Title: motion.tar.gz Description: Motion detection video capture software Version: 3.1.19 Author: Kenneth Lavrsen and the motion team Original-site: http://www.lavrsen.dk/twiki/bin/view/Motion/WebHome Copying-policy: GNU General Public License (GPL) -----==[ Color = green Filesize: 144K ]==----- Extension by: newOldUser Comments: Motion can do timed video captures or be set to detect movement. Read and setup the motion.conf file that will be in the /home/dsl directory To see an example of Motion running open a terminal and enter: replay motionScript motionTiming.log I've compiled it with the database options turned off so it should not have any dependencies. Change-log: 04/14/2005 - First build Current: 04/14/2005 - Motion 3.1.19