Changes in pems.utils 0.2.29 [2021-04-13] ======================================== * fixed align, previous dropping constants * tidied documents Changes in pems.utils 0.2.28 [2021-02-12] ======================================== * added pems[[extra.pems.tags]] option * updated pemsPlot, now uses panel.loa * added cpe function, as prelim to c.pems.element method * replaced cutBy... with ref... functions * added panel.routePath * renumbered documentation * renamed binVSP... functions as refVSPBin functions * added refX, refEngineOn, refDrivingMode * getPEMSElement update, drop name tracking option * added provisional cold start code * fixed refRow, now handling pems and elements consistently * added speedEmPlot, VSPPlot, VSPBinPlot Changes in pems.utils 0.2.27 [2019-05-15] ======================================== * tidied calcJerk, was not tracking data/pems * tidied cutByRow * removed exportPEMSData, added exportPEMS and exportPEMS2TAB, updated exportPEMS2CVS * updated import2PEMS * updates to [.pems and print.pems., tidier 1 column handling Changes in pems.utils 0.2.26 [2018-11-18] ======================================== * added repairLocalTime * added regularize * added calcVSP_JimenezPalacios, as new calcVSP default * updated findLinearOffset, following cAlign update * updated cAlign, now uses C_ylagxCOR * added C_ylagxCOR cpp code; for new cAlign function * added Rccp as import; to handle cpp code Changes in pems.utils 0.2.25 [2018-08-15] ======================================== * added na.omit.pems * update to print.pems; halts print if units look suspect... * added stackPEMS * removed checkInput, checkInput2, pemsElement, pemsin, pemsin2 and pemsin.old * removed hijack argument from all functions * added as.pems.pems.element * updated binVSP, added binVSP_NCSU.14 and binVSP_MOVES.23 * getPEMSConstants replaces pemsConstants, getPEMSData replaces pemsData, getPEMSElement replaces pemsElement, now also all rlang/dplyr methods * removed test functions calc.accel, calc.dist, * added (not exported) calcTemplate, pemsOutput * simplified calcDistance, calcSpeed, calcAccel, calcJerk * pemsXYZCondUnitsHandler update, catch x[1]=NA mistmatch * added MOVES.2004 model to binVSP * added calc.accel as in-testing alternative to calcAccel * added binVSP function * added pems method for pull * updated help, now uses \dontrun{} * updated print.pems.element, now foreshortens longer outputs * rewrote import2PEMS * update to local getUnits... code, user pre/suffix assignment * update to import2PEMS, added option to get units from row 2 * removed history tracking from importSEMTECH2PEMS * transferred pemsin from sleeper.service package * transferred correctBaseline from sleeper.service package; added basline package to imports * cAlign update, now fitting from align(data1, data2, middle) Changes in pems.utils 0.2.24 [2017-12-30] ======================================== * exportPEMS2CSV update, suffix (units) not _units * importParSYNC2PEMS now accepts data.frame as well as file path * temp update of old structuring functions, pemsData, etc... * rolled back pems generics for new pems structure * started phasing out pems history tracking * added rebuildPEMS to provide catch any old pems structures * reset pems dplyr function outputs to new pems structure * updated print.pems * reinstated pems.elements methods * added ...join methods for pems objects (left_join,) Changes in pems.utils 0.2.23 [2017-11-09] ======================================== * replaced plyr with dplyr in imports * added select methods: .pems, _.pems * updated fortify.pems (simplifies object for ggplot2 use) * added rename methods: .pems, _.pems * added filter methods: .pems, _.pems * added arrange methods: .pems, _.pems * added slice methods: .pems, _.pems * added mutate methods: .pems, _.pems * added rebuildPEMS (for version 0.3) * added group_by methods: .pems, _.pems * added summarise methods: .pems, _.pems Changes in pems.utils 0.2.22 [2017-07-21] ======================================== * updated plot.pems.element re * updated [.pems.element re attr.names * updated plot.pems.element * updated to rforge * rebuilt pems.1 example data (previous version not tracking new units) Changes in pems.utils 0.2.21 [2017-02-28] ======================================== * added importSEMTECH2PEMS * updates pems[] (handle logical like data.frame) Changes in pems.utils 0.2.20 [2016-11-18] ======================================== * updated importParSYNC2PEMS (added gasMod channels) * updated pems[i,j]<- object (allows direct addition of POSIX*) * added exportPEMS2CSV Changes in pems.utils 0.2.19 [2016-04-03] ======================================== * added 0pts scripts for globals and development code Changes in pems.utils 0.2.18 [2016-03-07] ======================================== * added