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Funciones incluidas en PostgreSQL

Función Argumentos Valor de regreso Descripción
_bpchar _bpchar int4 _bpchar truncate _char()
_varchar _varchar int4 _varchar truncate _varchar()
abs numeric numeric absolute value
abstime abstime abstime convert (noop)
abstime datetime abstime convert datetime to abstime
abstime_date abstime date convert abstime to date
abstime_datetime abstime datetime convert abstime to datetime
abstime_finite abstime bool
abstimeeq abstime abstim bool equal
abstimege abstime abstim bool greater-than-or-equal
abstimegt abstime abstim bool greater-than
abstimele abstime abstim bool less-than-or-equal
abstimelt abstime abstim bool less-than
abstimene abstime abstim bool not equal
aclcontains _aclitem aclit bool matches regex., case-sensitive
aclinsert _aclitem aclit _aclitem addition
aclremove _aclitem aclit _aclitem subtract
age datetime timespan difference between datetime and to
age datetime datet timespan difference between datetimes but l
area box float8 box area
area circle float8 area of circle
areajoinsel oid oid int2 o float8 selectivity
areasel oid oid int2 i float8 selectivity
array_assgn int4 int4 int4 int4 array
array_clip int4 int4 int4 int4 array
array_in int4 int4 array
array_ref int4 int4 int4 int4 array
array_set int4 int4 int4 int4 array
booleq bool bool bool equal
boolgt bool bool bool greater-than
boollt bool bool bool less-than
boolne bool bool bool not equal
box box box box convert boxes to box (intersection
box circle box convert circle to box
box point point box convert points to box
box polygon box convert polygon to box
box_above box box bool is above
box_add box point box add point to box (translate)
box_area box float8 box area
box_below box box bool is below
box_center box point center of
box_circle box circle convert box to circle
box_contain box box bool contains
box_contained box box bool contained in
box_diagonal box lseg box diagonal
box_distance box box float8 distance between
box_div box point box divide box by point (scale)
box_eq box box bool equal
box_ge box box bool greater-than-or-equal
box_gt box box bool greater-than
box_height box float8 box height
box_intersect box box box intersects
box_le box box bool less-than-or-equal
box_left box box bool is left of
box_lt box box bool less-than
box_mul box point box multiply box by point (scale)
box_overlap box box bool overlaps
box_overleft box box bool overlaps, but does not extend to r
box_overright box box bool overlaps, but does not extend to l
box_poly box polygon convert box to polygon
box_right box box bool is left of
box_same box box bool same as
box_sub box point box subtract point from box (translate
box_width box float8 box width
bpchar bpchar int4 bpchar truncate char()
bpchar char bpchar convert char to char()
bpchar name bpchar convert name to char()
bpchar_char bpchar char convert char() to char
bpchar_name bpchar name convert char() to name
bpcharcmp bpchar bpchar int4 less-equal-greater
bpchareq bpchar bpchar bool equal
bpcharge bpchar bpchar bool greater-than-or-equal
bpchargt bpchar bpchar bool greater-than
bpcharin int4 bpchar (internal)
bpcharle bpchar bpchar bool less-than-or-equal
bpcharlen bpchar int4 octet length
bpcharlt bpchar bpchar bool less-than
bpcharne bpchar bpchar bool not equal
bpcharoctetlen bpchar int4 octet length
broadcast inet text broadcast address
btabstimecmp abstime abstim int4 btree less-equal-greater
btcharcmp char char int4 btree less-equal-greater
btfloat4cmp float4 float4 int4 btree less-equal-greater
btfloat8cmp float8 float8 int4 btree less-equal-greater
btint24cmp int2 int4 int4 btree less-equal-greater
btint2cmp int2 int2 int4 btree less-equal-greater
btint42cmp int4 int2 int4 btree less-equal-greater
btint4cmp int4 int4 int4 btree less-equal-greater
btint8cmp int8 int8 int4 btree less-equal-greater
btnamecmp name name int4 btree less-equal-greater
btoid8cmp oid8 oid8 int4 btree less-equal-greater
btoidcmp oid oid int4 btree less-equal-greater
btreenpage oid oid int2 i float8 btree
btreesel oid oid int2 i float8 btree selectivity
btrim text text trim both ends of string
btrim text text text trim both ends of string
bttextcmp text text int4 btree less-equal-greater
byteaGetBit bytea int4 int4
byteaGetByte bytea int4 int4
byteaGetSize bytea int4
