton gps maps and GTE internet phone book (A) >>>'s 5200 >>> [Q] FREEZE at Shutdown - 7600/132 [Q] Genealogy [Q] Problem Receiving Attached Text from PCs with Eudora Pro 3.x Accellerate an old IIfx Backup data to videotape? Configuring Mac Clock To Atomic Clock Via Modem EtherTalk and LocalTalk Eudora Internet Mail Server Help with old Norton Encrypt files Intel messes-up again! Internet Dialer and Internet Config Internet Phone Applications Mac Tutorial Part 2 Newer MAXpowr Pro Cards -- A Good Buy? opening a 636CD Power Mac 5500/225 & QuarkXPress Quick Update Note Remapping Keyboards Serious System 8/Appleshare Problem Video capture with PM7500 Virus help Will an AV card enable me to watch TV ? zip-drive problem #### TEXT infomacv15-257.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Full-der" Kaleidoscope color-scheme/Fake-8 subscription [*] 1998 Icon Calendar [*] Accent: Appearance Editor [*] Amadeus 1.5.5 for Kaleidoscope [*] Ballistik_5.2.1__e.hqx [*] Ballistik_5.2.1_de.hqx [*] Borscht Raider 1.0 [*] Cache Killer Pro 1.05 - the original Cache Killer and more!!! [*] CatSearch MPW Tool 1.0b1 [*] cc97demo.hqx [*] Christmas Color Scheme - For Kaleidoscope [*] DatedFolder.app [*] DollyDots for Kaleidoscope [*] DragStrip 3.0.1 [*] DragThing F1-2.1 [*] Eldacur Anteak 1.7, an earth-tone Kaleidoscope scheme [*] Eldacur Bluish 1.5, a simple blue Kaleidoscope scheme [*] Eldacur LeitMotif 1.7, an X-Window-like Kaleidoscope scheme [*] FirstClass Tools [*] FirstClass Tools [*] Grid Warrior 1.2.6 [*] Harmony*Noel (PPC Version) [*] Harmony*Noel 68K Version [*] Heavy Metal Isotopes 1.5 (Kaliedoscope Schemes) [*] Heavy Metal Isotopes 1.5 (Kaliedoscope Schemes) [*] Icon Machine 1.0.1 68k [*] Icon Machine 1.0.1 PPC [*] iView 2.9.5 [*] Jupiter's Moons 1.0 [*] Lunar Commando 1.0.3 [*] MacAttack 1.9.6J - Japanese Version [*] Merry Christmas Icons [*] OPUS 1.21 [*] OTChat 3.0.2 CW11 Pascal Source Code [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac. [*] Pardeikes Welcome Plugin [*] piPrimes 1.0 - arbitrary precision mathematics [*] QuickNailer 1.4--The Preview in Bulk & HTML Tool [*] Sleeper D-3.0.1 - German version of Sleeper [*] SmartKeys 3.2 [*] Startup Lock 2.0 Final 68k [*] Startup Lock 2.0 PPC Final [*] The Coach's Challenge '97 [*] WC II, 9 maps v.1.0 [*] Zarvox Is Here #### TEXT infomacv15-258.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Create Eudora Folder 1.0 - multiple users [*] Funnel Web 1.0.6 Banzai4800 talking newton gps maps and GTE internet phone book (A) 5200 (A) >>>'s (A) zip-drive problem (Q) Atomic Clock 5200 [*] TidBITS#406/24-Nov-97 [Q] Genealogy [Q] Problem Receiving Attached Text from PCs with Eudora Pro 3.x Configuring Mac Clock To Atomic Clock Via Modem dead motherboard in PowerBook 170 developer(s) wanted... Disk Essentials (C) Grammar Checker H. P. DeskWriter 540 printer problem..... Help for APPLE marketing Info-Mac Digest V15 #256 Info-Mac Digest V15 #256 Info-Mac Digest V15 #256 Making Startupscreens? opening a 636CD Will an AV card enable me to watch TV ? Will an AV card enable me to watch TV ? {Q}"Think Different" Commercial spoof #### TEXT infomacv15-259.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] AMacHead's+MEGAmac COMBINED 1001 Bkmrks. 1.2 [*] BladePro 2.0.8 - Metallic reflections filter [*] Bookends Plus 4.02-Reference [*] Bumpertech Revision [*] Christmas with ikthusian icons [*] CirylConcordance v. 2.0b1 [*] Concordance v. 2.0b1 [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 045 [*] Deskpicture/StartUpScreen [*] Deskpicture/StartUpScreen [*] Deskpicture/StartUpScreen [*] Deskpicture/StartUpScreen [*] Desktop Apple Truck [*] Desktop Minder v1.6.1 [*] DesktopMaidv1.1 [*] DPG 3 [*] EncodeScripts.sit [*] FinderViewContextMenu101.sit [*] fractal-desktop-v1-for-24.hqx Desktop Pictures [*] fractal-desktop-v1-for-8.hqx Desktop pictures [*] FreePPP Switch v1.0b1 [*] HTML Layout 1.5 [*] Lazurus v1.2 [*] NetFinder 1.2.1J - Japanese Version [*] Network Time 2.0 - Adobe Acrobat manual [*] OT/PPP MultiDialer v1.0b1 [*] PrintGuard 1.0.1 [*] Quick Trasher v1.5a [*] Quit Everything v1.5.1 [*] ResEdit Appearance Templates [*] Sarah M. Gunshy [*] SaveClipboard v1.3 [*] ServerBot v1.1r5 [*] Singer 1.0 [*] Snow for Macintosh, version 1.0.0 (beta) [*] SoundApp 2.4.2 - sound player and conversion utility [*] SoundEffects 0.92 [*] SoundEffects 0.92 [*] SpamBlasterInstall_15b11 [*] SwitchRes 1.1.1 (de) [*] SwitchRes 1.1.1 (en) [*] SwitchRes 1.1.1 (fr) [*] Talking Dictionary Patches [*] Teddy New Kaleidoscope scheme [*] Temple2.JPG #### TEXT infomacv15-260.