/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* view.c jan 94 GRAPHICS * * jan 95 * * calc functies * */ #include "blender.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "render.h" #define TRACKBALLSIZE (1.1) void persp_general(int a) { /* for all window types, not 3D */ if(a== 0) { #ifndef IRISGL glPushMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); #endif ortho2(-0.5, ((float)(curarea->winx))-0.5, -0.5, ((float)(curarea->winy))-0.5); glLoadIdentity(); } else if(a== 1) { #ifndef IRISGL glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPopMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPopMatrix(); #else mmode(MPROJECTION); loadmatrix(curarea->winmat); mmode(MVIEWING); loadmatrix(G.vd->viewmat); #endif } } void persp(int a) { /* oppasen met optimaliseren: dan laatste mode in area bewaren */ /* only 3D windows */ if(curarea->spacetype!=SPACE_VIEW3D) persp_general(a); else if(a== 0) { glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); getmatrix(curarea->winmat); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); ortho2(-0.5, (float)(curarea->winx)-.05, -0.5, (float)(curarea->winy)-0.5); glLoadIdentity(); } else if(a== 1) { glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); loadmatrix(curarea->winmat); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); loadmatrix(G.vd->viewmat); } } float zfac=1.0; void initgrabz(float x, float y, float z) { if(G.vd==0) return; zfac= G.vd->persmat[0][3]*x+ G.vd->persmat[1][3]*y+ G.vd->persmat[2][3]*z+ G.vd->persmat[3][3]; } void window_to_3d(float *vec, short mx, short my) { /* altijd initzgrab aanroepen */ float dx, dy; float fmx, fmy, winx, winy; /* stupid! */ winx= curarea->winx; winy= curarea->winy; fmx= mx; fmy= my; dx= (2.0*fmx)/winx; dx*= zfac; dy= (2.0*fmy)/winy; dy*= zfac; vec[0]= (G.vd->persinv[0][0]*dx + G.vd->persinv[1][0]*dy); vec[1]= (G.vd->persinv[0][1]*dx + G.vd->persinv[1][1]*dy); vec[2]= (G.vd->persinv[0][2]*dx + G.vd->persinv[1][2]*dy); } void project_short(float *vec, short *adr) /* clipt */ { float fx, fy, vec4[4]; adr[0]= 3200; VECCOPY(vec4, vec); vec4[3]= 1.0; Mat4MulVec4fl(G.vd->persmat, vec4); if( vec4[3]>0.1 ) { fx= (curarea->winx/2)+(curarea->winx/2)*vec4[0]/vec4[3]; if( fx>0 && fxwinx) { fy= (curarea->winy/2)+(curarea->winy/2)*vec4[1]/vec4[3]; if(fy>0.0 && fy< (float)curarea->winy) { adr[0]= ffloor(fx+0.5); adr[1]= ffloor(fy+0.5); } } } } void project_short_noclip(float *vec, short *adr) { float fx, fy, vec4[4]; adr[0]= 3200; VECCOPY(vec4, vec); vec4[3]= 1.0; Mat4MulVec4fl(G.vd->persmat, vec4); if( vec4[3]>0.1 ) { fx= (curarea->winx/2)+(curarea->winx/2)*vec4[0]/vec4[3]; if( fx>-32700 && fx<32700) { fy= (curarea->winy/2)+(curarea->winy/2)*vec4[1]/vec4[3]; if(fy>-32700.0 && fy<32700.0) { adr[0]= ffloor(fx+0.5); adr[1]= ffloor(fy+0.5); } } } } int boundbox_clip(float obmat[][4], BoundBox *bb) { /* return 1: afbeelden */ float mat[4][4]; float vec[4], min, max; int a, flag= -1, fl; if(bb==0) return 