PACKAGE NAME: inkscape-0.43-i486-1arf.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./inkscape_0.42 PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 8324 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 27050 K PACKAGE MD5: 6d9a055e24e0d8d5b1e5c9ef9faeefea ./inkscape_0.42/inkscape-0.43-i486-1arf.tgz PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: inkscape: inkscape-0.43 An SVG editor inkscape: inkscape: Inkscape is an SVG editor with capabilities similar to CorelDraw, inkscape: Illustrator, etc. Needs gc, libsigc++, gtkmm, glibmm. inkscape: inkscape: inkscape: inkscape: inkscape: inkscape: Packed by Fred Broders ( inkscape: