include(CMakeDependentOption) # version override set( ASY_VERSION_OVERRIDE "" CACHE STRING "Overriding asymptote version. If left blank, version is determined from" ) # Perl set(PERL_INTERPRETER "" CACHE STRING "Perl interpreter. If left empty, will try to determine interpreter automatically") if(NOT PERL_INTERPRETER) message(STATUS "No Perl interpreter specified, attempting to find perl") find_program( PERL_INTERPRETER_FOUND perl REQUIRED ) message(STATUS "Found perl at ${PERL_INTERPRETER_FOUND}") set(PERL_INTERPRETER ${PERL_INTERPRETER_FOUND} CACHE STRING "" FORCE) endif() execute_process(COMMAND ${PERL_INTERPRETER} -e "print \"$]\"" OUTPUT_VARIABLE PERL_VERSION) message(STATUS "Perl version: ${PERL_VERSION}") # Python set(PY3_INTERPRETER "" CACHE STRING "Python 3 interpreter. If left empty, will try to determine Python automatically") function(verify_py3_interpreter_is_py3 validator_result_var py_interpreter) execute_process( COMMAND ${py_interpreter} -c "import sys; print(int(sys.version[0])>=3,end='')" OUTPUT_VARIABLE PY3_INTERPRETER_VERSION_RESULT) if (NOT PY3_INTERPRETER_VERSION_RESULT STREQUAL "True") set(${validator_result_var} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() if(NOT PY3_INTERPRETER) message(STATUS "No Python3 interpreter specified, attempting to find python") find_program( PY3_INTERPRETER_FOUND NAMES python3 python VALIDATOR verify_py3_interpreter_is_py3 REQUIRED ) message(STATUS "Found python3 at ${PY3_INTERPRETER_FOUND}") set(PY3_INTERPRETER ${PY3_INTERPRETER_FOUND} CACHE STRING "" FORCE) else() set(PY_INTERPRETER_IS_PY3 TRUE) set(VARIABLE_RESULT_VAR PY_INTERPRETER_IS_PY3) verify_py3_interpreter_is_py3(VARIABLE_RESULT_VAR ${PY3_INTERPRETER}) if (NOT PY_INTERPRETER_IS_PY3) message(FATAL_ERROR "Specified python interpreter cannot be used as python3 interpreter!") endif() endif() execute_process(COMMAND ${PY3_INTERPRETER} --version OUTPUT_VARIABLE PY3_VERSION) message(STATUS "Version: ${PY3_VERSION}") # windows flex + bison set( WIN32_FLEX_BINARY "" CACHE STRING "Flex binary for windows. If not specified, downloads from winflexibson. This option is inert on UNIX systems" ) set( WIN32_BISON_BINARY "" CACHE STRING "Bison binary for windows. If not specified, downloads from winflexbison. This option is inert on UNIX systems" ) # feature libraries option(ENABLE_GC "enable boehm gc support" true) option(ENABLE_CURL "enable curl support" true) option(ENABLE_READLINE "libreadline" true) option(ENABLE_THREADING "enable threading support" true) option(ENABLE_GSL "Enable GSL support" true) option(ENABLE_EIGEN3 "Enable eigen3 support" true) option(ENABLE_FFTW3 "Enable fftw3 support" true) option(ENABLE_OPENGL "Whether to enable opengl or not." true) cmake_dependent_option(ENABLE_GL_COMPUTE_SHADERS "Whether to enable compute shaders for OpenGL. Requires OpenGL >= 4.3 and GL_ARB_compute_shader" true "ENABLE_OPENGL" false) cmake_dependent_option(ENABLE_GL_SSBO "Whether to enable compute SSBO. Requires OpenGL >= 4.3 and GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object" true "ENABLE_OPENGL" false) option( ENABLE_RPC_FEATURES "Whether to enable XDR/RPC features. Also enables V3D. If compiling on UNIX systems, requires libtirpc to be installed." true) # Additional options option(DEBUG_GC_ENABLE "Enable debug mode for gc" false) option(DEBUG_GC_BACKTRACE_ENABLE "Enable backtrace for gc" false) option(CTAN_BUILD "Build for CTAN." false) # additional optimization options if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE IN_LIST cmake_release_build_types) set(default_lto true) else() set(default_lto false) endif() option(OPTIMIZE_LINK_TIME "Enable link-time optimization. Enabled by default in release build types" ${default_lto}) # testing option(ENABLE_ASY_CXXTEST "Enable C++-side testing. This option is inert for final asy libraries and binaries" true) option( DOWNLOAD_GTEST_FROM_SRC "Download google test from googletest's github repo. Otherwise use system libraries." true) # msvc-specific # The only reason this option is here is because msvc compiler (cl.exe) does not partial preprocessing # (e.g. ignore missing headers and treat them as generated files or depfile generation with missing headers) # We use MSVC compiler for all C++ compilation/linking set(GCCCOMPAT_CXX_COMPILER_FOR_MSVC "" CACHE STRING "gcc-compatible C++ compiler for preprocessing with MSVC toolchain. This option is inert if not using MSVC. This option is only used for preprocessing, it is not used for compilation." ) # CUDA + asy cuda reflect include(CheckLanguage) check_language(CUDA) if (CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER) set(CAN_COMPILE_CUDA_REFLECT true) endif() cmake_dependent_option( ENABLE_CUDA_ASY_REFLECT "Enable target for reflect excutable for generating IBL lighting data. Requires CUDA installed and a CUDA-compatible NVIDIA Graphics card" true "CAN_COMPILE_CUDA_REFLECT" false ) # Language server protocol option( ENABLE_LSP "Enable Language Server Protocol support." true ) # documentation set(WIN32_TEXINDEX "WSL" CACHE STRING "Location to texindex for windows, or WSL to use internal WSL wrapper. Inert for non-windows systems.") function(determine_asymptote_pdf_gen_possible_win32) # windows doesn't have an up-to-date # texi2dvi release in multiple years, so # we are using MikTeX's texify find_program(TEXIFY texify) if (NOT TEXIFY) message(STATUS "texify not found; will not enable docgen by default") set(ENABLE_ASYMPTOTE_PDF_DOCGEN_POSSIBLE false PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() if (NOT WIN32_TEXINDEX) message(STATUS "texindex for windows not given; will not enable docgen by default") set(ENABLE_ASYMPTOTE_PDF_DOCGEN_POSSIBLE false PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() # another issue is that if (WIN32_TEXINDEX STREQUAL WSL) execute_process( COMMAND wsl sh -c "which texindex >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo OK" OUTPUT_VARIABLE TEXINDEX_RESULT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if (NOT TEXINDEX_RESULT STREQUAL "OK") message(STATUS "Cannot execute texindex on wsl; will not enable docgen by default") set(ENABLE_ASYMPTOTE_PDF_DOCGEN_POSSIBLE false PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() endif() set(ENABLE_ASYMPTOTE_PDF_DOCGEN_POSSIBLE true PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() set(ENABLE_BASE_DOCGEN_POSSIBLE false) set(ENABLE_ASYMPTOTE_PDF_DOCGEN_POSSIBLE false) # finding latex and other programs needed # pdflatex find_package(LATEX COMPONENTS PDFLATEX) # pdftex set(PDFTEX_EXEC "" CACHE STRING "pdftex. If left empty, will try to determine interpreter automatically") if (NOT PDFTEX) message(STATUS "No pdftex specified, attempting to find pdftex") find_program( PDFTEX_EXEC_FOUND pdftex ) if (PDFTEX_EXEC_FOUND) message(STATUS "Found pdftex at ${PDFTEX_EXEC_FOUND}") set(PDFTEX_EXEC ${PDFTEX_EXEC_FOUND} CACHE STRING "" FORCE) endif() endif() if (LATEX_PDFLATEX_FOUND AND PDFTEX_EXEC) set(ENABLE_BASE_DOCGEN_POSSIBLE true) if (WIN32) determine_asymptote_pdf_gen_possible_win32() elseif(UNIX) find_program(TEXI2DVI texi2dvi) if (TEXI2DVI) set(ENABLE_ASYMPTOTE_PDF_DOCGEN_POSSIBLE true) endif() endif() endif() set( EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTATION_DIR "" CACHE STRING "If specified, installation will use files from this directory as documentation. In particular, - if ENABLE_DOCGEN and ENABLE_ASYMPTOTE_PDF_DOCGEN is enabled and the system has the capability to build all documentation files, this option is inert. - if ENABLE_DOCGEN is enabled but ENABLE_ASYMPTOTE_PDF_DOCGEN is disabled or if the system cannot produce asymptote.pdf, only asymptote.pdf will be copied from this directory. - if ENABLE_DOCGEN is disabled, every documentation file will be copied from this directory. " ) cmake_dependent_option( ENABLE_DOCGEN "Enable basic document generation. Requires pdflatex" true "ENABLE_BASE_DOCGEN_POSSIBLE" false ) cmake_dependent_option( ENABLE_ASYMPTOTE_PDF_DOCGEN "Enable asymptote.pdf document generation. Requires texinfo, and additionally WSL + texindex on windows." true "ENABLE_ASYMPTOTE_PDF_DOCGEN_POSSIBLE;ENABLE_DOCGEN" false ) if (NOT EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTATION_DIR) if (NOT ENABLE_DOCGEN) message(STATUS "Build is not generating documentation. If you are planning on generating installation files, please make sure you have access to documentation files in a directory and specify this directory in EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTATION_DIR cache variable. ") elseif(NOT ENABLE_ASYMPTOTE_PDF_DOCGEN) message(STATUS "Build is not generating asymptote.pdf. If you are planning on generating installation files, please make sure you have access to asymptote.pdf in a directory and specify this directory in EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTATION_DIR cache variable. ") endif() endif() # windows-specific installation option( ALLOW_PARTIAL_INSTALLATION "Allow installation to go through, even if not every component is buildable. CMake will produce a warning instead of a fatal error." false )