Last updated on 2025-03-28 08:54:33 CET.
Flavor | Version | Tinstall | Tcheck | Ttotal | Status | Flags |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang | 0.4-2 | 11.94 | 162.84 | 174.78 | NOTE | |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc | 0.4-2 | 7.56 | 109.71 | 117.27 | NOTE | |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang | 0.4-2 | 254.33 | ERROR | |||
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc | 0.4-2 | 246.27 | ERROR | |||
r-devel-macos-arm64 | 0.4-2 | 89.00 | NOTE | |||
r-devel-macos-x86_64 | 0.4-2 | 182.00 | NOTE | |||
r-devel-windows-x86_64 | 0.4-2 | 12.00 | 153.00 | 165.00 | NOTE | |
r-patched-linux-x86_64 | 0.4-2 | 9.88 | 157.18 | 167.06 | WARN | |
r-release-linux-x86_64 | 0.4-2 | 10.67 | 156.93 | 167.60 | NOTE | |
r-release-macos-arm64 | 0.4-2 | 86.00 | NOTE | |||
r-release-macos-x86_64 | 0.4-2 | 129.00 | NOTE | |||
r-release-windows-x86_64 | 0.4-2 | 12.00 | 152.00 | 164.00 | NOTE | |
r-oldrel-macos-arm64 | 0.4-2 | OK | ||||
r-oldrel-macos-x86_64 | 0.4-2 | 175.00 | OK | |||
r-oldrel-windows-x86_64 | 0.4-2 | 16.00 | 196.00 | 212.00 | OK |
Version: 0.4-2
Check: Rd files
Result: NOTE
checkRd: (-1) NEWS.Rd:137: Escaped LaTeX specials: \&
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc, r-devel-macos-arm64, r-devel-macos-x86_64, r-devel-windows-x86_64, r-patched-linux-x86_64, r-release-linux-x86_64, r-release-macos-arm64, r-release-macos-x86_64, r-release-windows-x86_64
Version: 0.4-2
Check: Rd cross-references
Result: NOTE
Found the following Rd file(s) with Rd \link{} targets missing package
CompactStratification-class.Rd: SpatialPixels-class,
SpatialPoints-class, SpatialPixelsDataFrame-class
CompactStratificationEqualArea-class.Rd: SpatialPixels-class,
CompactStratificationPriorPoints-class.Rd: SpatialPoints-class,
SamplingPattern-class.Rd: SpatialPoints-class
SamplingPatternCentroids-class.Rd: SpatialPoints-class
SamplingPatternPriorPoints-class.Rd: SpatialPoints-class
SamplingPatternPurposive-class.Rd: SpatialPoints-class
SamplingPatternRandom-class.Rd: SpatialPoints-class
SamplingPatternRandomComposite-class.Rd: SpatialPoints-class,
SamplingPatternRandomSamplingUnits-class.Rd: SpatialPoints-class
stratify-methods.Rd: SpatialPixels-class, SpatialGrid-class,
SpatialPolygons-class, SpatialPoints-class
Please provide package anchors for all Rd \link{} targets not in the
package itself and the base packages.
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-devel-windows-x86_64, r-patched-linux-x86_64
Version: 0.4-2
Check: re-building of vignette outputs
Result: ERROR
Error(s) in re-building vignettes:
--- re-building ‘spcosa.Rmd’ using rmarkdown
Using optipng is skipped as output is variable
Using optipng is skipped as output is variable
Using optipng is skipped as output is variable
Using optipng is skipped as output is variable
Using optipng is skipped as output is variable
Using optipng is skipped as output is variable
Using optipng is skipped as output is variable
Using optipng is skipped as output is variable
Using optipng is skipped as output is variable
[gannet:100783:0:100783] Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault: address not mapped to object at address 0xc)
==== backtrace (tid: 100783) ====
0 /lib64/ [0x7f9ef4dcc144]
1 /lib64/ [0x7f9ef4dcd80d]
2 /lib64/ [0x7f9ef4dcd9dd]
3 [0x7f9fc13d1b69]
*** caught segfault ***
address 0x4d2000189af, cause 'unknown'
1: .jcall("RJavaTools", "Ljava/lang/Object;", "newInstance", class, .jarray(p, "java/lang/Object", dispatch = FALSE), .jarray(pc, "java/lang/Class", dispatch = FALSE), evalString = FALSE, evalArray = FALSE, use.true.class = TRUE)
2: .J(Class, ...)