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Calendar Conversion-MacOS program [*] HeartWood [*] Personal_Calendar (Q) AC adaptor on PB 5300c 6300-6500 tv/-video cards 7200 Upgradability (Q) [MarcsTalk 001] MacPlus Mouse wanted [MarcsTalk 005] MacPlus Mouse wanted [MarcsTalk 033] SORRY! [Q] Some features of 630 DOS/Compatible Configuring Mac Clock To Atomic Clock Via Modem dead motherboard in PowerBook 170 FileMaker Print to File? HELP Sloooow Ethernet with Megahertz Cruise Card Info-Mac Digest V15 #258/Al's DE Rant internal floppy drive 1.44 LC 475 problem....date time LocalTalk Color StyleWriter 2500 problem old SE and an HP printer Problem displaying Floppy files under MacOS8 Quicken 98 Startup Screens Summary [Genealogy] unix -> eudora mail converter [Q] Unknown extensions, need identification #### TEXT infomacv15-261.txt **** Today's Topics: "Think Different" Commercial spoof 7500 Logic Board Crisis [Q] Problem Receiving Attached Text from PCs with Eudora Pro Auto Power On/Off Caution: MSIE 4.0b1 Hazardous to your health digest@info-mac.org Info-Mac Digest V15 #260 Info-Mac Digest V15 #260 Looking for Easy View author... Mac to the rescue Need help upgrading 14 computers to Ethernet or TCP/IP unix -> eudora mail converter [A] {Q}PB180 internal modem #### TEXT infomacv15-262.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Cigarettes, Whiskey & Women [*] gasket-102.hqx [*] Journal 1.2 - Personal Journal [*] Learn and Play 1.3 [*] lupe-13.hqx [*] MacCentral Holiday Screen Saver [*] Mortgage Solver 2.07.hqx (Remove mortgage_solver_204.hqx) [*] Pressmeddelande Dr. Feelgood [*] ramBunctious 1.2 -- a RAM disk program [*] Secret Agent [*] Set Daylight 1.0 [*] TidBITS#407/01-Dec-97 [*] TNT Nag! 1.1 (Reminder program submission) [*] TykeWriter - Word Processor for Kids [*] WabbitPwo - Shareware URL Manager [*] YP Circulaire 1.0 7500 Logic Board Crisis 7500 Logic Board Crisis 7500 Logic Board Crisis [Q] Anti-spam software? [Q] OS8 Fonts & Incompatibilites? aol problems with fas and mime foramts... Info-Mac Digest V15 #260 Looking for Easy View author... Need help upgrading 14 computers to Ethernet or TCP/IP Needed Extensions? using a non aol browser wiuth aol 2.7 #### TEXT infomacv15-263.txt **** Today's Topics: [A] Problem Receiving Attached Text from PCs with Eudora Pro 3.x [Q] lookin for a heartbeat sound [Q] Problem Receiving Attached Text from PCs with Eudora Pro Copying large files to Jaz Movie Player woes News Server Software for the Mac [Q] old laserwriter on appletalk OS8 Video & sound preferences Sound and OS8 unix -> eudora mail converter [Q] #### TEXT infomacv15-264.txt **** Today's Topics: [Q] Attaching files to email for Win95? (A) >>>'s [A] FileMaker 3.0 Reports to file (Info-Mac Digest #260) [A] Problem Receiving Attached Text from PCs with Eudora Pro 3.x [Q]: Need help decoding strange 'Binhex' files after downloading accessing files on NT server Connecting laptop PC to Localtalk network Copying large files to Jaz Excel/Wod FastPath configuration Getting Mutipart/mixed MIME in AOL IIsi and VGA Info-Mac Digest V15 #261 L2 cache Looking for Easy View author... Mac OS 8 Copy problems Needed Extensions? News Server Software for the Mac [Q] OS 8 System settings PB180 internal modem PCMCIA modems and price differences Port Doubler Problem Reading Jaz cartridges on a mac? seeking Mac implementation of PPTP Setting sound levels on shutdown unable to read attachments unable to use Newswatcher #### TEXT infomacv15-265.txt **** Today's Topics: 7500 logic board [A] Copying large files to Jaz [A] PCMCIA modems and price differences [A] Re: accessing files on NT server [Q] CD-RW vs CD-R which is more reliable ?? accessing files on NT server Attaching files to email for Win95? Finding invisible files Info-Mac Digest V15 #264 Info-Mac Digest V15 #264 Needed CMM OS 8 System settings Reading Jaz cartridges on a mac? Star Trek Parody! Windows Nt Server 4.0 and Macintosh Network #### TEXT infomacv15-266.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Logick Kaleidoscope scheme [*] "Styles" Eagle 3.0 for Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] "Styles" Goldfire 3.0 for Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] "Styles" Roses 3.0, updated for Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] "Styles" Swan 3.0 for Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] B-52 1.5.2 -Kaleidoscope [*] B-52+ 1.5.2 - Kaleidoscope [*] BBEdit Plug-Ins for MacPerl Rel. 5.3 [*] Bubbles 1.0.1.sit [*] CPIC for Mac 68K Multimedia & Graphics Viewer / Manager Version [*] CPIC for Mac PowerPC Multimedia & Graphics Viewer / Manager Ver [*] Custom Menus 1.0.3v3J - Japanese Version [*] DockZone 1.0.5 update! [*] DollyDots 1.8 for Kaleidoscope [*] E(MS)1.1 - A HyperCard stack determining expected mean squares [*] Empty Trash II - The next version! [*] Excel to HTML 1.1 [*] FeatherGIF 1.9 - Web transparency filter [*] FretPet1.0b3 - a killer musical toy [*] Ili's Cute Icons [*] Kaleido-NeXT Color Scheme 1.1 [*] Kaleidoscope Color scheme. Olympiakos Team [*] MAXT 1.7 [*] MenuCapture 1.0.1 (free screen snapshot utility) [*] Mr. Cat's Quest [*] Nutcracker [*] Nutcracker lite [*] PoisonArrow 1.5 - Kaleidoscope [*] PoisonArrow+1.5 [*] QuickChi101 [*] QuickNailer 1.4.1--The Preview in Bulk & HTML Tool [*] Rhapsody DR1 Collection [*] Sauls_Better_HD_Icons [*] Smart Scroll 3.1aJ - Japanese Version [*] SmartDrag 1.0.1 [*] SndCataloguer 1.5; Catalogue your sound library! [*] SndConverter Pro 2.4; Convert batches of sounds between Mac for [*] SndPlayer 2.4; Play batches of sounds in main Mac formats [*] Spike 15 [*] Total Restart II - The Next Version! [*] Total Shutdown II - The Next Version! [*] Utopia TrueType [*] V&N Russisch 1.3 [*] VCD Player 1.4.0 - Full Screen VCD Playback - Johnny C N Lee [*] X-Mac Color Scheme 1.2 #### TEXT infomacv15-267.