byteaSetBit bytea int4 int bytea
byteaSetByte bytea int4 int bytea
cash_div_flt4 money float4 money divide
cash_div_flt8 money float8 money divide
cash_div_int2 money int2 money divide
cash_div_int4 money int4 money divide
cash_eq money money bool equal
cash_ge money money bool greater-than-or-equal
cash_gt money money bool greater-than
cash_le money money bool less-than-or-equal
cash_lt money money bool less-than
cash_mi money money money subtract
cash_mul_flt4 money float4 money multiply
cash_mul_flt8 money float8 money multiply
cash_mul_int2 money int2 money multiply
cash_mul_int4 money int4 money multiply
cash_ne money money bool not equal
cash_pl money money money addition
cash_words_out money text output amount as words
cashlarger money money money larger of two
cashsmaller money money money smaller of two
ceil numeric numeric smallest integer 92#92 value
center box point box center
center circle point center of circle
center polygon point
char bpchar char convert char() to char
char text char convert text to char()
char_bpchar char bpchar convert char to char()
char_text char text convert char to text
chardiv char char char divide
chareq char char bool equal
charge char char bool greater-than-or-equal
chargt char char bool greater-than
charle char char bool less-than-or-equal
charlt char char bool less-than
charmi char char char subtract
charmul char char char multiply
charne char char bool not equal
charpl char char char addition
cideq cid cid bool equal
circle box circle convert box to circle
circle point float8 circle convert point and radius to circle
circle polygon circle convert polygon to circle
circle_above circle circle bool is above
circle_add_pt circle point circle addition
circle_area circle float8 area
circle_below circle circle bool is below
circle_box circle box convert circle to box
circle_center circle point center of
circle_contain circle circle bool contains
circle_contain_pt circle point bool
circle_contained circle circle bool
circle_diameter circle float8 diameter
circle_distance circle circle float8 distance between
circle_div_pt circle point circle divide
circle_eq circle circle bool equal
circle_ge circle circle bool greater-than-or-equal
circle_gt circle circle bool greater-than
circle_le circle circle bool less-than-or-equal
circle_left circle circle bool is left of
circle_lt circle circle bool less-than
circle_mul_pt circle point circle multiply
circle_ne circle circle bool not equal
circle_overlap circle circle bool overlaps
circle_overleft circle circle bool overlaps, but does not extend to r
circle_overright circle circle bool
circle_poly int4 circle polygon convert vertex count and circle to
circle_radius circle float8 radius
circle_right circle circle bool is left of
circle_same circle circle bool same as
circle_sub_pt circle point circle subtract
close_lb line box point closest point to line on box
close_ls line lseg point closest point to line on line segm
close_lseg lseg lseg point closest point to line segment on l
close_pb point box point closest point on box
close_pl point line point closest point on line
close_ps point lseg point closest point on line segment
close_sb lseg box point closest point to line segment on b
close_sl lseg line point closest point to line segment on l
currval text int4 sequence current value
date abstime date convert abstime to date
date date date convert (noop)
date datetime date convert datetime to date
date_cmp date date int4 less-equal-greater
date_datetime date datetime convert date to datetime
date_eq date date bool equal
date_ge date date bool greater-than-or-equal
date_gt date date bool greater-than
date_larger date date date larger of two
date_le date date bool less-than-or-equal
date_lt date date bool less-than
date_mi date date int4 subtract
date_mii date int4 date subtract
date_ne date date bool not equal
date_part text abstime float8 extract field from abstime
date_part text date float8 extract field from date
date_part text datetime float8 extract field from datetime
date_part text reltime float8 extract field from reltime
date_part text time float8 extract field from time
date_part text timespan float8 extract field from timespan
date_pli date int4 date addition
date_smaller date date date smaller of two
date_trunc text datetime datetime truncate datetime to field
date_trunc text timespan timespan truncate timespan to field
date_zone text datetime text
datetime abstime datetime convert abstime to datetime
datetime date datetime convert date to datetime
datetime date time datetime convert date and time to datetime
datetime datetime datetime convert (noop)
datetime text datetime convert text to datetime
datetime timestamp datetime convert timestamp to datetime
datetime_abstime datetime abstime convert datetime to abstime
datetime_age datetime datet timespan date difference preserving months
datetime_cmp datetime datet int4 less-equal-greater
datetime_date datetime date convert datetime to date
datetime_datetime date time datetime convert date and time to datetime
datetime_eq datetime datet bool equal
datetime_finite datetime bool
datetime_ge datetime datet bool greater-than-or-equal
datetime_gt datetime datet bool greater-than
datetime_larger datetime datet datetime larger of two
datetime_le datetime datet bool less-than-or-equal
datetime_lt datetime datet bool less-than
datetime_mi datetime datet timespan subtract
datetime_mi_span datetime times datetime minus
datetime_ne datetime datet bool not equal
datetime_part text datetime float8 extract field from datetime
datetime_pl_span datetime times datetime plus
datetime_smaller datetime datet datetime smaller of two
datetime_text datetime text convert datetime to text
datetime_time datetime time convert datetime to time
datetime_timestamp datetime timestamp convert datetime to timestamp
datetime_trunc text datetime datetime truncate datetime to specified uni
datetime_zone text datetime text
dcbrt float8 float8 cube root
dexp float8 float8 exponential
diameter circle float8 diameter of circle
dist_cpoly circle polygon float8 distance between
dist_lb line box float8 distance between
dist_pb point box float8 distance between
dist_pc point circle float8 distance between
dist_pl point line float8 distance between
dist_ppath point path float8 distance between
dist_ps point lseg float8 distance between
dist_sb lseg box float8 distance between
dist_sl lseg line float8 distance between
dlog1 float8 float8 natural logarithm (in psql, protec
dpow float8 float8 float8 exponentiation
dround float8 float8 truncate to integer
dsqrt float8 float8 square root
dtof float8 float4 convert float8 to float4
dtoi2 float8 int2 convert float8 to int2
dtoi4 float8 int4 convert float8 to int4
dtoi8 float8 int8 convert float8 to int8
dtrunc float8 float8 truncate to integer
eqjoinsel oid oid int2 o float8 selectivity
eqsel oid oid int2 i float8 general selectivity
exp numeric numeric e raised to the power of n
float float4 float8 convert float4 to float8
float float8 float8 convert float8 to float8 (no-op)
float4 float4 float4 convert float4 to float4 (no-op)
float4 float8 float4 convert float8 to float4
float4 int2 float4 convert int2 to float4
float4 int4 float4 convert int4 to float4
float4 numeric float4 (internal)
float4 text float4 convert text to float4
float48div float4 float8 float8 divide
float48eq float4 float8 bool equal
float48ge float4 float8 bool greater-than-or-equal
float48gt float4 float8 bool greater-than
float48le float4 float8 bool less-than-or-equal
float48lt float4 float8 bool less-than
float48mi float4 float8 float8 subtract
float48mul float4 float8 float8 multiply
float48ne float4 float8 bool not equal
float48pl float4 float8 float8 addition
float4_numeric float4 numeric (internal)
float4_text float4 text convert float4 to text
float4abs float4 float4 float4 absolute value
float4div float4 float4 float4 divide
float4eq float4 float4 bool equal
float4ge float4 float4 bool greater-than-or-equal
float4gt float4 float4 bool greater-than
float4inc float4 float4 increment
float4larger float4 float4 float4 larger of two
float4le float4 float4 bool less-than-or-equal
float4lt float4 float4 bool less-than
float4mi float4 float4 float4 subtract
float4mul float4 float4 float4 multiply
float4ne float4 float4 bool not equal
float4pl float4 float4 float4 addition
float4smaller float4 float4 float4 smaller of two
float4um float4 float4 subtract
float8 float4 float8 convert float4 to float8
float8 float8 float8 convert (no-op)
float8 int2 float8 convert int2 to float8
float8 int4 float8 convert int4 to float8
float8 int8 float8 convert int8 to float8
float8 numeric float8 (internal)
