# -+- number -+- category -+- title -+- email -+- name -+- homepage -+- clickOnName -+- language -+- image -+- browser-used -+- security-cookie =0 -+- 2001-03-08:1 -+- System Administration -+- Howto log in to your server passwordless via ssh ( rsa version ) -+- murat@enderunix.org -+- Murat Ilker Balaban -+- http://www.enderunix.org/ -+- email -+- English -+- -+- Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98) -+- 2306 Create your private and public keys via ssh-keygen program
$ ssh-keygen
Computing keys
Testing the keys..
Key generation complete..
Enter the file in which to save the key (/usr/home/murat/.ssh/identity)

Press enter for the default value...

Your identification has been saved in /usr/home/murat/.ssh/identity
Your public ket is:
Your public key has been saved in /usr/home/murat/.ssh/identity.pub

Now that we have created our `public` key, take your
public key which is ~/.ssh/identity.pub to your server,
in the ~/.ssh/ directory, create a file named authorized_keys
and append the content of identity.pub file to your authorized_keys file
now, in your machine, type
$ ssh -l username your_remote_machine.domain.com
Boom, no password, no headache, you're in the other side...;)