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Joy To the World" StartUp Sound (Mono) [*] A MacHead's+MEGAmac 1200+ Bkmrks 1.3 [*] Argentinian Icons Vol .3 [*] BetterBookmark in MSIE 1.0 [*] c_commander.hqx upload [*] Christmas Mac StartupScreen [*] ChristmasDeskPicts [*] Decoder 1.3.4 [*] eMerge Demo 1.1.2 [*] Extension Overload v2.5 [*] Format-Chart Version 1.2.8 [*] FreePPP Control [*] Gift Database [*] Holiday Beeps Vol. 1 (16-bit/44.1kHz) [*] Holiday Beeps Vol. 1 (8-bit/22kHz) [*] HyperKaos 1.3 [*] Joy To the World StartUp Sound (Stereo) [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.3.2 [*] Mac-HaBu 4.0e [*] no_more_cookies [*] Perl script to strip AOL headers [*] sms-1.4.3 [*] StaffordSounds [*] StartThing 1.0.2 - simple and powerful screen-saver [*] Symbionts 2.8 (English) [*] Symbionts 2.8 (German) [*] Ultratech Lite for Kaleidoscope [*] Vokabeltrainer3.01 - a German vocabulary trainer [A] Finding invisible files [A] PCMCIA modems and price differences [Q] AV Mac Stalling [Q]: Tri-Data Ethernet driver? Finding invisible files Finding invisible files Finding invisible files Finding invisible files Info-Mac Digest V15 #265 L2 Cache MacWorld Expo SF '98! Setting sound levels on shutdown Setting sound levels on shutdown (A) Small network management Upper limit of HDs or partitions Windows Nt Server 4.0 and Macintosh Network #### TEXT infomacv15-268.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#408/08-Dec-97 (A) Finding invisible files (Q) What's the Status of Java on the Mac? 540c Replacement Screen 7500 Logic Board Crisis Solved... [A] OS 8 System settings (fwd) [A] Power Computing CD-ROM Won't Mount w/ OS8! [Q] Neverending postscript file generation? [Q]: Tri-Data Ethernet driver? [SUMMARY]: Need help decoding strange 'Binhex' files after downloading [Wanted]: Good archival compression util Attaching files to email for Win95? email viruses FileMaker Pro Question Finding invisible files Finding invisible files Finding invisible files Finding invisible files Finding Invisible Files Finding invisible files Finding invisible files finding invisible files finding invisible files I'm looking for Chinese-English dictionary Info-Mac Digest V15 #265 Info-Mac Digest V15 #265 MATH CO-PROCESSSOR FOR MAC CLASSIC II Math Coprocessor / Norton Utilities Errors / SCSI ID for internal HD News Servers for the Mac - Summary No sound track for 1984 OS 8 & PC Compatible Card OS 8 finder settings and L2 cache OS 8 System Settings OS 8 System settings PCMCIA Readers question on modems Re; Finding Invisible Files Reading Jaz cartridges on a mac? Scan direct to print (Q) Setting sound levels on shutdown Simple File Opening Problem some keyboards are more equal thank others Unkwnow extensions Warning to Fastback Users - Don't Use It! #### TEXT infomacv15-269.txt **** Today's Topics: (Q)Finder Preferences File Damage [Q] Problems installing Netcaster using Communicator?? [Wanted]: Good archival compression util Attaching files to email for Win95? Checkbook Software Eudora addresses FileMaker Pro Question FileMaker Pro Question H. P. DeskWriter540 printing problems... MacOS 8.0 "Clean up" PCMCIA modems and price differences Problem with FTP uploads #### TEXT infomacv15-270.txt **** Today's Topics: (A) What's the Status of Java on the Mac? (A)Finder Preferences File Damage (Q) Problem reading floppy disks (Q) What's the Status of Java on the Mac? (Q)Finder Preferences File Damage [A] Tri-Data Ethernet driver [A] Finder Preferences File Damage [Q] ZTerm and High Speed Modems [Wanted]: Good archival compression util [Wanted]: Good archival compression util Apple 21'' Mono monitor w/ Centris 650 problem Attaching files to email for Win95? Color StyleWriter 2200 Accessories email viruses email viruses Eudora addresses FileMaker Pro Question Looking for Twain? MATH CO-PROCESSSOR FOR MAC CLASSIC II Math Coprocessor / Norton Utilities Errors / SCSI ID for Modem Init site OS8 & Screen Snaps Woes PCMCIA modems and price differences #### TEXT infomacv15-271.