Title: worker.tar.gz Description: File Manager for X Version: 2.10.0 Author: Ralf Hoffmann Original-site: http://www.boomerangsworld.de/worker/ Copying-policy: GPL 2 -----==[ Color = green Filesize: 591K ]==----- Extension by: mikshaw (mrblog+AT+yahoo+DOT+com) Comments: Worker is a small, fast, and highly configurable file manager which combines many of the features of EmelFM and Midnight Commander. Action buttons are arranged into a series of banks, which are scrolled by clicking on the clock bar located at the bottom of the window. Many of the default buttons are configured with two actions, one for left mouse and one for right mouse. Although the filetypes have been associated with DSL programs (mostly), not all have been well tested. If you find any errors in configuration, feel free to report them for repair in a future package. Change-log: Current: 05/09/2005 - first version