Piece-Wise Exponential Additive Mixed Modeling ToolsInstall from CRAN or GitHub using:
# Development version
::install_github("adibender/pammtools") remotes
facilitates the estimation of
Piece-wise exponential Additive Mixed Models (PAMMs) for time-to-event
data. PAMMs can be represented as generalized additive models and can
therefore be estimated using GAM software
(e.g. mgcv
), which, compared to other
packages for survival analysis, often offers more flexibility w.r.t. to
the specification of covariate effects (e.g. non-linear, time-varying
effects, cumulative effects, etc.). The package supports single-event
analysis, left-truncation, recurrent events, competing risks and
multi-state models.
To get started, see the Articles section.