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] CopyPaste 4.0.5se [*] BMSolitaire_LARGE.hqx Klondike for the Millenium! Burnin [*] CopyPaste 4.0.5 [*] CopyPaste 4.0.5J - Japanese Version [*] EcoMunch 1.0 [*] Halloween Cursor! [*] Icon Basket [*] Ili's Christmas Icons [*] Jesse's Copland Schemes [*] Kaleidoscope Color scheme. Scent of Greece! [*] Maybe 1.51 [*] Mikes PowerMac 3D Icons v98 [*] New Kaleidoscope scheme [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac. [*] PandoFrame-MacOS program to place pictures on your desktop, [*] PITCH 1.0.0 (68K) [*] PITCH 1.0.0 (PPC) [*] PowerMenu 2.2J - Japanese Version [*] Presto! icons [*] QuickTile [*] Southwestern 2.0 [*] Startup Lock 2.0.1 68k [*] Startup Lock 2.0.1 PPC [*] Surgery!3.01 [*] Symbionts 2.8 (German edition) 2nd Try [*] Ultimate NHL Package 2.0.3 [*] Ultra Recorder2.3.1.hqx #### TEXT infomacv15-272.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Anarchie 2.0.1-SE [*] Drummer Boy StartUp Sound (Mono) [*] Drummer Boy StartUp Sound (Stereo) [*] Flashlite [*] Foobar vs. the DEA v1.1.4 an arcade game [*] Hurricane Desktop Pict by Start Gallery [*] IAD Actions for Timbuktu Pro v1.0b1 [*] ICeTEe 2 [*] JavaTyper v1.0 - Java and source file type converter [*] MiniWinDemo 3.2 [*] MongolianTTFont [*] OTSessionWatcher 1.0.1 [*] Russian Verbs & Nouns 1.3 - foreign language learning [*] SwitchRes 1.1.2 (de) [*] SwitchRes 1.1.2 (en) [*] SwitchRes 1.1.2 (fr) [*] Trash Bag 1.21 [*] Wait Application osax 1.1 [*] WWWStat4Mac-161.hqx [*] X-Words Deluxe 1.21 (Best Mac Scrabble / Crossword Game!) (A) PCMCIA modems and price differences (Q) Keeping downloads active (Q) Problem reading floppy disks (Q) Problem reading floppy disks (Q)Finder Preferences File Damage (re) Problem reading floppy disks [A] Checkbook Software [A] Eudora addresses [A] Problems installing Netcaster using Communicator?? [Q] ZTerm and High Speed Modems AVI to QuickTime Checkbook Software email viruses (R) Eudora addresses Eudora addresses Modem Init site PCMCIA modems and price differences Quicktime Musical Instruments What's the Status of Java on the Mac? (R) Zip failure after power cut #### TEXT infomacv15-273.txt **** Today's Topics: (A) Finder Preferences File Dmg. (A) Keeping downloads active (Q) Keeping downloads active (Q) Problem reading floppy disks (Q) Trouble maintaining monitor resolution. (Q)Finder Preferences File Damage [*] TidBITS#409/10-Dec-97 [A] AVI to QuickTime [A] Avi to Quicktime [A] AVI to QuickTime [Q] Connecting Color Stylewriter 2200 to [Q] Invisible icon files... [Q] Monitor Res Switching Fiasco Challenge... [Q] Munged Disk/File Utility Needed [Q] OS8 Desktop Pictures Apple Store experiences? AVI to QT Thanks AVI to QT utility clone vs. the keyboards connect-the-dot font? Duplicate articles in one digest? Eudora addresses Eudora addresses Eudora Pro and Eudora4.0b39-1.98 Java MRJ..the good cure PCMCIA modems and price differences PCMCIA modems and price differences Pop-Up Menu Tweaks? SFA crashing at startup Solution to reading IM digests in Easy View via Netscape sparq drives? V-Ram and Ram Testing... Warning to Fastback Users - Don't Use It! Zip failure after power cut (R) #### TEXT infomacv15-274.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Styles" Celtic Knot 3.0, update for Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] "Styles" Garden 3.0, update for Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] "Styles" Greek Key 3.0, update for Kaleidocope 1.8 [*] "Styles" Lace and Sapphires for Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] "Styles" Springtime 3.0 for Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] "Styles" Stripes 3.0 for Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] Accent: Appearance Editor v1.0 [*] AFL Package 1.0.4 [*] Amadeus 1.5.6 for Kaleidoscope [*] AMICO 2.1.1J - Japanese Version [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 046 [*] Dark Copland [*] finderview-cm-102.sit [*] German's Patterns v3.0.sit [*] Gort's Icons Volume 3 [*] GreyMist 1.5.6 -Kaleidoscope [*] HotSpurs 1.5.6 -Kaleidoscope [*] HotSpurs+ 1.5.6 -Kaleidoscope [*] JAREDSHoliday.hqx - ATONAL AMIGO, JARED SINGS AGAIN! [*] Jeremy's Control Strip Modules 1.7.3 [*] Jesse's Copland Schemes [*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.8 [*] Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection 1.8 [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.8 [*] Kaleidscope color scheme Alex Gray 1.8 [*] MacPlaza 1.5.2 -Kaleidoscope [*] MacPlaza+ 1.5.2 -Kaleidoscope [*] Nautical, but nice Icon Collection [*] NewtJared for NOS2.0 [*] Newton Bandwidth [*] OpiumSeed 1.5 -Kaleidoscope [*] OpiumSeed+ 1.5 -Kaleidoscope [*] QuickNailer 1.42 [*] RETRO CD 1.5 - Variable Speed CD Player [*] RETRO CD 1.5 - Variable Speed CD Player [*] RETRO CD 1.5 - Variable Speed CD Player [*] RETRO CD 1.5 - Variable Speed CD Player [*] Saul's Hard Disk Icons, V1.1.0 [*] SimpleSong 1.1 Demo [*] SndSampler 3.5 [*] trans4motion-engl-demo / realtime motion painting [*] trans4motion-germandemo / realtime motion painting [*] Ultimate Label Printer Pro 5.0 [*] Ultimate NHL Package 2.0.4 [*] Victoriana for Kaleidoscope #### TEXT infomacv15-275.