2002-01-05 -+- Timothy Sun -+- timothy_cn@yahoo.com -+- I'm using an AIX 4.3 server remotely and a RH linux 7.2 box locally, and trying to make them work together seamlessly.
And this article is a good answer! Though it's good enoght to work, I still expect more detailed things.
Thanks! 2002-01-05 -+- Jim Dalton -+- JimJam7D@netscape.net -+- I am just starting in Linux (RedHat).
X11 capabilities sound (truly) amazing!
I wonder! .. where does that other OS (MS) stand in relation to the capabilities of x11?
Glad to be using Linux. 2002-01-09 -+- Rick Lay -+- layr@edmonds.wednet.edu -+- Excellent, clearly written article. I was able to follow it step by step, and was successful. This is the best "how-to" explanation of making remote X work. Thank you. FYI - My experimentation was done with two computers running SuSE 7.3. A note on SuSE 7.3 in relation to the article: By default 7.3 installs using (I believe) kdm not xdm. I changed the system startup to xdm prior to trying this. 2002-01-15 -+- splash -+- -+- Thanks person who have written such good document.
It solve me some puzzle problem
Thanks 2002-01-23 -+- leif bengtsson -+- leif-bengtssonurir.net -+- When I need to connect to another computer at my house I use just this command
in a terminal X :1 -query 192.168.1.??. I dont have to kill my other original
Graphic display the :1 tells it to go to im my case second graphical terminal.
It can be reached by ctrt+alt+F8. If I want another one I can use :2 and the ip
for second remote. Address :3 is also possible 2002-01-29 -+- David Schmidt -+- -+- Very good article. The bit about OpenGL helped explain why sometimes,
using a 10Mb network, I see awfully slow response. 2002-02-10 -+- Carfield Yim -+- c8133594@comp.polyu.edu.hk -+- Today, I setup lbxproxy (a X compression protocol) and try to work at
home, and find that even I turn to max compression level, it is slow
to catch the event.

I think, it must be worse to use vnc, because it transfer image from
the screen; where lbxproxy transfer X command to the screen. Data of
transfer image must more than X command.

Even though, I try to test vncserver, and the result is: vncserver is
much faster than lbxproxy! I just work like locally! Why will this

I just ask this issue in news group, and the reply that it is because I have enough bandwidth but high network latency, as X is synchronous. I guess it is true because I use ADSL so should have high enough download speed, but 2 computers are far away.

However, is there any method the tune lbxproxy as I would like to use X directly if it is possible. 2002-02-13 -+- john lindholm -+- john.lindholmatpc.nu -+- Open gl, gaming and X, over networks
How fast is open gl/geforce with X? Can I use this for writing/playing 3d games over networks? Any one with experience who knows? It seems like a odd solution, for a game design sending picture information to a gamer, instead of only position, direction, force...
/John Lindholm 2003-02-24 -+- Lin Gang -+- Gordon.Lin@sun.com -+- Nice, very nice article,ÕæµÄºÜ²»´í -+- = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.2) Gecko/20021120 Netscape/7.01 2003-02-25 -+- Kevin A. -+- kazop@hotmail.com -+- i really need a little help, and for this i have a question. would i get any performace increase of using x in contrast of using VNC as my remote xwindows system? please somebody answer my question my email is listed above. and by-the-way this is a great article. i liked it a lot.


kazop@hotmail.com -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.0.3705) 2003-03-04 -+- Krish -+- ls_manian@yahoo.com -+- Really a good eye-opener for X windows architecture -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Linux) Opera 6.02 [en] 2003-07-19 -+- Dan MacNeil -+- -+- This is helpful.

I have a sense from other resources that it can be a
bit more complicated. I t would be even more helpful
to have pointers to stuff dealing with tunneling,
firewalls & the like.

-+- = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.2) Gecko/20030623 2003-08-03 -+- Mark Farrall -+- markf@well.com -+- A co-worker, Unix Guru, setup something like this for me using Hummingbird about 6 or 7 years ago. It all seemed quite mysterious at the time and so did his explanation.

I saw this article and decided to try setting it up myself at home between my Dell Dimension 8100 (1.2GHz) running WinME and a Compaq Desk Pro (266MHz) running Linux 9.0. Bingo! I feel like a budding Unix Guru now. Very clear explanation and gave me enough info to pursue the details. I keep a saved link to the linuxfocus.org web page on both boxes for on now. Thanks!
-+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 2004-12-13 -+- Ken E. -+- -+- A simply put as can be. Thanks Guido.

I ran into one glitch: ssh -X userid@remotehost wouldn't set the remotehost DISPLAY environment variable. I found the error in the "sshd_config" file, where this setting "X11Forwarding no" was default. I changed "no" to "yes", restarted the ssh daemon, and solved the problem. The remotehost with the misconfigured sshd_config was running Slackware 9.1.

Also I tried this technique on Windows 2K with Cygwin/X and it works flawlessly.

I now have superior alternatives to KVM switches and Hummingbird. -+- = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0 2006-10-18 -+- alkol@gmail.com -+- -+- Thank you Guido for this documment. -+- = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20041115