3: new(J("partition/CompactSpatialPartitionSwop"), cellCenters, .jarray(as(sample(x = rep(x = 0:(nStrata - 1), length = nCells)), "integer")))
4: new(J("partition/CompactSpatialPartitionSwop"), cellCenters, .jarray(as(sample(x = rep(x = 0:(nStrata - 1), length = nCells)), "integer")))
5: .local(object, ...)
6: stratify(object = object, nStrata = nStrata, priorPoints = priorPoints, maxIterations = maxIterations, nTry = nTry, equalArea = equalArea, verbose = verbose)
7: stratify(object = object, nStrata = nStrata, priorPoints = priorPoints, maxIterations = maxIterations, nTry = nTry, equalArea = equalArea, verbose = verbose)
8: .local(object, ...)
9: stratify(shp_farmsum, nStrata = 20, equalArea = TRUE, nTry = 10)
10: stratify(shp_farmsum, nStrata = 20, equalArea = TRUE, nTry = 10)
11: eval(expr, envir)
12: eval(expr, envir)
13: withVisible(eval(expr, envir))
14: withCallingHandlers(code, message = function (cnd) { watcher$capture_plot_and_output() if (on_message$capture) { watcher$push(cnd) } if (on_message$silence) { invokeRestart("muffleMessage") }}, warning = function (cnd) { if (getOption("warn") >= 2 || getOption("warn") < 0) { return() } watcher$capture_plot_and_output() if (on_warning$capture) { cnd <- sanitize_call(cnd) watcher$push(cnd) } if (on_warning$silence) { invokeRestart("muffleWarning") }}, error = function (cnd) { watcher$capture_plot_and_output() cnd <- sanitize_call(cnd) watcher$push(cnd) switch(on_error, continue = invokeRestart("eval_continue"), stop = invokeRestart("eval_stop"), error = NULL)})
15: eval(call)
16: eval(call)
17: with_handlers({ for (expr in tle$exprs) { ev <- withVisible(eval(expr, envir)) watcher$capture_plot_and_output() watcher$print_value(ev$value, ev$visible, envir) } TRUE}, handlers)
18: doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart)
19: withOneRestart(expr, restarts[[1L]])
20: withRestartList(expr, restarts[-nr])
21: doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart)
22: withOneRestart(withRestartList(expr, restarts[-nr]), restarts[[nr]])
23: withRestartList(expr, restarts)
24: withRestarts(with_handlers({ for (expr in tle$exprs) { ev <- withVisible(eval(expr, envir)) watcher$capture_plot_and_output() watcher$print_value(ev$value, ev$visible, envir) } TRUE}, handlers), eval_continue = function() TRUE, eval_stop = function() FALSE)
25: evaluate::evaluate(...)
26: evaluate(code, envir = env, new_device = FALSE, keep_warning = if (is.numeric(options$warning)) TRUE else options$warning, keep_message = if (is.numeric(options$message)) TRUE else options$message, stop_on_error = if (is.numeric(options$error)) options$error else { if (options$error && options$include) 0L else 2L }, output_handler = knit_handlers(options$render, options))
27: in_dir(input_dir(), expr)
28: in_input_dir(evaluate(code, envir = env, new_device = FALSE, keep_warning = if (is.numeric(options$warning)) TRUE else options$warning, keep_message = if (is.numeric(options$message)) TRUE else options$message, stop_on_error = if (is.numeric(options$error)) options$error else { if (options$error && options$include) 0L else 2L }, output_handler = knit_handlers(options$render, options)))
29: eng_r(options)
30: block_exec(params)
31: call_block(x)
32: process_group(group)
33: withCallingHandlers(if (tangle) process_tangle(group) else process_group(group), error = function(e) { if (progress && is.function(pb$interrupt)) pb$interrupt() if (xfun::pkg_available("rlang", "1.0.0")) { if (is_R_CMD_build() || is_R_CMD_check()) { cnd = tryCatch(rlang::entrace(e), error = identity) error <<- format(cnd) } else { rlang::entrace(e) } } })
34: xfun:::handle_error(withCallingHandlers(if (tangle) process_tangle(group) else process_group(group), error = function(e) { if (progress && is.function(pb$interrupt)) pb$interrupt() if (xfun::pkg_available("rlang", "1.0.0")) { if (is_R_CMD_build() || is_R_CMD_check()) { cnd = tryCatch(rlang::entrace(e), error = identity) error <<- format(cnd) } else { rlang::entrace(e) } } }), function(loc) { setwd(wd) write_utf8(res, output %n% stdout()) paste0("\nQuitting from ", loc, if (!is.null(error)) paste0("\n", rule(), error, "\n", rule()))}, if (labels[i] != "") sprintf(" [%s]", labels[i]), get_loc)
35: process_file(text, output)
36: knitr::knit(knit_input, knit_output, envir = envir, quiet = quiet)
37: rmarkdown::render(file, encoding = encoding, quiet = quiet, envir = globalenv(), output_dir = getwd(), ...)