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "WishCarol" Holiday System Clock Sounds (Stereo) [*] AfterDark modules No Interrupt 1.0 [*] AutoShare 2.0, a freeware list server [*] Awale 2.2.2c : Ancient African game [*] bol-processor-274-appl [*] Bubblomania 1.5 [*] Chelsea's Game [*] Cobra-Gunship-1.2 [*] Cool System Beeps [*] Date Reminder v1.2 PPC [*] Desktop PIC series Rendered In Bryce [*] Desktop PIC series Rendered In Bryce [*] Desktop PIC series Rendered In Bryce [*] Desktop PIC series Rendered In Bryce [*] Dialog_Task_Timer_10 (closes sticky dialogs, executes timely ta [*] Digital_Diary_v1.7.8 [*] Enigma 2.7 [*] ExtractIt! for System 2.0 - The simple, powerful diagnostic [*] FileMaker Pro 3 french database of philosophy texts [*] FontBook 3.0 (e) [*] Food Nutrition Knowledge Matrix 1.0 [*] Ho Ho Ho! Email Sound (8-bit) [*] Ho Ho Ho!" Email Sound (16-bit) [*] HypnOptic 1.1.0; savescreen application. [*] IFile [*] Jingle Bell Mac 1.8 [*] Job Pointer 2.0 - Job Search Software for Job Hunters w/Macs [*] KillerApp v1.0 [*] Loafer v1.0 [*] Mac Invaders V1.10 Beta [*] Mac OS 8 Desktop Pictures 2.0 [*] MacDoc 1.3 [*] Matrak 1.0 [*] QuickMail Pro Autoreply [*] Reanimator 2.0 [*] RoboWar 4.4 [*] Savior 1.1 - Applescript that reminds you to save [*] TBID's StuddedWorkSurface 1.1 - A Simple Gray Desktop Picture [*] The Hell is so cold...-Warcraft II Maps v5.0.sit [*] The Squeegee Collection - AppleScripts for setting OS8 Finder P [*] Type / Creator Database v3.1, December 6, 1997 [*] Ultimate Label Printer Pro 5.0 [*] Utopia PS1 and TrueType v 2.1 [*] WishCarol" Holiday System Clock Sounds (Mono) [*] YOOZ 1.6US #### TEXT infomacv15-276.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] PictFader 1.0 - PICT displaying fader (A) Keeping downloads active (A) Keeping downloads active SUMMARY (Q) Keeping downloads active [A] Invisible icon files... [Q] invisible icon files (additional info) [Q] Invisible Icon Files continued... [Q] Invisible icon files... [Q] Invisible icon files... [Q] Invisible icon files... [Q] ZTerm and High Speed Modems Alternative to Norton Apple Store experiences? Application won't quit ATA Flash Card AVI to QT Thanks / More Movies? Avoid Shreve Systems of Shreveport LA CD not mounted (Sys7.6.1) cleaning keyboards clone vs. the keyboards ColorSync Connecting Color Stylewriter 2200 creating a font? Freezes in Communicator 4.04 Ice Hockey Stats templates Invisible icon files... Java MRJ..the good cure Java MRJ..the good cure Looking for Twain MacWorld Expo-San Francisco Travel Tips Munged file utility Networking a Mac on a Windows NT 4.0 network Power CD-ROM Problem Printing to Epson Stylus Pro From PC Compatable.. Q: Applescript for Changing Monitor Size question on modems Taking Eudora Home Techtool Pro vs. Norton Utilities Too fast for Boot Disk? Upgrading to G3 Warning to Fastback Users - Don't Use It! Win95 Notebook on AppleTalk Ethernet? Zip failure after power cut (R) #### TEXT infomacv15-277.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#410/15-Dec-97 (A) Keeping downloads active SUMMARY [A] invisible icon files (additional info) [A] Networking a Mac on a Windows NT 4.0 network [Q] Invisible Icon Files continued... A fe G3 Questions. Application won't quit Application won't quit ATI 3D Rage II+ card in the G3 machines... Desktop pattern to Picture? Elementary menu questions Eudora at home Freezes in Communicator 4.04 Freezes in Communicator 4.04 invisible icon files More Movies MPEG-3 players for 68k Macs? Navigator 4.x and Java Power CD-ROM Problem Q: Applescript for Changing Monitor Size Q: Applescript for Changing Monitor Size Request help with Stylewriter 2400 Taking Eudora Home Taking Eudora Home Techtool Pro vs. Norton Utilities Too fast for Boot Disk? Using a hosts file to connect a Mac to an NT server #### TEXT infomacv15-278.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Styles" Morganite scheme update for Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] "Styles" Pastorale scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] "Styles" Winter Wonderland color scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.5-1.8 [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?BeOrNotToBe=81?= StartupScreen [*] Ball & Stick 3.7.1 DEMO (molecular graphics) [*] Burning Monkey Solitaire v.1.0 (large) [*] Burning Monkey Solitaire v.1.0 (small) [*] Cache Killer Pro 1.05 - the original Cache Killer and more!!! [*] Christmas'97 (jigsaw puzzle game) [*] ClockSync II 1.1.2 [*] CoMa_Mac_4.3.0 [*] eloquent_desktop_patterns [*] Gene 4.2.1 genealogy and family history database [*] HolidayCons Icon Collection [*] Internet Phone Release 3.1 for Macintosh PowerPC [*] Internet Phone Release 3.1 for Macintosh PowerPC [*] Jared's Christmas v.97 [*] JazzWrapper 1.12 [*] Learn To Type v1.5.1 68k - Dvorak or QWERTY? [*] Learn To Type v1.5.1 BW - Dvorak or QWERTY? [*] Learn To Type v1.5.1 PPC - Dvorak or QWERTY? [*] lt268k10b.hqx - Lotto Tracker II for 68K (V.1.0B) [*] lt2ppc10b.hqx - Lotto Tracker II for PPC (V.1.0B) [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.0.1.sit [*] MacEME_1.2.2.hqx [*] Perseus for Kaleidoscope [*] Pressmeddelande =?iso-8859-1?Q?fr=C2n?