1; Mat4MulMat4(mat, obmat, G.vd->persmat); for(a=0; a<8; a++) { VECCOPY(vec, bb->vec[a]); vec[3]= 1.0; Mat4MulVec4fl(mat, vec); max= vec[3]; min= -vec[3]; fl= 0; if(vec[0] < min) fl+= 1; if(vec[0] > max) fl+= 2; if(vec[1] < min) fl+= 4; if(vec[1] > max) fl+= 8; if(vec[2] < min) fl+= 16; if(vec[2] > max) fl+= 32; flag &= fl; if(flag==0) return 1; } return 0; } /* trackball: deze is t.o.v. een 100% bol formule wel zo mooi */ void calctrackballvecfirst(rcti *area, short *mval, float *vec) { float x, y, radius, d, z, t; radius= TRACKBALLSIZE; /* x en y normaliseren */ x= (area->xmax + area->xmin)/2 -mval[0]; x/= (float)((area->xmax - area->xmin)/2); y= (area->ymax + area->ymin)/2 -mval[1]; y/= (float)((area->ymax - area->ymin)/2); d = fsqrt(x*x + y*y); if (d < radius*M_SQRT1_2) /* Inside sphere */ z = fsqrt(radius*radius - d*d); else { /* On hyperbola */ t = radius / M_SQRT2; z = t*t / d; } vec[0]= x; vec[1]= y; vec[2]= -z; /* jawel! */ if( fabs(vec[2])>fabs(vec[1]) && fabs(vec[2])>fabs(vec[0]) ) { vec[0]= 0.0; vec[1]= 0.0; if(vec[2]>0.0) vec[2]= 1.0; else vec[2]= -1.0; } else if( fabs(vec[1])>fabs(vec[0]) && fabs(vec[1])>fabs(vec[2]) ) { vec[0]= 0.0; vec[2]= 0.0; if(vec[1]>0.0) vec[1]= 1.0; else vec[1]= -1.0; } else { vec[1]= 0.0; vec[2]= 0.0; if(vec[0]>0.0) vec[0]= 1.0; else vec[0]= -1.0; } } void calctrackballvec(rcti *area, short *mval, float *vec) { float x, y, radius, d, z, t; radius= TRACKBALLSIZE; /* x en y normaliseren */ x= (area->xmax + area->xmin)/2 -mval[0]; x/= (float)((area->xmax - area->xmin)/4); y= (area->ymax + area->ymin)/2 -mval[1]; y/= (float)((area->ymax - area->ymin)/2); d = fsqrt(x*x + y*y); if (d < radius*M_SQRT1_2) /* Inside sphere */ z = fsqrt(radius*radius - d*d); else { /* On hyperbola */ t = radius / M_SQRT2; z = t*t / d; } vec[0]= x; vec[1]= y; vec[2]= -z; /* jawel! */ } void viewmove(int mode) { float firstvec[3], newvec[3], dvec[3]; float oldquat[4], q1[4], q2[4], si, co, phi; float zoom, *fp; int rotmode= 1, firsttime=1; short val, mval[2], mvalo[2], mbut; /* winset doen omdat deze vanuit buttons wordt aangeroepen */ areawinset(curarea->win); curarea->head_swap= WIN_FRONT_OK; initgrabz(-G.vd->ofs[0], -G.vd->ofs[1], -G.vd->ofs[2]); QUATCOPY(oldquat, G.vd->viewquat); getmouseco_sc(mvalo); /* werk met screencoordinaten ivm trackball functie */ calctrackballvec(&curarea->winrct, mvalo, firstvec); /* cumultime(0); */ while(TRUE) { getmouseco_sc(mval); if(mval[0]!=mvalo[0] || mval[1]!=mvalo[1]) { if(firsttime) { firsttime= 0; /* wordt hier geroteerd, gezoomd of transleerd */ if(mode==0) { if(G.vd->view!=0) addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); /* voor button */ G.vd->view= 0; } if(G.vd->persp==2 || (G.vd->persp==3 && mode!