38: vweave_rmarkdown(...)
39: engine$weave(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = enc)
40: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
41: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
42: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
43: tryCatch({ engine$weave(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = enc) setwd(startdir) output <- find_vignette_product(name, by = "weave", engine = engine) if (!have.makefile && vignette_is_tex(output)) { texi2pdf(file = output, clean = FALSE, quiet = quiet) output <- find_vignette_product(name, by = "texi2pdf", engine = engine) } outputs <- c(outputs, output)}, error = function(e) { thisOK <<- FALSE fails <<- c(fails, file) message(gettextf("Error: processing vignette '%s' failed with diagnostics:\n%s", file, conditionMessage(e)))})
44: tools::buildVignettes(dir = "/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-clang/spcosa.Rcheck/vign_test/spcosa", skip = TRUE, ser_elibs = "/tmp/Rtmpm4zBxD/file133b21601ebc8.rds")
An irrecoverable exception occurred. R is aborting now ...
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang
Version: 0.4-2
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
Running examples in ‘spcosa-Ex.R’ failed
The error most likely occurred in:
> ### Name: estimate-methods
> ### Title: Estimating Statistics
> ### Aliases: estimate-methods estimate
> ### estimate,character,CompactStratification,SamplingPatternRandomSamplingUnits,data.frame-method
> ### estimate,character,CompactStratificationEqualArea,SamplingPatternRandomComposite,data.frame-method
> ### estimate,SamplingVariance,CompactStratification,SamplingPatternRandomSamplingUnits,data.frame-method
> ### estimate,SamplingVariance,CompactStratificationEqualArea,SamplingPatternRandomComposite,data.frame-method
> ### estimate,SpatialCumulativeDistributionFunction,CompactStratification,SamplingPatternRandomSamplingUnits,data.frame-method
> ### estimate,SpatialMean,CompactStratification,SamplingPatternRandomSamplingUnits,data.frame-method
> ### estimate,SpatialMean,CompactStratificationEqualArea,SamplingPatternRandomComposite,data.frame-method
> ### estimate,SpatialVariance,CompactStratification,SamplingPatternRandomSamplingUnits,data.frame-method
> ### estimate,StandardError,CompactStratification,SamplingPatternRandomSamplingUnits,data.frame-method
> ### Keywords: methods
> ### ** Examples
> # Note: the example below requires the 'sf'-package.
> if (require(sf)) {
+ # read vector representation of the "Mijdrecht" area
+ shp <- as(st_read(
+ dsn = system.file("maps", package = "spcosa"),
+ layer = "mijdrecht"), "Spatial")
+ # stratify into 30 strata
+ myStratification <- stratify(shp, nStrata = 30, nTry = 10, verbose = TRUE)
+ # random sampling of two sampling units per stratum
+ mySamplingPattern <- spsample(myStratification, n = 2)
+ # plot sampling pattern
+ plot(myStratification, mySamplingPattern)
+ # simulate data
+ # (in real world cases these data have to be obtained by field work etc.)