= Dr. Feelgood [*] PrintGuard 1.0.2 [*] SyJetWrapper 1.12 [*] ToScrap 1.3.0; Clipboard utility. [*] VSEPRplex 1.1.7 [*] VSEPRplex 1.1.7 [*] VSEPRplex 1.1.7 [*] Whoa!.JPG...An OS8 desktop picture [*] Whoa!.JPG...An OS8 desktop picture [*] Workin' Too Hard 1.0b2 [*] Xmas ScreenSaver [*] Yechi Startup 1.1 #### TEXT infomacv15-279.txt **** Today's Topics: (Q) Sound Manager 3.1 before System 7.5 [Q] A/UX: Where, What and How? Answer Boot Disk Problem Application won't quit Bootable floppies for MacOS 8? Connecting laptop PC to Localtalk network - summary Desktop pattern to Picture? Desktop pattern to Picture? Desktop pattern to Picture? Eudora/ two email accounts Looking for Twain? Norton/TechTools Shreve Systems Some G3 questions #### TEXT infomacv15-280.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Ballistik 5.3.0_de [*] Ballistik 5.3.0_e [*] DollyDots 1.8.1 for Kaleidoscope [*] Email Effects 1.4 - Get the most out of eMail [*] FoldIt_light_430 [*] FontBook 3.1 [*] Gif.gIf.giF (68K) 1.2.3J - Japanese Version [*] Gif.gIf.giF (PPC) 1.2.3J - Japanese Version [*] HolySmoke+ 1.5 -Kaleidoscope [*] ImageUtilities CMM 1.0 [*] Jorge's_Bookmarks_v.3.5.1 [*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.8+ [*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.8+ [*] Label Printer 2.0.7 [*] MaBaSoft WorldClock CSM 1.0.sit [*] MacChess 4.0 PPC - Superb free chess program [*] MacFootballManager1.2.hqx [*] MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled SUBTRACTION for Special Lear [*] Metro 1.0 for Kaleidoscope [*] MovieUtilities CMM 1.0 [*] NetFinder 1.2.1 [English] [*] North Pole 1.0 MHG Kaleidoscope scheme [*] Nu Sans PostScript font 8.0 - a scalable Espy Sans [*] Nu Sans TrueType font 8.0 - a scalable Espy Sans [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac. [*] PictFader 1.01 update. [*] ramBunctious 1.2J - Japanese Version [*] Siemensstern_1.5.2_e [*] Software & Hardware Tracker II v2.5 [*] Solidstate (Kaleidoscope Color Scheme) [*] SoundApp 2.4.4 - Sound player and conversion utility [*] SoundApp 2.4.4 - Sound player and conversion utility [*] StaffordSounds 8-bit [*] Ultimate Label Printer Pro 5.0.1 [*] Virtual Maze Book [*] Xmas_Screensaver_97.sit [*] Yooz extension v2.63 [*] Yule4U Kaleidoscope Scheme ? Scanton 1300 [Q] Anyone knows of a real good (on line) Synonym Dictionery? Ahhhhh, Thanks to Murph Sewall for Santa's sleigh LC III system #### TEXT infomacv15-281.txt **** Today's Topics: (A) Sound Manager 3.1 before System 7.5 7200 &/or ATI Graphics Accelerator extension? [A] A/UX: Where, What and How? [A] AVI to QuickTime [A]: Application won't quit [Q] Anyone knows of a real good (on line) Synonym Dictionery? [Q] Computer Lab Security [Way-Off Topic] AppleScript Help Avoid Shreve Systems of Shreveport LA Avoid Shreve Systems of Shreveport LA Backup Options these days BETTER DESKTOP PATTERNS CD Burners Cleaning Keyboards Clone CD-ROM Drive (C) Desktop pattern to Picture? Desktop security tool eMailer/ eudora question Eudora/ two email accounts Eudora/ two email accounts Green display on a 15" Multiscan HD floppy drive problem How can I add serial ports to a Mac? HTML magic needed Info-Mac Digest V15 #277 Info-Mac Digest V15 #280 LC III system LC III system LCIII system Mac starts up all by itself Norton/TechTools/DiskEssentials PC Simms on a Mac? PopupFolder (cont) PowerComputing tech support Q: how to solve IDE disk problems replacement Icons for (Appearance Manager) Sort Bookmarks in Netscape 4.0.3?? Taking Eudora Home The watch upgrading display resolution Usage tracking utility Video Wizard Info #### TEXT infomacv15-282.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] Kaleido-NeXT 1.2 Color Scheme [*] "Styles" Pinstripe 3.0, updated color scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] "Styles" Red Rose 3.0, color scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] Akua Sweets V1.13 (osax with alert timeout) [*] Animation Maker 3.0 (68k) [*] Animation Maker 3.0 (PPC) [*] Baby Games French Plug-In [*] browsing (256k).sit [*] Buzzword Bingo v 1.9 [*] Cannons and Castles 2.0.2 [*] Cappella Sistina for Kaleidoscope [*] CDFinder 2.0 [*] Christmas_Color_Scheme [*] ConvertMachine 1.2v1J - Japanese Version [*] DNRDeleter201.hqx [*] Drop*Preview1.0.2 (FAT) [*] Enveloper 1.0b2 [*] Find document update (OSAX Macintosh) [*] FixWordSystemMemory 2.0 [*] Font List 1.1.3 [*] Font Sneak 2.8 Demo [*] HTML TagWriter 2.0 [*] Mac Tcl/Tk 8.0p2 [*] Mazeworld Abyss 1.5.1 [*] New Christmas scheme [*] ObjectPlant, object-oriented analysis and design tool [*] Orniwell 3.1.0 68k [*] Orniwell 3.1.0 ppc [*] Personal Librarian 3.1 [*] PlugIn "BeExpress" for Custom Folder [*] PlugIn "Garbage" for Custom Folder [*] PlugIn "Happy" for Custom Folder [*] PlugIn "Powermac" for Custom Folder [*] PlugIn "Super 3D Blue" for Custom Folder [*] PlugIn "Super 3D Gray" for Custom Folder [*] PlugIn "System 7.7" for Custom Folder [*] PlugIn "yppaH" for Custom Folder [*] Pressmeddelande frn Dr. Feelgood [*] Saving-Face-1.0.2.sit [*] SIDPLAY 1.36 [*] SimpleFont 2.0 [*] synk-241 [*] TradingPost 1.0b6 [*] URL Manager Pro 2.0 [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.8.3 - foreign language learning #### TEXT infomacv15-283.