PACKAGE NAME: gnome-scan-0.6-i586-1gsb.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./packages/applications PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 161 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1120 K PACKAGE MD5: 0798b12e0f19e8a1813d36d3a0749c0d ./packages/applications/gnome-scan-0.6-i586-1gsb.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: GConf >= 2.22.0-i586-2gsb,ORBit2 >= 2.14.12-i586-2gsb,aaa_base >= 12.1.0-noarch-2 | glibc-solibs >= 2.7-i486-10,atk >= 1.22.0-i486-1,babl >= 0.0.22-i586-1vl6,cairo >= 1.6.4-i586-1vl60,expat >= 2.0.1-i486-1,fontconfig >= 2.4.2-i486-2,freetype >= 2.3.7-i586-1vl60,gegl >= 0.0.18-i586-1vl6,gimp >= 2.6-i586-1vl6,glib2 >= 2.16.3-i586-1gsb,gtk+2 >= 2.12.9-i486-1,libX11 >= 1.1.4-i486-1,libXau >= 1.0.3-i486-1,libXcomposite >= 0.4.0-i486-1,libXcursor >= 1.1.9-i486-1,libXdamage >= 1.1.1-i486-1,libXdmcp >= 1.0.2-i486-1,libXext >= 1.0.4-i486-1,libXfixes >= 4.0.3-i486-1,libXi >= 1.1.3-i486-1,libXinerama >= 1.0.3-i486-1,libXrandr >= 1.2.2-i486-1,libXrender >= 0.9.4-i486-1,libpng >= 1.2.29-i586-1vl60,libxcb >= 1.0-i486-2,pango >= 1.20.0-i486-1,pixman >= 0.10.0-i486-4,zlib >= 1.2.3-i486-2 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: gnome-scan: gnome-scan (GNOME Scanner Utility) gnome-scan: gnome-scan: GNOME Scan provides Flegita, an application for accesing scanners gnome-scan: from your GNOME Desktop, allowing you to simply scan an area from gnome-scan: a device and save to a file in various format (currently, PNG, gnome-scan: JPEG, TIFF and PDF are supported.) There is also Flegita-gimp, gnome-scan: a gimp plugin that uses the GNOME Scan libraries. gnome-scan: gnome-scan: gnome-scan: gnome-scan: