disprofas 0.2.1
- A few test cases checking function output were modified because
errors occurred with the current R development environment.
- References to mztia list elements for the output by the print()
function were corrected.
- The deprecated function get_hotellings() has been removed for
disprofas 0.2.0
- The deprecated ggplot2 function aes_string() has been replaced by
aes(). Variables containing column names as a character vector
(var_name) are now called via .data[[var_name]]. In addition, ‘size’ has
been replaced by ‘linewidth’ when used in the geom_line() function.
- Variables have been renamed to make them snake_case_like. Visible
binding for global variables was added.
- Since providing a numeric vector to theme(legend.position) has been
deprecated it has been replaced by theme(legend.position = “inside”,
legend.position.inside = c(…)).
- Examples have been slimmed down and the execution of some of the
example code is prevented to reduce the execution time of examples.
- Tests were complemented to reach 100% coverage. On the other hand,
some redundant tests were removed.
- Cyclomatic complexity was reduced by the creation of the new
function check_point_location().
- The new function get_T2_one() for the one-sample T2 test was added.
The function get_hotellings() performing the two-sample T2 test was
renamed to get_T2_two(). Both functions calculate corresponding
confidence intervals, i.e. the get_T2_two() function was complemented
- An additional parameter for the option to remove NA cases was added
to the functions mztia(), get_T2_one() and get_T2_two(). The treatment
of NA/NaN cases by the get_profile_portion() function was amended. The
bootstrap_f2() and the mimcr() functions now check for the presence of
NA/NaN values in the provided data frames and halt execution if any are
found with the recommendation to impute the missing data. The functions
get_f1() and get_f2(), and thus also the functions f1() and f2(), return
a message if the data frame handed in contains any NAs/NaNs.
- The parameter ‘nsf’ (number of significant figures) was added to the
functions with the ‘bounds’ parameter, i.e. bootstrap_f2(), mimcr(),
f1(), f2() and get_profile_portion(). The ‘nsf’ parameter allows to
control how the test values are rounded before they are compared with
the limits set by the ‘bounds’ parameter. For example, by setting the
‘nsf’ value for the comparison with the upper bound of 85% to 2, an
observed test value of 85.025% is rounded to two significant figures
before the comparison takes place. Thus, the test value is evaluated as
not being greater than the limit.
- The complete documentation was reviewed and harmonised, e.g. by the
sharing of specific text elements between the various function
disprofas 0.1.3
- Made test parameters of function gep_by_nera more restrictive in
order to throw a warning on testing.
disprofas 0.1.2
- Example from unexported function was removed.
- Examples that were wrapped by \dontrun{} although they are
executable in < 5 sec are now unwrapped.
- Errors from examples that deliberately produce errors are caught by
tryCatch() and are no longer wrapped by \dontrun{}.
- The package T2EQ that is used in three examples is listed under
‘Suggests’. Furthermore, the examples using a function or data sets from
this package are now wrapped by if(requireNamespace(“T2EQ”)){} rather
than by \dontrun{}.
disprofas 0.1.1
- CRAN submission
- Exclusively use secure links
- Correct spelling errors
disprofas 0.1.0
- Add further tests
- Add further and more illustrative examples
- Review documentation, correct spelling errors and assess all
- Replace for loops with apply family functions
- Harmonise parameters between functions