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Wonderful Time" Holiday Shutdown Sound (Mono) [*] "Wonderful Time" Holiday Shutdown Sound (Ster) [*] Delete Now 1.0 - delete selected files from Trash [*] Desktop Consoles 2: 1024x768 [*] Desktop Consoles 2: 1152x870 [*] Desktop Consoles 2: 640x480 [*] Desktop Consoles 2: 800x600 [*] Desktop Consoles 2: 832x624 [*] Flight Master 1.6.4 68k [*] Flight Master 1.6.4 ppc [*] Flowchart Maker 1.1 68k [*] Flowchart Maker 1.1 ppc [*] Gramotki 1.5.5-SE [*] Job Pointer 2.0 - Job Search Software for Job Hunters w/ Macs [*] Mac Restart 2.1 68k [*] Mac Restart 2.1 ppc [*] PrintGuard 1.0.3 (maintenance release) [*] RAM Charger 8.0.1 FTP File [*] StartThing 1.0.4 - simple and powerful screen-saver [*] ToScrap 1.3.1; Clipboard utility. [*] Trash*Desktop1.11(FAT) #### TEXT infomacv15-284.txt **** Today's Topics: "Buyer Beware", Request for advice (A) Re: Keeping downloads active SUMMARY (Q) Deneba Canvas 5.0.3 and Epson Twain 7200 &/or ATI Graphics Accelerator extension? [A] AppleScript Help [A] Invisible icon files... [A] real good (on line) Synonym Dictionery? [A]HTML magic needed About Avoid Shreve Systems of Shreveport LA Apple Portrait Display with G3 Macs? Backup Options these days Backup Options these days(C) Better Desktop Patterns Cleaning Keyboards Cleaning Keyboards Clone CD-ROM Drive (C) Clone CD-ROM Drive (C) Clone CD-ROM Drive (I surrender) Compact Pro eMailer/ eudora question eMailer/ eudora question Eudora/ two email accounts Eudora/ two email accounts Follow-up on Navigator 4 G3 Macs and At Ease 3.03 Green display on a 15" Multiscan How can I add serial ports to a Mac? Java, Nav 4 Problems LC III system Looking for Alien Sea and Appleballs for 1024*768 screen and Memory Problems on a 7100/tt MiniDisc & Macintosh Mystery attachment?? Navigator Bookmark Sorting Norton/TechTools/DiskEssentials Novell network PopupFolder (cont) PopupFolder (cont) Question Re: [Q] Anyone Synonym? Sound Manager question the more things change the more they stay the same The watch voice modem software Which 56.6 modem? #### TEXT infomacv15-285.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] A SmallBusiness B-marks 1.0 [*] AppleScript Series A1 [*] Autothenticate v1.1.2 [*] BOOM 1.1 [*] cokie-commander1.0.1 [*] Enhanced WordPerfect Outlining [*] Flaming Pear Textures 2 [*] Font Image Library 351 [*] Full-der 1.1 color scheme/Fake-8 info [*] g3-10 [*] GEOCAD 1.2.5 [*] GEOCAD 1.2.5 (german) [*] Gradekeeper 4.8 [*] HELLOWORLD.sit [*] ImageUtilities CMM 1.1 [*] Intelligent Chaos 1.1 [*] John's WP GREP [*] John's WP Tips & Macros 1.5 [*] Jorge's_Bookmarks_v.3.6 [*] Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] MacTypingTutor4.1 [*] Merridew's Merry Christmas MacOS StartupScreens [*] MovieUtilities CMM 1.1 [*] National Geographic Index 1997 [*] OpenBox color scheme/Fake-8 info [*] PPPop F1.6.1 - PPP Operator Utility (French Version) - submissi [*] PPPop NL1.6.1 - PPP Operator Utility (Dutch Version) [*] Program Switcher v4.4.3 [*] PutAwayCM [*] Script Tools 1.3.6 [*] Software & Hardware Tracker II v2.5.1 [*] STATsimple 1.0.4 [*] Stock Tracker V2.7 [*] TableCloths 2.1M [*] TableCloths 2.1T [*] The Computer Cookbook 2.4 [*] YOOZ 1.60*US version [*] ZyXEL Genie 1.0 for Mac OS [Q] Finder Preferences keep resetting themselves Auto Restarts Clone CD-ROM Drive (C) LC III PopupFolder SIMMs The Watch #### TEXT infomacv15-286.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Tommy" Scheme [*] Air Traffic Controller (ATC) v1.4 [*] BOOM 1.0.1->1.1 Update [*] Custom Folder v.3.4.0 [*] DevilDarts 2.0 [*] Gif.gIf.giF (68K)1.2.4J - Japanese Version [*] Gif.gIf.giF (PPC)1.2.4J - Japanese Version [*] Ili's Fantasy Square Icons [*] MacDomino-1.0.0 [*] Machinko1.0 [*] PlayerPRO 4.5.9 (FAT)-FRENCH [*] PlayerPRO (FAT) [*] PovMac68KfpuUnofficial 3.0.2r2b2 [*] PovMac68knfUnofficial 3.0.2r2b2 [*] PovMacPPCUnofficial 3.0.2r2b2 - New version [*] SET -- a game of cards [*] THE REAL DEAL [*] THE REAL DEAL [*] TitleTrack CD Player 1.0 (PowerMac Version) [*] VCD Player 1.4.5 - Full Screen VCD Playback - Johnny C N Lee (Q) PB3400 and Umax Astra 600S (Q) TCP/IP Errors [A] The watch [Q] CD Extra [Q] software to sync files on two Macs? Active matrix displays Applescript for dummies Batteries in keyboard? Buyer beware eMailer/ eudora question FileMaker Pro Question - Thanks Getting rid of Now Utilities Help: system error 11 with QT Macs and PC network Memory Problems on a 7100/tt ms net mail & news questions no cut and past with Navigator v4? Norton vs Disk Essentials Power Mac 7200/90 for Graphics. SoundManager vcf Which 56.6 modem? #### TEXT infomacv15-287.