Title: ncmpc.uci Description: An MPD ncurses client Version: 0.11.1 Author: http://www.musicpd.org Original-site: http://www.musicpd.org Copying-policy: GPL -----==[ Color = green Filesize: 250K ]==----- Extension by: dare2dreamer Comments: This is the ncurses client for the MPD music playing daemon. Without a MPD server on your network to point it towards, this extension is nearly useless. _ In order to use this extension, you'll need to add the following to your .bashrc: export MPD_HOST='yourmpdserver' export MPD_PORT='yourmpdserverport' alias ncmpc='/opt/ncmpc/ncmpc' _ In order to build this extension, I had to compile it against a newer version of glib. Sources for glib-2.4 were pulled from http://www.gtk.org Change-log: Current: 2007/10/11 - recompiled with additional features (Search, Clock Screen) 2007/10/10 - First Version TODO: Rebuild, enabling experimental search feature.