+ myData <- as(mySamplingPattern, "data.frame")
+ myData$observation <- rnorm(n = nrow(myData), mean = 10, sd = 1)
+ # design-based inference
+ estimate("spatial mean", myStratification, mySamplingPattern, myData["observation"])
+ estimate("sampling variance", myStratification, mySamplingPattern, myData["observation"])
+ estimate("standard error", myStratification, mySamplingPattern, myData["observation"])
+ estimate("spatial variance", myStratification, mySamplingPattern, myData["observation"])
+ estimate("scdf", myStratification, mySamplingPattern, myData["observation"])
+ }
Loading required package: sf
Linking to GEOS 3.12.2, GDAL 3.8.5, PROJ 9.3.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
Reading layer `mijdrecht' from data source
using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 2 fields
Geometry type: POLYGON
Dimension: XY
Bounding box: xmin: 115796.2 ymin: 463380.5 xmax: 121670.8 ymax: 471524.6
2025-03-27 15:16:29 | optimizing configuration 1
2025-03-27 15:16:30 | current objective function value: 50485.85
2025-03-27 15:16:30 | minimum objective function value: 50485.85
2025-03-27 15:16:30 | optimizing configuration 2
[gannet:20490:0:20490] Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault: invalid permissions for mapped object at address 0x7f0e397dd000)
==== backtrace (tid: 20490) ====
0 /lib64/ [0x7f0d7f269144]
1 /lib64/ [0x7f0d7f26a80d]
2 /lib64/ [0x7f0d7f26a9dd]
3 [0x7f0e17bba2d2]
*** caught segfault ***
address 0x4d20000500a, cause 'unknown'
1: .jcall("RJavaTools", "Ljava/lang/Object;", "invokeMethod", cl, .jcast(if (inherits(o, "jobjRef") || inherits(o, "jarrayRef")) o else cl, "java/lang/Object"), .jnew("java/lang/String", method), j_p, j_pc, use.true.class = TRUE, evalString = simplify, evalArray = FALSE)
2: .jrcall(x, name, ...)
3: p$optimize()
4: .local(object, ...)
5: stratify(object = object, nStrata = nStrata, priorPoints = priorPoints, maxIterations = maxIterations, nTry = nTry, equalArea = equalArea, verbose = verbose)
6: stratify(object = object, nStrata = nStrata, priorPoints = priorPoints, maxIterations = maxIterations, nTry = nTry, equalArea = equalArea, verbose = verbose)
7: .local(object, ...)
8: stratify(shp, nStrata = 30, nTry = 10, verbose = TRUE)
9: stratify(shp, nStrata = 30, nTry = 10, verbose = TRUE)
An irrecoverable exception occurred. R is aborting now ...
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc
Version: 0.4-2
Check: re-building of vignette outputs
Result: ERROR
Error(s) in re-building vignettes:
--- re-building ‘spcosa.Rmd’ using rmarkdown
Using optipng is skipped as output is variable
Using optipng is skipped as output is variable
Using optipng is skipped as output is variable
Using optipng is skipped as output is variable
Using optipng is skipped as output is variable
Using optipng is skipped as output is variable
Using optipng is skipped as output is variable
Using optipng is skipped as output is variable
Using optipng is skipped as output is variable
[gannet:27616:0:27616] Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault: address not mapped to object at address 0xc)
==== backtrace (tid: 27616) ====
0 /lib64/ [0x7f0d41058144]
1 /lib64/ [0x7f0d4105980d]
2 /lib64/ [0x7f0d410599dd]
3 [0x7f0e0b1d23e9]
*** caught segfault ***
address 0x4d200006be0, cause 'unknown'
1: .jcall("RJavaTools", "Ljava/lang/Object;", "newInstance", class, .jarray(p, "java/lang/Object", dispatch = FALSE), .jarray(pc, "java/lang/Class", dispatch = FALSE), evalString = FALSE, evalArray = FALSE, use.true.class = TRUE)
2: .J(Class, ...)
3: new(J("partition/CompactSpatialPartitionSwop"), cellCenters, .jarray(as(sample(x = rep(x = 0:(nStrata - 1), length = nCells)), "integer")))
4: new(J("partition/CompactSpatialPartitionSwop"), cellCenters, .jarray(as(sample(x = rep(x = 0:(nStrata - 1), length = nCells)), "integer")))
5: .local(object, ...)
6: stratify(object = object, nStrata = nStrata, priorPoints = priorPoints, maxIterations = maxIterations, nTry = nTry, equalArea = equalArea, verbose = verbose)
7: stratify(object = object, nStrata = nStrata, priorPoints = priorPoints, maxIterations = maxIterations, nTry = nTry, equalArea = equalArea, verbose = verbose)
8: .local(object, ...)
9: stratify(shp_farmsum, nStrata = 20, equalArea = TRUE, nTry = 10)
10: stratify(shp_farmsum, nStrata = 20, equalArea = TRUE, nTry = 10)
11: eval(expr, envir)
12: eval(expr, envir)
13: withVisible(eval(expr, envir))
14: withCallingHandlers(code, message = function (cnd) { watcher$capture_plot_and_output() if (on_message$capture) { watcher$push(cnd) } if (on_message$silence) { invokeRestart("muffleMessage") }}, warning = function (cnd) { if (getOption("warn") >= 2 || getOption("warn") < 0) { return() } watcher$capture_plot_and_output() if (on_warning$capture) { cnd <- sanitize_call(cnd) watcher$push(cnd) } if (on_warning$silence) { invokeRestart("muffleWarning") }}, error = function (cnd) { watcher$capture_plot_and_output() cnd <- sanitize_call(cnd) watcher$push(cnd) switch(on_error, continue = invokeRestart("eval_continue"), stop = invokeRestart("eval_stop"), error = NULL)})
15: eval(call)
16: eval(call)
17: with_handlers({ for (expr in tle$exprs) { ev <- withVisible(eval(expr, envir)) watcher$capture_plot_and_output() watcher$print_value(ev$value, ev$visible, envir) } TRUE}, handlers)
18: doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart)
19: withOneRestart(expr, restarts[[1L]])
20: withRestartList(expr, restarts[-nr])
21: doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart)
22: withOneRestart(withRestartList(expr, restarts[-nr]), restarts[[nr]])
23: withRestartList(expr, restarts)
24: withRestarts(with_handlers({ for (expr in tle$exprs) { ev <- withVisible(eval(expr, envir)) watcher$capture_plot_and_output() watcher$print_value(ev$value, ev$visible, envir) } TRUE}, handlers), eval_continue = function() TRUE, eval_stop = function() FALSE)
25: evaluate::evaluate(...)
26: evaluate(code, envir = env, new_device = FALSE, keep_warning = if (is.numeric(options$warning)) TRUE else options$warning, keep_message = if (is.numeric(options$message)) TRUE else options$message, stop_on_error = if (is.numeric(options$error)) options$error else { if (options$error && options$include) 0L else 2L }, output_handler = knit_handlers(options$render, options))
27: in_dir(input_dir(), expr)
28: in_input_dir(evaluate(code, envir = env, new_device = FALSE, keep_warning = if (is.numeric(options$warning)) TRUE else options$warning, keep_message = if (is.numeric(options$message)) TRUE else options$message, stop_on_error = if (is.numeric(options$error)) options$error else { if (options$error && options$include) 0L else 2L }, output_handler = knit_handlers(options$render, options)))
29: eng_r(options)
30: block_exec(params)
31: call_block(x)
32: process_group(group)
33: withCallingHandlers(if (tangle) process_tangle(group) else process_group(group), error = function(e) { if (progress && is.function(pb$interrupt)) pb$interrupt() if (xfun::pkg_available("rlang", "1.0.0")) { if (is_R_CMD_build() || is_R_CMD_check()) { cnd = tryCatch(rlang::entrace(e), error = identity) error <<- format(cnd) } else { rlang::entrace(e) } } })
34: xfun:::handle_error(withCallingHandlers(if (tangle) process_tangle(group) else process_group(group), error = function(e) { if (progress && is.function(pb$interrupt)) pb$interrupt() if (xfun::pkg_available("rlang", "1.0.0")) { if (is_R_CMD_build() || is_R_CMD_check()) { cnd = tryCatch(rlang::entrace(e), error = identity) error <<- format(cnd) } else { rlang::entrace(e) } } }), function(loc) { setwd(wd) write_utf8(res, output %n% stdout()) paste0("\nQuitting from ", loc, if (!is.null(error)) paste0("\n", rule(), error, "\n", rule()))}, if (labels[i] != "") sprintf(" [%s]", labels[i]), get_loc)
35: process_file(text, output)
36: knitr::knit(knit_input, knit_output, envir = envir, quiet = quiet)
37: rmarkdown::render(file, encoding = encoding, quiet = quiet, envir = globalenv(), output_dir = getwd(), ...)
