PACKAGE NAME: utempter-1.1.3-i486-1.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./base PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 13 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 50 K PACKAGE MD5: 3804b1afd800f8435d75c46a0eb4a168 ./base/utempter-1.1.3-i486-1.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: utempter: utempter (utmp updating library and utility) utempter: utempter: The utempter package provides a utility and shared library that utempter: allows terminal applications such as xterm and screen to update utempter: /var/run/utmp and /var/log/wtmp without requiring root privileges. utempter: utempter: utempter: utempter: utempter: utempter: