PACKAGE NAME: wireless_tools-28-i586-5vl58.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./net PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 125 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 530 K PACKAGE MD5: b6d0af1443f1cf1e953d6decaf886f26 ./net/wireless_tools-28-i586-5vl58.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: wireless_tools: wireless-tools (utilities for wireless networking) wireless_tools: wireless_tools: This package contains tools and a library used for configuring wireless_tools: wireless networking interfaces: wireless_tools: iwconfig (the main wireless tool), iwlist (display more detailed wireless_tools: information than iwconfig), iwspy (get stats per MAC address and wireless_tools: more), iwpriv (set driver private ioctls), iwgetid (show the wireless_tools: ESSID or NWID of a device), iwevent (display wireless events), wireless_tools: ifrename (rename a network interface). wireless_tools: wireless_tools: The wireless-tools were written by Jean Tourrilhes.