The following people have made significant contributions to the C-Alice / Program C / Hippie / Aine projects. Dr. Richard S. Wallace originally created A.L.I.C.E. created AIML (AINE's language is based on AIML), wrote the original CGI code for C-Alice, wrote classify.c. Jacco Bikker wrote the original C code that this version is based on. Much of the code is still his. Jacco also gave many great ideas (i.e. mood tags, save/usesaved tags) Philippe Raxhon wrote wxAlice, wxAine is based on it. Jason Hutchens created original MegaHAL. (Aine is using MegaHAL as on option as of v0.6) Anthony Taylor ported C-Alice to Unix, developed Hippie (C-Alice on Unix) up to 0.2.7 version. David Calinski developed Hippie further. Developed Aine from Hippie code. Nelson A. de Olivera - ideas, bug reports, patches, testing beta versions, etc. Gary Dubuque developed Program N, based on Jacco's AliCE (AliCE - Alice on WinCE (right?) was based on C-Alice). Aine is using some Program N code & ideas (at the moment I am writing it: only match(), but I think will be more *grin*). List from Hippie project: Philippe Raxhon provided many bug fixes, and code suggestions, and also came up with the idea and implementation of init files for C-Alice. He maintained a project called wxAlice which is a Windows interface to the C-Alice library. Terry Welch provided an eggdrop script that now is used with command alice. Chicoine Rejean modified the eggdrop script so that it worked with private messages and when the bots name is called. Stephen Logan provided a perl script that uses command alice for IRC. Jedi Striker provided a TCP/IP version of Alice. Kirk Munoz provided new aiml content in ology1.aiml. Diana Andreacchio contributed the srai explanation in the AIML mini primer. Sergey Bogdanov cleaned up stuff.cpp considerably, he also provided new improved get/set var code and completly rebuilt the parser from the ground up (although it's not in yet.) Conan Callen has written a Com wrapper for C-alice which can be used to interface Visual Basic and other projects with. He also has done considerable work on Sergey's AIML compiler, which we hope to get included in the core shortly. You can view his contributions at Thanks to all those at who helped Anthony Taylor beta-test and check for bugs. Many people contributed to the Java alice project, and their contributions have had an effect on the C-Alice project. A special thanks to all those on the message list, and those who ran C-Alice and found bugs. Chris Todd released two ainebot versions, (0.)8.10 and (0.)8.12 with several code fixes. The last release of ainebot from David Calinski was 0.8.8 Gilbert Ashley - cleaned up and re-released Chris Todds' final version as ainebot-0.9.0 - rearranged and renamed files and folders to more common defaults (ainebot-0.9.1) - began maintaining the code, fixing bugs, adding features