Title: coreutils.uci Description: file shell and text manipulation utilities Version: 5.92 Author: http://directory.fsf.org/coreutils.html Original-site: http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/ Copying-policy: GPL 2 ==================================================== Extension by: mikshaw [mrblog*yahoo*com] Comments: These are the GNU core utilities. Although many of these applications are already available in DSL with BusyBox the functionality of those tools is somewhat limited in favor of a much smaller file size. Programs included in this package... [ du ln ptx tee basename echo logname pwd test cat env ls readlink touch chgrp expand md5sum rm tr chmod expr mkdir rmdir true chown factor mkfifo seq tsort chroot false mknod sha1sum tty cksum fmt mv shred uname comm fold nice sleep unexpand cp groups nl sort uniq csplit head nohup split unlink cut hostid od stat uptime date hostname paste stty users dd id pathchk su vdir df install pinky sum wc dir join pr sync who dircolors kill printenv tac whoami dirname link printf tail yes In order to use these tools your PATH variable must be changed to include /opt/coreutils in front of the rest of the path. To set the path for just a single command: PATH='/opt/coreutils:$PATH' To set the path for a specific shell and its children: export PATH='/opt/coreutils:$PATH' To set the path for all shells edit $HOME/.bash_profile to include the export command above exit the X session and then enter the command 'source $HOME/.bash_profile'. Change-log: Current: 11-03-2005 First