float8 text float8 convert text to float8
float84div float8 float4 float8 divide
float84eq float8 float4 bool equal
float84ge float8 float4 bool greater-than-or-equal
float84gt float8 float4 bool greater-than
float84le float8 float4 bool less-than-or-equal
float84lt float8 float4 bool less-than
float84mi float8 float4 float8 subtract
float84mul float8 float4 float8 multiply
float84ne float8 float4 bool not equal
float84pl float8 float4 float8 addition
float8_numeric float8 numeric (internal)
float8_text float8 text convert float8 to text
float8abs float8 float8 absolute value
float8div float8 float8 float8 divide
float8eq float8 float8 bool equal
float8ge float8 float8 bool greater-than-or-equal
float8gt float8 float8 bool greater-than
float8inc float8 float8 increment
float8larger float8 float8 float8 larger of two
float8le float8 float8 bool less-than-or-equal
float8lt float8 float8 bool less-than
float8mi float8 float8 float8 subtract
float8mul float8 float8 float8 multiply
float8ne float8 float8 bool not equal
float8pl float8 float8 float8 addition
float8smaller float8 float8 float8 smaller of two
float8um float8 float8 subtract
floor numeric numeric largest integer 93#93 value
flt4_mul_cash float4 money money multiply
flt8_mul_cash float8 money money multiply
ftod float4 float8 convert float4 to float8
ftoi2 float4 int2 convert float4 to int2
ftoi4 float4 int4 convert float4 to int4
getdatabaseencoding name
getpgusername name (internal)
gistnpage oid oid int2 i float8 gist
gistsel oid oid int2 i float8 gist selectivity
hashbpchar bpchar int4 hash
hashchar char int4 hash
hashfloat4 float4 int4 hash
hashfloat8 float8 int4 hash
hashint2 int2 int4 hash
hashint4 int4 int4 hash
hashint8 int8 int4 hash
hashname name int4 hash
hashnpage oid oid int2 i float8 hash
hashoid oid int4 hash
hashoid8 oid8 int4 hash
hashsel oid oid int2 i float8 selectivity
hashtext text int4 hash
hashvarchar varchar int4 hash
height box float8 box height
host inet text host address
i2tod int2 float8 convert int2 to float8
i2tof int2 float4 convert int2 to float4
i2toi4 int2 int4 convert int2 to int4
i4tod int4 float8 convert int4 to float8
i4tof int4 float4 convert int4 to float4
i4toi2 int4 int2 convert int4 to int2
i8tod int8 float8 convert int8 to float8
ininterval abstime tinter bool abstime in tinterval
initcap text text capitalize each word
int int4 int4 convert (no-op)
int2 float4 int2 convert float4 to int2
int2 float8 int2 convert float8 to int2
int2 int2 int2 convert (no-op)
int2 int4 int2 convert int4 to int2
int2 text int2 convert text to int2
int24div int2 int4 int4 divide
int24eq int2 int4 bool equal
int24ge int2 int4 bool greater-than-or-equal
int24gt int2 int4 bool greater-than
int24le int2 int4 bool less-than-or-equal
int24lt int2 int4 bool less-than
int24mi int2 int4 int4 subtract
int24mod int2 int4 int4 modulus
int24mul int2 int4 int4 multiply
int24ne int2 int4 bool not equal
int24pl int2 int4 int4 addition
int2_mul_cash int2 money money multiply
int2_text int2 text convert int2 to text
int2div int2 int2 int2 divide
int2eq int2 int2 bool equal
int2fac int2 int2
int2ge int2 int2 bool greater-than-or-equal
int2gt int2 int2 bool greater-than
int2inc int2 int2 increment
int2larger int2 int2 int2 larger of two
int2le int2 int2 bool less-than-or-equal
int2lt int2 int2 bool less-than
int2mi int2 int2 int2 subtract
int2mod int2 int2 int2 modulus
int2mul int2 int2 int2 multiply
int2ne int2 int2 bool not equal
int2pl int2 int2 int2 addition
int2smaller int2 int2 int2 smaller of two
int2um int2 int2 subtract
int4 float4 int4 convert float4 to int4
int4 float8 int4 convert float8 to int4
int4 int2 int4 convert int2 to int4
int4 int4 int4 convert (no-op)
int4 int8 int4 convert int8 to int4
int4 numeric int4 (internal)
int4 text int4 convert text to int4
int4 varchar int4 convert varchar to int4
int42div int4 int2 int4 divide
int42eq int4 int2 bool equal
int42ge int4 int2 bool greater-than-or-equal
int42gt int4 int2 bool greater-than
int42le int4 int2 bool less-than-or-equal
int42lt int4 int2 bool less-than
int42mi int4 int2 int4 subtract
int42mod int4 int2 int4 modulus
int42mul int4 int2 int4 multiply
int42ne int4 int2 bool not equal
int42pl int4 int2 int4 addition
int48 int4 int8 convert int4 to int8
int48div int4 int8 int8 divide
int48eq int4 int8 bool equal
