Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.608 kB Step 1 : FROM sabayon/rpi-armhfp ---> c4a15a06081c Step 2 : MAINTAINER mudler ---> Using cache ---> 9e620e81f5a0 Step 3 : ENV LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8 ---> Using cache ---> ede5a582c5e0 Step 4 : ENV ACCEPT_LICENSE * ---> Using cache ---> 0238a7f50bee Step 5 : RUN sed -i 's/multifetch = 3/#multifetch = 3/' /etc/entropy/client.conf && equo up && equo u && equo i kodi-raspberrypi app-misc/sabayon-auto-updater && echo -5 | equo conf update && equo cleanup && sed -i 's/#multifetch = 3/multifetch = 3/' /etc/entropy/client.conf ---> Using cache ---> e4602f145367 Step 6 : RUN systemctl enable kodi-raspberrypi && systemctl enable sabayon-auto-updater.timer && systemctl disable getty@tty1 ---> Using cache ---> 80126c74b544 Step 7 : RUN gpasswd -a kodi audio ---> Using cache ---> 5f71433b7e2d Step 8 : ADD ./config.txt /boot/config.txt ---> Using cache ---> 1794a5857a69 Step 9 : RUN echo 'root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait consoleblank=0 loglevel=1 quiet logo.nologo' > /boot/cmdline.txt ---> Using cache ---> 1d7f306ba39d Step 10 : ENV HOME /root ---> Using cache ---> c2c1ee43f752 Step 11 : WORKDIR / ---> Using cache ---> 30f8d3bcf663 Successfully built 30f8d3bcf663 The push refers to a repository [] c561ddeb095e: Preparing adf8efbee587: Preparing 16eac27addc5: Preparing c6fd930be07a: Preparing 369dd77e72f9: Preparing 806230e10142: Preparing dd22328fb96c: Preparing 24501011110a: Preparing de2206846900: Preparing 0fa87f37e548: Preparing b9f55fade205: Preparing 49edbd3da558: Preparing 4df5d36a987a: Preparing de2206846900: Waiting 0fa87f37e548: Waiting 806230e10142: Waiting b9f55fade205: Waiting dd22328fb96c: Waiting 24501011110a: Waiting 49edbd3da558: Waiting 4df5d36a987a: Waiting 16eac27addc5: Layer already exists adf8efbee587: Layer already exists 369dd77e72f9: Layer already exists c561ddeb095e: Layer already exists dd22328fb96c: Layer already exists 24501011110a: Layer already exists 806230e10142: Layer already exists de2206846900: Layer already exists 0fa87f37e548: Layer already exists b9f55fade205: Layer already exists 49edbd3da558: Layer already exists c6fd930be07a: Layer already exists 4df5d36a987a: Layer already exists latest: digest: sha256:01a37325bc2934d3347c5c945ea60441311033e35c866644b2e3f162e3ce3543 size: 3039