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Unable to set system clock. /dev/rtchelpshowsetsystohchctosysgetepochsetepochadjustnoadjfileversionutclocaltimebadyeardirectisatestdebug/usr/share/localeutil-linuxutil-linux-2.11nhwclock 2.4c/%s %s: , errno=%d: %s. .AAssuming hardware clock is kept in %s time. %s: Warning: unrecognized third line in adjtime file (Expected: `UTC' or `LOCAL' or nothing.) Last drift adjustment done at %ld seconds after 1969 Last calibration done at %ld seconds after 1969 Invalid values in hardware clock: %4d/%.2d/%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d Hw clock time : %4d/%.2d/%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d = %ld seconds since 1969 Time read from Hardware Clock: %4d/%.2d/%.2d %02d:%02d:%02d Setting Hardware Clock to %.2d:%.2d:%.2d = %ld seconds since 1969 Clock not changed - testing only. Time elapsed since reference time has been %.6f seconds. Delaying further to reach the next full second. The Hardware Clock registers contain values that are either invalid (e.g. 50th day of month) or beyond the range we can handle (e.g. Year 2095). The value of the --date option is not a valid date. In particular, it contains quotation marks. date --date="%s" +seconds-into-epoch=%%sUnable to run 'date' program in /bin/sh shell. popen() failedresponse from date command = %s The date command issued by %s returned unexpected results. The command was: %s The response was: %s The date command issued by %s returned something other than an integer where the converted time value was expected. The command was: %s The response was: %s date string %s equates to %ld seconds since 1969. The Hardware Clock does not contain a valid time, so we cannot set the System Time from it. tv.tv_sec = %ld, tv.tv_usec = %ld Not setting system clock because running in test mode. Must be superuser to set system clock. Not adjusting drift factor because the Hardware Clock previously contained garbage. Not adjusting drift factor because it has been less than a day since the last calibration. Clock drifted %d seconds in the past %d seconds in spite of a drift factor of %f seconds/day. Adjusting drift factor by %f seconds/day Time since last adjustment is %d seconds Need to insert %d seconds and refer time back %.6f seconds ago Not updating adjtime file because of testing mode. Would have written the following to %s: %sCould not open file with the clock adjustment parameters in it (/etc/adjtime) for writingCould not update file with the clock adjustment parameters (/etc/adjtime) in itDrift adjustment parameters not updated. The Hardware Clock does not contain a valid time, so we cannot adjust it. Needed adjustment is less than one second, so not setting clock. No usable clock interface found. The kernel keeps an epoch value for the Hardware Clock only on an Alpha machine. This copy of hwclock was built for a machine other than Alpha (and thus is presumably not running on an Alpha now). No action taken. hwclock - query and set the hardware clock (RTC) Usage: hwclock [function] [options...] Functions: --help show this help --show read hardware clock and print result --set set the rtc to the time given with --date --hctosys set the system time from the hardware clock --systohc set the hardware clock to the current system time --adjust adjust the rtc to account for systematic drift since the clock was last set or adjusted --getepoch print out the kernel's hardware clock epoch value --setepoch set the kernel's hardware clock epoch value to the value given with --epoch --version print out the version of hwclock to stdout Options: --utc the hardware clock is kept in coordinated universal time --localtime the hardware clock is kept in local time --directisa access the ISA bus directly instead of %s --badyear ignore rtc's year because the bios is broken --date specifies the time to which to set the hardware clock --epoch=year specifies the year which is the beginning of the hardware clock's epoch value --noadjfile do not access /etc/adjtime. Requires the use of either --utc or --localtime %s takes no non-option arguments. You supplied %d. You have specified multiple function options. You can only perform one function at a time. %s: The --utc and --localtime options are mutually exclusive. You specified both. %s: The --adjust and --noadjfile options are mutually exclusive. You specified both. %s: With --noadjfile, you must specify either --utc or --localtime No usable set-to time. Cannot set clock. Sorry, only the superuser can change the Hardware Clock. Sorry, only the superuser can change the System Clock. Sorry, only the superuser can change the Hardware Clock epoch in the kernel. Cannot access the Hardware Clock via any known method. Use the --debug option to see the details of our search for an access method. ApBG--invalid number `%s' unrecognized option `%s' unrecognized option `-%c' number `%s' to `%s' out of range option `%s' requires an argument option `%s' doesn't allow an argument c  clock readset time/dev/portCannot open /dev/port: %sI failed to get permission because I didn't try. %s is unable to get I/O port access: the iopl(3) call failed. Probably you need root privileges. direct I/O instructions to ISA clock/dev/%s/dev/misc/%sRTC_RD_TIMEopen() of %s failedUnable to open %sRTC_SET_TIMEioctl(%s) was successful. /dev/rtc interface to clockOpen of %s failedioctl() to %s to read the time failed. Waiting in loop for time from %s to change Timed out waiting for time change. %s does not have interrupt functions. read() to %s to wait for clock tick failedioctl() to %s to turn off update interrupts failedioctl() to %s to turn on update interrupts failed unexpectedlyioctl() to %s to set the time failed. To manipulate the epoch value in the kernel, we must access the Linux 'rtc' device driver via the device special file %s. This file does not exist on this system. ioctl(RTC_EPOCH_READ) to %s failedwe have read epoch %ld from %s with RTC_EPOCH_READ ioctl. The epoch value may not be less than 1900. You requested %ld setting epoch to %ld with RTC_EPOCH_SET ioctl to %s. The kernel device driver for %s does not have the RTC_EPOCH_SET ioctl. ioctl(RTC_EPOCH_SET) to %s failedWaiting in loop for time from KDGHWCLK to change KDGHWCLK ioctl to read time failedKDGHWCLK ioctl to read time failed in loopioctl() failed to read time from %sKDGHWCLK interface to m68k clockioctl KDSHWCLK failed/dev/tty1/dev/vc/1KDGHWCLK ioctl failedHPlpq`@Pp 0  ($  L؈ ooo(tƊ֊&6FVfvƋ֋&6FVfvƌ֌&6FVfvƍ.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.dynamic.ctors.dtors.got.bss  !((|' /$$7o((pDo@S ؈ \  e ` 0kЍ @qNwN!! plpppttp<