int48ge int4 int8 bool greater-than-or-equal
int48gt int4 int8 bool greater-than
int48le int4 int8 bool less-than-or-equal
int48lt int4 int8 bool less-than
int48mi int4 int8 int8 subtraction
int48mul int4 int8 int8 multiply
int48ne int4 int8 bool not equal
int48pl int4 int8 int8 addition
int4_mul_cash int4 money money multiply
int4_numeric int4 numeric (internal)
int4_text int4 text convert int4 to text
int4div int4 int4 int4 divide
int4eq int4 int4 bool equal
int4eqoid int4 oid bool equal
int4fac int4 int4 fraction
int4ge int4 int4 bool greater-than-or-equal
int4gt int4 int4 bool greater-than
int4inc int4 int4 increment
int4larger int4 int4 int4 larger of two
int4le int4 int4 bool less-than-or-equal
int4lt int4 int4 bool less-than
int4mi int4 int4 int4 subtract
int4mod int4 int4 int4 modulus
int4mul int4 int4 int4 multiply
int4ne int4 int4 bool not equal
int4notin int4 bool not in
int4pl int4 int4 int4 addition
int4reltime int4 reltime convert int4 to reltime
int4smaller int4 int4 int4 smaller of two
int4um int4 int4 subtract
int8 float8 int8 convert float8 to int8
int8 int4 int8 convert int4 to int8
int8 int8 int8 convert int8 to int8 (no-op)
int8 text int8 convert text to int8
int8 varchar int8 convert varchar to int8
int84 int8 int4 convert int8 to int4
int84div int8 int4 int8 divide
int84eq int8 int4 bool equal
int84ge int8 int4 bool greater-than-or-equal
int84gt int8 int4 bool greater-than
int84le int8 int4 bool less-than-or-equal
int84lt int8 int4 bool less-than
int84mi int8 int4 int8 subtraction
int84mul int8 int4 int8 multiply
int84ne int8 int4 bool not equal
int84pl int8 int4 int8 addition
int8_text int8 text convert int8 to text
int8div int8 int8 int8 divide
int8eq int8 int8 bool equal
int8ge int8 int8 bool greater-than-or-equal
int8gt int8 int8 bool greater-than
int8larger int8 int8 int8 larger of two
int8le int8 int8 bool less-than-or-equal
int8lt int8 int8 bool less-than
int8mi int8 int8 int8 subtraction
int8mul int8 int8 int8 multiply
int8ne int8 int8 bool not equal
int8pl int8 int8 int8 addition
int8smaller int8 int8 int8 smaller of two
int8um int8 int8 unary minus
inter_lb line box bool
inter_sb lseg box bool
inter_sl lseg line bool
intervalct tinterval tint bool less-than
intervalend tinterval abstime
intervaleq tinterval tint bool equal
intervalge tinterval tint bool greater-than-or-equal
intervalgt tinterval tint bool greater-than
intervalle tinterval tint bool less-than-or-equal
intervalleneq tinterval relt bool length equal
intervallenge tinterval relt bool length greater-than-or-equal
intervallengt tinterval relt bool length greater-than
intervallenle tinterval relt bool length less-than-or-equal
intervallenlt tinterval relt bool length less-than
intervallenne tinterval relt bool length not equal to
intervallt tinterval tint bool less-than
intervalne tinterval tint bool not equal
intervalov tinterval tint bool overlaps
intervalrel tinterval reltime
intervalsame tinterval tint bool same as
intervalstart tinterval abstime start of interval
intgtjoinsel oid oid int2 o float8 selectivity
intgtsel oid oid int2 i float8 selectivity
intltjoinsel oid oid int2 o float8 selectivity
intltsel oid oid int2 i float8 selectivity
isclosed path bool
isfalse bool bool
isfinite abstime bool boolean test
isfinite datetime bool boolean test
isfinite timespan bool boolean test
ishorizontal line bool is line horizontal?
ishorizontal lseg bool
ishorizontal point point bool
isoldpath path bool
isopen path bool
isparallel line line bool are lines parallel?
isparallel lseg lseg bool
isperpendicular lseg lseg bool
istrue bool bool
isvertical line bool is line vertical?
isvertical lseg bool
isvertical point point bool
keyfirsteq int2 bool
length bpchar int4 character length
length lseg float8 distance between endpoints
length path float8 sum of lengths of path segments
length text int4 character length
length varchar int4 character length
line point point line points to line
line_construct_pp point point line line from points
line_distance line line float8 distance between
line_eq line line bool lines equal?
line_horizontal line bool lines horizontal?
line_interpt line line point intersection point
line_intersect line line bool lines intersect?
line_parallel line line bool lines parallel?
line_perp line line bool lines perpendicular?
line_vertical line bool lines vertical?
