Managing ipks Howto ---- Introduction. This article is about installing and removing applications and not about the structure and creation of packages. For the latter see the development section. 1. What is a feed? A feed is a collection of .ipk files in a directory together with a "Packages" file that contains the list of applications plus some other info extracted from the package. A feed is not necessary to install a package. Individual .ipk files can be installed as well. The advantage of feeds is that the package managers are able to install the dependent packages of an application, finding them directly from the feed(s). If you can, try to avoid to download the whole pdaxrom feed from * as it will help to save some bandwidth and limit the costs of the site. You can use the original "Packages" file even if some ipks are missing from the directory. 2. Where to install an ipkg. When installing an application you must choose where to install it. Typicall choices are "/" the root partition of the internal flash, "/mnt/user/" the other partition of the internal flash, "/mnt/card" for the SD, "/mnt/cf" for the CF... You must try hard to leave some freespace on the root partition and on the /mnt/user (which is in fact mounted as /home) partition. Even if you install a package on your sd card, the packager manager will create some links in the root partition (see 7. if your links seem to have disappear, they do no take much space but they do take some place and are required. Even if you have installed a package on the root partition when you run the application it might want to save some data and or a configuration file in the home directory so once again you will want to have some free space. Why do I need to format my card(s) in ext2/ext3 format? Some packages use features of the traditonal unix filesystems that are not supported by the fat/fat32 file system. For instance shared libraries in general consist in one binary file. This is not supported by fat. Formating the card, creating partition and alternative solutions are not discussed here. 3. using qpkg. qpkg is the graphical package manager of pdaxrom. 3.1. Using feeds. The first thing you need to do is to go to the settings tab and edit the feed url. The default url might be wrong so make sure that you have the feed corresponding to the release you have installed. Feed urls can be either of the form: or for distant feeds or file:///path/to/feed for a feed on a local storage. Besides the "official feed" you can add other feeds contributed by users. The second thing you need to do is to do an "update". To do this press the second button. An update does not install anything new on your Zaurus, it only dowloads the latest version of the "Packages" file found of the feeds you have in your list to "update" the list of available applications. You can then go to the "Available" tab and click in the little checkbox to indicate the applications you want to install. '''IMPORTANT''': Before the next step make sure that you have choosen the place where you want your new applications to be installed. As mention before you should make sure to allways have some freespace on the internal flash. To choose the destination use the drop-down list in the upper right corner of the qpkg window. Finally you can press the third button, the "Apply" button to start the installation. 3.2 Installing a .ipk file First choose the place whre you want to install your ipk (see above). Then Use the first button, the open button, find the .ipk files you want to install, click on open the package will be installed. 3.3 Removing a package. Go to the "Installed tab" and click in the little checkbox to indicate the applications you want to desinstall. Then press the third button, the "Apply" button to start the desinstallation. 4. using ipkg from the command line Note that most of the advices given in the previous sections are valid also when you work from the command line. You might consider to read the whole article. 4.1 using feeds Ipkg is a shell script similar to apt-get found in Debian Linux distribution. Its usage is very simple. First edit the file /etc/ipkg.conf. The first thing to do is to check the url of the feeds. The format is src name url "src" is a keyword. It must be at the begining of the line (column 0). The name can be pretty much what you want without space, but 2 feeds cannot have the same name (only the second one will be taken into account. For the url see 3.1 As with qpkg the second thing to do is to do an "update". To do this type in a terminal. # ipkg update This download the "Packages" file of the feeds so that ipkg knows what's available. Next you will want to check the available space to decide where you are going to install the new package. Type in a terminal # df -h You are now ready to install. As an example let's say that we want to install the package vlc on the SD card. To do this type in a terminal: # ipkg -d /mnt/card install vlc For the destination given after the "-d" we could have used its name (read more on destination below) ie # ipkg -d sd install vlc To see what packages are available in your feeds type: # ipkg list | more 4.2 Install a .ipk file that is not in a feed First decide where you want to install the package (see the previous section). The command is the same as previous, the only difference is that you use the full name of the file. # ipkg -d cf install /mnt/cf/vlc_8.1-armv5tel.ipk 4.3 To remove a package type in a terminal: # ipkg remove vlc you don't need to specify a destination, ipkg will search the package for you and delete the files if found. 4.4 Links When a package is installed on an "external storage" ie every destination but root, ipkg will create symbolic link of each file of the package in the root partition so that it appears as if it has been installed there. This creates an illusion of a big root partition. This is probably not the most elegant solution, but it works. (a quick note, you can create a symbolic link using the command 'ln -s' it acts just like the commands cp except that the resulting file is a link to the source file instead of a copy) The creation of the links is done by the script "ipkg-link". Normally you should not have to use this directly, but it might happen that some links "disappear". To recreate the symbolic links of a package say vlc use: # ipkg-link add vlc 4.5 More Commands ipkg offers you more commands than the 3 (install remove links) you can see these options by issuing: # ipkg 2>&1 | more For instance if you want a compact list of the installed packages you can type: # ipkg status '.*' Package If you want to see the files installed by a package (say the vlc package): # ipkg files vlc You should be able to upgrade all the installed ipk using: # ipkg upgrade In practice, the feeds are rarely updated and when a new release is available you generally reflash the zaurus. 5. files and directories used by ipkg 5.1 ipkg.conf The main configuration file is /etc/ipkg.conf. You can define feeds location using: dest name urls you can define destination, ie mounted partitions on which you want to install ipks using: dest name path you can add proxy settings option http-proxy http://myproxy:port option ftp-proxy ftp://myproxy:port option proxy_username myname option proxy_password mypass 5.2 usr/lib/ipkg For each destinations ipkg creates a directory in usr/lib/ ie /usr/lib/ipkg/ /mnt/card/usr/lib/ipkg/ ... In this directory you will find a "status" file which gather some information on the installed packages. You will also find a directory "info" which contains a .list file for each package installed on the current partition. This file contains (what a surprise) the list of the files of the corresponding package. In /usr/lib/ipkg (and only there) there is also a "lists" directory which contains the "Packages" files from your feeds. 6. troubleshooting 6.1 I modified /etc/ipkg.conf but qpkg doesn't take my changes into account qpkg used to load its configuration options from /home/root/Choices/common/Packager.conf and not from /etc/ipkg.conf. Destinations were hardcoded. This is be fixed in the newer version. 6.2 qpkg destroy the changes I made in /etc/ipkg.conf qpkg used to overwrite /etc/ipkg.conf with its own options (from Packager.conf) This is be fixed in the newer version. 6.3 I have done a df -h and I don't see /mnt/user /mnt/user does not appears here because it is a link to a directory in the /home partition. So the space available in /mnt/user is the space available in /home. 6.4 I have added a destination in /etc/ipkg.conf but when I install a new package there I get "Package nnnn not found on external storages." Destinations used to be hard coded in ipkg-link and ipkg-uninstall and these scripts complain when they don't find a package. You should be fine if you create the link yourself. Or else use a newer version of ipkg-link and ipkg-uninstall where it is fixed. 6.5 I have added a destination but it doesn't appear in qpkg. qpkg display only destinations that corresponds to a mounted filesystem. This is a restriction but it also prevent from installing a package in /mnt/cf when it is not mounted, which could easily result in a full root partition. As a workaround you can mount the directory like this: mkdir mydest mount --bind /path/mydest/ /mnt/mydest And then use /mnt/mydest as your new destination.