Using tubern

Gaurav Sood


tubern: Access YouTube Analytics API via R

Install, Load the package

To install the latest version from CRAN:


The latest development version of the package will always be on GitHub. Instructions for installing the package from Github are provided below.

# install.packages('devtools')
devtools::install_github("soodoku/tubern", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Next, load the package:


Using the package

To get going, get the application id and password from Google Developer Console (see Enable YouTube APIs. Then set the application id and password via the yt_oauth function. For more information about YouTube OAuth, see YouTube OAuth Guide.

yt_oauth("", "MbOSt6cQhhFkwETXKur-L9rN")
## Waiting for authentication in browser...
## Press Esc/Ctrl + C to abort
## Authentication complete.

Get Statistics of a Video

get_report(ids = "channel==MINE", metrics = "views", start_date = "2010-04-01", end_date ="2017-04-01")
## $kind
## [1] "youtubeAnalytics#resultTable"

## $columnHeaders
## $columnHeaders[[1]]
## $columnHeaders[[1]]$name
## [1] "views"

## $columnHeaders[[1]]$columnType
## [1] "METRIC"

## $columnHeaders[[1]]$dataType
## [1] "INTEGER"

## $rows
## $rows[[1]]
## $rows[[1]][[1]]
## [1] 6