#!/usr/bin/perl -w # vim: set sw=4 ts=4 si et: # Written by: Guido Socher # use strict; use vars qw($opt_h $opt_r); use Getopt::Std; sub help(); # getopts("r:h")||exit 1; help() if ($opt_h); help() unless ($opt_r); my @content; for my $file (@ARGV){ @content=(); if ( -w "$file" ){ print "- $file\n"; open(FF,"$file")||die; while(){ if (m/$opt_r/io){ print "REMOVE:$file: $_"; }else{ push(@content,$_); } } close FF; open(FF,">$file")||die; for (@content){ print FF; } close FF; }else{ print "ERROR: can not write $file\n"; } } # sub help(){ print "cleantalkback -- remove all talkback lines which match a given pattern (not case sensitive). USAGE: cleantalkback -r regexp files The lines are totally removed from the talkbacks\n"; exit 0; } __END__