Title: p7zip-4.42.tar.gz Description: 7-zip for Linux Version: 4.42 Author: Igor Pavlov Original-site: http://www.7-zip.org/ Copying-policy: GNU LGPL -----==[ Color = green Filesize: 2.5M ]==----- Extension by: ^thehatsrule^ Comments: 7-zip is a powerful all-in-one archiver for all OS's. p7zip is the name for Linux-x86. Use '7z x file.ext'. This 4.42 version was released on 05/14/2006. _ Note: This could be classified as a .tar.gz since all of the data are placed in /opt with the exception of symlinks to the binaries in /usr/local/bin. Change-log: 04/26/2005 - First Version, 4.14 2006/07/16 - Updated to 4.42 Current: 2007/03/25 - Changed to .tar.gz