38: vweave_rmarkdown(...)
39: engine$weave(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = enc)
40: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
41: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
42: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
43: tryCatch({ engine$weave(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = enc) setwd(startdir) output <- find_vignette_product(name, by = "weave", engine = engine) if (!have.makefile && vignette_is_tex(output)) { texi2pdf(file = output, clean = FALSE, quiet = quiet) output <- find_vignette_product(name, by = "texi2pdf", engine = engine) } outputs <- c(outputs, output)}, error = function(e) { thisOK <<- FALSE fails <<- c(fails, file) message(gettextf("Error: processing vignette '%s' failed with diagnostics:\n%s", file, conditionMessage(e)))})
44: tools::buildVignettes(dir = "/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/spcosa.Rcheck/vign_test/spcosa", skip = TRUE, ser_elibs = "/tmp/RtmpyF61ds/file2b4d5b33f601.rds")
An irrecoverable exception occurred. R is aborting now ...
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc
Version: 0.4-2
Check: whether package can be installed
Result: WARN
Found the following significant warnings:
Rd warning: CompactStratification-class.Rd:19: missing link ‘SpatialPixels-class’
Rd warning: CompactStratification-class.Rd:21: missing link ‘SpatialPoints-class’
Rd warning: CompactStratification-class.Rd:33: missing link ‘SpatialPixels-class’
Rd warning: CompactStratification-class.Rd:34: missing link ‘SpatialPixelsDataFrame-class’
Rd warning: CompactStratificationEqualArea-class.Rd:16: missing link ‘SpatialPixels-class’
Rd warning: CompactStratificationEqualArea-class.Rd:18: missing link ‘SpatialPoints-class’
Rd warning: CompactStratificationPriorPoints-class.Rd:16: missing link ‘SpatialPoints-class’
Rd warning: CompactStratificationPriorPoints-class.Rd:17: missing link ‘SpatialPixels-class’
Rd warning: CompactStratificationPriorPoints-class.Rd:19: missing link ‘SpatialPoints-class’
Rd warning: SamplingPattern-class.Rd:19: missing link ‘SpatialPoints-class’
Rd warning: SamplingPattern-class.Rd:26: missing link ‘SpatialPoints-class’
Rd warning: SamplingPatternCentroids-class.Rd:15: missing link ‘SpatialPoints-class’
Rd warning: SamplingPatternPriorPoints-class.Rd:17: missing link ‘SpatialPoints-class’
Rd warning: SamplingPatternPurposive-class.Rd:16: missing link ‘SpatialPoints-class’
Rd warning: SamplingPatternRandom-class.Rd:16: missing link ‘SpatialPoints-class’
Rd warning: SamplingPatternRandomComposite-class.Rd:19: missing link ‘SpatialPoints-class’
Rd warning: SamplingPatternRandomComposite-class.Rd:32: missing link ‘SpatialPointsDataFrame-class’
Rd warning: SamplingPatternRandomSamplingUnits-class.Rd:16: missing link ‘SpatialPoints-class’
Rd warning: stratify-methods.Rd:26: missing link ‘SpatialPixels-class’
Rd warning: stratify-methods.Rd:26: missing link ‘SpatialGrid-class’
Rd warning: stratify-methods.Rd:26: missing link ‘SpatialPolygons-class’
Rd warning: stratify-methods.Rd:28: missing link ‘SpatialPoints-class’
Rd warning: stratify-methods.Rd:31: missing link ‘SpatialPolygons-class’
Rd warning: stratify-methods.Rd:32: missing link ‘SpatialPolygons-class’
Flavor: r-patched-linux-x86_64