ln numeric numeric natural logarithm of n
lo_close int4 int4 large object close
lo_creat int4 oid large object create
lo_export oid text int4 large object export
lo_import text oid large object import
lo_lseek int4 int4 int4 int4 large object seek
lo_open oid int4 int4 large object open
lo_tell int4 int4 large object position
lo_unlink oid int4 large object unlink(delete)
log numeric numeri numeric logarithm base m of n
loread int4 int4 bytea large object read
lower text text lowercase
lowrite int4 bytea int4 large object write
lpad text int4 text left-pad string to length
lpad text int4 text text left-pad string to length
lseg box lseg
lseg point point lseg
lseg_center lseg point center of
lseg_construct point point lseg convert points to line segment
lseg_distance lseg lseg float8 distance between
lseg_eq lseg lseg bool equal
lseg_ge lseg lseg bool greater-than-or-equal
lseg_gt lseg lseg bool greater-than
lseg_horizontal lseg bool is horizontal
lseg_interpt lseg lseg point
lseg_intersect lseg lseg bool intersects
lseg_le lseg lseg bool less-than-or-equal
lseg_length lseg float8 distance between endpoints
lseg_lt lseg lseg bool less-than
lseg_ne lseg lseg bool not equal
lseg_parallel lseg lseg bool is parallel to
lseg_perp lseg lseg bool is perpendicular to
lseg_vertical lseg bool is vertical
ltrim text text remove initial characters from str
ltrim text text text left-pad string to length
macaddr_cmp macaddr macadd int4 less-equal-greater
macaddr_eq macaddr macadd bool equal
macaddr_ge macaddr macadd bool greater-than-or-equal
macaddr_gt macaddr macadd bool greater-than
macaddr_le macaddr macadd bool less-than-or-equal
macaddr_lt macaddr macadd bool less-than
macaddr_manuf macaddr text MAC manufacturer
macaddr_ne macaddr macadd bool not equal
masklen inet int4 netmask length
mktinterval abstime abstim tinterval convert to interval
mod numeric numeri numeric modulus
name bpchar name convert char() to name
name text name convert text to name
name varchar name convert varchar to name
name_bpchar name bpchar convert name to char()
name_text name text convert name to text
nameeq name name bool equal
namege name name bool greater-than-or-equal
namegt name name bool greater-than
nameicregexeq name text bool matches regex., case-insensitive
nameicregexne name text bool does not match regex., case-insens
namele name name bool less-than-or-equal
namelike name text bool matches LIKE expression
namelt name name bool less-than
namene name name bool not equal
namenlike name text bool does not match LIKE expression
nameregexeq name text bool matches regex., case-sensitive
nameregexne name text bool does not match regex., case-sensit
neqjoinsel oid oid int2 o float8 selectivity
neqsel oid oid int2 i float8 not-equal selectivity
netmask inet text netmask of address
network inet text network address
network_broadcast inet text broadcast address
network_cmp inet inet int4 less-equal-greater
network_eq inet inet bool equal
network_ge inet inet bool greater-than-or-equal
network_gt inet inet bool greater-than
network_host inet text host address
network_le inet inet bool less-than-or-equal
network_lt inet inet bool less-than
network_masklen inet int4 netmask length
network_ne inet inet bool not equal
network_netmask inet text netmask of address
network_network inet text network address
network_sub inet inet bool is-subnet
network_subeq inet inet bool is-subnet-or-equal
network_sup inet inet bool is-supernet
network_supeq inet inet bool is-supernet-or-equal
nextval text int4 sequence next value
now timestamp current transaction time
numeric float4 numeric (internal)
numeric float8 numeric (internal)
numeric int4 numeric (internal)
numeric numeric int4 numeric (internal)
numeric_abs numeric numeric absolute value
numeric_add numeric numeri numeric addition
numeric_ceil numeric numeric smallest integer >= value
numeric_dec numeric numeric decrement by one
numeric_div numeric numeri numeric divide
numeric_eq numeric numeri bool equal
numeric_exp numeric numeric e raised to the power of n
numeric_float4 numeric float4 (internal)
numeric_float8 numeric float8 (internal)
numeric_floor numeric numeric largest integer <= value
numeric_ge numeric numeri bool greater-than-or-equal
numeric_gt numeric numeri bool greater-than
numeric_in int4 numeric (internal)
numeric_inc numeric numeric increment by one
numeric_int4 numeric int4 (internal)
numeric_larger numeric numeri numeric larger of two numbers
numeric_le numeric numeri bool lower-than-or-equal
numeric_ln numeric numeric natural logarithm of n
numeric_log numeric numeri numeric logarithm base m of n
numeric_lt numeric numeri bool lower-than
numeric_mod numeric numeri numeric modulus
numeric_mul numeric numeri numeric multiply
numeric_ne numeric numeri bool not equal
numeric_power numeric numeri numeric m raised to the power of n
numeric_round numeric int4 numeric value rounded to 'scale'
numeric_sign numeric numeric sign of value
numeric_smaller numeric numeri numeric smaller of two numbers
numeric_sqrt numeric numeric square root
numeric_sub numeric numeri numeric subtract
numeric_trunc numeric int4 numeric value truncated to 'scale'
obj_description oid text get description for object id
octet_length bpchar int4 octet length
octet_length text int4 octet length
octet_length varchar int4 octet length
oid text oid convert text to oid
oid8eq oid8 oid8 bool equal
oid8ge oid8 oid8 bool greater-than-or-equal
oid8gt oid8 oid8 bool greater-than
oid8le oid8 oid8 bool less-than-or-equal
oid8lt oid8 oid8 bool less-than
oid8ne oid8 oid8 bool less-than
oid8types oid8 text print type names of oid8 field
oid_text oid text convert oid to text
oideq oid oid bool equal
oideqint4 oid int4 bool equal
oidne oid oid bool not equal
oidnotin oid bool not in
oidrand oid int4 bool random
oidsrand int4 bool seed random number generator
on_pb point box bool point is inside
on_pl point line bool contained in
on_ppath point path bool contained in
on_ps point lseg bool contained in
on_sb lseg box bool contained in
on_sl lseg line bool contained in
path polygon path
path_add path path path addition
path_add_pt path point path addition
path_center path point center of
path_close path path
path_contain_pt path point bool path contains point?