=1)) { G.vd->persp= 1; curarea->windraw(); addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); } } if(mode==0) { /* viewroteer */ if(U.flag & TRACKBALL) { calctrackballvec(&curarea->winrct, mval, newvec); VecSubf(dvec, newvec, firstvec); si= fsqrt(dvec[0]*dvec[0]+ dvec[1]*dvec[1]+ dvec[2]*dvec[2]); si/= (2.0*TRACKBALLSIZE); if(si<1.0) { Crossf(q1+1, firstvec, newvec); Normalise(q1+1); phi= fasin(si); si= fsin(phi); q1[0]= fcos(phi); q1[1]*= si; q1[2]*= si; q1[3]*= si; QuatMul(G.vd->viewquat, q1, oldquat); } } else { /* roteren om z-as (x beweging) en liggende as (y) */ phi= 2*(mval[0]-mvalo[0]); phi/= (float)curarea->winx; si= fsin(phi); q1[0]= fcos(phi); q1[1]= q1[2]= 0.0; q1[3]= si; /* liggende as */ VECCOPY(q2+1, G.vd->viewinv[0]); Normalise(q2+1); phi= (mvalo[1]-mval[1]); phi/= (float)curarea->winy; si= fsin(phi); q2[0]= fcos(phi); q2[1]*= si; q2[2]*= si; q2[3]*= si; QuatMul(q1, q1, q2); QuatMul(G.vd->viewquat, G.vd->viewquat, q1); } } else if(mode==1) { /* translate */ if(G.vd->persp==3) { /* zoom= 0.5+0.5*(float)(2<rt1); */ /* dx-= (mval[0]-mvalo[0])/zoom; */ /* dy-= (mval[1]-mvalo[1])/zoom; */ /* G.vd->rt2= dx; */ /* G.vd->rt3= dy; */ /* if(G.vd->rt2<-320) G.vd->rt2= -320; */ /* if(G.vd->rt2> 320) G.vd->rt2= 320; */ /* if(G.vd->rt3<-250) G.vd->rt3= -250; */ /* if(G.vd->rt3> 250) G.vd->rt3= 250; */ } else { window_to_3d(dvec, mval[0]-mvalo[0], mval[1]-mvalo[1]); VecAddf(G.vd->ofs, G.vd->ofs, dvec); } } else if(mode==2) { G.vd->dist*= 1.0+(float)(mvalo[0]-mval[0]+mvalo[1]-mval[1])/1000.0; /* deze limits ook in toets.c */ if(G.vd->dist<0.001*G.vd->grid) G.vd->dist= 0.001*G.vd->grid; if(G.vd->dist>10.0*G.vd->clipend) G.vd->dist=10.0*G.vd->clipend; mval[1]= mvalo[1]; /* blijft ie zoomen */ mval[0]= mvalo[0]; } mvalo[0]= mval[0]; mvalo[1]= mval[1]; curarea->windraw(); screen_swapbuffers(); } else usleep(2); /* dit moet onderaan, anders pakt de get_mbut het niet op de PC... */ if(!(get_mbut()&(L_MOUSE|M_MOUSE))) break; } curarea->head_swap= WIN_FRONT_OK; } short v3d_windowmode=0; void setwinmatrixview3d(rctf *rect) /* rect: voor picking */ { Camera *cam=0; float zoom, d, near, far, winx, winy; float lens, dfac, tfac, fac, x1, y1, x2, y2; short orth; lens= G.vd->lens; near= G.vd->clipsta; far= G.vd->clipend; if(G.vd->persp==2) { if(G.vd->camera) { if(G.vd->camera->type==OB_LAMP ) { Lamp *la; la= G.vd->camera->data; fac= fcos( M_PI*la->spotsize/360.0); x1= safacos(fac); lens= 16.0*fac/fsin(x1); near= la->clipsta; far= la->clipend; } else if(G.vd->camera->type==OB_CAMERA) { cam= G.vd->camera->data; lens= cam->lens; near= cam->clipsta; far= cam->clipend; if(cam->type==CAM_ORTHO) { lens*= 100.0; near= (near+1.0)*100.0; /* otherwise zbuffer troubles. a Patch! */ far*= 100.0; } } } } if(v3d_windowmode) { winx= R.rectx; winy= R.recty; } else { winx= curarea->winx; winy= curarea->winy; } if(winx>winy) d= 0.015625*winx*lens; else d= 0.015625*winy*lens; dfac= near/d; /* if(G.vd->persp==1 && G.vd->dproj>1.0) far= G.vd->dproj*far; */ if(G.vd->persp==0) { /* x1= -winx*G.vd->dist/1000.0; */ x1= -G.vd->dist; x2= -x1; y1= -winy*G.vd->dist/winx; y2= -y1; orth= 1; } else { if(G.vd->persp==2) { fac= (1.41421+( (float)G.vd->camzoom )/50.0); fac*= fac; } else fac= 2.0; x1= -dfac*(winx/fac); x2= -x1; y1= -dfac*(winy/fac); y2= -y1; if(G.vd->persp==2 && (G.special1 & G_HOLO)) { if(cam && (cam->flag & CAM_HOLO2)) { tfac= fac/4.0; /* de fac is 1280/640 gecorr voor obszoom */ if(cam->netend==0.0) cam->netend= EFRA; fac= (G.scene->r.cfra-1.0)/(cam->netend)-0.5; fac*= tfac*(x2-x1); fac*= ( cam->hololen1 ); x1-= fac; x2-= fac; } } orth= 0; } if(rect) { /* picking */ rect->xmin/= winx; rect->xmin= x1+rect->xmin*(x2-x1); rect->ymin/= winy; rect->ymin= y1+rect->ymin*(y2-y1); rect->xmax/= winx; rect->xmax= x1+rect->xmax*(x2-x1); rect->ymax/= winy; rect->ymax= y1+rect->ymax*(y2-y1); if(orth) ortho(rect->xmin, rect->xmax, rect->ymin, rect->ymax, -far, far); else window(rect->xmin, rect->xmax, rect->ymin, rect->ymax, near, far); } else { if(v3d_windowmode) { if(orth) i_ortho(x1, x2, y1, y2, -far, far, R.winmat); else { if(cam && cam->type==CAM_ORTHO) i_window(x1, x2, y1, y2, near, far, R.winmat); else i_window(x1, x2, y1, y2, near, far, R.winmat); } } else { if(orth) ortho(x1, x2, y1, y2, -far, far); else { if(cam && cam->type==CAM_ORTHO) window(x1, x2, y1, y2, near, far); else window(x1, x2, y1, y2, near, far); } } } if(v3d_windowmode==0) { glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); getmatrix(curarea->winmat); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); } } void obmat_to_viewmat(Object *ob) { float bmat[4][4]; Mat4CpyMat4(bmat, ob->obmat); Mat4Ortho(bmat); Mat4Invert(G.vd->viewmat, bmat); /* viewquat berekenen, o.a. voor add object */ Mat3CpyMat4(bmat, G.vd->viewmat); Mat3ToQuat(bmat, G.vd->viewquat); } void setviewmatrixview3d() { Camera *cam; float tempf, bmat[4][4], cmat[4][4]; float view[3]; float twist, bepaalphitheta(); if(G.special1 & G_HOLO) holoview(); if(G.vd->persp>=2) { /* obs/camera */ if(G.vd->camera) { if(G.f & G_PLAYANIM) { if(G.scene->r.scemode & R_NETWORK) render_frame_to_camera(); } if(G.f & G_SIMULATION); else where_is_object(G.vd->camera); obmat_to_viewmat(G.vd->camera); if(G.vd->camera->type==OB_CAMERA) { cam= G.vd->camera->data; if(cam->type==CAM_ORTHO) G.vd->viewmat[3][2]*= 100.0; } } else { QuatToMat4(G.vd->viewquat, G.vd->viewmat); G.vd->viewmat[3][2]-= G.vd->dist; } } else { QuatToMat4(G.vd->viewquat, G.vd->viewmat); if(G.vd->persp==1) G.vd->viewmat[3][2]-= G.vd->dist; i_translate(G.vd->ofs[0], G.vd->ofs[1], G.vd->ofs[2], G.vd->viewmat); } } short selectprojektie(IGLuint *buffer, short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2) { rctf rect; Base *base; short mval[2], code, hits; G.f |= G_PICKSEL; if(x1==0 && x2==0 && y1==0 && y2==0) { getmouseco_areawin(mval); rect.xmin= mval[0]-7; rect.xmax= mval[0]+7; rect.ymin= mval[1]-7; rect.ymax= mval[1]+7; } else { rect.xmin= x1; rect.xmax= x2; rect.ymin= y1; rect.ymax= y2; } setwinmatrixview3d(&rect); Mat4MulMat4(G.vd->persmat, G.vd->viewmat, curarea->winmat); if(G.vd->drawtype > OB_WIRE) { G.zbuf= TRUE; glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } glSelectBuffer( MAXPICKBUF, buffer); glRenderMode(GL_SELECT); glInitNames(); /* deze twee fies zijn waarvoor? Anders werkt het niet */ glPushName(-1); code= 