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Tommy" Scheme [*] Copland 7 Color Scheme 1.8 [*] Copland 7 Color Scheme Light 1.8 [*] Custom Folder v.3.4.0 [*] Enhanced WordPerfect Outlining [*] Flaming Pear Textures 2 [*] Full-der 1.1 color scheme/Fake-8 info [*] general-edit-demo-100 [*] GEOCAD 1.2.5 [*] GEOCAD 1.2.5 (german) [*] Ili's Fantasy Square Icons [*] ImageUtilities CMM 1.1 [*] Intelligent Chaos 1.1 [*] John's WP GREP [*] John's WP Tips & Macros 1.5 [*] Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] MovieUtilities CMM 1.1 [*] OpenBox color scheme/Fake-8 info [*] PlayerPRO 4.5.9 (FAT)-FRENCH [*] PovMac68KfpuUnofficial 3.0.2r2b2 [*] PovMac68knfUnofficial 3.0.2r2b2 [*] PovMacPPCUnofficial 3.0.2r2b2 - New version [*] Program Switcher v4.4.3 [*] PutAwayCM [*] Screwy HTML Fixer v1.1 [*] SilkWorm 1.5.6 - Kaleidoscope [*] SilkWorm+ 1.5.6 - Kaleidoscope [*] STATsimple 1.0.4 [*] SuziWong 1.5.6 - Kaleidoscope [*] SuziWong+ 1.5.6 - Kaleidoscope [*] TableCloths 2.1M [*] TableCloths 2.1T [*] TitleTrack CD Player v1.01 [*] TitleTrack CD Player v1.01 [*] VCD Player 1.4.5 - Full Screen VCD Playback - Johnny C N Lee [*] Windows 95 Color Scheme 1.8 [*] Windows 95 Color Scheme Light 1.8 [A] Software to sync [Q] software to sync files on two Macs? Applescript binaries in newsgroups in ms im&n Cause of System errors Getting Rid of Now Utilities Memory Problems on a 7100/tt Novell network #### TEXT infomacv15-288.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] A SmallBusiness B-marks 1.0 [*] Air Traffic Controller (ATC) v1.4 [*] AppleScript Series A1 [*] Autothenticate v1.1.2 [*] BOOM 1.0.1->1.1 Update [*] BOOM 1.1 [*] Cannons and Castles 2.0.2 [*] cokie-commander1.0.1 [*] Cricket v1.3 - Test Match Simulator [*] DevilDarts 2.0 [*] File Buddy 4.3.1 [*] FirstClass DropMail DEMO [*] Font Image Library 351 [*] G3 DESKTOPS [*] g3-10 [*] GetVolumeDriver Scripting Addition [*] Gif.gIf.giF (68K)1.2.4J - Japanese Version [*] Gif.gIf.giF (PPC)1.2.4J - Japanese Version [*] Gradekeeper 4.8 [*] HELLOWORLD.sit [*] HTML Colors v1.1 [*] InfinaTracker 1.0b3r1.sit [*] Jorge's_Bookmarks_v.3.7 [*] Kelly's MacinSinger (Freeware Music Hypercard Stack) [*] MacDomino-1.0.0 [*] Machinko1.0 [*] MacTypingTutor4.1 [*] Merridew's Merry Christmas MacOS StartupScreens [*] National Geographic Index 1997 [*] PlayerPRO (FAT) [*] PowerBook Essential Strip 1.0 [*] PPPop F1.6.1 - PPP Operator Utility (French Version) - submissi [*] PPPop NL1.6.1 - PPP Operator Utility (Dutch Version) [*] Script Tools 1.3.6 [*] SET -- a game of cards [*] Software & Hardware Tracker II v2.5.1 [*] Space Debris 2.1 [*] Stock Tracker V2.7 [*] The Computer Cookbook 2.4 [*] THE REAL DEAL [*] THE REAL DEAL [*] YOOZ 1.60*US version [*] ZyXEL Genie 1.0 for Mac OS [Q] MooV2Midi and Midi2Mod Active matrix displays #### TEXT infomacv15-289.txt **** Today's Topics: 971228 RE: Cut & Paste in Navigator 4 Applescript for dummies batteries in keyboards? CD Extra eMailer/ eudora question Getting rid of Now Utilities Help with display problem Hooking a Mac up to a Novell Network Illustrator v's and the PS "Paths to ..." plugin Info-Mac Digest V15 #286 LC111 Mystery attachment?? Norton vs Disk Essentials Norton/TechTools/DiskEssentials sharing modem Sound Manager question Where to find used parts, etc.? YOU KNEW THIS WOULD COME #### TEXT infomacv15-290.txt **** Today's Topics: [*] "Styles" Bunnies for Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] "Styles" Geometric for Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] "Styles" Peach Lace for Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] "Styles" Twilight for Kaleidoscope 1.8 [*] ChangeFileDates [*] ChristmasFun Time [*] Conbelin - knotwork clip art [*] deTeXtor1.4.1 [*] Faeries for Kaleidoscope [*] Fetch-O-Matic 2.0.3 automated website maintenance via FTP [*] Hyperize v2 [*] IC 1.2 (updated) [*] India Ink 1.4 - stylized Photoshop halftones [*] Jubal Sans 1.2 Multiple Master font - a scalable Espy Sans [*] KillerApp v1.1 [*] Mac INIT Strings (mis.sea) [*] MacASM82 [*] Master Spell 3.0 Spelling Tester [*] MetroGnome [*] Newton Aviator 1.1 Demo [*] PC Demo [*] PictureSnooperV1.3 AutoSearch/Download Binaries Off NewsGroups [*] PlayerPRO Internet PlugIn 1.0 [*] PRAM Inspector 1.0 [*] QuickEncrypt 3.0b3; a flexible and secure encryption utility. [*] RoyalOrchid 1.5.6 - Kaleidoscope [*] RoyalOrchid+ 1.5.6 - Kaleidoscope [*] StopWatch1.4.1 [*] Trilite 1.0