path_distance path path float8 distance between
path_div_pt path point path divide
path_inter path path bool
path_isclosed path bool
path_isopen path bool
path_length path float8 sum of path segments
path_mul_pt path point path multiply
path_n_eq path path bool equal
path_n_ge path path bool greater-than-or-equal
path_n_gt path path bool greater-than
path_n_le path path bool less-than-or-equal
path_n_lt path path bool less-than
path_npoints path int4
path_open path path
path_poly path polygon convert path to polygon
path_sub_pt path point path subtract
pclose path path
pg_get_indexdef oid text index description
pg_get_ruledef name text source text of a rule
pg_get_userbyid int4 name user name by UID (with fallback)
pg_get_viewdef name text select statement of a view
point circle point convert circle to point (center)
point float8 float8 point convert x, y to point
point lseg lseg point convert two line segments to point
point_above point point bool is above
point_add point point point add points (translate)
point_below point point bool is below
point_distance point point float8 distance between
point_div point point point divide points (scale/rotate)
point_eq point point bool same as
point_horiz point point bool is horizontal
point_left point point bool is left of
point_mul point point point multiply points (scale/rotate)
point_ne point point bool not equal
point_right point point bool is left of
point_slope point point float8 slope between points
point_sub point point point subtract points (translate)
point_vert point point bool is vertical
pointdist point point int4
points path int4
points polygon int4
poly_box polygon box convert polygon to bounding box
poly_center polygon point center of
poly_circle polygon circle convert polygon to circle
poly_contain polygon polygo bool contains
poly_contain_pt polygon point bool polygon contains point?
poly_contained polygon polygo bool contained in
poly_distance polygon polygo float8 distance between
poly_left polygon polygo bool is left of
poly_npoints polygon int4 number of points in polygon
poly_overlap polygon polygo bool overlaps
poly_overleft polygon polygo bool overlaps, but does not extend to r
poly_overright polygon polygo bool overlaps, but does not extend to l
poly_path polygon path convert polygon to path
poly_right polygon polygo bool is left of
poly_same polygon polygo bool same as
polygon box polygon convert box to polygon
polygon circle polygon convert circle to 12-vertex polygo
polygon int4 circle polygon convert circle to polygon
polygon path polygon convert path to polygon
popen path path
power numeric numeri numeric m raised to the power of n
pqtest text int4
pt_contained_circle point circle bool
pt_contained_path point path bool point contained in path?
pt_contained_poly point polygon bool point contained by polygon?
