function make_dirs
Main purpose
- Create temporary working directories in which to unpack any
source code (SRC_DIR) and a package-tree for assembling the package
- Remove any existing directories, packages and log files which
match the NAME, VERSION, ARCH, BUILD and SIG of the new package to be
built. This is done before creating the new ones to make sure that all
builds are 'clean'.
Deleting old files and directories is done first and is one of the most
potentially-dangerous things that src2pkg does while running.This is
not as trivial as it looks because 'rm -rf' is a powerful
command. src2pkg does an extensive check to make sure that nothing is
removed from your system by accident or by passing invalid options.
Trying something like SRC_DIR=/ could be disastrous for your system,
otherwise. A very long list of invalid directories and variable
declarations is checked to make sure no system directories are deleted.
make_dirs will also create parent directories where needed which will
not be removed. It also creates an OBJ_DIR if that option is chosen.
Only directories which will be used are created. This function does not
create the PRE_FIX directory inside the PKG_DIR. This is only done
later when and if package-tree content is created.