importKML2PEMS Changes in pems.utils 0.2.17 [2016-02-02] ======================================== * redrafted title and description (tidy re pems.utils2CRAN) * changed calcEmHoribaPitot formals (catch check note; re pems.utils2CRAN) * documentation tidy re pems.utils2CRAN * pemsPlot zlab tidy re pems.utils2CRAN * added up-front code (in calcEm, to catch check note on data object object names; re pems.utils2CRAN Changes in pems.utils 0.2.16 [2015-12-28] ======================================== * added plyr to imports * added align and tAlign functions * updated cAlign function * removed bindPEMS (superceded by align and new cAlign) * update to WatsonPlot, revised argument order in formals * added and documented panel.WatsonSmoothContourPlot Changes in pems.utils 0.2.15 [2015-09-18] ======================================== * moved latticeExtra to imports * added with.pems method * updated makePEMS, now accepts vector, pems.element, etc * update to pemsPlot, grid now added by default * added pems[[]]<- as quick reset for object structure * added subset.pems method * update to print.pems * added is.pems, pems, pems.element; these replace isPEMS, makePEMS, makePEMSElement (retained as wrappers) * added as.pems methods (default, data.frame) Changes in pems.utils 0.2.14 [2015-08-18] ======================================== * added importCAGE2PEMS function, loads 3DATX CAGE data as pems object * updated importParSYNC2PEMS, now defaults to local time zone * updated print.pems.element and plot.pems.element, labelling now ignores "" units * added fortify.pems method to simplfy use ggplot2 functions with pems objects; also added ggplot2:fortify.defaults to imports * moved utils, grid, RColorBrewer from depends to imports * added dim.pems ncol.pms and nrow.pems method * added pems[[]] as quick access to object structure Changes in pems.utils 0.2.13 [2015-08-06] ======================================== * updated checkInput, improved handling of POSIXct class pems.elements Changes in pems.utils 0.2.12 [2015-07-29] ======================================== * modified importParSYNC2PEMS function. The more general arg reset.signals replaces previous reset.opacity Changes in pems.utils 0.2.11 [2015-04-13] ======================================== * added summary.pems.element method Changes in pems.utils 0.2.10 [2015-03-14] ======================================== * added importParSYNC2PEMS function * updated cutBy error message Changes in pems.utils 0.2.9 [2015-01-23] ======================================== * updated citation, now uses meta$ (thanks to Achim Zeileis of JSS) * refined head.pems and tail.pems * changed print.pems defaults (thanks to Stephen Hanley of ITS) * refined pems[], now allows more forcing options * simplified pems$name and pems$name <- further, so they now behave more like data.frame$name * refined pems[]<-, extended forcing options * added units(pems)<- and names(pems) <- methods * added units(pems.element)<- method Changes in pems.utils 0.2.8 [2014-04-30] ======================================== * simplified pems[,n] and pems$n code * added [n], units pems.element methods * added utils to depends (for head.default and tail.default access) * added head and tail pems methods * added makePEMSElement (makePEMS equivalent) * added the WatsonPlot functions used in CRC and PEMS 2014 work * updated pems default col scheme to match scheme used in CRC and PEMS 2014 work * calcChecks code update Changes in pems.utils 0.2.7 [2014-02-17] ======================================== * added pems.scheme, default pems plotting scheme * convertUnits update, force now forces to from unit conversion if input units are either not set or do not match from * added pemsPlot function to package (preprocess, panel and plot using loa) Changes in pems.utils 0.2.6 [2013-09-26] ======================================== * added Changes in pems.utils 0.2.5 [2013-08-11] ======================================== * updated ref.unit.conversions * added correction functions (correctInput, zeroNegatives) * added importOB12PEMS function (imports OB1 format files) Changes in pems.utils 0.2.4 [2013-08-08] ======================================== * refined history tracking for functions in functions Changes in pems.utils 0.2.3 [2013-06-20] ======================================== * refined pems object case * added pems.element object case * added pems... shortcut functions * reintroduced calcEm Changes in pems.utils 0.2.2 [2013-01-10] ======================================== * added pems object case Changes in pems.utils 0.2.1 [2012-06-15] ======================================== * refined pems structure (to simiplify batch processing) Changes in pems.utils 0.1.12 [2012-01-10] ======================================== * pems => pems.utils update [earlier versions documented elsewhere]