radius circle float8 radius of circle
regproctooid regproc oid get oid for regproc
reltime reltime reltime convert (noop)
reltime timespan reltime convert timespan to reltime
reltime_timespan reltime timespan convert reltime to timespan
reltimeeq reltime reltim bool equal
reltimege reltime reltim bool greater-than-or-equal
reltimegt reltime reltim bool greater-than
reltimele reltime reltim bool less-than-or-equal
reltimelt reltime reltim bool less-than
reltimene reltime reltim bool not equal
revertpoly polygon polygon
round numeric numeric value rounded to 'scale' of zero
round numeric int4 numeric value rounded to 'scale'
rpad text int4 text right-pad string to length
rpad text int4 text text right-pad string to length
rt_bigbox_size box float4 float4 r-tree
rt_box_inter box box box r-tree
rt_box_size box float4 float4 r-tree
rt_box_union box box box r-tree
rt_poly_inter polygon polygo polygon r-tree
rt_poly_size polygon int4 int4 r-tree
rt_poly_union polygon polygo polygon r-tree
rtnpage oid oid int2 i float8 r-tree
rtrim text text remove trailing characters from st
rtrim text text text right-pad string to length
rtsel oid oid int2 i float8 r-tree
seteval oid int4
setval text int4 int4 sequence set value
sign numeric numeric sign of value
slope point point float8
smgreq smgr smgr bool storage manager
smgrne smgr smgr bool storage manager
sqrt numeric numeric square root
strpos text text int4 find position of substring
substr text int4 text return portion of string
substr text int4 int4 text return portion of string
text char text convert char to text
text datetime text convert datetime to text
text float4 text convert float4 to text
text float8 text convert float8 to text
text int2 text convert int2 to text
text int4 text convert int4 to text
text int8 text convert int8 to text
text name text convert name to text
text oid text convert oid to text
text timespan text convert timespan to text
text_char text char convert text to char
text_datetime text datetime convert text to datetime
text_float4 text float4 convert text to float4
text_float8 text float8 convert text to float8
text_ge text text bool greater-than-or-equal
text_gt text text bool greater-than
text_int2 text int2 convert text to int2
text_int4 text int4 convert text to int4
text_int8 text int8 convert text to int8
text_larger text text text larger of two
text_le text text bool less-than-or-equal
text_lt text text bool less-than
text_name text name convert text to name
text_oid text oid convert text to oid
text_smaller text text text smaller of two
text_substr text int4 int4 text return portion of string
text_timespan text timespan convert text to timespan
textcat text text text concatenate
texteq text text bool equal
texticregexeq text text bool matches regex., case-insensitive
texticregexne text text bool does not match regex., case-insens
textlen text int4 length
textlike text text bool matches LIKE expression
textne text text bool not equal
textnlike text text bool does not match LIKE expression
textoctetlen text int4 octet length
textpos text text int4 return position of substring
textregexeq text text bool matches regex., case-sensitive
textregexne text text bool does not match regex., case-sensit
time abstime time convert abstime to time
time datetime time convert datetime to time
time time time convert (noop)
time_cmp time time int4 less-equal-greater
time_eq time time bool equal
time_ge time time bool greater-than-or-equal
time_gt time time bool greater-than
time_le time time bool less-than-or-equal
time_lt time time bool less-than
time_ne time time bool not equal
timemi abstime reltim abstime subtract
timenow abstime (internal)
timeofday text (internal)
timepl abstime reltim abstime addition
timespan reltime timespan convert reltime to timespan
timespan text timespan convert text to timespan
timespan time timespan convert time to timespan
timespan timespan timespan convert (noop)
timespan_cmp timespan times int4 less-equal-greater
timespan_div timespan float timespan divide
timespan_eq timespan times bool equal
timespan_finite timespan bool boolean test
timespan_ge timespan times bool greater-than-or-equal
timespan_gt timespan times bool greater-than
timespan_larger timespan times timespan larger of two
timespan_le timespan times bool less-than-or-equal
timespan_lt timespan times bool less-than
timespan_mi timespan times timespan subtract
timespan_ne timespan times bool not equal
timespan_part text timespan float8 extract field from timespan
timespan_pl timespan times timespan addition
timespan_reltime timespan reltime convert timespan to reltime
timespan_smaller timespan times timespan smaller of two
timespan_text timespan text convert timespan to text
timespan_trunc text timespan timespan truncate timespan to specified uni
timespan_um timespan timespan subtract
timestamp datetime timestamp convert datetime to timestamp
timestamp timestamp timestamp convert (noop)
timestamp_datetime timestamp datetime convert timestamp to datetime
timestampeq timestamp time bool equal
timestampge timestamp time bool greater-than-or-equal
timestampgt timestamp time bool greater-than
timestample timestamp time bool less-than-or-equal
timestamplt timestamp time bool less-than
timestampne timestamp time bool not equal
translate text char char text modify string by substring replace
trunc numeric numeric value truncated to 'scale' of zero
trunc numeric int4 numeric value truncated to 'scale'
upgradepath path path
upgradepoly polygon polygon
upper text text uppercase
userfntest int4 int4
varchar int4 varchar convert int4 to varchar
varchar int8 varchar convert int8 to varchar
varchar name varchar convert convert name to varchar
varchar varchar text convert char to text
varchar varchar int4 varchar truncate varchar()
varcharcmp varchar varcha int4 less-equal-greater
varchareq varchar varcha bool equal
varcharge varchar varcha bool greater-than-or-equal
varchargt varchar varcha bool greater-than
varcharin int4 varchar (internal)
varcharle varchar varcha bool less-than-or-equal
varcharlen varchar int4 character length
varcharlt varchar varcha bool less-than
varcharne varchar varcha bool not equal
varcharoctetlen varchar int4 octet length
version text PostgreSQL version string
width box float8 box width
xideq xid xid bool equal

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Ismael Olea 2001-04-21