1; if(G.obedit && G.obedit->type==OB_MBALL) { draw_object(BASACT); } else { base= G.scene->base.first; while(base) { if(base->lay & G.vd->lay) { base->selcol= code; glLoadName(code); draw_object(base); code++; } base= base->next; } } hits= glRenderMode(GL_RENDER); glPopName(); /* zie boven (pushname) */ if(hits<0) error("Too many objects in selectbuf"); G.f &= ~G_PICKSEL; setwinmatrixview3d(0); Mat4MulMat4(G.vd->persmat, G.vd->viewmat, curarea->winmat); if(G.vd->drawtype > OB_WIRE) { G.zbuf= 0; glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } return hits; } float *give_cursor() { if(G.vd->localview) return G.vd->cursor; else return G.scene->cursor; } uint free_localbit() { uint lay; Base *base; ScrArea *sa; bScreen *sc; View3D *vd; lay= 0; /* soms kunnen we een localview kwijtrijaken: als een area gesloten wordt */ /* alle area's aflopen: welke localviews zijn in gebruik */ sc= G.main->screen.first; while(sc) { sa= sc->areabase.first; while(sa) { vd= sa->spacedata.first; while(vd) { if(vd->spacetype==SPACE_VIEW3D) { lay |= vd->lay; } vd= vd->next; } sa= sa->next; } sc= sc->id.next; } if( (lay & 0x01000000)==0) return 0x01000000; if( (lay & 0x02000000)==0) return 0x02000000; if( (lay & 0x04000000)==0) return 0x04000000; if( (lay & 0x08000000)==0) return 0x08000000; if( (lay & 0x10000000)==0) return 0x10000000; if( (lay & 0x20000000)==0) return 0x20000000; if( (lay & 0x40000000)==0) return 0x40000000; if( (lay & 0x80000000)==0) return 0x80000000; return 0; } void initlocalview() { Base *base; Object *ob; float size, min[3], max[3], afm[3]; uint locallay; int a, c, ok=0; if(G.vd->localvd) return; min[0]= min[1]= min[2]= 1.0e10; max[0]= max[1]= max[2]= -1.0e10; locallay= free_localbit(); if(locallay==0) { error("Sorry, no more than 8 localviews"); ok= 0; } else { if(G.obedit) { minmax_object(G.obedit, min, max); ok= 1; BASACT->lay |= locallay; G.obedit->lay= BASACT->lay; } else { base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if TESTBASE(base) { minmax_object(base->object, min, max); base->lay |= locallay; base->object->lay= base->lay; ok= 1; } base= base->next; } } afm[0]= (max[0]-min[0]); afm[1]= (max[1]-min[1]); afm[2]= (max[2]-min[2]); size= MAX3(afm[0], afm[1], afm[2]); if(size<=0.01) size= 0.01; } if(ok) { G.vd->localvd= mallocN(sizeof(View3D), "localview"); memcpy(G.vd->localvd, G.vd, sizeof(View3D)); G.vd->ofs[0]= -(min[0]+max[0])/2.0; G.vd->ofs[1]= -(min[1]+max[1])/2.0; G.vd->ofs[2]= -(min[2]+max[2])/2.0; G.vd->dist= size; if(G.vd->persp>1) { G.vd->persp= 1; } G.vd->clipsta= 0.1; G.vd->cursor[0]= -G.vd->ofs[0]; G.vd->cursor[1]= -G.vd->ofs[1]; G.vd->cursor[2]= -G.vd->ofs[2]; G.vd->lay= locallay; countall(); addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); } else { /* flags wissen */ base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if( base->lay & locallay ) { base->lay-= locallay; if(base->lay==0) base->lay= G.vd->layact; if(base->object != G.obedit) base->flag |= SELECT; base->object->lay= base->lay; } base= base->next; } addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); G.vd->localview= 0; } } void centreview() /* localview zonder local! */ { Base *base; float size, min[3], max[3], afm[3]; int a, c, ok=0; min[0]= min[1]= min[2]= 1.0e10; max[0]= max[1]= max[2]= -1.0e10; if(G.obedit) { minmax_object(G.obedit, min, max); ok= 1; } else { base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if TESTBASE(base) { minmax_object(base->object, min, max); ok= 1; } base= base->next; } } if(ok==0) return; afm[0]= (max[0]-min[0]); afm[1]= (max[1]-min[1]); afm[2]= (max[2]-min[2]); size= MAX3(afm[0], afm[1], afm[2]); if(size<=0.01) size= 0.01; G.vd->ofs[0]= -(min[0]+max[0])/2.0; G.vd->ofs[1]= -(min[1]+max[1])/2.0; G.vd->ofs[2]= -(min[2]+max[2])/2.0; G.vd->dist= size; if(G.vd->persp>1) { G.vd->persp= 1; } G.vd->clipsta= 0.1; G.vd->cursor[0]= -G.vd->ofs[0]; G.vd->cursor[1]= -G.vd->ofs[1]; G.vd->cursor[2]= -G.vd->ofs[2]; addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); } void restore_localviewdata(View3D *vd) { if(vd->localvd==0) return; VECCOPY(vd->ofs, vd->localvd->ofs); vd->dist= vd->localvd->dist; vd->persp= vd->localvd->persp; vd->view= vd->localvd->view; vd->clipsta= vd->localvd->clipsta; vd->clipend= vd->localvd->clipend; vd->lay= vd->localvd->lay; vd->layact= vd->localvd->layact; vd->drawtype= vd->localvd->drawtype; vd->camera= vd->localvd->camera; QUATCOPY(vd->viewquat, vd->localvd->viewquat); } void endlocalview(ScrArea *sa) { View3D *v3d; struct Base *base; uint locallay; if(sa->spacetype!=SPACE_VIEW3D) return; v3d= sa->spacedata.first; if(v3d->localvd) { locallay= v3d->lay & 0xFF000000; restore_localviewdata(v3d); freeN(v3d->localvd); v3d->localvd= 0; v3d->localview= 0; /* als in ander window de layers zijn veranderd */ if(v3d->scenelock) v3d->lay= G.scene->lay; base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if( base->lay & locallay ) { base->lay-= locallay; if(base->lay==0) base->lay= v3d->layact; if(base->object != G.obedit) base->flag |= SELECT; base->object->lay= base->lay; } base= base->next; } countall(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); /* ivm select */ sector_update(0); } } void view3d_home(int centre) { Base *base; Object *ob; float size, min[3], max[3], afm[3]; uint locallay; int a, c, ok= 1, onedone=0; if(centre) { min[0]= min[1]= min[2]= 0.0; max[0]= max[1]= max[2]= 0.0; } else { min[0]= min[1]= min[2]= 1.0e10; max[0]= max[1]= max[2]= -1.0e10; } base= FIRSTBASE; if(base==0) return; while(base) { if(base->lay & G.vd->lay) { onedone= 1; minmax_object(base->object, min, max); } base= base->next; } if(!onedone) return; afm[0]= (max[0]-min[0]); afm[1]= (max[1]-min[1]); afm[2]= (max[2]-min[2]); size= MAX3(afm[0], afm[1], afm[2]); if(size==0.0) ok= 0; if(ok) { G.vd->ofs[0]= -(min[0]+max[0])/2.0; G.vd->ofs[1]= -(min[1]+max[1])/2.0; G.vd->ofs[2]= -(min[2]+max[2])/2.0; G.vd->dist= size; if(G.vd->persp==2) G.vd->persp= 1; addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); } }